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local switch = GetPartFromPort(1, "Switch")
local gyro = GetPartFromPort(1, "Gyro")
local mic = GetPartFromPort(1, "Microphone")
mic:Connect("Chatted", function (Player, Message)
if Player ~= "Makerbenjammin6" then return end
local split = Message:split(" ")
local command = split[1]:lower()
local switch = GetPartFromPort(1, "Switch")
local gyro = GetPartFromPort(1, "Gyro")
local mic = GetPartFromPort(1, "Microphone")
local on = false
switch:Configure({SwitchValue = false})
mic:Connect("Chatted", function (Player, Message)
if Player ~= "Makerbenjammin6" then return end
local switch = GetPartFromPort(1, "Switch")
local gyro = GetPartFromPort(1, "Gyro")
local mic = GetPartFromPort(1, "Microphone")
local on = false
switch:Configure({SwitchValue = false})
mic:Connect("Chatted", function (Player, Message)
if Player ~= "Makerbenjammin6" then return end