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Created June 1, 2011 17:25
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open System
type token = Tw | TW | Tv | EoF
type Value = Value of char option * (Value -> Value)
let Write =
let queue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue<byte> ()
(fun _ (c : char) ->
let (|HEIGHT|_|) x = match x with | x when x >= 0x81uy && x <= 0x9Fuy || x >= 0xE0uy -> Some x | _ -> None
let (|LOW|_|) x = match x with | x when x >= 0x40uy && x <= 0x7Euy || x >= 0x80uy && x <= 0xFCuy -> Some x | _ -> None
match c |> byte with
| HEIGHT x when queue.Count = 0 -> x |> queue.Enqueue
| LOW x when queue.Count <> 0 -> [|queue.Dequeue (); x|] |> System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(932).GetString |> Console.Write
| _ -> Console.Write c) ()
let Char x = Value (Some x, fun y ->
let True = Value (None, fun x -> Value (None, fun _ -> x))
let False = Value (None, fun _ -> Value (None, fun y -> y))
match y with
| Value (Some y, _) -> match x,y with | x,y when x = y -> True | _ -> False
| _ -> raise (new ArgumentException("Char : char以外はだめ")))
let InitStack = [
Value (None, function
| Value (Some c, _) as v -> Write c; v
| _ -> raise (new ArgumentException("primitive Out : char以外はだめ")));
Value (None, function
| Value (Some c, _) -> (int c + 1) % 256 |> char |> Char
| _ -> raise (new ArgumentException("primitive Succ : char以外はだめ")));
Char 'w';
Value (None, fun x -> try stdin.ToString() |> char |> Char with eof -> x)]
let Stack = (fun _ -> let stack = ref InitStack
fun x -> match x with
| [] -> !stack
| _ -> stack := x @ !stack; !stack) ()
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let rx = new Regex(@"\r\n|ほむ|(?<homu>[\s|\t]+[ほむ{1,}]+[\s$|\t$])")
let ReadFile filename = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename,System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("SHIFT-JIS"))
let source = let source = @"c:\Code\ほむほむ\ほむほむ.txt" |> ReadFile
seq { for s in rx.Matches(source) do
let s = s.ToString()
if s = "ほむ" then
yield 'w'
elif Regex.IsMatch(s,"[\s|\t]+[ほむ{1,}]+[\s$|\t$]") then
for s in Regex.Matches(s,"ほむ") do
yield 'W'
elif s = "\r\n" then
yield 'v' } |> Seq.toArray
let rec Analyze i =
let (|EOF|_|) x = match x with | x when x >= source.Length -> Some x | _ -> None
match i with
| EOF i -> i, EoF
| _ -> match source.[i] with
| 'w' -> i + 1, Tw
| 'W' -> i + 1, TW
| 'v' -> i + 1, Tv
| _ -> Analyze (i + 1)
let rec Read target (index, token as position) i =
match token,target with
| token,target when token = target -> Read target (Analyze index) (i + 1)
| _ -> position, i
let rec ReadBody position body =
let position, f = Read TW position 0
match f with
| 0 -> (position, List.rev body)
| _ -> let position, a = Read Tw position 0
ReadBody position ((f, a) :: body)
let rec App f a stack =
match stack with
| [] -> raise (new ArgumentException("stack"))
| v::st ->
match a,f with
| 1,_ -> let Value = List.nth stack (f - 1)
match Value with
| Value (c,func) -> func v
| _,1 -> let arg = List.nth stack (a - 1)
let value = List.nth stack (f - 1)
match value with
| Value (c,func) -> func arg
| _ -> st |> App (f - 1) (a - 1)
let Run =
let rec Run (index, token as position) =
match token with
| EoF -> [] |> Stack |> App 1 1 |> ignore
| Tw ->
let position, argc = Read Tw position 0
let position, body = ReadBody position []
let rec bind n stack arg =
let stack = arg :: stack
match n with
| 1 -> let rec loop stack body =
match body with
| [] -> List.head stack
| (f, a) :: [] -> stack |> App f a
| (f, a) :: br -> loop ((stack |> App f a) :: stack) br
loop stack body
| _ -> Value (None, bind (n - 1) stack)
[Value (None, bind argc (Stack[]))] |> Stack |> ignore
Run position
| TW ->
let position, f = Read TW position 0
let position, a = Read Tw position 0
[Stack [] |> App f a] |> Stack |> ignore
Run position
| Tv -> Run (Analyze index)
let start =
let rec loop i =
let (index, token) as result = Analyze i
match token with
| Tw | EoF -> result
| _ -> loop index
loop 0
start |> Run
Run; stdin.ReadLine () |> ignore
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