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Created April 13, 2014 13:44
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travering salesman problem : greedy with scala
(List((7,6), (1,7), (9,1), (2,9), (4,2), (3,4), (5,3), (8,5), (0,8)),2812.8078290354997)
[process time] : 22ms
object City {
private def randoms(m:Int) : Stream[Int] = Stream.cons(scala.util.Random.nextInt(m), randoms(m))
def create(count:Int)(implicit max:Int) = randoms(max).zip(randoms(max)).take(count) => x._2 -> x._1).toMap
implicit class CsvConverter(filepath: String) {
//Map[Int,(Int,Int)] : Index -> (X, Y)
def toCities = Source.fromFile(filepath) => x.split(",")).filter(_.size == 2).map(x => (x(0).toInt, x(1).toInt)) => x._2 -> x._1).toMap
implicit class CityExtend(val self:(Int,Int)) {
def +(target:(Int,Int)) : (Int,Int) = (target._1 + self._1, target._2 + self._2)
def -(target:(Int,Int)) : (Int,Int) = (target._1 - self._1, target._2 - self._2)
def distance : Double = math.sqrt(self._1 * self._1 + self._2 * self._2)
def <->(target:(Int,Int)) : Double = (target - self).distance
implicit class CitiesExtend(val self:Map[Int,(Int,Int)]) {
//(city1 -> city2) -> distance
lazy val distances = (for(i <- 0 until self.size ; j <- 0 until self.size) yield ((i -> j) -> (self(i) <-> self(j)))).toMap
//(0 -> 1), (1 -> 2) ,...(n -> 0)
lazy val roots = (0 until self.size) => x zip (x.tail :+ x.head)).toList
//root -> distance
def dfs = roots zip => (0.0 /: x)((s,v) => s + distances(v)))
//(city1 -> city2) -> distance
lazy val nearDistances = distances.toList.sortBy(_._2).filterNot(x => x._1._1 == x._1._2)
def greedy(visited:List[(Int,Int)] = List[(Int,Int)](), distance:Double = 0.0) : (List[(Int,Int)], Double) = {
val current = if(visited.isEmpty) 0 else visited.head._2
val suggests = nearDistances.filter(_._1._1 == current).filter(x => !visited.exists(_._1 == x._1._2))
if(suggests.isEmpty) (visited, distance)
else {
val visit = suggests.head
greedy(visit._1 +: visited,distance + visit._2)
def optimusRoot = greedy(List[(Int,Int)](),0.0)//dfs minBy(_._2)
//drawing method
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.awt.{Graphics2D,Color,Font,BasicStroke, RenderingHints}
import java.awt.geom._
def draw(filepath:String)(implicit max:(Int)) = {
val circleSize = 15
val size = (max, max)
val canvas = new BufferedImage(size._1, size._2, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)
val g = canvas.createGraphics
g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON)
g.fillRect(0,0,canvas.getWidth, canvas.getHeight)
//draw cities
self.foreach(x => {
val text = "[" + x._1 + "] : " + x._2
val point = x._2
g.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(point._1 - (circleSize / 2), point._2 - (circleSize / 2), circleSize, circleSize))
g.drawString(text,point._1, point._2)
//draw roots
val drawRoot = optimusRoot
drawRoot._1.foreach(x => {
val point1 = self(x._1)
val point2 = self(x._2)
g.draw(new Line2D.Double(point1._1, point1._2, point2._1, point2._2))
javax.imageio.ImageIO.write(canvas, "png", new
implicit class RangeExtension(val self:Range) {
def necklacePer = self.permutations.filter(x => x(1) < x.reverse.head).filter(_(0) == self.head)
implicit class FuncExtension(val self:() => Unit) {
def processTime = {
val s = System.currentTimeMillis
println("[process time] : " + (System.currentTimeMillis - s) + "ms")
implicit val max = 1000
val cities = City.create(count = 10)
(() => println(cities.optimusRoot)).processTime
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