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Created June 28, 2011 12:24
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class UnimarcRecord(Record):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(UnimarcRecord, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def decode_marc(self, marc, to_unicode=False, force_utf8=False, encoding=None,
hide_utf8_warnings=False, utf8_handling='strict'):
decode_marc() accepts a MARC record in transmission format as a
a string argument, and will populate the object based on the data
found. The Record constructor actually uses decode_marc() behind
the scenes when you pass in a chunk of MARC data to it.
# extract record leader
self.leader = marc[0:LEADER_LEN]
if len(self.leader) != LEADER_LEN:
raise RecordLeaderInvalid
# extract the byte offset where the record data starts
base_address = int(marc[12:17])
if base_address <= 0:
raise BaseAddressNotFound
if base_address >= len(marc):
raise BaseAddressInvalid
# extract directory, base_address-1 is used since the
# director ends with an END_OF_FIELD byte
directory = marc[LEADER_LEN:base_address - 1]
# determine the number of fields in record
if len(directory) % DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN != 0:
raise RecordDirectoryInvalid
field_total = len(directory) / DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN
# add fields to our record using directory offsets
field_count = 0
while field_count < field_total:
entry_start = field_count * DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN
entry_end = entry_start + DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN
entry = directory[entry_start:entry_end]
entry_tag = entry[0:3]
entry_length = int(entry[3:7])
entry_offset = int(entry[7:12])
entry_data = marc[base_address + entry_offset:
base_address + entry_offset + entry_length - 1]
# assume controlfields are numeric; replicates ruby-marc behavior
if entry_tag < '010' and entry_tag.isdigit():
field = Field(tag=entry_tag, data=entry_data)
elif entry_tag[0] == '4':
subfields = list()
subs = entry_data.split(SUBFIELD_INDICATOR)
first_indicator = subs[0][0]
second_indicator = subs[0][1]
field_data = subs[1:]
i = 0
field_data_len = len(field_data)
while i < field_data_len:
#if subfield 1, then read embedded field tag number
if field_data[i][0] == '1':
embedded_field_tag = field_data[i][1:4]
embedded_field_i1 = field_data[i][4]
embedded_field_i2 = field_data[i][5]
embedded_subfields = list()
i += 1
while i < field_data_len and field_data[i][0] != '1':
code = field_data[i][0]
data = field_data[i][1:]
if to_unicode:
if self.leader[9] == 'a' or force_utf8:
data = data.decode('utf-8', utf8_handling)
elif encoding and (encoding != 'marc-8'):
data = data.decode(encoding, utf8_handling)
data = marc8_to_unicode(data, hide_utf8_warnings)
i += 1
emb_field = Field(tag=embedded_field_tag,
indicators=[embedded_field_i1, embedded_field_i2],
field = Field(
indicators=[first_indicator, second_indicator],
subfields = list()
subs = entry_data.split(SUBFIELD_INDICATOR)
first_indicator = subs[0][0]
second_indicator = subs[0][1]
for subfield in subs[1:]:
if len(subfield) == 0:
code = subfield[0]
data = subfield[1:]
if to_unicode:
if self.leader[9] == 'a' or force_utf8:
data = data.decode('utf-8', utf8_handling)
elif encoding and (encoding != 'marc-8'):
data = data.decode(encoding, utf8_handling)
data = marc8_to_unicode(data, hide_utf8_warnings)
field = Field(
indicators=[first_indicator, second_indicator],
field_count += 1
if field_count == 0:
raise NoFieldsFound
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