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Created September 5, 2022 21:21
diff --git a/old/common/Errors.Designer.cs b/new/common/Errors.Designer.cs
index 67a3fbe..041e727 100644
--- a/old/common/Errors.Designer.cs
+++ b/new/common/Errors.Designer.cs
@@ -413,5 +413,7 @@ namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
internal const string MX8040 = "Invalid type encoding for parameter.";
internal const string MX8041 = "Unable to create an instance of the type {0}.";
internal const string MX8042 = "An exception occurred while trying to invoke the function {0}: {1}.";
+ internal const string MX8043 = "An exception occurred while validating the static registrar code for {0}: {1}";
+ internal const string MX8044 = "The assembly {0} has been modified since the app was built, invalidating the generated static registrar code. The MVID for the loaded assembly is {1}, while the MVID for the assembly the generated static registrar code corresponds to is {2}.";
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