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watchOS API diff from stable
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Xamarin.WatchOS SDK API diff: 14.16.0 vs 14.99.0
List of API changes between Xamarin.WatchOS versions 14.16.0 and 14.99.0.

Xamarin.WatchOS SDK API diff: 14.16.0 vs 14.99.0

Namespace AVFoundation

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVPlayerInterstitialEvent

Obsoleted properties:

 [Obsolete ("Use 'TemplateItems' instead.")]
 public virtual AVPlayerItem[] InterstitialTemplateItems { get; }

Removed methods:

public static AVPlayerInterstitialEvent GetInterstitialEvent (AVPlayerItem primaryItem, CoreMedia.CMTime time, AVPlayerItem[] templateItems, AVPlayerInterstitialEventRestrictions restrictions, CoreMedia.CMTime resumptionOffset);
public static AVPlayerInterstitialEvent GetInterstitialEvent (AVPlayerItem primaryItem, Foundation.NSDate date, AVPlayerItem[] templateItems, AVPlayerInterstitialEventRestrictions restrictions, CoreMedia.CMTime resumptionOffset);
public static AVPlayerInterstitialEvent GetPlayerInterstitialEvent (AVPlayerItem primaryItem, CoreMedia.CMTime time, AVPlayerItem[] interstitialTemplateItems, AVPlayerInterstitialEventRestrictions restrictions, CoreMedia.CMTime resumptionOffset);
public static AVPlayerInterstitialEvent GetPlayerInterstitialEvent (AVPlayerItem primaryItem, Foundation.NSDate date, AVPlayerItem[] interstitialTemplateItems, AVPlayerInterstitialEventRestrictions restrictions, CoreMedia.CMTime resumptionOffset);

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVPlayerInterstitialEventController

Obsoleted properties:

 [Obsolete ("Use 'Events' instead.")]
 public virtual AVPlayerInterstitialEvent[] InterstitialEvents { get; set; }

Obsoleted methods:

 [Obsolete ("Use 'GetInterstitialEventController' instead.")]
 public static AVPlayerInterstitialEventController GetPlayerInterstitialEventController (AVPlayer primaryPlayer);

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVPlayerInterstitialEventObserver

Obsoleted properties:

 [Obsolete ("Use 'Events' instead.")]
 public virtual AVPlayerInterstitialEvent[] InterstitialEvents { get; }

Removed method:

public static AVPlayerInterstitialEventObserver GetPlayerInterstitialEventObserver (AVPlayer primaryPlayer);

Namespace CoreFoundation

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFBundle

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFBundle.Architecture

Modified fields:

-ARM = 18
+ARM = 12
-ARM64 = 16777234
+ARM64 = 16777228
-PPC = 24
+PPC = 18
-PPC64 = 16777240
+PPC64 = 16777234

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFString

Added methods:

public static string FromHandle (IntPtr handle);
public static string FromHandle (IntPtr handle, bool releaseHandle);

Namespace CoreText

Type Changed: CoreText.CTRunDelegate

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTRunDelegate ();

Type Changed: CoreText.CTRunDelegateOperations

Added property:

public IntPtr Handle { get; }

Namespace Foundation

Type Changed: Foundation.NSString

Obsoleted methods:

 [Obsolete ("Use of 'CFString.FromHandle' offers better performance.")]
 public static string FromHandle (IntPtr usrhandle);
 [Obsolete ("Use of 'CFString.FromHandle' offers better performance.")]
 public static string FromHandle (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Namespace MapKit

Type Changed: MapKit.MKMapItem

Modified methods:

 public bool OpenMaps (MKMapItem[] mapItems--- = NULL---, MKLaunchOptions launchOptions = NULL)

Namespace ObjCRuntime

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.Constants

Modified fields:

-public const string SdkVersion = "7.4";
+public const string SdkVersion = "8.0";
-public const string Version = "14.16.0";
+public const string Version = "14.99.0";

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.PlatformName

Obsoleted fields:

 [Obsolete ("Use 'MacCatalyst' instead.")]
 UIKitForMac = 5,

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.Runtime

Added method:

public static void ThrowException (IntPtr gchandle);

Namespace WatchKit

Type Changed: WatchKit.WKRefreshBackgroundTask

Added property:

public virtual System.Action ExpirationHandler { get; set; }
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