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Created May 23, 2015 21:00
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# coding: utf-8
import math
import ui
def getAngle(a,b): # a = start, b = finish
theta = math.atan2(b[1]-a[1], b[0]-a[0])
if theta < 0:
theta -= math.pi/2
elif theta >= 0:
theta += math.pi/2 + math.pi
return theta
def distance(a,b):
return math.sqrt(math.pow((b[1]-a[1]),2) + math.pow((b[0]-a[0]),2))
def degrees(a):
return a*180/math.pi
def dot(A,B): # avoids importing full numpy
if len(A[0]) != len(B):
raise ValueError('inner dimensions unequal')
result = []
for i in range(len(A)):
row = []
for j in range(len(B[0])):
sum = 0
for k in range(len(B)):
sum += A[i][k]*B[k][j]
return result
def ui_draw_arrow(pointA, pointB, lineWidth=1, lineDash=None, phase=None,
headWidth=0.07, headHeight=0.15, pointType=(0,1)):
''' this method will use the current settings of the ui.draw and draws an arrow from point A to point B
pointA and pointB are xy tuples
headWidth and Headheight are proprtionate to the length
pointType = tupple with (start,end) types 0: none 1: triangle, 2: classic, 3: circle
for circle, headWidth is taken as relative radius
def drawHead(origin,end,thisType):
theta = getAngle(origin,end)
cs = math.cos(theta)
ss = math.sin(theta)
R = [[cs,-ss],[ss,cs]]
w = distance(origin,end)*headWidth
h = distance(origin,end)*headHeight
if thisType == 1:
initCoords = [[0, w/2, -w/2, 0],
[0, -h, -h, -h]] # fourth coordinate is where shaft meets head
elif thisType == 2:
initCoords = [[0, w/2, 0, -w/2, 0],
[0, -h, -h/2, -h, -h/2]]
elif thisType == 3:
initCoords = [[0,0],
raise ValueError('invalid head type')
coords = dot(R,initCoords)
Xs = [x + end[0] for x in coords[0]]
Ys = [y + end[1] for y in coords[1]]
XYs = zip(Xs,Ys)
if thisType == 3:
arrow = ui.Path.oval(XYs[0][0]-w,XYs[0][1]-w,2*w,2*w)
arrow = ui.Path()
for x,y in XYs[:-1] : # last coordinate not used
if len(pointA) != 2 or len(pointB) != 2:
raise ValueError('points must both be on length 2')
startPoint = pointA
stopPoint = pointB
if pointType[0]:
startPoint = drawHead(pointB,pointA,pointType[0])
if pointType[1]:
stopPoint = drawHead(pointA,pointB,pointType[1])
line = ui.Path()
line.line_width = lineWidth
if lineDash and phase:
if __name__ == '__main__':
center = (200,200)
with ui.ImageContext(500,500) as ctx:
box = ui.Path.rect(0,0,400,400)
box.line_width = 4
testList = [(200,370), (300,300), (370,200), (100,300), (100,200), (60,100), (200,10), (300,100)]
for item in testList:
ui_draw_arrow(center,item, pointType=(1,3),lineWidth=4,headWidth = 0.07)
image = ctx.get_image()
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