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Created June 7, 2011 22:04
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Save Raynos/1013277 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
jQuery plugin template.
(function($, jQuery, window, document, undefined) {
var toString = Object.prototype.toString,
// uid for elements
uuid = 0;
// over-ride bind so it uses a namespace by default
// namespace is PLUGIN_NAME_<uid>
$.fn.bind = function(type, data, fn, nsKey) {
if (typeof type === "object") {
for (var key in type) {
nsKey = key +;
this.bind(nsKey, data, type[key], fn);
return this;
nsKey = type +;
return, nsKey, data, fn);
// override unbind so it uses a namespace by default.
// add new override. .unbind() with 0 arguments unbinds all methods
// for that element for this plugin. i.e. calls .unbind(_ns)
$.fn.unbind = function(type, fn, nsKey) {
// Handle object literals
if ( typeof type === "object" && !type.preventDefault ) {
for ( var key in type ) {
nsKey = key +;
this.unbind(nsKey, type[key]);
} else if (arguments.length === 0) {
nsKey = type +;
} else {
nsKey = type +;
return, nsKey, fn);
return this;
// Creates a new Wrapped element. This is cached. One wrapped element per
// HTMLElement. Uses data-PLUGIN_NAME-cache as key and
// creates one if not exists.
var create = (function cache_create() {
function _factory(elem) {
return Object.create(Wrap, {
"elem": {value: elem},
"$elem": {value: $(elem)},
"uid": {value: uuid++}
var uid = 0;
var cache = {};
var attr = "data-" + PLUGIN_NAME + "-cache";
return function _cache(elem) {
var val = elem.getAttribute(attr);
if (val === "") {
elem.setAttribute(attr, PLUGIN_NAME + "_" + uid++);
if (cache[val] === undefined) {
cache[val] = _factory(elem);
return cache[val];
// Base object which every Wrap inherits from
var Base = new function() {
// destroy method. unbinds, removes data
this.destroy = function _destroy() {
this.$elem.removeData(PLUGIN_NAME + "-cache");
// initializes the namespace and stores it on the elem.
this.init = function _init() {
this._ns = "." + PLUGIN_NAME + "_" + this.uid;"_ns", this._ns);
// returns data thats stored on the elem under the plugin. = function _data(name, value) {
var $elem = this.$elem, data;
if (name === void 0) {
return $;
} else if (typeof name === "object") {
data = $;
for (var k in name) {
data[k] = name[k];
$, data);
} else if (value === undefined) {
return $[name];
} else {
data = $;
data[name] = value;
$, data);
// Call methods directly. $.PLUGIN_NAME("method", option_hash)
jQuery[PLUGIN_NAME] = function _methods(elem, op, hash) {
if (typeof elem === "string") {
hash = op;
op = elem;
elem = hash.elem;
if (Array.isArray(elem)) {
elem.forEach(function(val) {
} else {
// main plugin. $(selector).PLUGIN_NAME(option_hash)
jQuery.fn[PLUGIN_NAME] = function _main(op, hash) {
if (typeof op === "object" || !op) {, op);
} else {
this.each(function _forEach() {
// -------------------------------
// --------- YOUR CODE -----------
// -------------------------------
var PLUGIN_NAME = "myPlugin",
// default options hash.
defaults = {
// TODO: Add defaults
var Wrap = new function() {
var $destroy = this.destroy;
this.destroy = function _destroy() {
// custom destruction logic
// remove elements and other events / data not stored on .$elem
$destroy.apply(this, arguments);
// TODO: Add custom logic for public methods
function main(options) {
options = $.extend(true, defaults, options);
var wrapped = create(this[0]);
// TODO: Add custom logic for public methods
})(jQuery.sub(), jQuery, this, document);
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