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Created June 19, 2011 15:56
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smtp protocol
Basic SMTP protocol support
struct SMTP {
mixin Protocol;
private bool ssl = false;
private string _message;
Sets to the url of the SMTP server
this(string url) {
curl = Curl(true);
if (url.startsWith("smtps://"))
ssl = true;
enforce(url.startsWith("smtp://"), "The url must be for the smtp protocol.");
curl.set(CurlOption.url, url);
if (ssl) {
curl.set(CurlOption.use_ssl, CurlUseSSL.all);
curl.set(CurlOption.ssl_verifypeer, false);
curl.set(CurlOption.ssl_verifyhost, 2);
Setter for the sender's email address
@property void mailFrom(string sender) {
// The sender address should be encapsulated with < and >
if (!(sender[0] == '<' && sender[$ - 1] == '>'))
sender = '<' ~ sender ~ '>';
curl.set(CurlOption.mail_from, sender);
Setter for the recipient email addresses
@property void mailTo(string[] recipients) {
curl_slist* recipients_list = null;
foreach(recipient; recipients) {
if (!(recipient[0] == '<' && recipient[$-1] == '>'))
recipient = '<' ~ recipient ~ '>';
recipients_list = curl_slist_append(recipients_list, cast(char*)toStringz(recipient));
curl.set(CurlOption.mail_rcpt, cast(void*)recipients_list);
Sets the message body text
@property void message(string msg) {
_message = msg;
This delegate reads the message text and copies it.
curl.onSend = delegate size_t(void[] data) {
if (!msg.length) return 0;
auto m = cast(void[])msg;
size_t to_copy = min(data.length, _message.length);
data[0..to_copy] = _message[0..to_copy];
_message = _message[to_copy..$];
return to_copy;
Performs the request as configured
void perform() {
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