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# GDC Vault videos can't be watched on mobile devices and this is a very sad thing indeed!
# This script is designed to circumvent this by downloading the lecture and slideshow
# videos which can then be re-encoded into whatever format you wish.
# Note: this code is rather flimsy and was written as fast as possible for my own personal use.
# The code only works for the most recent GDC Vault videos, since they all use the same player
# format. If the XML format used to run the player is changed (as it has in the past), the code
# will have to be reconfigured. In the past, I was able to feed a wget-compatible cookies.txt
# file into the wget call, but I can't get it to trigger anymore. So for now, the way I download
# each video is I look at the source for the player page, find the player.html URL, and feed
# GDC Vault videos can't be watched on mobile devices and this is a very sad thing indeed!
# (Note: this has changed for GDC2013, which lets you watch raw MP4 streams. Kudos!)
# This script is designed to circumvent this by downloading the lecture and slideshow
# videos which can then be re-encoded into whatever format you wish. Obviously, you
# won't be able to do this without access to the Vault. This is strictly for the
# convenience of legitimate Vault users!
# Note: this code is rather flimsy and was written as fast as possible for my own personal use.
# The code only works for the most recent GDC Vault videos, since they all use the same player
# format. If the XML format used to run the player is changed (as it has in the past), the code
; ╔╦═════════════════════════════════╦╗
; ╟╪─ Набыдлокодено NightFox © 2014 ─╪╢
; ╚╩═════════════════════════════════╩╝
; добавить режим автоматического завершения DO.
; добавить больше проверок (права доступа)
; переписать функции удаления веток реестра и добавить проверки
; почистить код от мусора
; добавить ключ получения исходника из EXE
; добавить полоску прогресса
echo ^=>> ^=.log
echo ^=^=>> ^=^=.log
:: проценты не экранируются через ^
echo %%>> %%.log
echo %%%%>> %%%%.log
:: с амперсандом сложнее, он тупо не хочет создавать когда идёт первым знаком, вот так создаст:
echo "^&">> "^&".log
echo " &">> " &".log
0x4E69676874466F78 / XPC2_patcher.au3
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
DP XPC2 patcher (not multitexture packing)
#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <WinAPIShPath.au3>
#include <String.au3>
Global $sCMD = _WinAPI_CommandLineToArgv($CmdLineRaw)
$tAppName = 'XPC2 патчер'
$tAppVer = ' в'
$sAppNameOnly = $tAppName
@echo off
chcp 1251
cd /d "%~dp0"
set "d=%windir%\Fonts"
set "f1=msgothic.ttc"
set "f2=msmincho.ttc"
set s1=0
set s2=0
set "t1=Проверяем "
0x4E69676874466F78 / Чтение из и запись в cfg и ini.cmd
Last active July 6, 2021 00:06
Чтение из и запись в cfg и ini.cmd
:: Пример работы
cd /d %~dp0
set AppName=intelpwmcontrol
set CfgFile=%appname%.cfg
call :ReadKeyValue
echo Частота: %freq%
set freq=1020
call :WriteKeyValue
more %CfgFile%
# This is tool for remove duplicate files.
# But instead of deleting, it replace duplicates with SYMBOLIC LINK to original file
# (it may be useful in Phase Shift music directory)
# Algorithm for compare: BLAKE2s
__author__ = 'Ugubok, NightFox'
from os import path, walk, symlink, remove, sys
from hashlib import blake2s