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Last active April 2, 2023 10:12
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Drools spark hello world knowledge base / published by #4d7db219-4834-4095-82cd-f6149742d86e/77577c289dd5e80eba4e1eee1a37f18c4ea76747
// summary : Drools spark hello world knowledge base
// keywords : scala, drools, spark, scalatest, ai, knowledgebase, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : 4d7db219-4834-4095-82cd-f6149742d86e
// execution : scala ammonite 2.12-1.7.4-instable script ( - run as follow 'amm'
// created-on : 2019-10-02T17:04:57+02:00
// managed-by :
import $ivy.`fr.janalyse::drools-scripting:1.0.11`, $ivy.`org.scalatest::scalatest:3.2.6`
import fr.janalyse.droolscripting._, org.scalatest._, flatspec._, matchers._, OptionValues._
"""REQUIRES 2.12-1.7.4-instable ammonite release or release >=1.7.5 when they will become available
| which comes with my pull-request SEE
object DroolsSparkHelloWorld extends AnyFlatSpec with should.Matchers {
val drl =
"""package diagnosis
|dialect "mvel"
|// ------------------------------------------
|declare enum Strength NONE(0),LOW(1),MEDIUM(2),HIGH(3);
| intensity: int
|declare enum CoughingKind NONE(0),DRY(1), OILY(2);
| kind: int
|// ------------------------------------------
|declare Sickness end
|declare Flu extends Sickness end
|// ------------------------------------------
|declare Symptom end
|declare Fever extends Symptom // --- Fièvre
| strength:Strength
|declare Coughing extends Symptom // --- Toux
| strength:Strength
| kind:CoughingKind
|declare MuscleAche extends Symptom // --- Courbature
| strength:Strength
|// ------------------------------------------
|declare PatientTemperature
| temperature: float
|rule "no fever" when PatientTemperature(temperature < 38) then insert(new Fever(Strength.NONE)); end
|rule "low fever" when PatientTemperature(temperature >= 38 && < 39) then insert(new Fever(Strength.LOW)); end
|rule "medium fever" when PatientTemperature(temperature >= 39 && < 40) then insert(new Fever(Strength.MEDIUM)); end
|rule "high fever" when PatientTemperature(temperature >= 40) then insert(new Fever(Strength.HIGH)); end
|// ------------------------------------------
|rule "flu diagnostic"
| Fever(strength.intensity >= Strength.MEDIUM.intensity)
| MuscleAche(strength != Strength.NONE)
| insert(new Flu());
"Doctor KB" should "deduce if patient has a flu" in {
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl, DroolsEngineConfig.configWithEquality)
val facts = List(
"diagnosis.PatientTemperature" -> """{"temperature":39.5}""",
"diagnosis.Coughing" -> """{"strength":"MEDIUM", "kind":"OILY"}""",
"diagnosis.MuscleAche" -> """{"strength":"HIGH"}"""
facts.foreach{case (kind, json) => engine.insertJson(json, kind)}
engine.getObjects.foreach(ob => info(ob.toString))
engine.getModelInstances("diagnosis.Symptom").toList.size should be > 0
engine.getModelInstances("diagnosis.Sickness").toList.size should be > 0
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