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02JanDal / Ovning_1.ipynb
Last active November 13, 2019 12:25
Python för Geodata
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<promised :promise="itemPromise">
<template v-slot:pending>
<b-spinner type="grow" class="w-25"/>
<template v-slot="item">
<b-col cols="12" lg="8" class="mb-3">
<b-card header="Edit">
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
"checksums": {
"": "e157386899499b4ffdccb3c59d94f3a68d760a2f",
"": "433a4915723f251e7199200188d0725e02e1664c",
"": "f875f905e257320f24614919371b7ba5ab493613",
"": "6f51370da47ee9714b2ae97a8cb286bf5b092410",
"": "08c2ae457095a84a9b55eccfa2cc03fcd04ca636",
"": "eb9d11db2ff1bc8bc1b5e00f85457e2c35e969e4",
"": "3ae0255e4725f1210d83bfca3bb96aaaf749c632",
"": "a3aaabadf7d7e71750f9f89f0e0b11cf2c58912f",
02JanDal / settings.yml
Created October 17, 2017 18:33
sportsed travis yml
api_level: ANY
version: ["7.0", "7.1", "8.0", "8.1", "8.2", "8.3", "9.0", "9.1", "9.2", "9.3", "10.0", "10.1", "10.2", "10.3"]

Det vi har på Trossen just nu:

  • 2st Alto TS212 (aktiv fullrange, 550W RMS, 12")
  • 2st D.A.S. Factor12 (passiv fullrange, 200W RMS, 12") (i förrådet) inklusive passande slutsteg
  • 1st the t.racks. DS 2/4 x-cover (2in 4out)

Det vi hyrde till tältet under insparken (och vilket vi alltså vet fungerar bra):

update_url = ""
version = "0.0.1"
name = "LiteLoader"
author = "MultiMC authors"
id = "org.multimc.liteloader"
id = "com.liteloader",
static_entities = {
02JanDal /
Last active January 3, 2016 21:39
Proposal for a system unifying mods/jarmods/library patches/quickmods/vcs

Stages of work

  1. Basic patches. Only overwritting fields. Change forge and liteloader
  2. +/-
  3. In quickmod: mods
  4. Later: The Rest

A unified way of describing a Minecraft instance

This proposal is mostly about changes to the version.json file format, made so that these files can be patched together to form the information needed to create and run an instance. The idea is to only have this description inside the instance directory, thus making it easy to check in the instance to a VCS like Git.

02JanDal / SyncInterface.h
Last active January 3, 2016 00:59
Proposal for a backup/sync interface for MultiMC 5
* Possible backends:
* Git:,
* Dropbox: (HTTP)
class SyncVersion : public BaseVersion
QString identifier;

How should versions be referenced internally?

Currently we have 2 attributes for version identification: name and timestamp. The name is used for cosmetic purposes; displaying in the UI etc., while the timestamp is used for ordering.

Now, the question is: how should versions be referenced internally? The available options are:

  • Using the name
  • Using the timestamp
  • Using a new attribute; ID