Originally posted as an internal GitHub issue:
It can be useful for DB record IDs to include a prefix that represents their type. This is used by companies such as Stripe/etc, and improves developer experience, as well as providing other tangible benefits:
- https://dev.to/stripe/designing-apis-for-humans-object-ids-3o5a
Designing APIs for humans: Object IDs
Some thoughts RE: Copy on Write + Event Sourcing for edit history.
From a chat conversation:
Random reading today; note at the end of this article on how git commits are actually stored: https://manishearth.github.io/blog/2017/03/05/understanding-git-filter-branch/#appendix-how-are-commits-actually-stored
The part that sparked my brain just now was this:
Some notes on editor frameworks (eg. Monaco, Lexical, Codemirror, etc) + collaborative editing/conflict resolution technologies (eg. OT, CRDT, etc)
Some notes on Linear Programming and related optimisation problems.
Some notes on Azure serverless functions and related features/patterns/etc
Some notes on Web Extensions / Browser Extensions / Chrome Extensions/ etc.
- https://www.commoncrawl.org/
Common Crawl maintains a free, open repository of web crawl data that can be used by anyone. Common Crawl is a 501(c)(3) non–profit founded in 2007. > We make wholesale extraction, transformation and analysis of open web data accessible to researchers.
- https://www.commoncrawl.org/blog/
Common Crawl Blog
- https://www.commoncrawl.org/blog/may-2024-crawl-archive-now-available