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Created July 13, 2011 17:13
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Fabric script to manage ssh
# fabfile to set up a VNC server and connection
# Requires xtightvncviewer to be installed, but that appears to be part of
# the default ubuntu install.
# There are two use cases:
# * start vnc server on remote end, set up a ssh tunnel, and start vnc viewer
# using the server and ssh tunnel set up.
# * set up a ssh tunnel and connect vnc viewer to existing vnc server
# Start with first case. It should also:
# * print out commands that can be pasted into a skype text chat window so
# someone could connect using that command.
# * also print out stuff to use with this fabric script for the second person
# connecting to the server.
# * stop the vnc server once done
import os, sys, time, re
from fabric.api import *
from fabric import utils
from fabric.contrib import files
from fabric.decorators import hosts
import subprocess
from tunnel import make_tunnel
# this line is to allow you to use a different ssh port
env.hosts = [VNC_SERVER + ':12345']
env.environment = 'vnc'
def startvnc(display=1, use_ssh=False):
"""Start vnc server, set up ssh tunnel and start vnc viewer."""
display_number = int(display)
use_ssh = _str_to_bool(use_ssh)
display_number = _check_for_existing_session(display_number)
# start vnc server remotely
run('tightvncserver -geometry 1024x768 -depth 15 :%s' % display_number)
# and joing it
joinvnc(display_number, use_ssh)
# the above should block until the vnc session is closed, so we can carry
# on and tear down the vncserver - the ssh tunnel should die by itself.
def joinvnc(display=1, use_ssh=False):
"""Set up ssh tunnel and connect vnc viewer to existing vnc server."""
use_ssh = _str_to_bool(use_ssh)
display_number = int(display)
display_port = display_number + 5900
# start ssh tunnel
if use_ssh:
with make_tunnel(tunnel=env.host_string, remote='localhost:'+str(display_port), local_port=5901) as t:
local('xtightvncviewer -compresslevel 5 -quality 8 localhost:%d' % display_port)
local('xtightvncviewer -compresslevel 5 -quality 8 %s:%d' % (VNC_SERVER, display_port))
def killoldvnc(display=1):
"""Ensure any vnc server still running is killed."""
display_number = int(display)
run('tightvncserver -kill :%s' % display_number)
def _str_to_bool(bool_in):
if isinstance(bool_in, bool):
return bool_in
tf = {'true': True, 'false': False}
return tf[bool_in.lower()]
def _set_vnc_password():
# set VNC password - see man vncpasswd
vnc_dir = os.path.join('/home', env.user, '.vnc')
vnc_passwd = os.path.join(vnc_dir, 'passwd')
if not files.exists(vnc_dir):
run('mkdir -p %s' % vnc_dir)
run('chmod 700 %s' % vnc_dir)
# set the password by copying the file into place
if not files.exists(vnc_passwd):
print "Setting VNC password"
put('vnc_passwd', vnc_passwd, mode=0600)
def _check_for_existing_session(display_number):
# check for existing X sessions
with settings(warn_only=True):
ls_out = run('ls -l /tmp/.X*-lock')
# if no file found, no one else is running VNC
if ls_out.return_code != 0:
return display_number
display_in_use = False
display_numbers_in_use = []
for item in ls_out.split('\n'):
ls_out_bits = item.split(' ')
m = re.match(r'/tmp/.X(\d+)-lock', ls_out_bits[-1])
display_num_used = int(
if display_num_used == display_number:
display_in_use = True
display_owner = ls_out_bits[2]
if not display_in_use:
return display_number
for new_display_number in range(1,20):
if not new_display_number in display_numbers_in_use:
if new_display_number == 20:
utils.abort('No display numbers under 20 available! Check with a sys admin')
print 'Display number %d is in use by %s' % (display_number, display_owner)
if display_number == 1:
print 'Using a different display number will mean that the web interface will not be able to connect'
use_new_num = prompt('Display number %d is available, would you like to use it? (y/n)' % new_display_number,
if use_new_num.lower() != 'y':
utils.abort('Not using different display number, aborting.')
return new_display_number
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