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Тест по временам 6 класс

Тест по временам 6 класс

Тест по временам 6 класс

Лексические и грамматические упражнения для 6 класса по английскому языку
Тест "Времена глаголов" по английскому языку
Тесты по английскому языку 6 класс

Создайте Ваш сайт учителя Видеоуроки Олимпиады Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Английский язык 6 класс. Английский язык 5 класс. Электронная тетрадь по английскому Английский язык 8 класс. Информатика 11 класс Беларусь. Электронная тетрадь по литературному Если вы хотите увидеть все свои работы, то вам необходимо войти или зарегистрироваться. Меню Главная Дошкольное образование Начальные классы Астрономия Биология География Информатика Математика Химия Физика Русский язык Английский язык История Обществознание Литература Музыка Технология мальчики Технология девочки Физкультура ИЗО МХК ОБЖ Внеурочная работа Немецкий язык ОРК Директору Завучу Классному руководителю Психологу Логопедия Коррекционная школа Всем учителям Прочее. Последние дни регистрации на олимпиады "Декабрь ". Готовые комплекты видеоуроков и тестов для работы учителя! I …with my friend at the moment. We …just 3 lessons of Maths! The teacher …us about Present Perfect recently. Last week we … a composition. She… bread at the nearest shop almost every day. I … news every morning and evening. Sandy…in the bathroom now. She … already the dishes a have washed b has washed c washed 5. My friend …never to London. Our class … to the Zoo yesterday. Where are the children? They … in the yard. Яценко Екатерина Валерьевна Дата: Похожие файлы Тесты к урокам по теме "Сложное предложение". Разработка и применение тестовых заданий на уроках технологии и тест по теме "Пиление столярной ножовкой". Специальный тест на временные формы глаголов. Пожалуйста, введите ваш Email. Личный сайт учителя и сертификат бесплатно!!! Удобный поиск материалов для учителей.

Проверочная работа для 6 класса на тему "Времена английского глагола"

You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser or activate Google Chrome Frame to improve your experience. Профессиональной переподготовки 30 курсов от руб. Курсы для всех от руб. Повышение квалификации 36 курсов от руб. Предлагаемый сборник тестов и кроссвордов составлен с учетом требований авторской программы М. Биболетовой и на основе лексического и грамматического материала учебника этого автора для. В данное пособие также включены кроссворды по темам учебника. Поставьте следующие правильные глаголы во вторую форму: To like, to play, to stop, to live, to wash, to skate, to help, to clean, to answer, to try, to want, to open, to close. Распределите полученные глаголы в соответствии с правилами чтения окончания на необходимое количество колонок. Поставьте нужную форму глагола to be в предложения. Поставь нужный глагол was, were, did. Составь предложения из следующих слов. Найди ошибки и исправь их. Сделай следующие предложения отрицательными и вопросительными. Find the mistakes and correct them. One sentence is correct. Ask general and Who-questions and make the sentences negative. Fins and correct the mistakes. Negative Sentences Present-Past-Future Simple. Make the sentences negative, Define the tense. Present, Past, Future Simple. Put the verbs to be, to fly, to help into 3 tenses. Выбери обстоятельство времени из задания 2. Make the sentences negative and ask the questions. What are the tenses? Переведи названия времен и запиши их в таблицу, данную ниже. Поставь глаголы to play, to eat, to be в указанные времена. Выбери нужные обстоятельства для каждого времени и переведи их на русский язык. Some days ago my parents to be at the meeting. Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple. Breaks use idea Literature spend Art during bright timetable History miss travel IT form foreign Drama starts countries Maths abroad subjects pictures PE heart holidays uniform. Выпиши сказуемое и укажи время. Выбери правильное обстоятельство из таблицы task 2. BUYING A NEW CAR. They are going to look at many different kinds of cars. They want to buy a small car. Mrs, Stone is going to choose the color. Stone is going to decide about the model. They hope to buy the car this week. Complete the question and answer with the correct form of the verb,. Fill in the words in the text. One word is extra. Arrange, weekends, cinema, situation, not a bad idea, play, educational, picnics, programmes, partners, going, theatre, local, group, stay, invitation, social. Find the correct question tag to these sentences. Match the correct question tag to the sentences. She lives in Lisbon,. They went to the cinema,. The boys are watching TV,. Complete the sentences, using the words from the box. One word is an odd one. Programme, theatre, weekend, group, situation, local, invitation, cinema, going, sport, responsible, local, educational, partners, arrange, social, stay, picnic. Last week the got an The Russian students will After the days of learning учебы on They will also play Now the Russian students are Fill in the prepositions — in, on, of, at, with, after. Fill in the necessary form of a verb to be. What are they going to do next week? What are you going to do on Sunday? What are you going to be? You are going to summer school in the USA. You should fill in the blank. What are these people doing? What are you doing now? What do the do every day? What do you do every day? Present Simple — Present Progressive. Choose and write now or every day. Present simple or present continuous? Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. White the names of the places of interest below. Well-known, founded, guide, square, possible, capital, information, different, museums, gallery, nice, tourists, monument, buildings, sure. Khabarovsk is the 1. Now it is a big and There are many We can also see pictures of Russian artists in the art Khabarov is near the railway station вокзал. Khabarovsk is smaller than Moscow and it is very But I like its old and new streets with high and low Most of all I like to walk in Lenin Choose the proper words from the box. There are a lot of. They stand at the You can read about the He was an Joseph Turner is a famous English Charles Darwin is a well-known He lived in the nineteenth John Lennon and Paul McCartney were popular English Churchill was a famous English Choose the definitions of some professions One word is an odd one. How well do you know London. You can find out a lot about he history of cinema in Fill in the necessary prepositions in, of, for, at - and answer the questions. Which museum is worth What are the parks of London famous? Choose the correct translation of the sentences. Have you ever been to London? This film is worth seeing. Fill in the right prepositions. Test 1 8 , unit 5. Какие из следующих названий употребляются с определенным артиклем если есть исключения, укажите, какие. В каких случаях перед прилагательными и числительными употребляется определенный артикль? My country borders on граничит Kasakhstan and some other countries. There two great mountain chains in Russia The highest peak is It is washed by There are some museums in There are a lot of churches and cathedrals in my city. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in my district. Our planet is called Moon in the sky at night. Complete the sentences using the words from the box. Giant, save, kinds, cages, fight, nature, enjoyable, society, wings, project, domestic, endangered, all over the world, insects, wild, zoological,. You can see many They are taken from The animals live in Lions, tiger, elephants are There are not many such animals in Scientists of the The scientists organized a People can see not only wild animals, but also Even very small If you go to the zoo, you will have an Choose the right word to every sentence. One word is an odd one out. The scientists to fight to save animals last summer. They to write a letter to Father Christmas last Sunday. Find and correct the mistakes. Present Perfect — Past Simple. Fill in the table. I have been to the seaside. We were in the railway station. They have flown to Moscow. They went to school. She has drunk her tea. He met his friend. Have you been to London? I have travelled to the mountains. Choose the right form of a verb. I have already …my homework. A do b done c did. A week ago he I to this town this year. They to be in China last summer. She already to stay at the hotel. He to write a Valentine card to his friend a year ago. I never to speak to a real Englishman. Russian soldiers to fight with fascists in My father just to arrive. We have already watered the flowers. The girl have been to the mountains last winter. My mother have just gone shopping. Yesterday we have played computer games. Uncle, fork, rubbish, grandparents, biscuits, rest, sister, clear, parents, wash, husband, older, wife, relatives, ready, niece, cousin, set, take, aunt, elder, nephew, knife. I have got a family. I have got a mother and a father, they are my My mother is a very good My mother has a sister, she is my She has got a daughter, she is my My father has a brother, he is my I have got an She has got a They have got a daughter, she is my I have also got a grandmother and a grandfather — they are my I love all my We often celebrate holidays together. My mother cooks When dinner is We help mother to At last we can sit in the armchair and Recently, yesterday, just, ago, once, lately, ever, last year, yet, suddenly, already, never. Put the verbs to write, to like, to be in the necessary tenses. Write down the predicate сказуемое and determine определите the tense. Find the right predicate and translate the words which help you to choose the tense. Write the comparative form of the adjectives. Write the superlative form of the adjective: Insert comparative or superlative form of the adjective: Complete the sentences with some, any or no. Everything is OK now. Use much or many to complete the following sentences. Fill in the gaps with much, many or a lot of. There is one extra word. Collects, ship, travelling, of, common, adverts, musical, political, plane, comedies, popular, hobby, gardening, story, model, soaps, by, author. Name these Russian holidays and write down when they are celebrated. Put the verbs To know, to fly, to be in all the tenses. He just came home. I am writing now. Olya and Valya is sleeping now. My Dad play football very well. They will collect stamps last year. I have saw many animals in the zoo recently. They was in Moscow last year. Key to the crossword London. Many — much раздели слова из кроссворда на 2 колонки, не забудь поставить существительное во множественное число там, где нужно. Использованная литература и источники. Хостинг документов ученикам и учителям. ЕГЭ Авиация, Космонавтика Административное право Алгебра Английский язык Арбитражный процесс Архитектура Астрология Астрономия Банковское дело БЖД Биография Биология Биржевое дело Ботаника, сельское хоз-во Бухгалтерский учет, аудит Валютные отношения Ветеринария Военная кафедра География Геодезия Геология Геометрия Геополитика Государство и право Гражданское право Делопроизводство Деньги и кредит Естествознание Журналистика Зоология Издательское дело ИЗО Инвестиции Информатика Исторические личности История Кибернетика Коммуникации, связь Косметология Краеведение, этнография Краткое содержание произведений Криминалистика Криминология Криптология Кулинария Литература Логика Логистика Маркетинг Математика Медицина, здоровье Международное право Международные отношения Менеджмент Металлургия Москвоведение Музыка Муниципальное право Налоги, налогообложение Наука, техника Начальная школа ОБЖ Обществознания Оккультизм, уфология Окружающий мир Педагогика Политология Право, юриспруденция Предпринимательство Природоведение Промышленность, производство Психология Радиоэлектроника Разное Реклама Религия Риторика Русский язык Социология Статистика Страхование Строительство Схемотехника Таможенная система Теория государства и права Теория организации Теплотехника Технология Товароведение Транспорт Трудовое право Туризм Уголовное право Управление Физика Физкультура Философия Финансы Фотография Химия Хозяйственное право Художественная культура Цифровые устройства Экологическое право Экология Экономика Экономико-математическое моделирование Экономическая география Экономическая теория Языкознание, филология. Биболетовой и на основе лексического и грамматического материала учебника этого автора для классов. Past Simple Task 1. To like, to play, to stop, to live, to wash, to skate, to help, to clean, to answer, to try, to want, to open, to close Task 2. Поставьте нужную форму глагола to be в предложения 1. Two weeks ago we Поставь нужный глагол was, were, did 1. Составь предложения из следующих слов 1. Найди ошибки и исправь их 1. I wash up the dishes yesterday. I eat a tasty cake yesterday. My mother not worked last autumn. When you play football? Сделай следующие предложения отрицательными и вопросительными 1. We played computer games yesterday. My friend went to Moscow in summer. My father was at work last evening. The flowers were very nice. Questions Past Simple Task 1. Ask the questions 1. Yesterday Paul and Bill were in the park. They visited their granny last year. A week ago my father bought a new computer. Last summer my friend went to the sea. I was in the mountains in August. Once I saw a wonderful dream. Suddenly the wolf ate the sheep. My mother and my father flew to London in Yesterday morning he drank a cup of tea. The boy broke a cup some days ago. One sentence is correct 1. Did yesterday we go to school? Were I happy last summer? Do they play hockey yesterday? Did we skated last winter? Was a week ago he in the mountains? Did you found a kitten the day before yesterday? Did they write a letter yesterday? Did we do our homework tomorrow? Did she be at school on Sunday? Went he to school yesterday? Ask general and Who-questions and make the sentences negative 1. Yesterday we were by the river. He went to the Zoo last summer. A week ago I saw an interesting film. I helped my mother last Sunday. In I was in Moscow. I not play hockey yesterday. Who did go to school yesterday? Buy he a new computer last week? I dance last Sunday. Who were in the mountains? Did we be in the desert in summer? Who break a window? Who went to the cinema last month? Do you flew to Vladivostok in summer? Negative Sentences Present-Past-Future Simple Task 1. Past Simple Future S. I go to school every day. My friend was in China last summer. Ira lives in Rudvev Street. Yesterday we ate porridge with milk. Last winter my family skied in the mountains. I am at home. She put the cup on the table. I not wear jeans to school. London not be a village. He play not football in winter. I am not speak German. Present-Past-Future Simple Task 1. Open the brackets 1. Some days ago I Next year our family I not to like Find the mistakes and correct them Who did went to school yesterday? Did you wrote a letter yesterday? Why do you watch TV so often? My brother paint very well. Last summer we go to the sea. When you usually get up? Do you mother work at school? I not like porridge. Did you be in the zoo last Sunday? Choose the correct order of the words С 1 2 3 4 казуемое Вопросительное слово Подлежащее Вспомогательный глагол Вт. Present, Past, Future Simple Task 1. Fill in the table Task 2. Put the words into the necessary tenses a every day b yesterday c usually d soon e once d next week e last week f a week ago g in a week h often i suddenly j always Task 3. Choose the necessary form of a verb 1. TV in the evening. Two days ago we Выбери обстоятельство времени из задания 2 1. They translated the text. They are at home. I always do my homework. My mum and my dad were in the country last summer. My friend wrote a test yesterday. We to play football last Sunday. My mum to work every day. We to be at home in two hours. I to be at school now. We to speak English at the English lessons. Soon he to get a present. Find the mistakes 1. I not like milk. Did you be at school? I was in the country next year. My dad often watch TV. We play computer tomorrow. REVISION TEST Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple Task 1. Поставь формулы каждого времени в таблицу. Выбери нужные обстоятельства для каждого времени и переведи их на русский язык always, b yesterday, c tomorrow, d next week, e soon, f usually, g often, h in a month, i last summer, j sometimes, k a week ago, l never Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Задание 1 формула V…, V… V…, V… …V… To play To eat To be обстоятельства Task 5. I am a pupil. My sister works in a bank. Выбери обстоятельство, нужное для данного времени. The students of British schools wear a uniform. My family lived in the country. He will read a book. We are at school. They were in the zoo. Выбери нужное сказуемое We often to write tests. Yesterday I to get a good mark. My Mum always to cook very well. We usually to be at school at 8. Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple Task 1. Fill in the words. Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Формула времени To skate To swim To be Распредели обстоятельства a tomorrow b usually c last year d yesterday e always f next summer g every day h sometimes i a week ago k in a week l soon m once n often Task 3. Choose the right variant 1. TV in the evenings. In a year he Выпиши сказуемое и укажи время 1. I usually do my homework in the evenings. My mother bought a new bag yesterday. Tomorrow Olya will visit her granny. I am at school now. They were in the park last Sunday. Выбери правильное обстоятельство из таблицы task 2 1. They flew to Moscow I help my mother My mother always to drink tea in the morning. They to be usually at school at 8 pm. Brown to go to Russia. He to be in the mountains last winter. My classmates to like to read books very much. Ira to be a doctor in some years. A week ago we are in the circus. My mother cook soup every day. Tomorrow we meet our friends. They swimed in the river last summer. Stone are going to look at many cars. They arc going to buy a used car. Stone is going to choose the color. Stone wants to buy a big car. The Stones are going to decide today. Stone is going to choose the model. The Stones are going to buy two cars. The reading talks about a husband and wife. The reading talks about trains. The reading speaks about a new car. The reading tells about models of cars. The reading talks about money. The reading speaks about the Stones. The reading talks about the color of shoes. TALKING ABOUT THE PICTURE: Choose the correct answer. Choose your answer from the list. What are the Stones going to buy? What kind or car do they want to buy? Who is is going to decide about the model? What is Mrs Stone going to choose? When do the Stones going to decide? What are they going to look at? Fill the blank with the correct form of the verb. COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES STUDENT I: Mrs Stone STUDENT I: Tag-questions Find the correct question tag to these sentences. She lives in Lisbon, 2. They went to the cinema, 3. The boys are watching TV, 4. I have made a mistake, 5. Unit 2 Task 1. Programme, theatre, weekend, group, situation, local, invitation, cinema, going, sport, responsible, local, educational, partners, arrange, social, stay, picnic The I was ill yesterday and stayed I like to stay My parents work every day,? Nick and Pete are students,? I am at school,? I am not strong,? Two days ago he went to the cinema,? The boy plays football very well,? Fill in the necessary form of a verb to be 1. My mother and father Изображения из коллекции Microsoft Office Test Unit 3 T ask 1. You should fill in the blank 1. The date of birth 4. The country you are from 5. Your phone number 7. What is your family Your main characteristics What people do you like Do you have a pet Task 3. Every summer my father Complete the sentences 1. My sister is playing We go to school The cat is sleeping We to be always at school at 8. The children to sing. I often to visit my Granny. My mother to work at hospital. They to read a book now. I is sociable and friendly. They are play now. She is a doctor. Vova like to read books. We not help our parents. We are often drawing at the lessons. At the moment I sit in the classroom. Present Simple — Present Progressive Task 1. Write the verbs in Present Simple. Write the verbs in Present Continuous. They are not at home. Underline the correct variant: White the names of the places of interest below 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 Task 2. Answer the questions 1. Where does the coronation take place? What are the most famous squares? What bridge in London do you know? Where does the government правительство of Britain work? What is the name of the most famous clock? Where does the Royal family live? What was a prison, a royal residence and now it is a museum? What are its well-known towers? One word is extra Well-known, founded, guide, square, possible, capital, information, different, museums, gallery, nice, tourists, monument, buildings, sure Khabarovsk is the 1. Unit 5 Task 1. A person who plays a musical instrument 2. A person who writes poems 3. A person who works in science 4. A person who works in politics 5. A person who paints or draws pictures a artist b scientist c politician d writer e musician f poet Task 3. You can life-size figures in Visitor can see the statue of Peter Pan in Speaker Corner is in The oldest London park is Put in the articles where it is necessary London is the capital of It is one of What are you tired? What are Londoner proud? What is London rich? When were you born? Choose the correct translation of the sentences 1. Unit 5 Fill in the right prepositions I am tired … my homework. His life was full …adventures. We are proud …our city. Moscow is famous …its museums. Our country is rich …talented people. Our city is beautiful …its fountains. It will take place …17th …December. We should take care …animals. Moscow was founded … …Jury Dolgorukiy. Test 1 8 , unit 5 Task 1. Какие из следующих названий употребляются с определенным артиклем если есть исключения, укажите, какие 1. Put in the where it is necessary 1. The full name of my country is My country is situated in It is very large — it takes nine hours to get from Russia is washed by three oceans The longest river is The deepest lake is Lake Onega is also very big. Far East of Russia. The main cities of it are The main squares are The main street of Nikonovs live in Rudnev Street. Unit 6 Task 1. Giant, save, kinds, cages, fight, nature, enjoyable, society, wings, project, domestic, endangered, all over the world, insects, wild, zoological, The Zoological Fill in the table Past Simple Present Perfect Формула времени To fly To skate Обстоятельства времени a Two days ago, b recently, c lately, d yesterday, e once, f already, g yet, h last year, i suddenly, j just, k in I have done my homework. We were in London. We have not written the test. She has seen this film. My sister has been to the Zoo. Choose the right form of a verb 1. A go b gone c went 2. Some days ago we We just to be to Moscow. Animals to come to the Zoo recently. Suddenly I to see a strange animal. Dan has not yet written the composition. Jack has won the championship last winter. I have been to London recently. I got already my Christmas present. I has just finished my test. We have already do our homework. Present Perfect — Past Simple Task 1. Fill in the table Past Simple Present Perfect Формула времени To eat To play Обстоятельства времени a Two days ago, b this year, c in , d yesterday, e ever, f already, g yet, h last year, i never, j just Task 2. Find the right place it. Choose the right form of a verb I have already …my homework. A do b done c did They One sentence is correct We have already watered the flowers. Unit 7 Task 1. Uncle, fork, rubbish, grandparents, biscuits, rest, sister, clear, parents, wash, husband, older, wife, relatives, ready, niece, cousin, set, take, aunt, elder, nephew, knife I have got a family. Find the right word for each sentence a tomorrow b yesterday c never d yet e last summer f ever 1. I was in the camp. We have been to New York. Have you travelled abroad? They went to the cinema. Choose the right verb 1. Last year we to fly to Moscow by plane. I to see never such a nice picture. Lately he to write a poem. Yesterday they to watch a new film on TV. My father already to find new work. He has broke the window. They was at school yesterday. I have drawn a nice picture yet. My classmates have already written a test. A year ago we have been to Moscow. TENSES REVISION Task 1. Fill in the forms of the verbs in the table Task 2. Put the verbs to write, to like, to be in the necessary tenses Task 3. Put in the adverbs in the proper tenses Always k next month Already l some days ago Yesterday m at the moment Now n yet Often o soon Tomorrow p usually last year q recently in a week r once just s every week sometimes t never Present Simple Present Progressive Present Perfect Past Simple Future Simple Формула V…, V… …V… …V… V…, V… …V… Глаголы Обстоя- тельства Task 4. The girls to sing. Choose the adverbs from task 3. One sentence is correct Have you been to the sea last year? My friend studies very well. The boy is run now. My mother and my father works in a bank. Adverbs Complete the sentences with some, any or no. Unit 8 Task 1. Collects, ship, travelling, of, common, adverts, musical, political, plane, comedies, popular, hobby, gardening, story, model, soaps, by, author 1. In summer I often go to my friend Funny films are called I have lot in People often fly to Moscow by The films about love and family problems are called Dima Bilan is a Name these Russian holidays and write down when they are celebrated 1 Новый год 2 Рождество 3 День Защитника Отечества 4 Женский день 5 Пасха 6 1 Мая 7 День Победы 8 День России 9 День знаний 10 День народного единства What is your favourite holiday? Fill in reflexive pronouns 1. My sister always does her homework My friend and me made a model of a ship I go to school My cat goes for a walk Children, do the task My classmates went to the camp My little brother dresses Put the verbs To know, to fly, to be in all the tenses Choose the necessary words for each tense Simple Continuous Perfect Present Past X X Future X X a already b always c next week, d every week e last week f often g now h just i yet k yesterday l tomorrow m soon n suddenly o once p sometimes q at the moment r recently s this week Task 5. Choose the right tense 1. It to be spring now. We to go to the cinema soon. Once I to see a nice dream. My friend always to get good marks at school. We to learn already five English tenses. I not to read books during my next holidays. I often to drink juice for breakfast Task 8. They was in Moscow last year http: Тест 15 Фото 1 http: Скачивание материала начнется через 51 сек. Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для 5 класса на тему "The Battle of Britain". Тест по английскому языку на тему "Traits of Character". X Код для использования на сайте: Ширина блока px Скопируйте этот код и вставьте себе на сайт. X Чтобы скачать документ, порекомендуйте, пожалуйста, его своим друзьям в любой соц. Кнопочки находятся чуть ниже. Правообладателям О нас Обратная связь.

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