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Created March 17, 2021 11:54
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QR-Code view in Flow and Dashboard
"id": "15f97750.9f15d1",
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"name": "Meine echte Bitcoin Adresse",
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"name": "Create simple QR-Code from Bitcoin Address or other text",
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"name": "Set Payload",
"func": "msg.payload = \"http://PI-ADRESSE-Eintragen:1880/wenzlaff-address-qr-code.png\"\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"x": 550,
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"id": "1d73b5de.0c1082",
"type": "comment",
"z": "fa6c893a.ae8d8",
"name": "In den paylod kommt der Inhalt des QR-Codes",
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"name": "Anpassung in der settings.js nötig",
"info": "In der settings.js\n\ndas Verzeichnis für Static öffnen\n\nhttpStatic: '/data/',\n\nsetzen. \n\nRestart. \n\nZugriff dann über \n\nhttp://pi:1880/wenzlaff-address-qr-code.png",
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"name": "Set Payload",
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"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
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"name": "By my a coffee: bitcoin:1NSaQXyTHGanGvQHgPkoSDtbBY2LFySnyc",
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"y": 520,
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"name": "QR-Code",
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