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Last active July 20, 2023 18:04
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"# Concentrated LP Shares and their Greeks\n",
"Given any concentrated LP share determine it's greek values, starting with `delta` and `gamma`. \n",
"# Defining Virtual Liquidity\n",
"In a uniswap v2 pool each contract tracks the pool's current reserves: x and y. This is what keeps track of the price. In uniswap v3 there is what is known as virtual reserves, values for x and y that show the relationship in between ticks. \n",
"Rather than tracking the virtual reserves, the liquididty (L) and sqrtPrice (sqrt(P)) are tracked. Of which virtual reserves can be calculated \n",
"#### Liquidity and Price\n",
"$$ \n",
"L = \\sqrt{xy}\n",
"\\sqrt(P) = \\sqrt{\\frac y x}\n",
"#### Virtual Reserves\n",
"x = \\frac{L} {\\sqrt{P}}\n",
"y = L * \\sqrt{P}\n",
"Once you know the virtual reserves (derived from token amounts and your tick ranges) calculations become very easy as they are similar to the `xy=k` uniswap v2\n",
"You can calculate virtual liquididty by solving for `L`\n",
"(R_a + \\frac {L} {\\sqrt{p_b}})(R_b + L\\sqrt{p_b}) = L^2 \n",
"where `R_a` is the actual reserve of token a, `R_b` is the actual reserve of token b, `p_a` is the lower tick range, `p_b` is the upper tick range, `p` is the current price, and `L` is the virtual liquidity of the reserves.\n",
"After you have calculated the virtual reserve liquidity `L`, you can move on to calculating the virtual reserves per each token, the total value of the position, and the greeks of the position.\n",
"# Resources \n",
"- [Uniswap V3 Whitepaper]( \n",
"- [The Replicating Portfolio of a Constant Product Market with Bounded Liquidity](\n",
"- [Hedging Uniswap v3 with Squeeth](\n"
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"### determining `V` given virtual liquididty, range bounds, and current price \n",
"import math\n",
"# lower range \n",
"p_a = 3747\n",
"# upper range \n",
"p_b = 5024\n",
"# current price\n",
"p = 4360.61\n",
"# virtual liquididty\n",
"L = 1398.7\n",
"# expected `V` from \n",
"E_v = 13109.67\n",
"v = 2*L*math.sqrt(p) - L*math.sqrt(p_a) - ((p*L)/math.sqrt(p_b))\n",
"print(f\"Virtual Liquidity {v}\")"
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"### determining delta and gamma given virtual liquidity, range bounds, and current price \n",
"import math\n",
"# lower range \n",
"p_a = 3747\n",
"# upper range \n",
"p_b = 5024\n",
"# current price\n",
"p = 4360.61\n",
"# virtual liquididty\n",
"L = 1398.7\n",
"# expected `delta` from \n",
"E_delta = 1.448\n",
"# expected `gamma` from \n",
"E_gamma = 0.00243\n",
"delta = L * (1/math.sqrt(p) - 1/math.sqrt(p_b))\n",
"gamma = 0.5 * L * math.pow(p, -1.5)\n",
"assert round(delta, 2) == round(E_delta, 2)\n",
"assert round(gamma, 2) == round(E_gamma, 2)\n",
"def delta(L, p, p_b):\n",
" # print(L, p, p_b)\n",
" return L * (1/math.sqrt(p) - 1/math.sqrt(p_b))\n",
"def gamma(L, p):\n",
" return 0.5 * L * math.pow(p, -1.5)\n",
"print(f\" Delta: {delta(L, p, p_b)} \\n Gamma: {gamma(L, p)}\")"
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" Delta: 1.447917185976956 \n",
" Gamma: 0.0024286990873210418\n"
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"### determining the virtual liquidity given the token units supplied, range bounds and current price\n",
"import math\n",
"import cmath\n",
"# \u0001α token units as referenced in \"The Replicating Portfolio of a Constant Product Market with Bounded Liquidity\" paper \n",
"R_a = 10 \n",
"# β token units as referenced in \"The Replicating Portfolio of a Constant Product Market with Bounded Liquidity\" paper \n",
"R_b = 159.611 \n",
"# lower range \n",
"p_a = 5\n",
"# upper range \n",
"p_b = 15\n",
"# current price \n",
"p = 10\n",
"# expected virtual liquididty\n",
"E_Rv = 172.34\n",
"# expected virtual liquididty a\n",
"E_Rv_a = 54.49\n",
"# expected virtual liquidity b\n",
"E_Rv_b = 544.95\n",
"# if you know the virtual liquididty of the entire position you can determine the virtual liquididty of each token pair\n",
"# R_a and R_b are the virtual liquididty values for the a and b tokens in the \"The Replicating Portfolio of a Constant Product Market with Bounded Liquidity\" paper \n",
"# in the \"Uniswap V3 Whitepaper\" when x and y are reffered to (ex. when describing the relationship between x, y, L and P see \"Price and Liquidity\") they already refer to the virtual liquiidty not the unit value of the tokens \n",
"# virtual liquidity of token a\n",
"Rv_a = E_Rv / math.sqrt(p)\n",
"# virtual liquidity of token b \n",
"Rv_b = E_Rv * math.sqrt(p)\n",
"# checking a and b virtual liquididty positions are equal to their expected values\n",
"assert round(Rv_a, 1) == round(E_Rv_a, 1)\n",
"assert round(Rv_b, 1) == round(E_Rv_b, 1)\n",
"# checking virtual liquididty ^ 2 is equal to the product of each virtual liquididty\n",
"assert round(Rv_a * Rv_b, 2) == round(E_Rv * E_Rv, 2)\n",
"# full equations for calculating:\n",
"# - virtual reserves from liquididty and price \n",
"# - actual reserves from liquididty, price, and range \n",
"# can be found in equations 3-6 in \"The Replicating Portfolio of a Constant Product Market with Bounded Liquidity\" paper \n",
"# actual reserves for token a\n",
"# R_a = L/math.sqrt(p) - L/math.sqrt(p_a)\n",
"# actual reserves for token b \n",
"# R_b = L * math.sqrt(p) - L * math.sqrt(p_a)\n",
"# calculating virtual liquidity given units supplied, range bounds, and price (a, b, p_a, p_b, p)\n",
"def virtual_liquidity(p_a, p_b, R_a, R_b):\n",
" # solving \"bounded liquidity position\" eq. 1 for L \n",
" # terms for quadratic eq.\n",
" a = ((math.sqrt(p_a)/math.sqrt(p_b)) - 1)\n",
" b = ((R_b / math.sqrt(p_b)) + (R_a * math.sqrt(p_a)))\n",
" c = R_a * R_b\n",
" # discriminant\n",
" d = (b**2) - (4*a*c)\n",
" # solutions\n",
" solution1 = (-b - cmath.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a)\n",
" solution2 = (-b + cmath.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a)\n",
" # virtual reserves\n",
" R_v = solution1.real if solution1.real > 0 else solution2.real\n",
" # assert round(R_v, 1) == round(E_Rv, 1)\n",
" # print(\n",
" # f\" Token a reserves: {R_a} \\n Token b reserves: {R_b} \\n Range: ({p_a}, {p_b}) \\n Current Price: {p} \\n Virtual Reserve a: {Rv_a} \\n Virtual Reserve b: {Rv_b} \\n Virtual Liquidity: {R_v}\"\n",
" # )\n",
" return R_v\n",
"# example of getting virtual liquidity from range and actual reserves\n",
"vR = virtual_liquidity(p_a, p_b, R_a, R_b)"
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"# example of greeks given a concentrated LP share range and its actual token reserves\n",
"# # a token reserves\n",
"# R_a = 10 \n",
"# # b token reserves\n",
"# R_b = 159.611 \n",
"# # lower range \n",
"# p_a = 5\n",
"# # upper range \n",
"# p_b = 15\n",
"# # currenet price \n",
"# p = 10\n",
"# # lower range \n",
"# p_a = 3747\n",
"# # upper range \n",
"# p_b = 5024\n",
"# # current price\n",
"# p = 4360.61\n",
"# # virtual liquididty\n",
"# L = 1398.7\n",
"# # expected `delta` from \n",
"# E_delta = 1.448\n",
"# # expected `gamma` from \n",
"# E_gamma = 0.00243\n",
"# a token reserves\n",
"R_a = 6779\n",
"# b token reserves\n",
"R_b = 1.448\n",
"# lower range \n",
"p_a = 3747.0\n",
"# upper range\n",
"p_b = 5024.0\n",
"# current price\n",
"p = 4360.61\n",
"# virtual liquidity\n",
"L = virtual_liquidity(p_a, p_b, R_b, R_a)\n",
"# greeks \n",
"d = delta(L, p, p_b)\n",
"g = gamma(L, p)\n",
"print(f\" Delta: {d} \\n Gamma: {g}\")"
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"text": [
" Delta: 1.4517521820181736 \n",
" Gamma: 0.002435131811150409\n"
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