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Created September 23, 2012 01:35
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#include "CodeLineInput.h"
const wxRegEx CodeLineInput::HEXCHAR(_T("\\A[0-9A-Fa-f]\\Z"), wxRE_ADVANCED);
CodeLineInput::CodeLineInput(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxString &value, const wxPoint &pos,
const wxSize &size, long style,
const wxValidator &validator,
const wxString &name)
: wxTextCtrl(parent, id, value, pos, size,
style, validator, name)
// Line of code with a space- 17 characters long.
Connect(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, wxKeyEventHandler(CodeLineInput::mOnKeyDown));
/** Events **/
void CodeLineInput::mOnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &evt)
// If the user clicks right after the space and tries to delete it, skip
// the insertion point to the character right before the space, so it
// deletes that.
if (GetInsertionPoint() == 9 && evt.GetKeyCode() == WXK_BACK)
void CodeLineInput::mOnTextUpdated(wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(evt))
/** Helpers **/
void CodeLineInput::mFormatText(void)
wxString text = mStripToHex(GetValue());
wxString final;
for (size_t i = 0; i < text.Len(); ++i)
if (i == 8)
final += _T(' ');
final += text[i];
// An attempt at a hack to get it to just work, but no good.
// For some reason when you enter that 9th character, this method runs
// again, not going into the conditional the second time. Maybe it's the
// ChangeValue() that does it for some reason?
if (final.Len() == 10 && GetValue().Len() == 10)
// Most of the time this won't even change anything, so don't apply the
// space adjustment unless it needs to be done.
if (final != GetValue())
int pos = GetInsertionPoint();
wxString CodeLineInput::mStripToHex(wxString str)
* Strip all non-hex characters from str and return the result.
wxString output;
for (size_t i = 0; i < str.Len(); ++i)
if (HEXCHAR.Matches(str[i]))
output += str[i];
return output.Upper().Left(16);
#include <wx/textctrl.h>
#include <wx/regex.h>
class CodeLineInput : public wxTextCtrl
CodeLineInput(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxString &value=_T(""),
const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize,
long style=0,
const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString &name=wxTextCtrlNameStr);
static const wxRegEx HEXCHAR;
void mOnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &evt);
void mOnTextUpdated(wxCommandEvent &evt);
void mFormatText(void);
wxString mStripToHex(wxString str);
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