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Created September 21, 2011 01:49
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merge maps
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
* a simple test value struct to show that you can in fact store anything *
struct adhoc
const char* hello;
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const adhoc& a)
return os << "{ \"" << a.hello << "\" }";
#pragma once
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/any.hpp> // only required for value_strategies::as_any
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include "adhoc.hpp"
struct dumpmap
std::ostream& os;
dumpmap(std::ostream& s) : os(s) { }
template <typename K, typename V>
std::ostream& operator()(const std::map<K,V>& map) const
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::boolalpha << std::showpoint;
for (const auto& pair : map)
ss << "{ " << pair.first << ", " << pair.second << " }";
os << std::setw(16) << std::left << ss.str();
return os << std::endl;
struct dumpmerged // display merged iterators
std::ostream& os;
dumpmerged(std::ostream& s) : os(s) { }
template <typename MergedIt>
std::ostream& operator()(MergedIt& mit) const
dumpkey(os, mit->first); os << ": "; dumpvalue(os, mit->second); os << std::endl;
return os;
template <typename K> static void dumpkey(std::ostream& os, const K& key)
{ os << std::right << std::setw(6) << key; }
template <typename Sequence> static void dumpvalue(std::ostream& os, const Sequence& sequence)
{ boost::fusion::for_each(sequence, dump_element(os)); }
static void dumpvalue(std::ostream& os, const boost::any& v)
#define ANY_CAST(typ) do try { const auto& x=boost::any_cast<typ>(v); os<<"any_cast<" #typ ">():"<< x; ok=true; } catch(...) {} while (false)
bool ok=false;
ANY_CAST(adhoc); ANY_CAST(bool); ANY_CAST(char); ANY_CAST(const char*);
ANY_CAST(double); ANY_CAST(size_t); ANY_CAST(std::string);
if (!ok) os << "any_cast<?>():<unknown>";
struct dump_element
std::ostream& os;
dump_element(std::ostream& s) : os(s) { }
void operator()(const char* const value) const
{ operator()(std::string(value? value : "<nullstr>")); }
template <typename T> void operator()(boost::optional<T> value) const
{ if (!value) operator()("<none>"); else operator()(*value); }
template <typename V> void operator()(V* value) const
{ if (!value) operator()("<nullptr>"); else operator()(*value); }
// interprets what we don't cover (nested fusion sequences, STL containers etc)
template <typename V> void operator()(V value) const
os << std::boolalpha << std::showpoint << value << "\t";
all: test
CPPFLAGS+=-I ~/custom/boost_1_47_0/
test: | .depends
%.o: %.cpp
g++ $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
%: %.o
g++ $^ -o $@
.depends: *.cpp
g++ $(CPPFLAGS) -M $^ > $@
-include .depends
#include <boost/mpl/greater_equal.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/transform.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/tuple_tie.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/transform.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/std_pair.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/any.hpp> // only required for value_strategies::as_any
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <map>
#define ITERATE_KEY_ORDER true
namespace detail
namespace internal_mpl
template <template<typename> class Trait>
struct apply_trait_f{ template <class T> struct apply { typedef typename Trait<T>::type type; }; };
typedef apply_trait_f<boost::remove_reference> remove_ref_f;
typedef apply_trait_f<boost::add_pointer> make_pointer;
//struct remove_ref_f { template <class T> struct apply { typedef typename boost::remove_reference<T>::type type; }; };
struct mapped_typ_f { template <class T> struct apply { typedef typename T::mapped_type type; }; };
struct key_type_f { template <class T> struct apply { typedef typename boost::remove_const<typename T::key_type>::type type; }; };
struct iterator_f { template <class T> struct apply { typedef typename T::iterator type; }; };
struct make_optional{ template <class T> struct apply { typedef typename boost::optional<T> type; }; };
struct make_ref_opt { template <class T> struct apply { typedef typename boost::optional<T&> type; }; };
struct common_typ_f { template <class T, class U>
struct apply { typedef typename boost::common_type<T,U>::type type; }; };
namespace internal_fusion
struct begin_f
{ template <typename T> auto operator()(T& t) const -> decltype(t.begin()) { return t.begin(); } };
struct end_f
{ template <typename T> auto operator()(T& t) const -> decltype(t.end()) { return t.end(); } };
namespace value_strategies
struct as_pointers_tag {};
struct as_optionals_tag {};
struct as_ref_optionals_tag {};
struct as_any_tag {};
template <typename Values> struct as_pointers {
typedef typename boost::mpl::transform<Values, internal_mpl::make_pointer>::type exposed;
template <int pos, typename T> static void Assign(exposed& to, T& v)
{ boost::fusion::at_c<pos>(to) = &v; }
template <typename Values> struct as_ref_optionals {
typedef typename boost::mpl::transform<Values, internal_mpl::make_ref_opt>::type exposed;
template <int pos, typename T> static void Assign(exposed& to, T& v)
{ boost::fusion::at_c<pos>(to) = v; }
template <typename Values> struct as_optionals {
typedef typename boost::mpl::transform<Values, internal_mpl::make_optional>::type exposed;
template <int pos, typename T> static void Assign(exposed& to, T const& v)
{ boost::fusion::at_c<pos>(to) = v; }
template <typename Values> struct as_any {
typedef typename boost::any exposed;
template <int /*pos*/, typename T> static void Assign(exposed& to, T const& v)
{ to = v; }
template <
typename Tuple,
template<typename> class VS=value_strategies::as_optionals
> struct maps_iterator
typedef typename boost::mpl::transform<Tuple, internal_mpl::remove_ref_f>::type maps_t;
typedef typename boost::mpl::transform<maps_t, internal_mpl::key_type_f>::type keytypes_t;
typedef typename boost::mpl::fold<
typename boost::mpl::at_c<keytypes_t, 0>::type,
internal_mpl::common_typ_f>::type common_key_t; // TODO assert common_type sane?
typedef typename boost::mpl::transform<maps_t, internal_mpl::mapped_typ_f>::type datatypes_t;
typedef typename boost::mpl::transform<maps_t, internal_mpl::iterator_f>::type iterators_t;
typedef typename VS<datatypes_t>::exposed mapped_type;
typedef typename std::pair</*const */common_key_t, mapped_type> value_type; // TODO protect key assignment
maps_iterator(const Tuple& tiedmaps) : _is_end_iterator(false)
_it = boost::fusion::transform(tiedmaps, internal_fusion::begin_f());
_end = boost::fusion::transform(tiedmaps, internal_fusion::end_f());
// TODO make available otherwise (integrate with Boost Range?)
const maps_iterator end() const { return maps_iterator(); }
value_type operator*()
return *partial;
value_type* operator->()
return &*partial;
bool operator==(const maps_iterator& other) const
assert(other._is_end_iterator | _is_end_iterator);
return _is_end_iterator && other._is_end_iterator;
bool operator!=(const maps_iterator& other) const
return !(operator==(other));
maps_iterator& operator++()
increment_helper(_it, _end, partial);
_is_end_iterator = !partial;
return *this;
explicit maps_iterator() : _is_end_iterator(true) { }
template <typename ItSeq, int pos = 0>
typename boost::enable_if<boost::mpl::greater_equal<boost::mpl::int_<pos>, typename boost::fusion::result_of::size<ItSeq>::type > >::type*
find_min_key(const ItSeq&, const ItSeq&, boost::optional<common_key_t>&)
{ return 0; /* end recursion */ }
template <typename ItSeq, int pos = 0>
typename boost::enable_if<boost::mpl::less<boost::mpl::int_<pos>, typename boost::fusion::result_of::size<ItSeq>::type > >::type*
find_min_key(const ItSeq& it, const ItSeq& end, boost::optional<common_key_t>& minkey)
//if (it == end) return 0;
auto& posit = boost::fusion::at_c<pos>(it);
auto& posend = boost::fusion::at_c<pos>(end);
if (posit != posend) // disqualify already or depleted
auto poskey = posit->first;
if (!minkey || common_key_t(poskey) < *minkey) // locally attempt to mimic std::less<common_key_t>
minkey = poskey;
return find_min_key<ItSeq, pos+1>(it, end, minkey);
template <typename ItSeq, int pos = 0>
typename boost::enable_if<boost::mpl::greater_equal<boost::mpl::int_<pos>, typename boost::fusion::result_of::size<ItSeq>::type > >::type*
increment_helper(const ItSeq&, const ItSeq&, boost::optional<value_type>&)
{ return 0; /* end recursion */ }
template <typename ItSeq, int pos = 0>
typename boost::enable_if<boost::mpl::less<boost::mpl::int_<pos>, typename boost::fusion::result_of::size<ItSeq>::type > >::type*
increment_helper(ItSeq& it, ItSeq& end, boost::optional<value_type>& partial)
assert(pos < boost::fusion::size(end)); // check the enable_if
assert(boost::fusion::size(it) == boost::fusion::size(end));
auto& posit = boost::fusion::at_c<pos>(it);
auto& posend = boost::fusion::at_c<pos>(end);
if (posit == posend) // depleted map, consider only tail maps
return increment_helper<ItSeq, pos+1>(it, end, partial);
if (!partial)
boost::optional<common_key_t> minkey;
find_min_key<ItSeq, pos>(it, end, minkey);
if (!minkey)
return 0;
// pre seed with the desired lowest next key
partial = std::make_pair(*minkey, mapped_type());
if (posend != posit) // data available in map[pos]
auto poskey = posit->first;
// can key be merged?
// relying on consistent weak total ordering of keys in all maps
if (!(partial->first < poskey) && !(poskey < partial->first))
// set the current positional data element
auto& value = (posit++)->second;
VS<datatypes_t>::template Assign<pos, decltype(value)>(partial->second, value);
// verify that the iterators were tied to the tuples (both got updated)
assert(posit == boost::fusion::at_c<pos>(it));
// recurse finding matching entries in tail maps
return increment_helper<ItSeq, pos+1>(it, end, partial);
boost::optional<value_type> partial;
iterators_t _it, _end;
bool _is_end_iterator;
template <
typename Tuple,
template<typename> class ValueStrategy=detail::value_strategies::as_ref_optionals >
detail::maps_iterator<Tuple, ValueStrategy>
merge_maps_iterator(const Tuple& maps)
return detail::maps_iterator<Tuple, ValueStrategy>(maps);
#include "merge_maps_iterator.hpp"
#include "dump_data.hpp"
#include "adhoc.hpp"
struct runner
template <class MapTuple> void operator()(const MapTuple& maps) const
std::cout << std::endl;
// display the input
std::cout << " == input =" << std::string(39, '=') << std::endl;
boost::fusion::for_each(maps, dumpmap(std::cout));
// display the output
std::cout << " == output " << std::string(39, '=') << std::endl;
for (auto mit = merge_maps_iterator(maps); mit != mit.end()/*should move to range concept*/; ++mit)
auto dumper = dumpmerged(std::cout);
template <int index>
struct ElemAccess
// for the AsAny case:
boost::any& operator()(boost::any& dst) const { return dst; }
// for the AsRefOptionals, AsOptionals, AsPointers cases:
template <typename T> auto operator()(T& sequence) const
-> decltype(*boost::fusion::at_c<index>(sequence)) { return *boost::fusion::at_c<index>(sequence); }
int main()
std::cout << std::boolalpha << std::showpoint << std::unitbuf;
std::map<size_t, std::string> m1 = { { 2, "the" }, { 100, "cow" }, { 23, "jumped" }, { 101, "moon" } };
std::map<char, double> m2 = { { 'b', 3.14 } /* , { 22, 69.08 }, { 11, 72.22 } */ };
runner test;
test(boost::fusion::tie(m1, m2));
test(boost::fusion::tie(m2, m1));
std::map<unsigned short, bool> m3 = { { 1, true }, { 22, false }, { 24, true } };
std::map<float, bool> m4 = { { 1.0, true }, { 22.01, false }, { -24, true } };
test(boost::fusion::tie(m3, m4));
std::map<std::string, adhoc> m5 = { { "NL", { "dag" } }, { "EN", { "bye" } }, { "DE", { "Tschüß" } } };
std::map<std::string, adhoc> m6 = { { "FR", { "au revoir" } }, { "IT", { "ciao" } }, { "ES", { "adiós" } } };
std::map<std::string, adhoc> m7 = { { "FR", { "merci" } }, { "IT", { "grazie" } }, { "ES", { "gracias" } } };
auto maps = boost::fusion::tie(m5, m6, m7);
auto it = ++++merge_maps_iterator(maps);
auto value_tuple = it->second;
dumpmerged(std::cout << "points to: ")(it);
ElemAccess<1> access;
access(value_tuple) = adhoc { "¡¿Ola?!" };
dumpmerged(std::cout << "modified to: ")(it);
test(maps); // see that the above edit worked all the way through to the underlying source map(s)
return 0;
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