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Created June 18, 2011 02:54
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Tile Land
class KeyboardInput
constructor: ->
@keys = {}
document.onkeyup = (e) =>
@keys[@charCode e] = false
document.onkeydown = (e) =>
@keys[@charCode e] = true
charCode: (event) ->
if not event then event = window.event
code = event.keyCode
if event.charCode and code == 0
code = event.charCode
class MouseListener
constructor: (@id, @key) ->
element = document.getElementById @id
element.onmouseup = (e) =>
if @onmouseup then @onmouseup @key
element.onmousedown = (e) =>
if @onmousedown then @onmousedown @key
element.onclick = (e) =>
return false
class MouseInput
constructor: ->
@bindings = [["left","h"],["right","l"],
["clockwise", "f"],["anti-clockwise","d"]
["zoom-in", "z"],["zoom-out","x"]]
@keys = {}
bind: ->
for binding in @bindings
key = new MouseListener binding[0], binding[1]
key.onmouseup = (key) =>
@keys[key] = false
key.onmousedown = (key) =>
@keys[key] = true
class Input
constructor: ->
@keyboard = new KeyboardInput
@mouse = new MouseInput
key: (key) ->
@keyboard.keys[key] or @mouse.keys[key]
class Timer
constructor: ->
@frameTime = 0
@lastLoop = new Date
@thisLoop = new Date
tick: ->
@thisLoop = new Date
thisTime = @thisLoop - @lastLoop
@frameTime += (thisTime - @frameTime) / 20
@lastLoop = @thisLoop
framesPerSecond: ->
(1000/@frameTime).toFixed(1) + " fps"
class Transform
constructor: ->
@width = 500
@height = 500
@offsetX = 250
@offsetY = 250
@element = document.getElementById("canvas")
@context = @element.getContext('2d')
@timer = new Timer
render: (x, y, theta, zoom) ->
# transform the canvas
@context.translate @offsetX, @offsetY
@context.scale 1/zoom, 1/zoom
@context.rotate theta
@context.translate -@offsetX - x, -@offsetY - y
# calulate which pages we are looking at
pageX = Math.floor x / @width
pageY = Math.floor y / @height
# calulate position we should start drawing the pages
offsetX = pageX * @width + @offsetX
offsetY = pageY * @height + @offsetY
# surround tiles in each direction
tiles = Math.ceil(zoom)
# draw our page and surrounding pages
for pX in [-tiles..tiles]
for pY in [-tiles..tiles]
@renderPage pageX + pX, pageY + pY, offsetX + (@width * pX), offsetY + (@height * pY)
@renderOverlay x, y, theta, zoom
renderOverlay: (x,y,theta,zoom) ->
@context.font = "14pt Monospace"
@context.fillStyle = "Black"
@context.fillText "x = " + Math.round(x*100)/100, 10, 20
@context.fillText "y = " + Math.round(y*100)/100, 10, 40
angle = Math.round theta * 180 / Math.PI
@context.fillText "theta = " + angle, 10, 60
@context.fillText "zoom = " + Math.round(zoom * 100) / 100, 10, 80
@context.fillText "tiles = " + Math.pow(Math.ceil(zoom)*2+1,2), 10, 100
@context.fillText "fps = " + @timer.framesPerSecond(), 10, 120
renderPage: (pageX, pageY, offsetX, offsetY) ->
@context.textAlign = "center"
@context.font = "34pt monospace"
@context.fillStyle = "Black"
@context.fillText "Insert Tile", offsetX + @width / 2, offsetY + @width / 2
@context.fillText "" + pageX + "," + pageY, offsetX + @width / 2, offsetY + @width / 2 + 60
@context.strokeStyle = "Black"
@context.strokeRect offsetX, offsetY, @height, @width
renderBackground: ->
@context.fillStyle = "White"
@context.fillRect 0,0, @element.width,@element.height
@context.strokeStyle = "Black"
@context.strokeRect 0,0, @element.width,@element.height
class World
constructor: ->
@input = new Input
@transform = new Transform
@x = 0
@y = 0
@theta = 0
@zoom = 3
frame: ->
if @input.key 'f' then @theta -= 0.1
if @input.key 'd' then @theta += 0.1
if @input.key 'l' then @x += 10 * @zoom
if @input.key 'h' then @x -= 10 * @zoom
if @input.key 'k' then @y += 10 * @zoom
if @input.key 'j' then @y -= 10 * @zoom
if @input.key 'z' then @zoom -= @zoom / 10
if @input.key 'x' then @zoom += @zoom / 10
@transform.render @x, @y, @theta, @zoom
@element = document.getElementById("canvas")
@context = @element.getContext('2d')
window.onload = (e) ->
world = new World
gameLoop = ->
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Tile Land</title>
<style type="text/css">
#canvas {
margin-left: 200px
#container {
width: 900px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto
<script type="text/javascript" src="tile-land.js">
<div id="container">
<canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500"></canvas>
Move <a id="left" href="#">left [h]</a>/<a id="right" href="#">right [l]</a> and <a id="up" href="#">up [k]</a>/<a id="down" href="#">down [j]</a>.
Rotate <a id="clockwise" href="#">clockwise [d]</a> and <a id="anti-clockwise" href="#">anti-clockwise [f]</a>.
Zoom <a id="zoom-in" href="#">in [z]</a> and <a id="zoom-out" href="#">out [x]</a>
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