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Sicker than the rest there is no test but this is what you're cravin

Omri 0xkuj

Sicker than the rest there is no test but this is what you're cravin
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Esquilli / iOS13 font picker example
Last active June 19, 2021 17:09
How to use iOS13 font picker
// Add this to your preferences class
-(void)pickFont {
UIFontPickerViewControllerConfiguration *config = [[UIFontPickerViewControllerConfiguration alloc] init];
config.includeFaces = YES;
config.displayUsingSystemFont = NO;
UIFontPickerViewController *fontPicker = [[UIFontPickerViewController alloc] initWithConfiguration:config];
fontPicker.delegate = self;
[self presentViewController:fontPicker animated:YES completion:nil];
@import Darwin;
@import ObjectiveC;
@import CloudKit;
extern bool GEOConfigGetBOOL(int feature, void* something);
// Hooks feature flags in a resigned to return true.
// Usage:
// clang -shared -fmodules -o libmaps_inject.dylib maps_inject.m \
// "$(xcrun
Teutates /
Last active March 30, 2024 08:22
Rootless Repacker
### Procursus 2
### INFO: Repacks deb as rootless with iphoneos-arm64 arch, moves legacy tweak dir to
### new directory, and resigns. Does not do any further modification.
set -e
if ! type dpkg-deb >/dev/null 2>&1; then
NightwindDev /
Created November 25, 2023 03:56
Use Allemand on macOS to convert tweaks to the new ABI and then convert to rootless

* Note that NOT ALL tweaks will work with the conversion process and some might only partially work.

Step 1 - Preparation:

  • Download Allemand. It will download as a .zip file. Extract it, and you'll have the binary file.
  • Move the binary to a safe place on your computer.
  • Open the Terminal app, navigate to the location where the binary is stored, and run the following command:
xattr -sc Allemand && chmod +x Allemand

This will make it an executable file.