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Created July 23, 2022 17:27
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英文 中文
Verdant Planks 翠绿木板
Stalker Eye 潜行者之眼
End Iron Ore 末地铁矿石
Orange Shell Tiles 橙色壳砖
Radiation Damage 辐射伤害
Toxishelf Fungus 毒多孔菌
Stripped Verdant Hyphae 去皮翠绿菌核
Gain enough Radioactivity to gain Fatal Radiation Poisoning 获得足够的放射性来获得致命的辐射伤害
Potion of Illuminating 发光药水
Seldge Patch Air 塞尔奇空气补丁
Verdant Moss 翠绿苔藓
Seldge Slab 塞尔奇台阶
Eat a Luck Root while on Half a Heart 在只有半颗心时吃幸运之根
End Rye Bread 末地黑麦面包
End Rubble 末地碎石
Lingering Potion of Equalization 滞留型平衡药水
Luck Root 幸运之根
Block placed 方块放置
Cerulean Stem 晶蓝菌柄
Verdant Fence Gate 翠绿栅栏门
Cracked Malachite Bricks 裂纹孔雀石砖
Purpur Bricks 紫珀砖
Malachite Pillar 孔雀石柱
Blue Shell Tiles 蓝色壳砖
Malachite Tiles 孔雀石瓷砖
Seldge Ring Fern 塞尔奇环形蕨
End Iron Ore 末地铁矿石
Cerulean Slab 晶蓝台阶
Tall Verdant Grass 高大的翠绿草丛
End Stone Slab 末地石台阶
Malachite Brick Slab 孔雀石砖台阶
Malachite Tile Wall 孔雀石瓷砖墙
Adamantite Leggings 精金护腿
Stripped Seldge Hyphae 去皮塞尔奇菌核
Something fell 物品掉落
Chorus Stew 紫颂果炖菜
Light Gray Shell Tiles 淡灰色壳砖
Ringling Digging 林灵挖掘
Experience Radiation 体验辐射
Cerulean Pressure Plate 晶蓝压力板
Nullstone 虚空石
Cerulean Planks 晶蓝木板
Mine Malachite Ore in an enclosed area and get Poisoned 在一个封闭的地方开采孔雀石矿并中了毒
Copy and Paste 复制和粘贴
Get a Life 获得一条生命
Purple Shell Tiles 紫色壳砖
Step on a Underlily beneath the End Islands 站在末地群岛下面的晶蓝吊兰上
Polished Nullstone Stairs 磨制虚空石楼梯
Rooted End Stone 缠根末地石
Seldge Biome 塞尔奇生物群系
Metallic Waste 金属废料
Lime Shell Tiles 黄绿色壳砖
Verdant Grass 翠绿草丛
Polished Malachite Wall 磨制孔雀石墙
Cerulean Lamp 晶蓝灯
Malachite Bricks 孔雀石砖
Verdant Door 翠绿门
Bundle of End Rye 末地黑麦捆
Space Fumes 烟尘空间
Ringling 林灵
Adamantite Axe 精金斧
Seldge Hyphae 塞尔奇菌核
Cerulean Bud 晶蓝花苞
Enlightened End Biome Spawning Enlightened End 生物群系生成
Seldge Patch Air 塞尔奇空气补丁
Green Shell Tiles 绿色壳砖
Ennegel 恩尼格尔凝胶
Seldge Stairs 塞尔奇楼梯
Scopophobia 被窥视的恐俱
Radjelly Glow Sac 辐射果冻荧光囊
Just so Lucky! 真是太幸运了!
Standing Tall 高高在上
Face your fears 面对你的恐惧
Watcher On 激活的观察者
Radjelly Spawn Egg 辐射果冻刷怪蛋
Endrye Seeds 末地黑麦种子
Capture an End Portal using a Portal Capsule 使用传送门胶囊捕获一个末地传送门
Heavy Metal 重金属
Endrye Seeds 末地黑麦种子
Raw Stalker 生潜行者肉
Stalker Spawn Egg 潜行者刷怪蛋
Empty Radjelly Glow Sac 空的辐射果冻荧光囊
Seldge Eylium 塞尔奇菌石
Cerulean Fence 晶蓝栅栏
Cerulean Hyphae 晶蓝菌核
Nullstone Brick Slab 虚空石砖台阶
Splash Potion of Vigorousness 喷溅型活力药水
If this is set to true; ringlings will dig up cataclysmite if on Seldge Eylium 如果设置为(true),如果在塞尔奇菌石上,林灵挖出毁灭尘
End Stone Wall 末地石墙
Seldge Door 塞尔奇门
Seldge Trapdoor 塞尔奇活板门
Glow Rod 荧光烛
Equalized 平衡
End Iron Ore Generation 末地铁矿石的生成
Pink Shell Tiles 粉红色壳砖
Ennegel Ring Fern Seeds 恩尼格尔环形蕨种子
Ring Fern Sprout 2 环形蕨芽 2
End Stone Stairs 末地石楼梯
Adamantite Nugget 精金粒
Cerulean Branch 晶蓝树枝
Cerulean Biome 晶蓝生物群系
The End Islands 末地群岛
Chorus Weeds 紫颂杂草
Nullstone Brick Stairs 虚空石砖楼梯
Cracked Nullstone Bricks 裂纹虚空石砖
Crusting Malachite 尖状孔雀石
Verdant Hyphae 翠绿菌核
Verdant Trapdoor 翠绿活板门
Block of Adamantite 精金块
Cracked Purpur Bricks 裂纹紫珀砖
Polished Malachite Stairs 磨制孔雀石楼梯
Verdant Leaves 翠绿树叶
Multiversal Diet 多样化饮食
Verdant Slab 翠绿台阶
Real Visopod Hours 真正的甲壳虫时间
Malachite Brick Stairs 孔雀石砖楼梯
Malachite Pressure Plate 孔雀石压力板
Seldge Planks 塞尔奇木板
Malachite Shard 孔雀石碎片
Stalker 潜行者
Adamantite Ingot 精金锭
Polished Malachite Slab 磨制孔雀石台阶
Malachite Slab 孔雀石台阶
Music Disc 音乐唱片
Nullstone Pressure Plate 虚空石压力板
Splash Potion of Illuminating 喷溅型发光药水
Voidslayer 虚空之神
Eat Chorus Stew 食用紫颂炖菜
Obtain an Adamantite Ingot 获得精金锭
Rich Vines 丰茂的藤蔓
Seldge Bush 塞尔奇灌木
Verdant Stairs 翠绿楼梯
Nullstone Bricks 虚空石砖
Collider 碰撞者
Verdant Biome 翠绿生物群系
Verdant Button 翠绿按钮
If set to true; players will be able to capture End Portals using Portal Capsules 如果设置为 (true),玩家将能够使用传送门胶囊来捕获末地传送门。
Stripped Cerulean Hyphae 去皮晶蓝菌核
Seldge Sapling 塞尔奇树苗
Collider 碰撞者
Cook and eat Stalker Meat 烹饪和食用潜行者肉
Mine Metallic Waste 开采金属废料
Handle with Care 谨慎处理
Cerulean Succulent 晶蓝多肉
Radiant Bulb 辐射花苞
Nullstone Button 虚空石按钮
Stripped Seldge Stem 去皮塞尔奇菌柄
Be spied on by a Stalker 被潜行者窥视
Nullstone 虚空石
Cataclysmite 毁灭尘
Bowl of Baby Visopod 甲壳虫宝宝碗
Black Shell Tiles 黑色壳砖
White Shell Tiles 白色壳砖
Waxed Nullstone 涂蜡虚空石
Adamantite Boots 精金靴子
Transitioning End Portal 便携末地传送门
Play the Tall Music Disc at Y 127 or above 在Y127或以上播放音乐光盘(Tall)
Malachite Button 孔雀石按钮
Infested Endstone 被虫蚀的末地石
Radjelly 辐射果冻
Adamantite Chunk 精金碎块
Ennegel Ring 恩尼格尔环
Equip a full set of Adamantite Armour 装备一套完整的精金盔甲
Capsule of End Portal 末地传送门胶囊
Cataclysmite Paste 毁灭尘泥
Polished Malachite 磨制孔雀石
Stripped Cerulean Stem 去皮晶蓝菌柄
Seldge Fence 塞尔奇栅栏
Nullstone Brick Wall 虚空石砖墙
Radiant Cerulean Underlily 辐射晶蓝吊兰
Hidden from Time 隐藏在时间之外
Splash Potion of Equalization 喷溅型平衡药水
Nullstone Wall 虚空石墙
%1$s turned into nuclear waste %1$s 变成了核废料
Polished Nullstone Slab 磨制虚空石台阶
Block broken 方块:被破坏
Radiant Lamp 辐射灯
Malachite Stairs 孔雀石楼梯
Red Shell Tiles 红色壳砖
Adamantite Sword 精金剑
Verdant Eylium 翠绿菌石
Lingering Potion of Illuminating 滞留型发光药水
Potion of Vigorousness 活力药水
End Rye 末地黑麦
Cracked Malachite Tiles 裂纹孔雀石瓷砖
Block placed 方块:被放置
Adamantite Chestplate 精金胸甲
Shell Tiles 壳砖
Tube Sprouts 管状新芽
Cataclysmic Rubble 毁灭尘碎石
Verdant Pressure Plate 翠绿压力板
Ringling Spawn Egg 林灵刷怪蛋
Adamantite Helmet 精金头盔
Malachite Ore 孔雀石矿石
Malachite Tile Slab 孔雀石瓷砖台阶
Seldge Pressure Plate 塞尔奇压力板
Arrow of Equalization 平衡之箭
Pick up a Baby Visopod using a Bowl 用碗拿起一只甲壳虫宝宝
Malachite Lamp 孔雀石灯
Footsteps 脚印
Brown Shell Tiles 棕色壳砖
Flarebug Spawn Egg 萤火虫刷怪蛋
Arrow of Vigorousness 活力之箭
Seldge Button 塞尔奇按钮
Isopod Nest 甲壳虫巢穴
Flarebug Sac 萤火虫囊
Visopod 甲壳虫
Baby Visopod Spawn Egg 甲壳虫宝宝刷怪蛋
Adamantite Shovel 精金锹
Verdant Shroomlight 翠绿菌光体
Malachite Lantern 孔雀石灯笼
Seldge Ring Fern Stem 塞尔奇环形蕨茎
Malachite Wall 孔雀石墙
Potion of Equalization 平衡药水
Radiation Fever 辐射热
Cataclysmic Sand 毁灭尘沙
Malachite Brick Wall 孔雀石砖墙
Watcher 观察者
Seldge Fence Gate 塞尔奇栅栏门
Polished Nullstone Wall 磨制虚空石墙
Visopod Nest Spawning 甲壳虫巢穴生成
Cerulean Button 晶蓝按钮
Nullstone Outcrop 虚空石尖角
Baby Visopod 甲壳虫宝宝
Malachite Toxcicity 孔雀石毒性
Gray Shell Tiles 灰色壳砖
Cooked Stalker 熟潜行者肉
Block of Adamantite Chunk 精金碎块方块
Verdant Fence 翠绿栅栏
Cerulean Underlily 晶蓝吊兰
Verdant Tubes 翠绿管状植物
Malachite Tile Stairs 孔雀石瓷砖楼梯
End Rye Seeds 末地黑麦种子
Cerulean Trapdoor 晶蓝活板门
If set to false; Baby Visopods will not spawn from Visopod Nests 如果设置为 (false),甲壳虫宝宝将不会从甲壳虫巢穴中生成
Cerulean Vines 晶蓝藤蔓
Malachite Block 孔雀石方块
Universal Diet 普遍饮食
Cerulean Door 晶蓝门
Nullstone Slab 虚空石台阶
Irradiated 辐射
Adamantite Hoe 精金锄
Lingering Potion of Vigorousness 滞留型活力药水
Heavier Metals 更重的金属
%1$s forgot to take a breather %1$s 忘了呼吸
If set to false; Enlightened End Biomes will not generate 如果设置为(false),Enlightened End 生物群落将不会生成
Adamantite Pickaxe 精金镐
Block breaking 方块:损坏中
Footsteps 脚印
Arrow of Illuminating 发光之箭
End Portal Capturing 捕获末地传送门
If set to true; entites that are not immune to radiation will take radiation damage 如果设置为(true),对辐射没有免疫力的实体将受到辐射伤害
Yellow Shell Tiles 黄色壳砖
Dyspneic 呼吸困难
Walk into Shadowsilver Paste 走进毁灭尘泥
Seldge Sprout 塞尔奇嫩芽
Stripped Verdant Stem 去皮翠绿菌柄
If this is set to true; malachite will poison players if they are mining malachite in an enclosed area 如果设置为(true),玩家在一个封闭的区域内开采孔雀石,孔雀石会使玩家中毒。
Light Blue Shell Tiles 淡蓝色壳砖
Oddities surrounding the Terrain 地形周围的奇特之处
Magenta Shell Tiles 品红色壳砖
Verdant Sapling 翠绿树苗
Eat an Ennegel Ring and gain the Health Boost Effect 吃一个恩尼格尔环,获得生命提升效果
Cyan Shell Tiles 青色壳砖
If set to false; End Iron Ore will not generate. 如果设置为(false),末地铁矿石将不会生成
Eat an End Delight 食用末地乐事
End Rose 末地玫瑰
Cerulean Fence Gate 晶蓝栅栏门
Polished Nullstone 磨制虚空石
Toxishroom 毒蘑菇
Cerulean Stairs 晶蓝楼梯
Cracked End Stone Bricks 裂纹末地石砖
Verdant Stem 翠绿菌柄
Stripped Cerulean Branch 去皮晶蓝树枝
Nullstone Stairs 虚空石楼梯
Seldge Stem 塞尔奇菌柄
End Nucleus 末地核心
Verdant Moss Bottom 翠绿苔藓底端
Visopod Spawn Egg 甲壳虫刷怪蛋
Chorus Sprouts 紫颂芽
Extra Limb or Two 额外的四肢或两肢
Dim Radiant Bulb 昏暗辐射花苞
Portal Capsule 传送门胶囊
End Delight 末地乐事
Seldge Ring Fern Top 塞尔奇环形蕨顶部
Ground Fern Ground Fern
Chorus Thatch Chorus Thatch
Naps the Block - Tall Naps the Block - Tall
Key 英文 中文
block.nourished_end.verdant_planks Verdant Planks 翠绿木板
item.nourished_end.stalker_eye Stalker Eye 潜行者之眼
block.nourished_end.end_iron_ore End Iron Ore 末地铁矿石
block.nourished_end.orange_shell_tiles Orange Shell Tiles 橙色壳砖
gamerule.radiationDamage Radiation Damage 辐射伤害
block.nourished_end.abyssal_shelf_fungus Toxishelf Fungus 毒多孔菌
block.nourished_end.stripped_verdant_hyphae Stripped Verdant Hyphae 去皮翠绿菌核
advancements.radiation_fever.descr Gain enough Radioactivity to gain Fatal Radiation Poisoning 获得足够的放射性来获得致命的辐射伤害
item.minecraft.potion.effect.illuminating Potion of Illuminating 发光药水
block.nourished_end.seldge_patch_air Seldge Patch Air 塞尔奇空气补丁
block.nourished_end.verdant_moss Verdant Moss 翠绿苔藓
block.nourished_end.seldge_slab Seldge Slab 塞尔奇台阶
advancements.just_so_lucky.descr Eat a Luck Root while on Half a Heart 在只有半颗心时吃幸运之根
item.nourished_end.rye_bread End Rye Bread 末地黑麦面包
block.nourished_end.end_rubble End Rubble 末地碎石
item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.equalized_potion Lingering Potion of Equalization 滞留型平衡药水
block.nourished_end.tube_root Luck Root 幸运之根
subtitles.ender_slime_place Block placed 方块放置
block.nourished_end.cerulean_stem_thick Cerulean Stem 晶蓝菌柄
block.nourished_end.verdant_fence_gate Verdant Fence Gate 翠绿栅栏门
block.nourished_end.cracked_malachite_bricks Cracked Malachite Bricks 裂纹孔雀石砖
block.nourished_end.purpur_bricks Purpur Bricks 紫珀砖
block.nourished_end.malachite_pillar Malachite Pillar 孔雀石柱
block.nourished_end.blue_shell_tiles Blue Shell Tiles 蓝色壳砖
block.nourished_end.malachite_tiles Malachite Tiles 孔雀石瓷砖
block.nourished_end.seldge_fan_plant Seldge Ring Fern 塞尔奇环形蕨
block.sustainableend.end_iron_ore End Iron Ore 末地铁矿石
block.nourished_end.cerulean_slab Cerulean Slab 晶蓝台阶
block.nourished_end.verdant_tall_grass Tall Verdant Grass 高大的翠绿草丛
block.nourished_end.end_stone_slab End Stone Slab 末地石台阶
block.nourished_end.malachite_brick_slab Malachite Brick Slab 孔雀石砖台阶
block.nourished_end.malachite_tile_wall Malachite Tile Wall 孔雀石瓷砖墙
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_armor_leggings Adamantite Leggings 精金护腿
block.nourished_end.stripped_seldge_hyphae Stripped Seldge Hyphae 去皮塞尔奇菌核
subtitles.ender_slime_fall Something fell 物品掉落
item.nourished_end.chorus_soup Chorus Stew 紫颂果炖菜
block.nourished_end.light_gray_shell_tiles Light Gray Shell Tiles 淡灰色壳砖
gamerule.ringlingDigging Ringling Digging 林灵挖掘
advancements.radiation_advancement.descr Experience Radiation 体验辐射
block.nourished_end.cerulean_pressure_plate Cerulean Pressure Plate 晶蓝压力板
block.sustainableend.nullstone Nullstone 虚空石
block.nourished_end.cerulean_planks Cerulean Planks 晶蓝木板
advancements.malachite_advancement.descr Mine Malachite Ore in an enclosed area and get Poisoned 在一个封闭的地方开采孔雀石矿并中了毒
advancements.pasted.title Copy and Paste 复制和粘贴
advancements.ennegel_ring_eaten.title Get a Life 获得一条生命
block.nourished_end.purple_shell_tiles Purple Shell Tiles 紫色壳砖
advancements.enderneath_advancement.descr Step on a Underlily beneath the End Islands 站在末地群岛下面的晶蓝吊兰上
block.nourished_end.polished_nullstone_stairs Polished Nullstone Stairs 磨制虚空石楼梯
block.sustainableend.rooted_end_stone Rooted End Stone 缠根末地石
block.nourished_end.abyssal_air Seldge Biome 塞尔奇生物群系
block.nourished_end.voidsteel_ore Metallic Waste 金属废料
block.nourished_end.lime_shell_tiles Lime Shell Tiles 黄绿色壳砖
block.nourished_end.verdant_grass Verdant Grass 翠绿草丛
block.nourished_end.polished_malachite_wall Polished Malachite Wall 磨制孔雀石墙
block.nourished_end.radiant_lamp Cerulean Lamp 晶蓝灯
block.nourished_end.malachite_bricks Malachite Bricks 孔雀石砖
block.nourished_end.verdant_door Verdant Door 翠绿门
block.nourished_end.end_rye_thatch Bundle of End Rye 末地黑麦捆
advancements.malachite_advancement.title Space Fumes 烟尘空间
entity.nourished_end.ringling Ringling 林灵
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_axe Adamantite Axe 精金斧
block.nourished_end.seldge_hyphae Seldge Hyphae 塞尔奇菌核
block.nourished_end.enderneath_bud Cerulean Bud 晶蓝花苞
gamerule.eEBiomeSpawning Enlightened End Biome Spawning Enlightened End 生物群系生成
block.nourished_end.verdant_patch_air Seldge Patch Air 塞尔奇空气补丁
block.nourished_end.green_shell_tiles Green Shell Tiles 绿色壳砖
block.nourished_end.chorus_bulb Ennegel 恩尼格尔凝胶
block.nourished_end.seldge_stairs Seldge Stairs 塞尔奇楼梯
advancements.scopophobia.title Scopophobia 被窥视的恐俱
item.nourished_end.radjelly_glow_sac Radjelly Glow Sac 辐射果冻荧光囊
advancements.just_so_lucky.title Just so Lucky! 真是太幸运了!
advancements.standing_tall.title Standing Tall 高高在上
advancements.cooked_stalker_meat_advancement.title Face your fears 面对你的恐惧
block.nourished_end.watcher_on Watcher On 激活的观察者
item.nourished_end.radjelly_spawn_egg Radjelly Spawn Egg 辐射果冻刷怪蛋
block.nourished_end.end_rye_3 Endrye Seeds 末地黑麦种子
advancements.voidsteel_capture_advancement.descr Capture an End Portal using a Portal Capsule 使用传送门胶囊捕获一个末地传送门
advancements.metallic_waste_advancement.title Heavy Metal 重金属
block.nourished_end.end_rye_2 Endrye Seeds 末地黑麦种子
item.nourished_end.raw_stalker Raw Stalker 生潜行者肉
item.nourished_end.cerulean_anglerfish_spawn_egg Stalker Spawn Egg 潜行者刷怪蛋
item.nourished_end.empty_radjelly_glow_sac Empty Radjelly Glow Sac 空的辐射果冻荧光囊
block.nourished_end.abyssal_eylium Seldge Eylium 塞尔奇菌石
block.nourished_end.cerulean_fence Cerulean Fence 晶蓝栅栏
block.nourished_end.cerulean_wood Cerulean Hyphae 晶蓝菌核
block.nourished_end.nullstone_brick_slab Nullstone Brick Slab 虚空石砖台阶
item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.vigorous_potion Splash Potion of Vigorousness 喷溅型活力药水
gamerule.ringlingDigging.description If this is set to true; ringlings will dig up cataclysmite if on Seldge Eylium 如果设置为(true),如果在塞尔奇菌石上,林灵挖出毁灭尘
block.nourished_end.end_stone_wall End Stone Wall 末地石墙
block.nourished_end.seldge_door Seldge Door 塞尔奇门
block.nourished_end.seldge_trapdoor Seldge Trapdoor 塞尔奇活板门
block.nourished_end.radiant_rod Glow Rod 荧光烛
effect.nourished_end.pastey Equalized 平衡
gamerule.endIronOreGeneration End Iron Ore Generation 末地铁矿石的生成
block.nourished_end.pink_shell_tiles Pink Shell Tiles 粉红色壳砖
block.nourished_end.ring_fern_sprout_1 Ennegel Ring Fern Seeds 恩尼格尔环形蕨种子
block.nourished_end.ring_fern_sprout_2 Ring Fern Sprout 2 环形蕨芽 2
block.nourished_end.end_stone_stairs End Stone Stairs 末地石楼梯
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_nugget Adamantite Nugget 精金粒
block.nourished_end.cerulean_stem Cerulean Branch 晶蓝树枝
block.nourished_end.cerulean_air Cerulean Biome 晶蓝生物群系
entity.nourished_end.Flarebug 萤火虫
advancements.end_high_lands_advancement.title The End Islands 末地群岛
block.sustainableend.chorus_weeds Chorus Weeds 紫颂杂草
block.nourished_end.nullstone_brick_stairs Nullstone Brick Stairs 虚空石砖楼梯
block.nourished_end.cracked_nullstone_bricks Cracked Nullstone Bricks 裂纹虚空石砖
block.nourished_end.crusting_malachite Crusting Malachite 尖状孔雀石
block.nourished_end.verdant_hyphae Verdant Hyphae 翠绿菌核
block.nourished_end.verdant_trapdoor Verdant Trapdoor 翠绿活板门
block.nourished_end.voidsteel_block Block of Adamantite 精金块
block.nourished_end.cracked_purpur_bricks Cracked Purpur Bricks 裂纹紫珀砖
block.nourished_end.polished_malachite_stairs Polished Malachite Stairs 磨制孔雀石楼梯
block.nourished_end.verdant_shroom_block Verdant Leaves 翠绿树叶
advancements.multiversal_diet.title Multiversal Diet 多样化饮食
block.nourished_end.verdant_slab Verdant Slab 翠绿台阶
advancements.bucket_manca.title Real Visopod Hours 真正的甲壳虫时间
block.nourished_end.malachite_brick_stairs Malachite Brick Stairs 孔雀石砖楼梯
block.nourished_end.malachite_pressure_plate Malachite Pressure Plate 孔雀石压力板
block.nourished_end.seldge_planks Seldge Planks 塞尔奇木板
item.nourished_end.malachite Malachite Shard 孔雀石碎片
entity.nourished_end.cerulean_anglerfish Stalker 潜行者
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_ingot Adamantite Ingot 精金锭
block.nourished_end.polished_malachite_slab Polished Malachite Slab 磨制孔雀石台阶
block.nourished_end.malachite_slab Malachite Slab 孔雀石台阶
item.nourished_end.tall_music_disc Music Disc 音乐唱片
block.nourished_end.nullstone_pressure_plate Nullstone Pressure Plate 虚空石压力板
item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.illuminating Splash Potion of Illuminating 喷溅型发光药水
advancements.voidsteel_armor_advancement.title Voidslayer 虚空之神
advancements.universal_diet.descr Eat Chorus Stew 食用紫颂炖菜
advancements.voidsteel_advancement.descr Obtain an Adamantite Ingot 获得精金锭
item.nourished_end.verdant_moss_item Rich Vines 丰茂的藤蔓
block.nourished_end.seldge_bush Seldge Bush 塞尔奇灌木
block.nourished_end.verdant_stairs Verdant Stairs 翠绿楼梯
block.nourished_end.nullstone_bricks Nullstone Bricks 虚空石砖
block.nourished_end.collider_on Collider 碰撞者
block.nourished_end.verdant_air Verdant Biome 翠绿生物群系
block.nourished_end.verdant_button Verdant Button 翠绿按钮
gamerule.endPortalCapturing.description If set to true; players will be able to capture End Portals using Portal Capsules 如果设置为 (true),玩家将能够使用传送门胶囊来捕获末地传送门。
block.nourished_end.stripped_cerulean_hyphae Stripped Cerulean Hyphae 去皮晶蓝菌核
block.nourished_end.seldge_sapling Seldge Sapling 塞尔奇树苗
block.nourished_end.collider_off Collider 碰撞者
advancements.cooked_stalker_meat_advancement.descr Cook and eat Stalker Meat 烹饪和食用潜行者肉
advancements.metallic_waste_advancement.descr Mine Metallic Waste 开采金属废料
advancements.voidsteel_capture_advancement.title Handle with Care 谨慎处理
block.nourished_end.cerulean_grass Cerulean Succulent 晶蓝多肉
block.nourished_end.cerulean_bulb Radiant Bulb 辐射花苞
block.nourished_end.nullstone_button Nullstone Button 虚空石按钮
block.nourished_end.stripped_seldge_log Stripped Seldge Stem 去皮塞尔奇菌柄
advancements.scopophobia.descr Be spied on by a Stalker 被潜行者窥视
block.nourished_end.nullstone Nullstone 虚空石
item.nourished_end.raw_shadow_silver Cataclysmite 毁灭尘
item.nourished_end.manca_bowl Bowl of Baby Visopod 甲壳虫宝宝碗
block.nourished_end.black_shell_tiles Black Shell Tiles 黑色壳砖
block.nourished_end.white_shell_tiles White Shell Tiles 白色壳砖
block.nourished_end.waxed_nullstone Waxed Nullstone 涂蜡虚空石
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_armor_boots Adamantite Boots 精金靴子
block.nourished_end.transitioning_end_portal Transitioning End Portal 便携末地传送门
advancements.standing_tall.descr Play the Tall Music Disc at Y 127 or above 在Y127或以上播放音乐光盘(Tall)
block.nourished_end.malachite_button Malachite Button 孔雀石按钮
block.nourished_end.infested_endstone Infested Endstone 被虫蚀的末地石
entity.nourished_end.radjelly Radjelly 辐射果冻
item.nourished_end.raw_voidsteel Adamantite Chunk 精金碎块
item.nourished_end.ennegel_ring Ennegel Ring 恩尼格尔环
advancements.voidsteel_armor_advancement.descr Equip a full set of Adamantite Armour 装备一套完整的精金盔甲
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_capsule_end_portal Capsule of End Portal 末地传送门胶囊
block.nourished_end.chorus_paste Cataclysmite Paste 毁灭尘泥
block.nourished_end.polished_malachite Polished Malachite 磨制孔雀石
block.nourished_end.cerulean_stem_stripped Stripped Cerulean Stem 去皮晶蓝菌柄
block.nourished_end.seldge_fence Seldge Fence 塞尔奇栅栏
block.nourished_end.nullstone_brick_wall Nullstone Brick Wall 虚空石砖墙
block.nourished_end.radiant_curulean_under_lily Radiant Cerulean Underlily 辐射晶蓝吊兰
advancements.enderneath_advancement.title Hidden from Time 隐藏在时间之外
item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.equalized_potion Splash Potion of Equalization 喷溅型平衡药水
block.nourished_end.nullstone_wall Nullstone Wall 虚空石墙
death.attack.radiation %1$s turned into nuclear waste %1$s 变成了核废料
block.nourished_end.polished_nullstone_slab Polished Nullstone Slab 磨制虚空石台阶
subtitles.ennegel_mine Block broken 方块:被破坏
block.nourished_end.radiant_lamp_off Radiant Lamp 辐射灯
block.nourished_end.malachite_stairs Malachite Stairs 孔雀石楼梯
block.nourished_end.red_shell_tiles Red Shell Tiles 红色壳砖
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_sword Adamantite Sword 精金剑
block.nourished_end.verdant_eylium Verdant Eylium 翠绿菌石
item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.illuminating Lingering Potion of Illuminating 滞留型发光药水
item.minecraft.potion.effect.vigorous_potion Potion of Vigorousness 活力药水
item.nourished_end.end_rye End Rye 末地黑麦
block.nourished_end.cracked_malachite_tiles Cracked Malachite Tiles 裂纹孔雀石瓷砖
subtitles.ennegel_place Block placed 方块:被放置
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_armor_chestplate Adamantite Chestplate 精金胸甲
block.nourished_end.shulker_shell_block Shell Tiles 壳砖
block.nourished_end.tube_sprouts Tube Sprouts 管状新芽
block.nourished_end.cataclysmic_sand Cataclysmic Rubble 毁灭尘碎石
block.nourished_end.verdant_pressure_plate Verdant Pressure Plate 翠绿压力板
item.nourished_end.ringling_spawn_egg Ringling Spawn Egg 林灵刷怪蛋
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_armor_helmet Adamantite Helmet 精金头盔
block.nourished_end.malachite_ore Malachite Ore 孔雀石矿石
block.nourished_end.malachite_tile_slab Malachite Tile Slab 孔雀石瓷砖台阶
block.nourished_end.seldge_pressure_plate Seldge Pressure Plate 塞尔奇压力板
item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.equalized_potion Arrow of Equalization 平衡之箭
advancements.bucket_manca.descr Pick up a Baby Visopod using a Bowl 用碗拿起一只甲壳虫宝宝
block.nourished_end.dim_malachite_lamp Malachite Lamp 孔雀石灯
subtitles.step_ender_slime Footsteps 脚印
block.nourished_end.brown_shell_tiles Brown Shell Tiles 棕色壳砖
item.nourished_end.flarebug_spawn_egg Flarebug Spawn Egg 萤火虫刷怪蛋
item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.vigorous_potion Arrow of Vigorousness 活力之箭
block.nourished_end.seldge_button Seldge Button 塞尔奇按钮
block.nourished_end.isopod_nest Isopod Nest 甲壳虫巢穴
item.nourished_end.flarebug_sac Flarebug Sac 萤火虫囊
entity.nourished_end.giant_isopod Visopod 甲壳虫
item.nourished_end.isopod_spawn_egg Baby Visopod Spawn Egg 甲壳虫宝宝刷怪蛋
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_shovel Adamantite Shovel 精金锹
block.nourished_end.verdant_shroomlight Verdant Shroomlight 翠绿菌光体
block.nourished_end.malachite_lamp Malachite Lantern 孔雀石灯笼
block.nourished_end.seldge_fan_plant_empty Seldge Ring Fern Stem 塞尔奇环形蕨茎
block.nourished_end.malachite_wall Malachite Wall 孔雀石墙
item.minecraft.potion.effect.equalized_potion Potion of Equalization 平衡药水
advancements.radiation_fever.title Radiation Fever 辐射热
block.nourished_end.cataclysmic_sand_falling Cataclysmic Sand 毁灭尘沙
block.nourished_end.malachite_brick_wall Malachite Brick Wall 孔雀石砖墙
block.nourished_end.watcher_off Watcher 观察者
block.nourished_end.seldge_fence_gate Seldge Fence Gate 塞尔奇栅栏门
block.nourished_end.polished_nullstone_wall Polished Nullstone Wall 磨制虚空石墙
gamerule.visopodNestSpawning Visopod Nest Spawning 甲壳虫巢穴生成
block.nourished_end.cerulean_button Cerulean Button 晶蓝按钮
block.nourished_end.nullstone_outcrop Nullstone Outcrop 虚空石尖角
entity.nourished_end.isopod Baby Visopod 甲壳虫宝宝
gamerule.malachiteToxcitity Malachite Toxcicity 孔雀石毒性
block.nourished_end.gray_shell_tiles Gray Shell Tiles 灰色壳砖
item.nourished_end.cooked_stalker Cooked Stalker 熟潜行者肉
block.nourished_end.raw_voidsteel_block Block of Adamantite Chunk 精金碎块方块
block.nourished_end.verdant_fence Verdant Fence 翠绿栅栏
block.nourished_end.cerulean_underlily Cerulean Underlily 晶蓝吊兰
block.nourished_end.tube_sprouts_empty Verdant Tubes 翠绿管状植物
block.nourished_end.malachite_tile_stairs Malachite Tile Stairs 孔雀石瓷砖楼梯
block.nourished_end.endrye_1 End Rye Seeds 末地黑麦种子
block.nourished_end.cerulean_trapdoor Cerulean Trapdoor 晶蓝活板门
gamerule.visopodNestSpawning.description If set to false; Baby Visopods will not spawn from Visopod Nests 如果设置为 (false),甲壳虫宝宝将不会从甲壳虫巢穴中生成
block.nourished_end.cerulean_vine Cerulean Vines 晶蓝藤蔓
block.nourished_end.blockofmalachite Malachite Block 孔雀石方块
advancements.universal_diet.title Universal Diet 普遍饮食
block.nourished_end.cerulean_door Cerulean Door 晶蓝门
block.nourished_end.nullstone_slab Nullstone Slab 虚空石台阶
effect.nourished_end.irradiated Irradiated 辐射
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_hoe Adamantite Hoe 精金锄
item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.vigorous_potion Lingering Potion of Vigorousness 滞留型活力药水
advancements.voidsteel_advancement.title Heavier Metals 更重的金属
death.attack.dyspneic %1$s forgot to take a breather %1$s 忘了呼吸
gamerule.eEBiomeSpawning.description If set to false; Enlightened End Biomes will not generate 如果设置为(false),Enlightened End 生物群落将不会生成
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_pickaxe Adamantite Pickaxe 精金镐
subtitles.hit_ender_slime Block breaking 方块:损坏中
subtitles.ennegel_step Footsteps 脚印
item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.illuminating Arrow of Illuminating 发光之箭
gamerule.endPortalCapturing End Portal Capturing 捕获末地传送门
gamerule.radiationDamage.description If set to true; entites that are not immune to radiation will take radiation damage 如果设置为(true),对辐射没有免疫力的实体将受到辐射伤害
block.nourished_end.yellow_shulker_tiles Yellow Shell Tiles 黄色壳砖
effect.nourished_end.dyspneic Dyspneic 呼吸困难
advancements.pasted.descr Walk into Shadowsilver Paste 走进毁灭尘泥
block.nourished_end.end_weeds Seldge Sprout 塞尔奇嫩芽
block.nourished_end.stripped_verdant_stem Stripped Verdant Stem 去皮翠绿菌柄
gamerule.malachiteToxcitity.description If this is set to true; malachite will poison players if they are mining malachite in an enclosed area 如果设置为(true),玩家在一个封闭的区域内开采孔雀石,孔雀石会使玩家中毒。
block.nourished_end.light_blue_shell_tiles Light Blue Shell Tiles 淡蓝色壳砖
advancements.end_high_lands_advancement.descr Oddities surrounding the Terrain 地形周围的奇特之处
block.nourished_end.magenta_shell_tiles Magenta Shell Tiles 品红色壳砖
block.nourished_end.verdant_sapling Verdant Sapling 翠绿树苗
advancements.ennegel_ring_eaten.descr Eat an Ennegel Ring and gain the Health Boost Effect 吃一个恩尼格尔环,获得生命提升效果
block.nourished_end.cyan_blue_shell_tiles Cyan Shell Tiles 青色壳砖
gamerule.endIronOreGeneration.description If set to false; End Iron Ore will not generate. 如果设置为(false),末地铁矿石将不会生成
advancements.multiversal_diet.descr Eat an End Delight 食用末地乐事
block.nourished_end.end_rose End Rose 末地玫瑰
block.nourished_end.cerulean_fence_gate Cerulean Fence Gate 晶蓝栅栏门
block.nourished_end.polished_nullstone Polished Nullstone 磨制虚空石
block.nourished_end.verdant_fungus Toxishroom 毒蘑菇
block.nourished_end.cerulean_stairs Cerulean Stairs 晶蓝楼梯
block.nourished_end.cracked_end_stone_bricks Cracked End Stone Bricks 裂纹末地石砖
block.nourished_end.verdant_stalk Verdant Stem 翠绿菌柄
block.nourished_end.stripped_cerulean_branch Stripped Cerulean Branch 去皮晶蓝树枝
block.nourished_end.nullstone_stairs Nullstone Stairs 虚空石楼梯
block.nourished_end.seldge_stem Seldge Stem 塞尔奇菌柄
item.nourished_end.end_nucleus End Nucleus 末地核心
block.nourished_end.verdant_moss_bottom Verdant Moss Bottom 翠绿苔藓底端
item.nourished_end.giant_isopod_spawn_egg Visopod Spawn Egg 甲壳虫刷怪蛋
block.sustainableend.chorus_sprouts Chorus Sprouts 紫颂芽
advancements.radiation_advancement.title Extra Limb or Two 额外的四肢或两肢
block.nourished_end.dim_cerulean_bulb Dim Radiant Bulb 昏暗辐射花苞
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_capsule Portal Capsule 传送门胶囊
item.nourished_end.end_delight End Delight 末地乐事
block.nourished_end.seldge_fan_plant_top Seldge Ring Fern Top 塞尔奇环形蕨顶部
block.nourished_end.fan_plant Ground Fern Ground Fern
block.sustainableend.chorus_thatch Chorus Thatch Chorus Thatch
item.nourished_end.tall_music_disc.desc Naps the Block - Tall Naps the Block - Tall
Key 英文 中文 检查结果
block.nourished_end.verdant_planks Verdant Planks 翠绿木板 ✔ 术语 planks => 木板
block.nourished_end.end_iron_ore End Iron Ore 末地铁矿石 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 iron ore => 铁矿石
✔ 术语 iron => 铁
✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.orange_shell_tiles Orange Shell Tiles 橙色壳砖 ✔ 术语 orange => 橙色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.abyssal_shelf_fungus Toxishelf Fungus 毒多孔菌 ⚠ 术语异常 fungus => 菌类
block.nourished_end.stripped_verdant_hyphae Stripped Verdant Hyphae 去皮翠绿菌核 ✔ 术语 hyphae => 菌核
✔ 术语 stripped => 去皮
item.minecraft.potion.effect.illuminating Potion of Illuminating 发光药水 ✔ 术语 potion => 药水
✔ 术语 potion of => 药水
block.nourished_end.seldge_patch_air Seldge Patch Air 塞尔奇空气补丁 ✔ 术语 air => 空气
block.nourished_end.seldge_slab Seldge Slab 塞尔奇台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
advancements.just_so_lucky.descr Eat a Luck Root while on Half a Heart 在只有半颗心时吃幸运之根 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 luck => 幸运
item.nourished_end.rye_bread End Rye Bread 末地黑麦面包 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 bread => 面包
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.end_rubble End Rubble 末地碎石 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.equalized_potion Lingering Potion of Equalization 滞留型平衡药水 ⚠ 术语异常 lingering potion => 滞留药水
✔ 术语 potion => 药水
⚠ 术语异常 lingering potion of => 滞留型药水
✔ 术语 potion of => 药水
block.nourished_end.tube_root Luck Root 幸运之根 ✔ 术语 luck => 幸运
subtitles.ender_slime_place Block placed 方块放置 ⚠ 术语异常 placed => 被放置
block.nourished_end.cerulean_stem_thick Cerulean Stem 晶蓝菌柄 ✔ 术语 stem => 菌柄
✔ 术语 stem => 茎, 柄
block.nourished_end.verdant_fence_gate Verdant Fence Gate 翠绿栅栏门 ✔ 术语 fence => 栅栏
✔ 术语 fence gate => 栅栏门
block.nourished_end.cracked_malachite_bricks Cracked Malachite Bricks 裂纹孔雀石砖 ⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
✔ 术语 cracked => 裂纹
block.nourished_end.purpur_bricks Purpur Bricks 紫珀砖 ⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
✔ 术语 purpur => 紫珀
block.nourished_end.blue_shell_tiles Blue Shell Tiles 蓝色壳砖 ✔ 术语 blue => 蓝色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.malachite_tiles Malachite Tiles 孔雀石瓷砖 ⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.seldge_fan_plant Seldge Ring Fern 塞尔奇环形蕨 ✔ 术语 fern => 蕨
block.sustainableend.end_iron_ore End Iron Ore 末地铁矿石 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 iron ore => 铁矿石
✔ 术语 iron => 铁
✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.cerulean_slab Cerulean Slab 晶蓝台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
block.nourished_end.verdant_tall_grass Tall Verdant Grass 高大的翠绿草丛 ✔ 术语 grass => 草
block.nourished_end.end_stone_slab End Stone Slab 末地石台阶 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end stone => 末地石
✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 stone => 石头
⚠ 术语异常 stone slab => 石头台阶
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.malachite_brick_slab Malachite Brick Slab 孔雀石砖台阶 ✔ 术语 brick slab => 砖台阶
✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
block.nourished_end.malachite_tile_wall Malachite Tile Wall 孔雀石瓷砖墙 ✔ 术语 wall => 墙
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_armor_leggings Adamantite Leggings 精金护腿 ✔ 术语 leggings => 护腿
block.nourished_end.stripped_seldge_hyphae Stripped Seldge Hyphae 去皮塞尔奇菌核 ✔ 术语 hyphae => 菌核
✔ 术语 stripped => 去皮
subtitles.ender_slime_fall Something fell 物品掉落 ⚠ 术语异常 fell => 着地
item.nourished_end.chorus_soup Chorus Stew 紫颂果炖菜 ⚠ 术语异常 stew => 煲
block.nourished_end.light_gray_shell_tiles Light Gray Shell Tiles 淡灰色壳砖 ⚠ 术语异常 light => 光
✔ 术语 gray => 灰色
✔ 术语 light gray => 淡灰色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.cerulean_pressure_plate Cerulean Pressure Plate 晶蓝压力板 ✔ 术语 pressure plate => 压力板
block.nourished_end.cerulean_planks Cerulean Planks 晶蓝木板 ✔ 术语 planks => 木板
advancements.malachite_advancement.descr Mine Malachite Ore in an enclosed area and get Poisoned 在一个封闭的地方开采孔雀石矿并中了毒 ⚠ 术语异常 ore => 矿石
block.nourished_end.purple_shell_tiles Purple Shell Tiles 紫色壳砖 ✔ 术语 purple => 紫色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
advancements.enderneath_advancement.descr Step on a Underlily beneath the End Islands 站在末地群岛下面的晶蓝吊兰上 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
✔ 术语 the end => 末地, 末路之地
✔ 术语 the end => 末地
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.polished_nullstone_stairs Polished Nullstone Stairs 磨制虚空石楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 stone stairs => 石头楼梯
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.sustainableend.rooted_end_stone Rooted End Stone 缠根末地石 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end stone => 末地石
⚠ 术语异常 stone => 石头
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.abyssal_air Seldge Biome 塞尔奇生物群系 ✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系
block.nourished_end.lime_shell_tiles Lime Shell Tiles 黄绿色壳砖 ✔ 术语 lime => 黄绿色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.verdant_grass Verdant Grass 翠绿草丛 ✔ 术语 grass => 草
block.nourished_end.polished_malachite_wall Polished Malachite Wall 磨制孔雀石墙 ✔ 术语 wall => 墙
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.nourished_end.malachite_bricks Malachite Bricks 孔雀石砖 ⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
block.nourished_end.verdant_door Verdant Door 翠绿门 ✔ 术语 door => 门
block.nourished_end.end_rye_thatch Bundle of End Rye 末地黑麦捆 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
⚠ 术语异常 bundle => 收纳袋
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
advancements.malachite_advancement.title Space Fumes 烟尘空间 ⚠ 术语异常 space => 空格
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_axe Adamantite Axe 精金斧 ✔ 术语 axe => 斧
block.nourished_end.seldge_hyphae Seldge Hyphae 塞尔奇菌核 ✔ 术语 hyphae => 菌核
block.nourished_end.enderneath_bud Cerulean Bud 晶蓝花苞 ⚠ 术语异常 bud => 芽
gamerule.eEBiomeSpawning Enlightened End Biome Spawning Enlightened End 生物群系生成 ✔ 术语 end => end
✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系
⚠ 术语异常 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.verdant_patch_air Seldge Patch Air 塞尔奇空气补丁 ✔ 术语 air => 空气
block.nourished_end.green_shell_tiles Green Shell Tiles 绿色壳砖 ✔ 术语 green => 绿色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.seldge_stairs Seldge Stairs 塞尔奇楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
item.nourished_end.radjelly_glow_sac Radjelly Glow Sac 辐射果冻荧光囊 ✔ 术语 glow => 发光, 荧光
block.nourished_end.watcher_on Watcher On 激活的观察者 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
item.nourished_end.radjelly_spawn_egg Radjelly Spawn Egg 辐射果冻刷怪蛋 ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成
block.nourished_end.end_rye_3 Endrye Seeds 末地黑麦种子 ✔ 术语 seeds => 种子
advancements.voidsteel_capture_advancement.descr Capture an End Portal using a Portal Capsule 使用传送门胶囊捕获一个末地传送门 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end portal => 末地传送门
✔ 术语 portal => 传送门
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.end_rye_2 Endrye Seeds 末地黑麦种子 ✔ 术语 seeds => 种子
item.nourished_end.raw_stalker Raw Stalker 生潜行者肉 ✔ 术语 raw => 粗, 生
item.nourished_end.cerulean_anglerfish_spawn_egg Stalker Spawn Egg 潜行者刷怪蛋 ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成
item.nourished_end.empty_radjelly_glow_sac Empty Radjelly Glow Sac 空的辐射果冻荧光囊 ✔ 术语 glow => 发光, 荧光
block.nourished_end.cerulean_fence Cerulean Fence 晶蓝栅栏 ✔ 术语 fence => 栅栏
block.nourished_end.cerulean_wood Cerulean Hyphae 晶蓝菌核 ✔ 术语 hyphae => 菌核
block.nourished_end.nullstone_brick_slab Nullstone Brick Slab 虚空石砖台阶 ✔ 术语 brick slab => 砖台阶
✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
✔ 术语 stone brick slab => 石砖台阶
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.vigorous_potion Splash Potion of Vigorousness 喷溅型活力药水 ✔ 术语 potion => 药水
⚠ 术语异常 splash potion => 喷溅药水
⚠ 术语异常 splash => 闪烁标语
✔ 术语 potion of => 药水
✔ 术语 splash => 喷溅型
gamerule.ringlingDigging.description If this is set to true; ringlings will dig up cataclysmite if on Seldge Eylium 如果设置为(true),如果在塞尔奇菌石上,林灵挖出毁灭尘 ⚠ 术语异常 up => 向上
⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
block.nourished_end.end_stone_wall End Stone Wall 末地石墙 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end stone => 末地石
⚠ 术语异常 stone => 石头
✔ 术语 wall => 墙
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.seldge_door Seldge Door 塞尔奇门 ✔ 术语 door => 门
block.nourished_end.seldge_trapdoor Seldge Trapdoor 塞尔奇活板门 ✔ 术语 trapdoor => 活板门
block.nourished_end.radiant_rod Glow Rod 荧光烛 ✔ 术语 glow => 发光, 荧光
gamerule.endIronOreGeneration End Iron Ore Generation 末地铁矿石的生成 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 iron ore => 铁矿石
✔ 术语 iron => 铁
✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.pink_shell_tiles Pink Shell Tiles 粉红色壳砖 ✔ 术语 pink => 粉红色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.ring_fern_sprout_1 Ennegel Ring Fern Seeds 恩尼格尔环形蕨种子 ✔ 术语 fern => 蕨
✔ 术语 seeds => 种子
block.nourished_end.ring_fern_sprout_2 Ring Fern Sprout 2 环形蕨芽 2 ✔ 术语 fern => 蕨
block.nourished_end.end_stone_stairs End Stone Stairs 末地石楼梯 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end stone => 末地石
✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 stone => 石头
⚠ 术语异常 stone stairs => 石头楼梯
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_nugget Adamantite Nugget 精金粒 ✔ 术语 nugget => 粒
block.nourished_end.cerulean_air Cerulean Biome 晶蓝生物群系 ✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系
advancements.end_high_lands_advancement.title The End Islands 末地群岛 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 the end => 末地, 末路之地
✔ 术语 the end => 末地
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.nullstone_brick_stairs Nullstone Brick Stairs 虚空石砖楼梯 ✔ 术语 brick stairs => 砖楼梯
✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
✔ 术语 stone brick stairs => 石砖楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
block.nourished_end.cracked_nullstone_bricks Cracked Nullstone Bricks 裂纹虚空石砖 ⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
✔ 术语 stone bricks => 石砖
✔ 术语 cracked => 裂纹
block.nourished_end.verdant_hyphae Verdant Hyphae 翠绿菌核 ✔ 术语 hyphae => 菌核
block.nourished_end.verdant_trapdoor Verdant Trapdoor 翠绿活板门 ✔ 术语 trapdoor => 活板门
block.nourished_end.voidsteel_block Block of Adamantite 精金块 ✔ 术语 block of => 块
block.nourished_end.cracked_purpur_bricks Cracked Purpur Bricks 裂纹紫珀砖 ⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
✔ 术语 cracked => 裂纹
✔ 术语 purpur => 紫珀
block.nourished_end.polished_malachite_stairs Polished Malachite Stairs 磨制孔雀石楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.nourished_end.verdant_shroom_block Verdant Leaves 翠绿树叶 ✔ 术语 leaves => 树叶
block.nourished_end.verdant_slab Verdant Slab 翠绿台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
block.nourished_end.malachite_brick_stairs Malachite Brick Stairs 孔雀石砖楼梯 ✔ 术语 brick stairs => 砖楼梯
✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
block.nourished_end.malachite_pressure_plate Malachite Pressure Plate 孔雀石压力板 ✔ 术语 pressure plate => 压力板
block.nourished_end.seldge_planks Seldge Planks 塞尔奇木板 ✔ 术语 planks => 木板
item.nourished_end.malachite Malachite Shard 孔雀石碎片 ✔ 术语 shard => 碎片
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_ingot Adamantite Ingot 精金锭 ✔ 术语 ingot => 锭
block.nourished_end.polished_malachite_slab Polished Malachite Slab 磨制孔雀石台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.nourished_end.malachite_slab Malachite Slab 孔雀石台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
item.nourished_end.tall_music_disc Music Disc 音乐唱片 ✔ 术语 music => 音乐
✔ 术语 music disc => 音乐唱片
block.nourished_end.nullstone_pressure_plate Nullstone Pressure Plate 虚空石压力板 ✔ 术语 pressure plate => 压力板
⚠ 术语异常 stone pressure plate => 石头压力板
item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.illuminating Splash Potion of Illuminating 喷溅型发光药水 ✔ 术语 potion => 药水
⚠ 术语异常 splash potion => 喷溅药水
⚠ 术语异常 splash => 闪烁标语
✔ 术语 potion of => 药水
✔ 术语 splash => 喷溅型
advancements.universal_diet.descr Eat Chorus Stew 食用紫颂炖菜 ⚠ 术语异常 stew => 煲
advancements.voidsteel_advancement.descr Obtain an Adamantite Ingot 获得精金锭 ✔ 术语 ingot => 锭
item.nourished_end.verdant_moss_item Rich Vines 丰茂的藤蔓 ✔ 术语 vines => 藤蔓
block.nourished_end.verdant_stairs Verdant Stairs 翠绿楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
block.nourished_end.nullstone_bricks Nullstone Bricks 虚空石砖 ⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
✔ 术语 stone bricks => 石砖
block.nourished_end.verdant_air Verdant Biome 翠绿生物群系 ✔ 术语 biome => 生物群系
block.nourished_end.verdant_button Verdant Button 翠绿按钮 ✔ 术语 button => 按钮
gamerule.endPortalCapturing.description If set to true; players will be able to capture End Portals using Portal Capsules 如果设置为 (true),玩家将能够使用传送门胶囊来捕获末地传送门。 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 players => 玩家
✔ 术语 end portal => 末地传送门
✔ 术语 portal => 传送门
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.stripped_cerulean_hyphae Stripped Cerulean Hyphae 去皮晶蓝菌核 ✔ 术语 hyphae => 菌核
✔ 术语 stripped => 去皮
block.nourished_end.seldge_sapling Seldge Sapling 塞尔奇树苗 ✔ 术语 sapling => 树苗
block.nourished_end.nullstone_button Nullstone Button 虚空石按钮 ✔ 术语 button => 按钮
⚠ 术语异常 stone button => 石头按钮
block.nourished_end.stripped_seldge_log Stripped Seldge Stem 去皮塞尔奇菌柄 ✔ 术语 stem => 菌柄
✔ 术语 stem => 茎, 柄
✔ 术语 stripped => 去皮
advancements.scopophobia.descr Be spied on by a Stalker 被潜行者窥视 ⚠ 术语异常 on => 开
item.nourished_end.manca_bowl Bowl of Baby Visopod 甲壳虫宝宝碗 ✔ 术语 bowl => 碗
block.nourished_end.black_shell_tiles Black Shell Tiles 黑色壳砖 ✔ 术语 black => 黑色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.white_shell_tiles White Shell Tiles 白色壳砖 ✔ 术语 white => 白色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.waxed_nullstone Waxed Nullstone 涂蜡虚空石 ✔ 术语 waxed => 涂蜡
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_armor_boots Adamantite Boots 精金靴子 ✔ 术语 boots => 靴子
block.nourished_end.transitioning_end_portal Transitioning End Portal 便携末地传送门 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end portal => 末地传送门
✔ 术语 portal => 传送门
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
advancements.standing_tall.descr Play the Tall Music Disc at Y 127 or above 在Y127或以上播放音乐光盘(Tall) ✔ 术语 music => 音乐
⚠ 术语异常 music disc => 音乐唱片
block.nourished_end.malachite_button Malachite Button 孔雀石按钮 ✔ 术语 button => 按钮
block.nourished_end.infested_endstone Infested Endstone 被虫蚀的末地石 ✔ 术语 infested => 被虫蚀的
item.nourished_end.raw_voidsteel Adamantite Chunk 精金碎块 ⚠ 术语异常 chunk => 区块
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_capsule_end_portal Capsule of End Portal 末地传送门胶囊 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end portal => 末地传送门
✔ 术语 portal => 传送门
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.polished_malachite Polished Malachite 磨制孔雀石 ✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.nourished_end.cerulean_stem_stripped Stripped Cerulean Stem 去皮晶蓝菌柄 ✔ 术语 stem => 菌柄
✔ 术语 stem => 茎, 柄
✔ 术语 stripped => 去皮
block.nourished_end.seldge_fence Seldge Fence 塞尔奇栅栏 ✔ 术语 fence => 栅栏
block.nourished_end.nullstone_brick_wall Nullstone Brick Wall 虚空石砖墙 ⚠ 术语异常 brick wall => 砖块墙
✔ 术语 stone brick wall => 石砖墙
✔ 术语 wall => 墙
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
advancements.enderneath_advancement.title Hidden from Time 隐藏在时间之外 ✔ 术语 hidden => 隐藏
⚠ 术语异常 hidden => 已隐藏
item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.equalized_potion Splash Potion of Equalization 喷溅型平衡药水 ✔ 术语 potion => 药水
⚠ 术语异常 splash potion => 喷溅药水
⚠ 术语异常 splash => 闪烁标语
✔ 术语 potion of => 药水
✔ 术语 splash => 喷溅型
block.nourished_end.nullstone_wall Nullstone Wall 虚空石墙 ✔ 术语 wall => 墙
block.nourished_end.polished_nullstone_slab Polished Nullstone Slab 磨制虚空石台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 stone slab => 石头台阶
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
subtitles.ennegel_mine Block broken 方块:被破坏 ✔ 术语 broken => 被破坏
⚠ 术语异常 broken => 破损的
block.nourished_end.malachite_stairs Malachite Stairs 孔雀石楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
block.nourished_end.red_shell_tiles Red Shell Tiles 红色壳砖 ✔ 术语 red => 红色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_sword Adamantite Sword 精金剑 ✔ 术语 sword => 剑
item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.illuminating Lingering Potion of Illuminating 滞留型发光药水 ⚠ 术语异常 lingering potion => 滞留药水
✔ 术语 potion => 药水
⚠ 术语异常 lingering potion of => 滞留型药水
✔ 术语 potion of => 药水
item.minecraft.potion.effect.vigorous_potion Potion of Vigorousness 活力药水 ✔ 术语 potion => 药水
✔ 术语 potion of => 药水
item.nourished_end.end_rye End Rye 末地黑麦 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.cracked_malachite_tiles Cracked Malachite Tiles 裂纹孔雀石瓷砖 ✔ 术语 cracked => 裂纹
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
subtitles.ennegel_place Block placed 方块:被放置 ✔ 术语 placed => 被放置
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_armor_chestplate Adamantite Chestplate 精金胸甲 ✔ 术语 chestplate => 胸甲
block.nourished_end.shulker_shell_block Shell Tiles 壳砖 ⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.verdant_pressure_plate Verdant Pressure Plate 翠绿压力板 ✔ 术语 pressure plate => 压力板
item.nourished_end.ringling_spawn_egg Ringling Spawn Egg 林灵刷怪蛋 ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_armor_helmet Adamantite Helmet 精金头盔 ✔ 术语 helmet => 头盔
block.nourished_end.malachite_ore Malachite Ore 孔雀石矿石 ✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
block.nourished_end.malachite_tile_slab Malachite Tile Slab 孔雀石瓷砖台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
block.nourished_end.seldge_pressure_plate Seldge Pressure Plate 塞尔奇压力板 ✔ 术语 pressure plate => 压力板
item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.equalized_potion Arrow of Equalization 平衡之箭 ✔ 术语 arrow => 箭
✔ 术语 arrow of => 之箭
advancements.bucket_manca.descr Pick up a Baby Visopod using a Bowl 用碗拿起一只甲壳虫宝宝 ⚠ 术语异常 up => 向上
✔ 术语 bowl => 碗
block.nourished_end.brown_shell_tiles Brown Shell Tiles 棕色壳砖 ✔ 术语 brown => 棕色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
item.nourished_end.flarebug_spawn_egg Flarebug Spawn Egg 萤火虫刷怪蛋 ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成
item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.vigorous_potion Arrow of Vigorousness 活力之箭 ✔ 术语 arrow => 箭
✔ 术语 arrow of => 之箭
block.nourished_end.seldge_button Seldge Button 塞尔奇按钮 ✔ 术语 button => 按钮
item.nourished_end.isopod_spawn_egg Baby Visopod Spawn Egg 甲壳虫宝宝刷怪蛋 ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_shovel Adamantite Shovel 精金锹 ✔ 术语 shovel => 锹
block.nourished_end.verdant_shroomlight Verdant Shroomlight 翠绿菌光体 ✔ 术语 shroomlight => 菌光体
block.nourished_end.malachite_lamp Malachite Lantern 孔雀石灯笼 ✔ 术语 lantern => 灯笼
block.nourished_end.seldge_fan_plant_empty Seldge Ring Fern Stem 塞尔奇环形蕨茎 ✔ 术语 fern => 蕨
⚠ 术语异常 stem => 菌柄
✔ 术语 stem => 茎, 柄
block.nourished_end.malachite_wall Malachite Wall 孔雀石墙 ✔ 术语 wall => 墙
item.minecraft.potion.effect.equalized_potion Potion of Equalization 平衡药水 ✔ 术语 potion => 药水
✔ 术语 potion of => 药水
block.nourished_end.cataclysmic_sand_falling Cataclysmic Sand 毁灭尘沙 ⚠ 术语异常 sand => 沙子
block.nourished_end.malachite_brick_wall Malachite Brick Wall 孔雀石砖墙 ⚠ 术语异常 brick wall => 砖块墙
✔ 术语 wall => 墙
⚠ 术语异常 brick => 红砖
block.nourished_end.seldge_fence_gate Seldge Fence Gate 塞尔奇栅栏门 ✔ 术语 fence => 栅栏
✔ 术语 fence gate => 栅栏门
block.nourished_end.polished_nullstone_wall Polished Nullstone Wall 磨制虚空石墙 ✔ 术语 wall => 墙
✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.nourished_end.cerulean_button Cerulean Button 晶蓝按钮 ✔ 术语 button => 按钮
block.nourished_end.gray_shell_tiles Gray Shell Tiles 灰色壳砖 ✔ 术语 gray => 灰色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
item.nourished_end.cooked_stalker Cooked Stalker 熟潜行者肉 ✔ 术语 cooked => 熟
block.nourished_end.raw_voidsteel_block Block of Adamantite Chunk 精金碎块方块 ⚠ 术语异常 chunk => 区块
✔ 术语 block of => 块
block.nourished_end.verdant_fence Verdant Fence 翠绿栅栏 ✔ 术语 fence => 栅栏
block.nourished_end.malachite_tile_stairs Malachite Tile Stairs 孔雀石瓷砖楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
block.nourished_end.endrye_1 End Rye Seeds 末地黑麦种子 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 seeds => 种子
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.cerulean_trapdoor Cerulean Trapdoor 晶蓝活板门 ✔ 术语 trapdoor => 活板门
gamerule.visopodNestSpawning.description If set to false; Baby Visopods will not spawn from Visopod Nests 如果设置为 (false),甲壳虫宝宝将不会从甲壳虫巢穴中生成 ✔ 术语 spawn => 生成
block.nourished_end.cerulean_vine Cerulean Vines 晶蓝藤蔓 ✔ 术语 vines => 藤蔓
block.nourished_end.cerulean_door Cerulean Door 晶蓝门 ✔ 术语 door => 门
block.nourished_end.nullstone_slab Nullstone Slab 虚空石台阶 ✔ 术语 slab => 台阶
⚠ 术语异常 stone slab => 石头台阶
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_hoe Adamantite Hoe 精金锄 ✔ 术语 hoe => 锄
item.minecraft.lingering_potion.effect.vigorous_potion Lingering Potion of Vigorousness 滞留型活力药水 ⚠ 术语异常 lingering potion => 滞留药水
✔ 术语 potion => 药水
⚠ 术语异常 lingering potion of => 滞留型药水
✔ 术语 potion of => 药水
gamerule.eEBiomeSpawning.description If set to false; Enlightened End Biomes will not generate 如果设置为(false),Enlightened End 生物群落将不会生成 ✔ 术语 end => end
⚠ 术语异常 end => 末地, 末路之地
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_pickaxe Adamantite Pickaxe 精金镐 ✔ 术语 pickaxe => 镐
subtitles.hit_ender_slime Block breaking 方块:损坏中 ✔ 术语 breaking => 损坏中
⚠ 术语异常 breaking => 挖掘
item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.illuminating Arrow of Illuminating 发光之箭 ✔ 术语 arrow => 箭
✔ 术语 arrow of => 之箭
gamerule.endPortalCapturing End Portal Capturing 捕获末地传送门 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end portal => 末地传送门
✔ 术语 portal => 传送门
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.yellow_shulker_tiles Yellow Shell Tiles 黄色壳砖 ✔ 术语 yellow => 黄色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.stripped_verdant_stem Stripped Verdant Stem 去皮翠绿菌柄 ✔ 术语 stem => 菌柄
✔ 术语 stem => 茎, 柄
✔ 术语 stripped => 去皮
gamerule.malachiteToxcitity.description If this is set to true; malachite will poison players if they are mining malachite in an enclosed area 如果设置为(true),玩家在一个封闭的区域内开采孔雀石,孔雀石会使玩家中毒。 ✔ 术语 players => 玩家
✔ 术语 poison => 中毒
block.nourished_end.light_blue_shell_tiles Light Blue Shell Tiles 淡蓝色壳砖 ⚠ 术语异常 light => 光
✔ 术语 blue => 蓝色
✔ 术语 light blue => 淡蓝色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.magenta_shell_tiles Magenta Shell Tiles 品红色壳砖 ✔ 术语 magenta => 品红色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
block.nourished_end.verdant_sapling Verdant Sapling 翠绿树苗 ✔ 术语 sapling => 树苗
advancements.ennegel_ring_eaten.descr Eat an Ennegel Ring and gain the Health Boost Effect 吃一个恩尼格尔环,获得生命提升效果 ✔ 术语 health boost => 生命提升
✔ 术语 health => 生命
✔ 术语 effect => 效果
✔ 术语 boost => 提升
block.nourished_end.cyan_blue_shell_tiles Cyan Shell Tiles 青色壳砖 ✔ 术语 cyan => 青色
⚠ 术语异常 tiles => 瓦
gamerule.endIronOreGeneration.description If set to false; End Iron Ore will not generate. 如果设置为(false),末地铁矿石将不会生成 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 iron ore => 铁矿石
✔ 术语 iron => 铁
✔ 术语 ore => 矿石
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
advancements.multiversal_diet.descr Eat an End Delight 食用末地乐事 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.end_rose End Rose 末地玫瑰 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 rose => 玫瑰
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.cerulean_fence_gate Cerulean Fence Gate 晶蓝栅栏门 ✔ 术语 fence => 栅栏
✔ 术语 fence gate => 栅栏门
block.nourished_end.polished_nullstone Polished Nullstone 磨制虚空石 ✔ 术语 polished => 磨制
block.nourished_end.cerulean_stairs Cerulean Stairs 晶蓝楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
block.nourished_end.cracked_end_stone_bricks Cracked End Stone Bricks 裂纹末地石砖 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
⚠ 术语异常 bricks => 砖块
✔ 术语 end stone => 末地石
✔ 术语 end stone bricks => 末地石砖
⚠ 术语异常 stone => 石头
✔ 术语 stone bricks => 石砖
✔ 术语 cracked => 裂纹
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.verdant_stalk Verdant Stem 翠绿菌柄 ✔ 术语 stem => 菌柄
✔ 术语 stem => 茎, 柄
block.nourished_end.stripped_cerulean_branch Stripped Cerulean Branch 去皮晶蓝树枝 ✔ 术语 stripped => 去皮
block.nourished_end.nullstone_stairs Nullstone Stairs 虚空石楼梯 ✔ 术语 stairs => 楼梯
⚠ 术语异常 stone stairs => 石头楼梯
block.nourished_end.seldge_stem Seldge Stem 塞尔奇菌柄 ✔ 术语 stem => 菌柄
✔ 术语 stem => 茎, 柄
item.nourished_end.end_nucleus End Nucleus 末地核心 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
item.nourished_end.giant_isopod_spawn_egg Visopod Spawn Egg 甲壳虫刷怪蛋 ⚠ 术语异常 egg => 鸡蛋
✔ 术语 spawn egg => 刷怪蛋
⚠ 术语异常 spawn => 生成
item.nourished_end.voidsteel_capsule Portal Capsule 传送门胶囊 ✔ 术语 portal => 传送门
item.nourished_end.end_delight End Delight 末地乐事 ⚠ 术语异常 end => end
✔ 术语 end => 末地, 末路之地
block.nourished_end.seldge_fan_plant_top Seldge Ring Fern Top 塞尔奇环形蕨顶部 ✔ 术语 fern => 蕨
block.nourished_end.fan_plant Ground Fern Ground Fern ⚠ 术语异常 fern => 蕨
item.nourished_end.tall_music_disc.desc Naps the Block - Tall Naps the Block - Tall ✔ 术语 - => -
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