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Created June 20, 2011 20:43
CoffeeScript Javascript Fast Inverse Square with Typed Arrays
Author: Jason Giedymin <jasong _a_t_ apache -dot- org>
Appearing in the Quake III Arena source code[1], this strange algorithm uses
integer operations along with a 'magic number' to calculate floating point
approximation values of inverse square roots[5].
In this CoffeeScript variant I supply the original classic, and newer optimal
32 bit magic numbers found by Chris Lomont[2]. Also supplied is the 64-bit
sized magic number.
Another feature included is the ability to alter the level of precision.
This is done by controling the number of iterations for performing Newton's
Depending on the machine and level of percision this algorithm may still
provide performance increases over the classic.
To run this, compile the script with coffee:
coffee -c <this script>.coffee
Then copy & paste the compiled js code in to the JavaSript console of your
Note: You will need a browser which supports typed-arrays[4].
approx_const_quake_32 = 0x5f3759df # See [1]
approx_const_32 = 0x5f375a86 # See [2]
approx_const_64 = 0x5fe6eb50c7aa19f9 # See [2]
fastInvSqrt_typed = (n, precision=1) ->
# Using typed arrays. Right now only works in browsers.
# Node.JS version coming soon.
y = new Float32Array(1)
i = new Int32Array(y.buffer)
y[0] = n
i[0] = 0x5f375a86 - (i[0] >> 1)
for iter in [1...precision]
y[0] = y[0] * (1.5 - ((n * 0.5) * y[0] * y[0]))
return y[0]
### Sample single runs ###
testSingle = () ->
example_n = 10
console.log("Fast InvSqrt of 10, precision 1: #{fastInvSqrt_typed(example_n)}")
console.log("Fast InvSqrt of 10, precision 5: #{fastInvSqrt_typed(example_n, 5)}")
console.log("Fast InvSqrt of 10, precision 10: #{fastInvSqrt_typed(example_n, 10)}")
console.log("Fast InvSqrt of 10, precision 20: #{fastInvSqrt_typed(example_n, 20)}")
console.log("Classic of 10: #{1.0 / Math.sqrt(example_n)}")
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Janther commented Mar 28, 2014

This looks like a nice exercise but running the code resulted in a much slower function i tried it in

  • Firefox 27.0.1
    • 1 Million fast inverse sqrt = 4 seconds
    • 1 Million inverse sqrt = half a second
  • Chrome 33.0.1750.152
    • 1 Million fast inverse sqrt = 2.5 seconds
    • 1 Million inverse sqrt = 1 second

More iterations don't affect much the performance so i think the bottleneck is instantiation of the Arrays.
Nonetheless here is a performance boost by instantiating the arrays outside the function, caching n2 = n * 0.5, y2 = y[0] and using by 1 in the for loop. (by the way the original code runs at least one newton iteration so i changed the range to [0...precision])

y = new Float32Array(1)
i = new Int32Array(y.buffer)
fastInvSqrt_typed = (n, precision = 1) ->
  y[0] = n
  i[0] = 0x5f375a86 - (i[0] >> 1)

  n2 = n * 0.5
  y2 = y[0]
  for iter in [0...precision] by 1
    y2 = y2 * (1.5 - (n2 * y2 * y2))

Firefoxes performance now matches Chormes (not much improved on Chrome)

  • Firefox 27.0.1
    • 1 Million fast inverse sqrt = 2.5 seconds
    • 1 Million inverse sqrt = half a second
  • Chrome 33.0.1750.152
    • 1 Million fast inverse sqrt = 2.4 seconds
    • 1 Million inverse sqrt = 1 second

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