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Герои 3 - карта The Lord of War

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An old man wnats to sell you an old treasure map This is the beginning: King Leondegrance of Hallakoron was in his younger days a coldhearted and feared warlord, until he finally discovered the pleasures of lazyness and luxury, which made him weak in his heart and mind. Nevertheless he was the cruelest king, Draganor ever had. The dragons, first inhabitants of Draganor and enslaved by Leondegrance, fled and ended a close friendship of centuries, masses of subjects emigrated to the wild barbarian folks to the east, who never accepted Leondegrance as their king. But the divorce of Sorophina, his one and only love, finally broke this egomanic heart and caused his eyes to face reality again. She was the one he wanted, but he was not able to make her happy in any way. So he finally chose the divorce and imprisoned her cursing the ground. He looked at the ruins of his kingdom and remembered his stronger days, when he was not just the king but the mightiest warrior and mage of Draganor. Spending four weeks alone in the desert he decided to change his life and started to raise an army. They were barbarians in heart and mind and barbarians are born to fight! This is the beginning You have collected taxes for decades. Right now you know what for! Your generals tell you not to haste too much. Maybe it would be useful to at least spend one week to improve the armies Oh what a feeling! The people have fallen in love with you and donations are given from everywhere to supprort your war! The strange lands surround you and you feel a warlords might in your veins. All of this will soon be yours Such a mass of blood! Who would have expected so many creatutes out of Draganor Thinking about an even greater future causes you to smile in satisfaction. Somehow you know that you must not defeat the dragons south of Draganor! Cruelty is not the right way to reign over a kingdom! Cowardice is the right way to lose it! A strange thought gets you to think about Lady Sorophina, your former wife. You decide to take some troops and free her, because you will need some sons to be the heirs of your large kingdom. A message from somewehere over the rainbow: The royal knights will be your nemesis! The war lasts on and on and some of your brave men start asking, when you will stop to fight and get them home. You step in front of your troops and say: I did not get this far to return home now. This is my home! War is the home of a true barbarian and I promise I promise that this war will last on, until even I can say that I have found a new home! Who ever wants to return to the desert, step forward now! You look at your soldiers and say: I can smell some new blood for our blades! Long live the king! A strange man riding on a winged horse gave you a message: We watch you now and we do not like, what you do! If you will ever set foot on our soil, you are going to regret it! Queen Ashari from Elvenland. War is an extremely expensive thing and to feed your troops and pay the mercenaries costs you a whole fortune! Oh, this land is so large Must there ever be an end? Today you had an intersting talk to King Unaghor, former leader of the jungleland. He is getting bored in his cell and wishes to aid you! Well, why not have such a strong hero as a vanguard! You know, you need every help you can get. The holy grail would be a good thing to reach greater glory. Some say it is hidden underground, but no one knows where and maybe it is all just a fairy tail! Your seers seem to sense great danger and an even bigger challenge for you ahead. They advise you intensively to be NEVER satisfied with the strength of your army. What is a king? What is a warlord? It is getting harder to find answers to these questions again and again. Maybe you are growing up And you will know, my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Are you never satisfied? Will you never rest? Good boy, you answer, I have lately found my way in war and as long as my blood calls for war, I will and cannot rest. But one thing makes you wonder: Another message from somewhere over the rainbow: Summerland is the land of the royal knights. For warlords it is a cemetry. Today three officials from Elvenland arrived and offered you a permanent peace treaty. You send them back offering a permanent war treaty. Again some of your former foes finally accept you as their new leader and wish to join your conquest. Well, you are not getting younger and some of them are definately skilled fighters and magicians. Why should YOU care for their past? All looks pretty well. Victory everywhere and your kindom expands more and more. But somehow you know that this was just the first chapter of your voyage and it will get harder all the time. An old battle wound does not heal. You decide to recover for a while at Hallakoron and let your generals continue the war for you. And there is another reason: You know ,that when you die, the whole kingdom will break in pieces. Sorophina is pregnant, but your son will need at least 15 years. Your seers still seem to sense great danger and an even bigger challenge for you ahead is that possible? They advise you intensively to be still NEVER satisfied with the strength of your army. Enemies get worse all the time. Somehow they all seem to be warned Third message from somewhere over the rainbow: We are the royal knights. We know who you are. If you enter summerland, you will know who we are. Be prepared, a legion of archangels awaits you there! Your son Aragorn is finally born! The whole kingdom celebrates the birth of their new king. Who would have imagined this? The whole land is NOT willing to serve you. And the resistance is always getting stronger Stories of your cruelty, of torture and bad treatment in your kingdom causes your enemies to fight for their lives. And that is what they really do! Two men in red robes suddenly materialize in front of you: We are messagers from snowland. Our leaders have prepared for war Please do not force us to attack you! Do you want to threat me? The tall green keymaster from the brown tent suddenly asks for an audience. He tells you about a long thought lost but hidden spell. On an island, far north of Whittledale, left of the library of enlightment you will find it. Right now it is day of your war, which seems to be an eternal war. But still the number of days is a reason to celebrate and have some more taxes to be collected. Aragorn grows quickly and you are very proud of your son. He will be the greatest king and his task will be to keep the land. You are the lord of war. He will be the lord of peace. Now the end is clear! You know, this war will soon be over. Right now you cannot imagine a life without fights for life, without fear, without seeking blood These thoughts are driving you mad And still it is not over yet. In fact you are not in a hurry. All in all you did not need a year to conquer an entire world Well, you say thinking, no, actually a murderer is a murderer and will be punished by death. And any subject under my reign is an equal servant of my law! The new rule of equality passes through the land and the people start singing everywhere, even in Draganor. Long live Leondegrance of Hallakoron! Hallakoron prepares for the great war! The behemothes of Hallakoron upgrade their building themselves to aid you. From the mountains of North Draganor, some ancient Behemothes come down to aid you. Troop selection day in Hallakoron! All families take their sons and daughters to the capitol to have them recruited. From the mountains of North Draganor, even more ancient Behemothes come down to aid you. From the mountains of whole Draganor, lots of ancient Behemothes come down to aid you. Gaarok prepares for the great war! Wolfs have been successfully kept for breeding. In the old cellars of Gaarok some long forgotten kings have magically hidden a treasure meant for purchasing a great war! Must be your war, Leondegrance, because right now it gets visible. The carpenters and bricklayers of Gaarok do an enthuastic job! Norok prepares for the great war! The sound of war calls new cretures to your generators in Norok. Grashganor, the great cyclops king, has sent some help to Norok! You have the cheater sacrificed to the gods of war within an hour, but not before he was able to tell you the whereabouts of your money! This ground is cursed since the divorce of King Leondegrance and Sorophina. Now you will have to pay for your own hate! Locked up in this prison is Sorphina. Any attempt to free her will be punished by death. As you leave your kingdom for the first time after years and after all these years of sadness and disorder, you suddenly start feeling like a real king again, this is might, this is decision, THIS is leadership. In front of you is the land of wild barbarians, who never freely agreed to join you. A strange silence is in the air This garrison belongs to the wild barbarian folks. It was built to keep you inside your borders. Maybe times are changing We were waiting here for you, King Leondgrance. The message of your great war has passed the borders and soon everybody will know of it! Your kingdom shall grow and we shall be the ones to aid you. The wolf raiders cry. This must have been the final guard. Now the way is free to Ooresdome, capitol of the wild barbarian folk. The people of Ooresdome finally accept you as a king. Thunderbirds have arrived from their nests west of Ooresdome. WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM! OORESDOME WILL NEVER FALL! WE HAVE PREPARED FOR YOUR ARRIVAL! The dragons will never forgive you. The great dragon treasure! You are not welcome! It is strange to find this tent inmidst the isolation and wilderness. The keymaster is a being like you have never seen one, blue skin, green hair and about 8ft. He smiles as he sees you and tells you to come in I will help you to win this war! These ways back home for troop resources are getting longer and longer and you start getting tired about always going back in order to get forth. A young commander, who was recently imprisoned, because he was not able to sit still during dinner could be the right one for this job You start feeling like William Bigdoors, who is told to be the richest man of the entire continent. But you see dwarves ahead. A whole lot of dwarves are ahead These dwarves are getting more and more Dwarves ahead guarding the gold. Is there still water in this muddy river? And even more ahead. Your eyes start getting kind of shiny. Once again some gold In the river your men find using the dwarfs sieve a little amount of gold. What a beautiful river! A single dwarf sits at the river with a sieve in his hands. As he gets aware of your coming he jumps up and cries. Some say the dwarves hunger the most for gold You just smile about it. Some of your men have started to call you Leo Dwarfslayer and you had most of them hanged before they could spread this nickname around the whole army. No one ever sholud dare to call you Leo. What an ugly creature! For your barbarian eyes these mutant beings half man half horse look really disgusting. In your whole life you have never expected to be attacked by trees. Right now you are. The southern area is unexplored! This temple of sacrifice is guarded by the green order, some wild goblins, who get on their knees when they see you, uttering. We are from the same clan, you say, ducking under some thrown rocks. You tried to convince the ancient behemothes to join your army, but these ones are too wild and far too hungry to negotiate Once upon a time there was a great warlord, who thought ogre magi were creatures from his own clan Doth thee wish to proceed? You found some golden creatures working in an alchemist lab. They work like machines for no sense, but when they see you, some of them prepare for attack. Whoever programmed them was definately not your friend. Inside the lab you found a manual abou these gold golems. Using it they helps you find the starting button. Now they seem to be very willing for everything The dragons have discovered you! Getting closer to the enemy garrison makes your heart beat faster and you can feel the hot blood of a real warrior flowing through your veins. Exploring strange unknown lands maybe nice, but you did not come to explore, you came to conquer Long live king Leondegrance of Hallakoron! War taxes are collected in the jungle land. These jungleland creatures would gladly join your war! From the wet grassy plains in the jungleland some mighty gorgons wish to take a serious gaze at your war! The jungle people accept you as their king and build a shipyard! Only the death may pass. This is the ancient armour of king Dshardsh, the cruel. Even the soil did not want to have him, so the area was cursed to keep him buried. Wiping sweat and blood from your forehead you look around. This place is nothing like you have ever seen before. The air is hot and wet and it gets hard to breathe. There is this strange sound of buzzing and chirping insects in the air and these bizarre looking plants A giant moscito just landed on your arm and started to suck your blood, when suddenly out of the trees masses of insects attack you! You hear a strange snake-like sound. It looks like this nest is not meant for you! There is movement in the plants all around! The place just looks empty You find a nest with large silver eggs in it and start thinking about some omelette with onions and garlic, when suddenly the owner and his family and the closer and even the not so close friends of the family appear to defend the eggs You see some cows grazing in the distance. Getting closer you realize first. Suddenly you realize that you are not welcome here. Hmmm, you think, but somehow this place must be civilized Unaghor is our king! Maybe you are right! Once again an ambush! There are black cows and they are definately not grazing, but gazing! Tis not your gold! Does my blood taste like honey? You have succeeded in convincing some of the dragon flies. The rattle of snakes and the view to hundreds of heads No riches for you! The forces of water would gladly join you! The Naga box shines brightly and you are very curious about its contents You decide for curiosity! Some ancient tales exist of two big islands, one filled with flying ghosts, the other one with multiarmed snakes The strange dwellings look really fascinating and the castle towers in the north seem to scrape the sky. The owner could be a real challenge You look at the five towers in the sea and wonder, what they were good for and who built them. This area seems to have been more civilized long ago A passage to the underground on a small island? One could think that below an island there is water We are the keepers of the holy grail secret, the monks whisper. The place of the grail shall be revealed to the one who is chosen. Snakes with multiple arms on an island? Yes, indeed, this tale is true The gold dragons shout. The two prisons of Sir Gawain, who failed twice to find the holy grail. You were not allowed to set Gawain free! His punishment was meant to last. Now you must face some keepers of the holy grail. Some water elementals have fallen in love to these shiny pieces and are now head over heels. Do you really want to take these gems? Some great support from the order of Cavanaugh! Now this is a gift from the jungleland gods. I hope you did not expect to find them pleased You will pay for your cruelty to the dragons! Only the chosen ones may pass! Entry to the royal game of the gods. Ask the third pawn for his way. Enter the royal game of the gods. Since you have started to colonize the cursed desert of Eregrina, many barbarian creatures are attracted by this new continent. The capitol of Eregrina is attracting wandering barbarian creatures! Dear visitor, whoever you are! Do not enter this place, unless you came to set it free from its curse. Many years ago this was the center of a great kingdom and its name was Eregrina. We were the inhabitants and had to leave in shame, facing west. Although we built the magic barrier north, the heat found its way through it, and what was once a beautiful rough land, turned to a desert. Hrodorgrin was our capitol. If you will rebuilt it out of its ruins, do not change the name, just to keep memory alive. Now this is really a hot and dry place. But the heat does not seem to be coming from the sun, actually it is the ground The heat is blowing through these barriers. And around there is Right now you know that behind this barrier you will find nothing from this world! The trees surround you and attack without warning. War taxes are collected in Elvenland! This is a mountain of gold Now this is a beautiful place! Large woods, the smell of the forest and the fertile soil, the odour of flowers Nevertheless this place does not seem to be uninhabited and you can feel great danger ahead. Leaving the magic clearing you suddenly hear the battle-cry of the elves. The flapping of wings in the air stops you and as you look for the source of the sound, you see hundreds of winged horses fly down on you. Elvenland must be stay free! The dragons will never again be your friends! The forest folk fights back! What a great war! These druids and rangers are quite tough and clever opponents, but now the land seems to be yours and you wonder how to get on Someone must have told these arch devils that your next enemies will be archangels! They would gladly join your war, Leondegrance. The arch devils want to join your war against the angels! Having passed the border guard you find an incredible large, long and winding stairway down a lava landscape. It will get you down The smell of sulfur is in the air. Just when you thought the stairs would never end you suddenly reach the ground. It is hot in here. Do you know where you are, King Leondegrance? This must be the gold of the lost souls. Now hell awaits you! There are two strange pits ahead This blue border guard seems to be important, but where is the key? These dogs seem to be guarding the entrance. Sorry, no visitors allowed! This is not a treasure, it is a trap! Uh, actually it is very cold here! The snow and ice freezes your bloodlust. All treasures belong to the wizards of snowland! If you came to learn, you are welcome. If you came to conquer, begone! You have definately entered the home of the wizards. This is your last chance to turn back! We are not interested in war! There is a strange humming sound ahead. It does not sound natural The order of Cavanaugh gladly supports you. Hail Leondegrance of Hallakoron! Out of the magic plains you suddenly feel like fainting and lose some of your magic powers Actually this way will not get you to one of these obelisks The order of Cavanaugh supprorts the greatest king on this earth! The long thought lost hidden spell! You have found it! And you will need it! And finally he is going to set us free! Some ogre magi say. These dragons are guarding a treasure! The new mayor of Redrock has found a way to turn crystal to gold! Oh, noble king, it seems, most of the dragons are still not in love with you Never forget our good old friendship, says one of the dragons and growls dangerously. Riding slowly through the small passage a monk suddenly appears before you and says. These ugly creatures seem to crawl out of any whole This cave is dark and the foul odour of the mushrooms all around causes this wet place with its dripping and reverberating sounds to be very strange, especially for your barbarian troops, who love nothing more than light. With a human face and the body of a vulture these creatures cause a strange and very bitter taste on your tongue The artifact is guarded by hundreds of harpy hags, led by one Black Dragon, who says. Do you wish to take it? Dshennara, Warlock a. Shamra, Warlock a. Garakoron, Warlock a. Sharok, Warlock a. Redrock, mages looking for spiritual tournaments are always welcome. First I thought you were my brother Lomkorus. Be welcome and never mind a little test Hand-to-hand combats are so superficial Never mind, you reply. It is Nephretetos again. The sack is guared by thousands of dwarves. Is this a secret passage or just a dead end road? The new mayor of Blackrock has found a way to turn gold to crystal! Somehow you feel like a part of a joke! The treasure of the scorpicores is guarded by a horde of them. The last treasure of the scorpicores is guarded by Lcrotat, the leader of all scorpicores. He begs you to leave this treasure to the scorpicores as a gesture of a new friendship. Do you wish to kill Lcrotat? Right in front of you, you see some really strange creatures and you are sure they are magically created. The body of a lion, the tail of a scorpion and the wings of an eagle, what a strange mixture This seems to be the leader of the minotaurs, guarding a treasure. Now, after you took a closer look at these creatures and their dwellings you find out that they seem to be waiting for something or someone. This whole underground area has become strangely unnatural, like the playing field of a weird mind This passagae seems to be filled with these strange creatures, who call themselves Dungeon-beings, and dwellings. They seem to have been more or less forgotten by their creators, but nevertheless their loyality to these creators is unbroken. The order of Cavanaugh will always help you, Leondegrance. Now it gets clearer But these creatures here seem to be very patient. It depends, you respond as you ride on. On the one, who is asking, you reply. Of course, you say. This was very unkind! I have researched and found out who you are, says the voice, Leondegrance of Hallakoron, barbarian king AND YOU SHOULD RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! Yes, you say and smile, and no matter what happens soon, I do not have to listen to you anymore. This makes me really happy. But this is a terrible fault, says the voice. Haha, a sense of humor in the underground, haha, says the voice, ok, come closer if you wish to. Well, maybe you did not get me right, says the voice, to go on means that I have to kill you. Got it, you reply. So, why do you ride on? Maybe to prove that you are wrong, you say. I do not understand you, says the voice. But I want to, says the voice. Soon you will, you say. Hmmm, unsatisfactory, says the voice, maybe I should send you some of my dragons Yes, you say and smile Oh, my poor dragons! Why did you send them to me? You are a cruel and coldhearted creature! And you talk too much, you say. The desert of Mrakar was magically moved underground by Lomkorus, greates of all Warlocks, in This place feels like home and the people, who have been held captive for many years celebrate their new king, Leondegrance of Hallakoron. But some people in the towns do not seem to trust you at all, well, never mind, soon they will! Long live Leondegrance, the conquerer! This used to be a passage, but the bridge has long ago broken and no one has ever repaired it, because of the water creatures, who guarded the place. The water guardians are not pleased to see you. This is our gold! You may pass through this area, but do not dare to touch our gold!. THE DWARVES WILL ALWAYS HATE YOU! The dwarven treasure is guarded. Do you want to take it? This treasure is extremely guarded! Do you want to die? At least and after this long walk you hear the hammering sound of mineworkers. This must be the entrance tunnel, which the dwarves dug to get to the gold. Somehow they must have smelled it What a large tunnel The goblins are good workers, but the dwarves love their work The water is black as the darkest of all nights and very cold. Some of your men sense movement in the water. Strange sounds hall back from the artificial walls of this cave. One thing is obvious. Strange shadows move on the ceiling of the cave and when a sudden cold breeze starts to blow, you shiver and feel a strange kind of anxiety. Although you love this long missed feeling, you cannot get rid of the sudden wish to escape. The labyrinth of Gorlacazar. The shadows are getting more and closer Suddenly the shadows drop down from the ceiling and you hear your men shriek in fear Smaller than the last one This is a very large amount of crystal, but getting closer you realize that the shadows of each piece of crystal move Not as big as the last one, still movement everywhere A large heap of crystal, indeed Now this is the biggest amount of sulfur you ever saw A whole lot of sulfur Largest amount of mercury. There is a slight movement Could it be, you defeated the shadows? There is another slight movement. It looks like you are getting closer to trap. The Argo is in serious danger! Send help as soon as possible! Right now, as there is no return, I know we will die in here. Most of my men have perished, trying to pick up one of the treasures! A mass of shadows and bat-like creatures drop down from the ceiling There are some white creatures inbetween the shadows and suddenly they all drop from the ceiling Although I long for light, I do not dare to pick this up If you do, whoever you are, you may tell me in heaven or hell what happened. You may call me a coward, but books like this one are not just floating around Shadows fall down on you Shadows and bats make the mortals scream in this neverending night,,,. The creatures of the night rain down on you The spirit of opression seems to watch you and as you get closer you realize to be watched by thousands of dead eyes all around you. Do you wish to take this artifact? They are here, but they did not attack before. Maybe they were waiting for you to take this last treasure. You sense a lot of movement arounf. Do you wish to take the gold? Once again you have a strange feeling Now this is definately a way out of this labyrinth. But where will it take you for darkness remains? I leave this spell to you. Maybe you will need it more than I did. The ship in front of you is left alone and seems to be here for centuries. After a while you are able to encrypt the signature on its front. The mystical blade shimmers in the water The vial of lifeblood levitates silently above the black water The Dread Knights have been waiting for you since the prophecy was told to us! Do you want the artifact? Did you expect this mass of shipwrecks to be here just for decoration? Send me a map! This is a dead end. Once more you are attacked from the ceiling, the walls around and even the black water One ghost dragon for every piece. All in all you did not just want to raise minotaurs So you have defeated the shadows and now reach for the key. Meet me in the center of my labyrinth. WELCOME TO MY LABYRINTH! Actually the border was built to keep the Dead Ones outside! Right now it seems to be built to keep YOU inside! Keep your morale up, my friend! The mighty gorgons have stolen our death stare! Be a challenge, Leondegrance! You chose the harder way! Are you sure to be on the right way? Do you need it, Leondegrance? The golden bow will be even better guarded! Do you really want to fight just to arrive at another dead end? This border was built to keep the Dead Ones outside of my labyrinth. If you wish to open it, dear traveller, come to visit me in the southwest. The knight waves his hand and calls. Having passed the border you see a knight with his army standing still and waiting for you The knight has no skin on his face and his whole army consists of horrifying undead creatures! You shiver in disgust I thought, you wanted to be our saviour! And this is what I really am, you answer, I am going to save you from poisoning this earth! So you are the enemy! You smile brightly and say. This looks like a real kingdom to be conquered! You prepare for the hardest battle and a real war! Some of them escaped that way! Shadowland, the home of the Skull King. You are leaving Shadowland. North was once the way to the Forest. East was once the way to the Desert. The game of the gods, the fight of good vs. All the islands are safe, but entering the land means war with the knights! This treasure is for you! Dear player, this map was created by Gwhenwyfar. Please do not forget to send me comments to improve my work! Rate the maps as you play them! You must under any circumstances turn back! The order of Cavanaugh gladly supports you for the last time. You are be the greatest king that has ever reigned! This map was created by Gwhenwyfar. What is so funny about that? I thought, I already killed the greatest of all Warlocks! This is certainly a death trap. Do you long for enlightment in the darkness? Do you wish to know all the spell of fire magic? What a mass of undead creatures! These necromancers have really raised an army to start a war for themselves Something shimmers in the water and you send some of your men to dive for it. But there is sth else. Начало Звездные Призраки Neverwinter Online Полный Пи World of Battleships " ;. Комментарии к файлу " The Lord of War". У меня уже есть акаунт на FatalGame! Популярные игры и онлайн-игры. Флеш игры Зомби Леталки Казуальные Танчики Шарики Приключения Трейси на лыжах. The Elder Scrolls V: Стрелялки Гонки Логические MMORPG Зомби Karos: Оригинальная Half-Life неожиданно получила новый патч. Администрация Steam установила новый рекорд по числу забаненных аккаунтов. Подписчики EA Access скоро получат Battlefield 1 и Titanfall 2. Очередное обновление убрало защиту Denuvo из Mass Effect: Рекомендуемое Arcanum Diablo 2 Diablo 2: Lod Disciples Fallout Flash игры GTA 3 Hitman Kings Bounty Lineage 2 NFS Oblivion Silent Hill Аллоды Аллоды 2 Браузерные игры Готика Готика 2 Готика 2: Ночь Ворона Готика 3 Дота Наруто Нэнси Дрю Проклятые Земли Сибирь Сибирь 2 Консоли Денди Сега Описание Гайды - Дота Обзоры игр Прохождение игр Ролевые игры Чит коды. Меню Главная Bход Регистрация Флеш игры Галерея Список игр Онлайн игры Новости Файлы Ответы Герои Рекомендуемое. Разработка сайта - компания Illusix. The Lord of War. Круто у меня ваще без лагов и багов а то бывает у меня Fanch Как его вернуть и карту багованую исправить? StalkBoy нужны моды на жту игру, помогите добыть в частности CSER спасибо помогло pvm а куда вводить эти коды? Кто такой Январь в Prey? Как открыть сейф в управлении магнитосферой в Prey?

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