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Last active December 23, 2023 03:20
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# Source:
# Creating A Cluster #
# Docker Desktop with Istio: (
# Minikube with Istio: (
# Regional and scalable GKE with Istio: (
# Regional and scalable EKS with Istio: (
# Regional and scalable AKS with Istio: (
# NOTE: Remember to declare `INGRESS_HOST`
# Deploying The App #
cd go-demo-8
git pull
kubectl create namespace go-demo-8
kubectl label namespace go-demo-8 \
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
apply --filename k8s/app-full
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
rollout status deployment go-demo-8
curl -H "Host:" \
# NOTE: If `Connection refused`, wait for a few moments and repeat the `curl` command
# Setting Up Chaos Toolkit In Kubernetes #
cat k8s/chaos/experiments.yaml
# NOTE: We could create a ConfigMap through a command and include all the files. But that's not GitOps.
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
apply --filename k8s/chaos/experiments.yaml
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
describe configmap chaostoolkit-experiments
cat k8s/chaos/sa.yaml
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
apply --filename k8s/chaos/sa.yaml
# Running One-Shot Experiments #
cat k8s/chaos/once.yaml
# If Windows, open the address in your favorite browser manually
open ""
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
apply --filename k8s/chaos/once.yaml
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
get pods \
--selector app=go-demo-8-chaos
# Repeat the previous command until `STATUS` is `Completed`
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
logs --selector app=go-demo-8-chaos \
--tail -1
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
delete --filename k8s/chaos/once.yaml
# Running Scheduled Experiments #
cat k8s/chaos/periodic.yaml
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
apply --filename k8s/chaos/periodic.yaml
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
get cronjobs
# Repeat the previous command until `LAST SCHEDULE` is NOT `<none>`
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
get jobs
# Repeat the previous command until `COMPLETIONS` is `1/1`
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
get pods
# Running Failed Scheduled Experiments #
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
delete deployment go-demo-8
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
get pods \
--selector app=go-demo-8-chaos
# Repeat the previous command until the new Pod `STATUS` is `Error`
# You can see the logs of the failed Pod
kubectl get pv
# We could generate and extract a report based on journal files in that PersistentVolume
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
apply --filename k8s/app-full
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
rollout status deployment go-demo-8
# Sending Experiment Notifications #
# We could send a notification to any HTTP endpoint or to Slack
# Join the DevOps20 ( Slack workspace
cat k8s/chaos/settings.yaml
# NOTE: Might want to replace with your own Slack token
cat k8s/chaos/settings.yaml \
| sed -e "s|@||g" \
| kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
apply --filename -
cat k8s/chaos/periodic-slack.yaml
diff k8s/chaos/periodic.yaml \
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
apply --filename k8s/chaos/periodic-slack.yaml
# Watch the #tests channel in Slack (join it if you haven't already). You might see notifications from others.
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
get pods \
--selector app=go-demo-8-chaos
# Sending Selective Notifications #
cat k8s/chaos/settings-failure.yaml
diff k8s/chaos/settings.yaml \
cat k8s/chaos/settings-failure.yaml \
| sed -e "s|@||g" \
| kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
apply --filename -
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
get pods \
--selector app=go-demo-8-chaos
# Observe that there were no new notification in Slack (not from you at least)
kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 \
delete deployment go-demo-8
# Watch the #tests channel in Slack.
# Destroying What We Created #
cd ..
kubectl delete namespace go-demo-8
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