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code đi anh em

Alex 0xlkda

code đi anh em
  • Viet Nam
  • 03:12 (UTC +07:00)
View GitHub Profile
"Ansi 3 Color" : {
"Red Component" : 0.94509804248809814,
"Color Space" : "Calibrated",
"Blue Component" : 0.54901963472366333,
"Alpha Component" : 1,
"Green Component" : 0.98039215803146362
"Tags" : [

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am leekad on github.
  • I am leekad ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASD82aADiaukhyuUPvfQcumHuvEeHkbaFuifcJmbuU48zAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

0xlkda / array.js
Last active August 15, 2019 07:57
// Dead simple functions
const curry = fn => (...args) => fn.bind(null, ...args);
const map = curry((fn, arr) =>;
const join = curry((str, arr) => arr.join(str));
const split = curry((splitOn, str) => str.split(splitOn));
// keyBy :: String -> Array -> Object
const keyBy = curry((keyField, arr) =>
Object.assign({}, => ({[item[keyField]]: item}))));
var image = canvas.toDataURL("image/png").replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream");
var link = document.getElementById('link');
link.setAttribute('download', 'result.png');
link.setAttribute('href', image);;
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const image = new Image(60, 150);
image.onload = drawImageActualSize;
image.src = '';
function drawImageActualSize() {
canvas.width = this.naturalWidth;
canvas.height = this.naturalHeight;
function injectJS(id: string, src: string): Promise<string> {
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
if (!document) {
if (document.getElementById(id)) {
resolve('JS already loaded.');
import React, {useCallback, useEffect} from 'react'
import {createMachine, invoke, reduce, state, transition} from 'robot3'
import {useMachine} from 'react-robot'
import { curry, apply } from 'ramda'
// Behaviours
const loadFabricJS = () => import('fabric')
const addRect = (ctx, ev) => {
const {canvas} = ctx
0xlkda / SketchSystems.spec
Created July 29, 2020 02:15
Schema Registry Editor
Schema Registry Editor
focus -> Active
showHelper -> Active
createSchema -> Editable
createField -> Editable
deleteField -> Editable
updateField -> Editable
0xlkda / filter.js
Created September 24, 2020 11:53
Filter by list of conditions
const filterBy = (conditions, index = 0) => (value) => {
if(conditions[index] === undefined) return value
if(!conditions[index](value)) return
return filterBy(conditions, index + 1)(value)
const values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10, 25, 27]
const odd = (value) => value % 2 !== 0
const greaterThan3 = (value) => value > 3
const canDivide3 = (value) => value % 3 === 0
const getAllCombinations = (arraysToCombine) => {
const divisors = [];
let permsCount = 1;
for (let i = arraysToCombine.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
divisors[i] = divisors[i + 1] ? divisors[i + 1] * arraysToCombine[i + 1].length : 1;
permsCount *= (arraysToCombine[i].length || 1);
const getCombination = (n, arrays, divisors) => arrays.reduce((acc, arr, i) => {
acc.push(arr[Math.floor(n / divisors[i]) % arr.length]);