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Created July 10, 2011 09:20
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A trait that modifies CRUDify a bit
// This file is distributed under the same license as that of Lift.
package com.example
package lib
import net.liftweb.mapper._
import net.liftweb.common._
import net.liftweb.http.S
trait MegaCRUDify[KeyType, CrudType <: KeyedMapper[KeyType, CrudType]]
extends CRUDify[KeyType, CrudType] {
self: CrudType with KeyedMetaMapper[KeyType, CrudType] =>
//TODO ugly
def enableCreate: Boolean = createMenuLoc match { case Empty => false ; case _ => true }
def enableEdit: Boolean = editMenuLoc match { case Empty => false ; case _ => true }
def enableDelete: Boolean = deleteMenuLoc match { case Empty => false ; case _ => true }
override def _showAllTemplate =
<table id={showAllId} class={showAllClass}>
{if(enableCreate){<td><a crud:view_href="">{S.??("View")}</a></td>}}
{if(enableEdit){<td><a crud:edit_href="">{S.??("Edit")}</a></td>}}
{if(enableDelete){<td><a crud:delete_href="">{S.??("Delete")}</a></td>}}
<td colspan="3"><crud:prev>{previousWord}</crud:prev></td>
<td colspan="3"><crud:next>{nextWord}</crud:next></td>
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