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Created June 2, 2011 01:42
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(ns match.core
(:use [clojure.core.logic.unify :only [unifier unifier* binding-map
binding-map* prep replace-lvar
lvarq-sym? rem-?]]
[clojure.walk :only [postwalk]])
(:require [clojure.core.logic.minikanren :as mk]))
;;borrowed from contrib, thanks steve
(defmacro cond-let
"Takes a binding-form and a set of test/expr pairs. Evaluates each test
one at a time. If a test returns logical true, cond-let evaluates and
returns expr with binding-form bound to the value of test and doesn't
evaluate any of the other tests or exprs. To provide a default value
either provide a literal that evaluates to logical true and is
binding-compatible with binding-form, or use :else as the test and don't
refer to any parts of binding-form in the expr. (cond-let binding-form)
returns nil."
[bindings & clauses]
(let [binding (first bindings)]
(when-let [[test expr & more] clauses]
(if (= test :else)
`(if-let [~binding ~test]
(cond-let ~bindings ~@more))))))
(defn emittable [expr]
(fn [expr]
(mk/lvar? expr)
~(.name expr)
~(.hash expr)
~(.cs expr))
(symbol? expr)
`(quote ~expr)
(seq? expr)
`(list ~@expr)
(mk/lcons? expr)
~(emittable (.a expr))
~(emittable (.d expr))
:else expr))
(alter-var-root #'replace-lvar
(fn replace-lvar [store]
(fn [expr]
(lvarq-sym? expr)
(let [v (if-let [u (@store expr)]
(mk/lvar (rem-? expr)))]
(swap! store conj [expr v])
(and (seq? expr)
(= (first expr) 'cons))
(let [[_ head tail] expr]
(mk/lcons head tail))
:else expr)))))
(defmacro cond-m [value & matches]
(let [value-name (gensym)
match-name (gensym)]
`(let [~value-name ~value]
(cond-let [~match-name nil]
~@(for [m (partition-all 2 matches)
:let [[pattern body] m
lvars (keys (:lvars (meta (prep [pattern]))))
matcher `(binding-map* ~(let [p (prep [pattern])]
~(emittable p)
(meta p))))
body `(let [~(zipmap
(->> lvars
(map name)
(map (partial drop 1))
(map (partial apply str))
(map symbol))
(map #(list 'quote %) lvars))
x [matcher body]]
(defmacro mn [name-or-first-clause & bodies]
(let [fn-name (if (symbol? name-or-first-clause)
(gensym "fn"))
bodies (if-not (symbol? name-or-first-clause)
(conj bodies name-or-first-clause)
`(fn* ~fn-name
(cond-m arg#
?# (throw
(IllegalArgumentException. "no matching clause")))))))
(cons 1 ?a) (println a))
'[1 2])
[(cons ?v nil) ?e' () ()]
[(cons ?v nil) ?e' () (cons [?s ?e ?c] ?d)]
(recur [(cons v s) e c d])
[?s ?e (cons [:term [:lit ?n]] ?c) ?d]
(recur [(cons [:int n] s) e c d])
[?s ?e (cons [:term [:var ?x]] ?c) ?d]
(recur [(cons (get e x) s) e c d])
[?s ?e (cons [:term [:lam [?x ?t]]] ?c) ?d]
(recur [(cons [:closure [e x t]] s) e c d])
[?s ?e (cons [:term [:app [?t0 ?t1]]] ?c) ?d]
(recur [s e (list* [:term t1] [:term t0] :apply c) d])
[(cons :succ (cons [:int ?n] ?s)) ?e (cons :apply ?c) ?d]
(recur [(cons [:int (inc n)] s) e c d])
[(cons [:closure [?e' ?x ?t]] (cons ?v ?s)) ?e (cons :apply ?c) ?d]
(recur [() (assoc e' x v) (list [:term t]) (cons [s e c d] d)]))
['() '{inc :succ} '([:term [:lit 1]] [:term [:var inc]] :apply) ()])
;; => [:int 2]
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