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Last active March 2, 2020 01:19
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During ColdFusion 2016 server-side date validation, invalidish futuristic years (ie, "star dates") were being identified as "valid dates".
<!--- 2019-07-22
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Reported as "crash/data loss" CF2016 bug to Adobe (7/22/2019 3:15 PM Pacific)
<p>During ColdFusion 2016 server-side date validation, invalid-ish futuristic years (ie, "star dates")
were being identified as "valid dates". (NOTE: CF2018 and Lucee don't throw errors on isDate/isValid("date") like CF2016 does,
but CF2018 throws an uncatchable hard error when using CreateODBCDate() on a date larger than 12/31/1999.</p>
<p>According to <a href="">Microsoft SQL</a> and
<a href="">MySQL</a> documentation</a>,
the maximum date value accepted is <u>12/31/9999 23:59:59.9999</u>.</p>
<cfset FutureDate = "9/9/292278994">
<b>FutureDate = "#FutureDate#" (invalid date)</b>
isDate(FutureDate) = #isDate(FutureDate)#
isValid("date", FutureDate) = #isValid("date", FutureDate)#
<p><b>NOTE:</b> 1/1/292278994 - 9/8/292278994 are valid, but stops being valid on 9/9/292278994.</p>
<cfset FutureDate = "12/31/292278993">
<b>FutureDate = "#FutureDate#" (valid date?)</b>
isDate(FutureDate) = #isDate(FutureDate)#
isValid("date", FutureDate) = #isValid("date", FutureDate)#
<CFSET FutureDate = "9/8/292278994">
<pre><b>FutureDate = DateAdd("d", 1, FutureDate) (invalid date + 1 day = valid date?)</b></pre>
<cfset FutureDate = DateAdd("d", 1, FutureDate)>
<pre>FutureDate = "#FutureDate#"</b>
isDate(FutureDate) = #isDate(FutureDate)#
isValid("date", FutureDate) = #isValid("date", FutureDate)#
createODBCDate("12/31/9999") = #createODBCDate("12/31/9999")#
createODBCDate("9/8/292278993") = #createODBCDate("9/8/292278993")#
<cfset TestQuery = QueryNew("myDate", "date")>
<cfset queryAddRow(TestQuery)>
<div>set 12/31/9999
<cfset QuerySetCell(TestQuery, "myDate", createODBCDate("12/31/9999"))>
<cfcatch>: #cfcatch.message#</cfcatch>
<cfset TestDate = "9/8/292278993">
<cfset queryAddRow(TestQuery)>
<div>set #TestDate#
<cfset QuerySetCell(TestQuery, "myDate", createODBCDate(TestDate))>
<cfcatch>: #cfcatch.message#</cfcatch>
<cfdump var="#TestQuery#" label="test query">
<h2>HTML5 "Date" Input validation</h2>
<form action="">
<input type="date" value="292278993-09-08" size="15" required> ("292278993-09-08" won't prepopulate; obviously invalid, right?)<br>
<input type="date" value="22019-07-22" size="11" required><br>
<input type="date" value="1999-12-31" size="10" required>
<button type="submit">Test</button>
<cfdump var="#Server#" label="Server Info">
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