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Created August 13, 2018 15:53
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Demo Setup Instructions and Content for the Dynamik ThemeShop Skin.
* Below you will find all of the custom content used to
* create the demo site for the Dynamik ThemeShop Skin.
WordPress Menu Setup: Assign a menu to the "Primary Navigation Menu" as well as the "Secondary Navigation Menu".
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Feature Top 1
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: BLANK
Widget Content:
<h3 class="widgettitle widget-title">
Professional Grade<br>Premium WordPress Themes
Your WP Theme Shop for those who want to stand out from the cookie cutter template crowd!
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Home Top #1
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: BLANK
Widget Content:
<i class="fa fa-code" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<h3 class="widgettitle widget-title">
Professionally Coded
Our themes are professionally constructed with the latest and greatest best practices and highest standards.
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Home Top #2
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: BLANK
Widget Content:
<i class="fa fa-life-ring" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<h3 class="widgettitle widget-title">
Passionately Supported
With a team of enthusiastic WP geeks you're never more than an email away from receiving top-notch theme support.
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Home Top #3
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: BLANK
Widget Content:
<i class="fa fa-wrench" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<h3 class="widgettitle widget-title">
Regularly Updated
Our team takes pride in squashing bugs, refining features, and making sure that updates are always on time.
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Home Middle #1
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: What Sets Us Apart?
Widget Content:
We're not just any old WordPress Theme Shop. We've been slinging code and support growing online communities for almost a decade now and we're just getting started. Our track record for provding top-quality code and support that is second to none is, well, second to none.
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Home Bottom #1
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: Our Latest Premium Themes
Widget Content:
[recent_products per_page="3" columns="3"]
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Fat Footer 1
Widget Type: Recent Posts
Widget Title: EMPTY
Setup: Number of posts to show = 5
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Fat Footer 2
Widget Type: Genesis eNews Extended
Widget Title: Sign Up To Our Newsletter
Setup: Add your own Form Action code, Button Text = Sign Up
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Fat Footer 3
Widget Type: Products
Widget Title: Our Latest Premium Themes!
Setup: Number of products to show = 3
== END Widget Area Info ==
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