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Created September 25, 2014 13:49
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Superclass for the collections
namespace Components;
abstract class Collection extends DomainObject implements \Iterator, \ArrayAccess, \Countable
abstract protected function buildItem();
protected $pool = [];
protected $forRemoval = [
'pool' => [],
'keys' => [],
protected $amount = 0;
private $position = 0;
public function addItem($parameters)
$instance = $this->buildItem();
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
$method = 'set' . str_replace('_', '', $key);
if (method_exists($instance, $method)) {
$this->amount += 1;
$this->pool[] = $instance;
return $instance;
public function removeItem($id)
if (isset($this->pool[$id])) {
$this->forRemoval['pool'][] = $this->pool[$id];
$this->forRemoval['keys'][] = $id;
public function cleanup()
foreach ($this->forRemoval['keys'] as $id) {
$temp = [];
foreach ($this->pool as $element) {
$temp[] = $element;
$this->pool = $temp;
$this->amount = count($this->pool);
$this->forRemoval = [
'pool' => [],
'keys' => [],
public function getRemovable()
return $this->forRemoval;
public function getAmount()
return $this->amount;
public function __construct()
$this->position = 0;
public function hasItems()
return $this->amount > 0;
// implementing Iterator
public function rewind()
$this->position = 0;
public function current()
return $this->pool[$this->position];
public function key()
return $this->position;
public function next()
public function valid()
return isset($this->pool[$this->position]);
// implementing ArrayAccess
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
if (is_null($offset)) {
$this->pool[] = $value;
} else {
$this->pool[$offset] = $value;
public function offsetExists($offset)
return isset($this->pool[$offset]);
public function offsetUnset($offset)
public function offsetGet($offset)
return isset($this->pool[$offset]) ? $this->pool[$offset] : null;
// implementing Countable
public function count($mode = \COUNT_NORMAL)
return count($this->amount);
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