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Created July 19, 2011 13:19
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Hack na FileJournal v Nette
* Exclusive lock in memcache
* @author Radek Dvořák <>
class Lock
* Constant filling (salt) for key generation
const DUMMY_TEXT = "This is a dummy text";
* Lock expiration time (seconds)
* Expiration time (in seconds)
protected $memcached;
protected $defaultOptions = array(self::WAIT_TIME => 5e5, self::EXPIRATION_TIME => 300);
* Constructor
* @param \Memcached $memcached
function __construct(\Memcached $memcached)
$this->memcached = $memcached;
* Acquires an exclusive lock
* @param string $lockedKey
* @param array $options
* @return bool
public function acquireLock($lockedKey, array $options = array())
$options += $this->defaultOptions;
$key = $this->createKey($lockedKey);
$sleepTime = 5e4;
$iters = intval($options[self::WAIT_TIME] / $sleepTime);
if ($this->memcached->add($key, "", $options[self::EXPIRATION_TIME]))
return true;
while ($iters > 0);
return false;
* Releases a lock
* @param string $lockedKey
* @return bool
public function releaseLock($lockedKey)
$key = $this->createKey($lockedKey);
return $this->memcached->delete($key);
* Generates a key
* @param string $lockedKey
* @return string
protected function createKey($lockedKey)
return sha1(self::DUMMY_TEXT . strval($lockedKey));
namespace Profimedia\Caching;
use Nette;
use Nette\Caching\Storages\IJournal;
use Nette\Caching\Cache;
* Btree+ based file journal.
* @author Jakub Onderka
* @author Radek Dvořák <> Memcache hack
class MemcachedJournal extends Nette\Object implements IJournal
/** Filename with journal */
const FILE = 'btfj.dat';
/** 4 bytes file header magic (btfj) */
const FILE_MAGIC = 0x6274666A;
/** 4 bytes index node magic (inde) */
const INDEX_MAGIC = 0x696E6465;
/** 4 bytes data node magic (data) */
const DATA_MAGIC = 0x64617461;
/** Node size in bytes */
const NODE_SIZE = 4096;
/** Bit rotation for saving data into nodes. BITROT = log2(NODE_SIZE) */
const BITROT = 12;
/** Header size in bytes */
const HEADER_SIZE = 4096;
/** Size of 32 bit integer in bytes. INT32_SIZE = 32 / 8 :-) */
const INT32_SIZE = 4;
/** Use json_decode and json_encode instead of unserialize and serialize (JSON is smaller and mostly faster) */
const INFO = 'i',
IS_LEAF = 'il', // TRUE or FALSE
PREV_NODE = 'p', // Prev node id
END = 'e',
MAX = 'm', // Maximal key in node or -1 when is last node
INDEX_DATA = 'id',
// Indexes
const TAGS = 't',
ENTRIES = 'e';
const DATA = 'd',
KEY = 'k', // string
/** Debug mode, only for testing purposes */
public static $debug = FALSE;
/** @var string */
private $file;
/** @var resource */
private $handle;
/** @var int Last complete free node */
private $lastNode = 2;
/** @var int Last modification time of journal file */
private $lastModTime = NULL;
/** @var array Cache and uncommited but changed nodes */
private $nodeCache = array();
/** @var array */
private $nodeChanged = array();
/** @var array */
private $toCommit = array();
/** @var array */
private $deletedLinks = array();
/** @var array Free space in data nodes */
private $dataNodeFreeSpace = array();
/** @var array */
private static $startNode = array(
self::TAGS => 0,
self::PRIORITY => 1,
self::ENTRIES => 2,
self::DATA => 3,
protected $memcache;
protected $lock;
* @param string Directory location with journal file
* @return void
public function __construct($dir, \Memcached $memcache)
$this->file = $dir . '/' . self::FILE;
$this->memcache = $memcache;
$this->lock = new \PM\Cache\Memcache\Lock($this->memcache);
$this->memcache->add($this->file, pack('N2', self::FILE_MAGIC, $this->lastNode));
$this->handle = $this->openFile($this->file, "r+b");
if (!$this->handle) {
throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot open journal file '$this->file'.");
$header = stream_get_contents($this->handle, 2 * self::INT32_SIZE, 0);
list(, $fileMagic, $this->lastNode) = unpack('N2', $header);
if ($fileMagic !== self::FILE_MAGIC) {
throw new \InvalidStateException("Malformed journal file '$this->file'.");
* @return void
public function __destruct()
* Writes entry information into the journal.
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
public function write($key, array $dependencies)
$casToken = 0;
$this->handle = $this->openFile($this->file, "r+b", $casToken);
$this->_write($key, $dependencies);
$casStat = $this->memcache->cas($casToken, $this->file, stream_get_contents($this->handle, -1, 0));
if (false === $casStat)
throw new \InvalidStateException("Locking failed, journal data has been modified.");
* Writes entry information into the journal.
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
protected function _write($key, array $dependencies)
$priority = !isset($dependencies[Cache::PRIORITY]) ? FALSE : (int) $dependencies[Cache::PRIORITY];
$tags = empty($dependencies[Cache::TAGS]) ? FALSE : (array) $dependencies[Cache::TAGS];
$exists = FALSE;
$keyHash = crc32($key);
list($entriesNodeId, $entriesNode) = $this->findIndexNode(self::ENTRIES, $keyHash);
if (isset($entriesNode[$keyHash])) {
$entries = $this->mergeIndexData($entriesNode[$keyHash]);
foreach ($entries as $link => $foo) {
$dataNode = $this->getNode($link >> self::BITROT);
if ($dataNode[$link][self::KEY] === $key) {
if ($dataNode[$link][self::TAGS] == $tags && $dataNode[$link][self::PRIORITY] === $priority) { // intentionally ==, the order of tags does not matter
if ($dataNode[$link][self::DELETED]) {
$dataNode[$link][self::DELETED] = FALSE;
$this->saveNode($link >> self::BITROT, $dataNode);
$exists = TRUE;
} else { // Alredy exists, but with other tags or priority
$toDelete = array();
foreach ($dataNode[$link][self::TAGS] as $tag) {
$toDelete[self::TAGS][$tag][$link] = TRUE;
if ($dataNode[$link][self::PRIORITY] !== FALSE) {
$toDelete[self::PRIORITY][$dataNode[$link][self::PRIORITY]][$link] = TRUE;
$toDelete[self::ENTRIES][$keyHash][$link] = TRUE;
$this->saveNode($link >> self::BITROT, $dataNode);
if ($exists === FALSE) {
// Magical constants
if (self::USE_JSON) {
$requiredSize = strlen($key) + 45 + substr_count($key, '/');
if ($tags) {
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$requiredSize += strlen($tag) + 3 + substr_count($tag, '/');
$requiredSize += $priority ? strlen($priority) : 5;
} else {
$requiredSize = strlen($key) + 75;
if ($tags) {
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$requiredSize += strlen($tag) + 13;
$requiredSize += $priority ? 10 : 1;
$freeDataNode = $this->findFreeDataNode($requiredSize);
$data = $this->getNode($freeDataNode);
if ($data === FALSE) {
$data = array(
self::INFO => array(
self::LAST_INDEX => ($freeDataNode << self::BITROT),
self::TYPE => self::DATA,
$dataNodeKey = ++$data[self::INFO][self::LAST_INDEX];
$data[$dataNodeKey] = array(
self::KEY => $key,
self::TAGS => $tags ? $tags : array(),
self::PRIORITY => $priority,
$this->saveNode($freeDataNode, $data);
// Save to entries tree, ...
$entriesNode[$keyHash][$dataNodeKey] = 1;
$this->saveNode($entriesNodeId, $entriesNode);
// ...tags tree...
if ($tags) {
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
list($nodeId, $node) = $this->findIndexNode(self::TAGS, $tag);
$node[$tag][$dataNodeKey] = 1;
$this->saveNode($nodeId, $node);
// ...and priority tree.
if ($priority) {
list($nodeId, $node) = $this->findIndexNode(self::PRIORITY, $priority);
$node[$priority][$dataNodeKey] = 1;
$this->saveNode($nodeId, $node);
* Cleans entries from journal.
* @param array
* @return array of removed items or NULL when performing a full cleanup
public function clean(array $conditions)
$casToken = 0;
$this->handle = $this->openFile($this->file, "r+b", $casToken);
$entries = $this->_clean($conditions);
fseek($this->handle, 0);
$casStat = $this->memcache->cas($casToken, $this->file, stream_get_contents($this->handle));
if (false === $casStat)
throw new \InvalidStateException("Locking failed, journal data modified.");
return $entries;
* Cleans entries from journal.
* @param array
* @return array of removed items or NULL when performing a full cleanup
protected function _clean(array $conditions)
if (!empty($conditions[Cache::ALL])) {
$this->nodeCache = $this->nodeChanged = $this->dataNodeFreeSpace = array();
$toDelete = array(
self::TAGS => array(),
self::PRIORITY => array(),
self::ENTRIES => array()
$entries = array();
if (!empty($conditions[Cache::TAGS])) {
$entries = $this->cleanTags((array) $conditions[Cache::TAGS], $toDelete);
if (isset($conditions[Cache::PRIORITY])) {
$this->arrayAppend($entries, $this->cleanPriority((int) $conditions[Cache::PRIORITY], $toDelete));
$this->deletedLinks = array();
return $entries;
* Cleans entries from journal by tags.
* @param array
* @return array of removed items
private function cleanTags(array $tags, array &$toDelete)
$entries = array();
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
list($nodeId, $node) = $this->findIndexNode(self::TAGS, $tag);
if (isset($node[$tag])) {
$ent = $this->cleanLinks($this->mergeIndexData($node[$tag]), $toDelete);
$this->arrayAppend($entries, $ent);
return $entries;
* Cleans entries from journal by priority.
* @param integer
* @param array
* @return array of removed items
private function cleanPriority($priority, array &$toDelete)
list($nodeId, $node) = $this->findIndexNode(self::PRIORITY, $priority);
$allData = array();
foreach ($node as $prior => $data) {
if ($prior === self::INFO) {
} elseif ($prior > $priority) {
$this->arrayAppendKeys($allData, $this->mergeIndexData($data));
$nodeInfo = $node[self::INFO];
while ($nodeInfo[self::PREV_NODE] !== -1) {
$nodeId = $nodeInfo[self::PREV_NODE];
$node = $this->getNode($nodeId);
if ($node === FALSE) {
if (self::$debug) throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot load node number $nodeId.");
$nodeInfo = $node[self::INFO];
foreach ($node as $prior => $data) {
$this->arrayAppendKeys($allData, $this->mergeIndexData($data));
return $this->cleanLinks($allData, $toDelete);
* Cleans links from $data.
* @param array
* @param array
* @return array of removed items
private function cleanLinks(array $data, array &$toDelete)
$return = array();
$data = array_keys($data);
$max = count($data);
$data[] = 0;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $max) {
$searchLink = $data[$i];
if (isset($this->deletedLinks[$searchLink])) {
$nodeId = $searchLink >> self::BITROT;
$node = $this->getNode($nodeId);
if ($node === FALSE) {
if (self::$debug) throw new \InvalidStateException('Cannot load node number ' . ($nodeId) . '.');
do {
$link = $data[$i];
if (!isset($node[$link])){
if (self::$debug) throw new \InvalidStateException("Link with ID $searchLink is not in node ". ($nodeId) . '.');
} elseif (isset($this->deletedLinks[$link])) {
$nodeLink = &$node[$link];
if (!$nodeLink[self::DELETED]) {
$nodeLink[self::DELETED] = TRUE;
$return[] = $nodeLink[self::KEY];
} else {
foreach ($nodeLink[self::TAGS] as $tag) {
$toDelete[self::TAGS][$tag][$link] = TRUE;
if ($nodeLink[self::PRIORITY] !== FALSE) {
$toDelete[self::PRIORITY][$nodeLink[self::PRIORITY]][$link] = TRUE;
$toDelete[self::ENTRIES][crc32($nodeLink[self::KEY])][$link] = TRUE;
$this->deletedLinks[$link] = TRUE;
} while (($data[++$i] >> self::BITROT) === $nodeId);
$this->saveNode($nodeId, $node);
return $return;
* Remove links to deleted keys from index.
* @param array
private function cleanFromIndex(array $toDeleteFromIndex)
foreach ($toDeleteFromIndex as $type => $toDelete) {
while (!empty($toDelete)) {
$searchKey = key($toDelete);
list($masterNodeId, $masterNode) = $this->findIndexNode($type, $searchKey);
if (!isset($masterNode[$searchKey])) {
if (self::$debug) throw new \InvalidStateException('Bad index.');
foreach ($toDelete as $key => $links) {
if (isset($masterNode[$key])) {
foreach ($links as $link => $foo) {
if (isset($masterNode[$key][$link])) {
unset($masterNode[$key][$link], $links[$link]);
if (!empty($links) && isset($masterNode[$key][self::INDEX_DATA])) {
$this->cleanIndexData($masterNode[$key][self::INDEX_DATA], $links, $masterNode[$key]);
if (empty($masterNode[$key])) {
} else {
$this->saveNode($masterNodeId, $masterNode);
* Merge data with index data in other nodes.
* @param array
* @return array of merged items
private function mergeIndexData(array $data)
while (isset($data[self::INDEX_DATA])) {
$id = $data[self::INDEX_DATA];
$childNode = $this->getNode($id);
if ($childNode === FALSE) {
if (self::$debug) throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot load node number $id.");
$this->arrayAppendKeys($data, $childNode[self::INDEX_DATA]);
return $data;
* Cleans links from other nodes.
* @param int
* @param array
* @param array
* @return void
private function cleanIndexData($nextNodeId, array $links, &$masterNodeLink)
$prev = -1;
while ($nextNodeId && !empty($links)) {
$nodeId = $nextNodeId;
$node = $this->getNode($nodeId);
if ($node === FALSE) {
if (self::$debug) throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot load node number $nodeId.");
foreach ($links as $link => $foo) {
if (isset($node[self::INDEX_DATA][$link])) {
unset($node[self::INDEX_DATA][$link], $links[$link]);
if (isset($node[self::INDEX_DATA][self::INDEX_DATA])) {
$nextNodeId = $node[self::INDEX_DATA][self::INDEX_DATA];
} else {
$nextNodeId = FALSE;
if (empty($node[self::INDEX_DATA]) || (count($node[self::INDEX_DATA]) === 1 && $nextNodeId)) {
if ($prev === -1) {
if ($nextNodeId === FALSE) {
} else {
$masterNodeLink[self::INDEX_DATA] = $nextNodeId;
} else {
$prevNode = $this->getNode($prev);
if ($prevNode === FALSE) {
if (self::$debug) throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot load node number $prev.");
} else {
if ($nextNodeId === FALSE) {
if (empty($prevNode[self::INDEX_DATA])) {
} else {
$prevNode[self::INDEX_DATA][self::INDEX_DATA] = $nextNodeId;
$this->saveNode($prev, $prevNode);
} else {
$prev = $nodeId;
$this->saveNode($nodeId, $node);
* Get node from journal.
* @param integer
* @return array
private function getNode($id)
// Load from cache
if (isset($this->nodeCache[$id])) {
return $this->nodeCache[$id];
$binary = stream_get_contents($this->handle, self::NODE_SIZE, self::HEADER_SIZE + self::NODE_SIZE * $id);
if (empty($binary)) {
// empty node, no Exception
return FALSE;
list(, $magic, $lenght) = unpack('N2', $binary);
if ($magic !== self::INDEX_MAGIC && $magic !== self::DATA_MAGIC) {
if (!empty($magic)) {
if (self::$debug) throw new \InvalidStateException("Node $id has malformed header.");
return FALSE;
$data = substr($binary, 2 * self::INT32_SIZE, $lenght - 2 * self::INT32_SIZE);
if (self::USE_JSON) {
$node = @json_decode($data, TRUE); // intentionally @
} else {
$node = @unserialize($data); // intentionally @
if ($node === FALSE) {
if (self::$debug) throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot deserialize node number $id.");
return FALSE;
// Save to cache and return
return $this->nodeCache[$id] = $node;
* Save node to cache.
* @param integer
* @param array
* @return void
private function saveNode($id, array $node)
if (count($node) === 1) { // Nod contains only INFO
$nodeInfo = $node[self::INFO];
if ($nodeInfo[self::TYPE] !== self::DATA) {
if ($nodeInfo[self::END] !== -1) {
$this->nodeCache[$id] = $node;
$this->nodeChanged[$id] = TRUE;
if ($nodeInfo[self::MAX] === -1) {
$max = PHP_INT_MAX;
} else {
$max = $nodeInfo[self::MAX];
list(, , $parentId) = $this->findIndexNode($nodeInfo[self::TYPE], $max, $id);
if ($parentId !== -1 && $parentId !== $id) {
$parentNode = $this->getNode($parentId);
if ($parentNode === FALSE) {
if (self::$debug) throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot load node number $parentId.");
} else {
if ($parentNode[self::INFO][self::END] === $id) {
if (count($parentNode) === 1) {
$parentNode[self::INFO][self::END] = -1;
} else {
$lastKey = key($parentNode);
$parentNode[self::INFO][self::END] = $parentNode[$lastKey];
} else {
$this->saveNode($parentId, $parentNode);
if ($nodeInfo[self::TYPE] === self::PRIORITY) { // only priority tree has link to prevNode
if ($nodeInfo[self::MAX] === -1) {
if ($nodeInfo[self::PREV_NODE] !== -1) {
$prevNode = $this->getNode($nodeInfo[self::PREV_NODE]);
if ($prevNode === FALSE) {
if (self::$debug) throw new \InvalidStateException('Cannot load node number ' . $nodeInfo[self::PREV_NODE] . '.');
} else {
$prevNode[self::INFO][self::MAX] = -1;
$this->saveNode($nodeInfo[self::PREV_NODE], $prevNode);
} else {
list($nextId, $nextNode) = $this->findIndexNode($nodeInfo[self::TYPE], $nodeInfo[self::MAX] + 1, NULL, $id);
if ($nextId !== -1 && $nextId !== $id) {
$nextNode[self::INFO][self::PREV_NODE] = $nodeInfo[self::PREV_NODE];
$this->saveNode($nextId, $nextNode);
$this->nodeCache[$id] = FALSE;
} else {
$this->nodeCache[$id] = $node;
$this->nodeChanged[$id] = TRUE;
* Commit all changed nodes from cache to journal file.
* @return void
private function commit()
do {
foreach ($this->nodeChanged as $id => $foo) {
if ($this->prepareNode($id, $this->nodeCache[$id])) {
} while (!empty($this->nodeChanged));
foreach ($this->toCommit as $node => $str) {
$this->commitNode($node, $str);
$this->toCommit = array();
* Prepare node to journal file structure.
* @param integer
* @param array|bool
* @return bool Sucessfully commited
private function prepareNode($id, $node)
if ($node === FALSE) {
if ($id < $this->lastNode) {
$this->lastNode = $id;
return TRUE;
if (self::USE_JSON) {
$data = json_encode($node);
} else {
$data = serialize($node);
$dataSize = strlen($data) + 2 * self::INT32_SIZE;
$isData = $node[self::INFO][self::TYPE] === self::DATA;
if ($dataSize > self::NODE_SIZE) {
if ($isData) {
throw new \InvalidStateException('Saving node is bigger than maximum node size.');
} else {
$this->bisectNode($id, $node);
return FALSE;
$this->toCommit[$id] = pack('N2', $isData ? self::DATA_MAGIC : self::INDEX_MAGIC, $dataSize) . $data;
if ($this->lastNode < $id) {
$this->lastNode = $id;
if ($isData) {
$this->dataNodeFreeSpace[$id] = self::NODE_SIZE - $dataSize;
return TRUE;
* Commit node string to journal file.
* @param integer
* @param string
* @return void
private function commitNode($id, $str)
fseek($this->handle, self::HEADER_SIZE + self::NODE_SIZE * $id);
$writen = fwrite($this->handle, $str);
if ($writen === FALSE) {
throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot write node number $id to journal.");
* Find right node in B+tree. .
* @param string Tree type (TAGS, PRIORITY or ENTRIES)
* @param int Searched item
* @return array Node
private function findIndexNode($type, $search, $childId = NULL, $prevId = NULL)
$nodeId = self::$startNode[$type];
$parentId = -1;
while (TRUE) {
$node = $this->getNode($nodeId);
if ($node === FALSE) {
return array(
self::INFO => array(
self::TYPE => $type,
self::IS_LEAF => TRUE,
self::PREV_NODE => -1,
self::END => -1,
self::MAX => -1,
); // Init empty node
if ($node[self::INFO][self::IS_LEAF] || $nodeId === $childId || $node[self::INFO][self::PREV_NODE] === $prevId) {
return array($nodeId, $node, $parentId);
$parentId = $nodeId;
if (isset($node[$search])) {
$nodeId = $node[$search];
} else {
foreach ($node as $key => $childNode) {
if ($key > $search and $key !== self::INFO) {
$nodeId = $childNode;
continue 2;
$nodeId = $node[self::INFO][self::END];
* Find complete free node.
* @param integer
* @return array|integer Node ID
private function findFreeNode($count = 1)
$id = $this->lastNode;
$nodesId = array();
do {
if (isset($this->nodeCache[$id])) {
$offset = self::HEADER_SIZE + self::NODE_SIZE * $id;
$binary = stream_get_contents($this->handle, self::INT32_SIZE, $offset);
if (empty($binary)) {
$nodesId[] = $id;
} else {
list(, $magic) = unpack('N', $binary);
if ($magic !== self::INDEX_MAGIC && $magic !== self::DATA_MAGIC) {
$nodesId[] = $from;
} while (count($nodesId) !== $count);
if ($count === 1) {
return $nodesId[0];
} else {
return $nodesId;
* Find free data node that has $size bytes of free space.
* @param integer size in bytes
* @return integer Node ID
private function findFreeDataNode($size)
foreach ($this->dataNodeFreeSpace as $id => $freeSpace) {
if ($freeSpace > $size) {
return $id;
$id = self::$startNode[self::DATA];
while (TRUE) {
if (isset($this->dataNodeFreeSpace[$id]) || isset($this->nodeCache[$id])) {
$offset = self::HEADER_SIZE + self::NODE_SIZE * $id;
$binary = stream_get_contents($this->handle, 2 * self::INT32_SIZE, $offset);
if (empty($binary)) {
$this->dataNodeFreeSpace[$id] = self::NODE_SIZE;
return $id;
list(, $magic, $nodeSize) = unpack('N2', $binary);
if (empty($magic)) {
$this->dataNodeFreeSpace[$id] = self::NODE_SIZE;
return $id;
} elseif ($magic === self::DATA_MAGIC) {
$freeSpace = self::NODE_SIZE - $nodeSize;
$this->dataNodeFreeSpace[$id] = $freeSpace;
if ($freeSpace > $size) {
return $id;
* Bisect node or when has only one key, move part to data node.
* @param integer Node ID
* @param array Node
* @return void
private function bisectNode($id, array $node)
$nodeInfo = $node[self::INFO];
if (count($node) === 1) {
$key = key($node);
$dataId = $this->findFreeDataNode(self::NODE_SIZE);
$this->saveNode($dataId, array(
self::INDEX_DATA => $node[$key],
self::INFO => array(
self::TYPE => self::DATA,
self::LAST_INDEX => ($dataId << self::BITROT),
$node[$key][self::INDEX_DATA] = $dataId;
$node[self::INFO] = $nodeInfo;
$this->saveNode($id, $node);
$halfCount = ceil(count($node) / 2);
list($first, $second) = array_chunk($node, $halfCount, TRUE);
$halfKey = key($first);
if ($id <= 2) { // Root
list($firstId, $secondId) = $this->findFreeNode(2);
$first[self::INFO] = array(
self::TYPE => $nodeInfo[self::TYPE],
self::IS_LEAF => $nodeInfo[self::IS_LEAF],
self::PREV_NODE => -1,
self::END => -1,
self::MAX => $halfKey,
$this->saveNode($firstId, $first);
$second[self::INFO] = array(
self::TYPE => $nodeInfo[self::TYPE],
self::IS_LEAF => $nodeInfo[self::IS_LEAF],
self::PREV_NODE => $firstId,
self::END => $nodeInfo[self::END],
self::MAX => -1,
$this->saveNode($secondId, $second);
$parentNode = array(
self::INFO => array(
self::TYPE => $nodeInfo[self::TYPE],
self::IS_LEAF => FALSE,
self::PREV_NODE => -1,
self::END => $secondId,
self::MAX => -1,
$halfKey => $firstId,
$this->saveNode($id, $parentNode);
} else {
$firstId = $this->findFreeNode();
$first[self::INFO] = array(
self::TYPE => $nodeInfo[self::TYPE],
self::IS_LEAF => $nodeInfo[self::IS_LEAF],
self::PREV_NODE => $nodeInfo[self::PREV_NODE],
self::END => -1,
self::MAX => $halfKey,
$this->saveNode($firstId, $first);
$second[self::INFO] = array(
self::TYPE => $nodeInfo[self::TYPE],
self::IS_LEAF => $nodeInfo[self::IS_LEAF],
self::PREV_NODE => $firstId,
self::END => $nodeInfo[self::END],
self::MAX => $nodeInfo[self::MAX],
$this->saveNode($id, $second);
list(,, $parent) = $this->findIndexNode($nodeInfo[self::TYPE], $halfKey);
$parentNode = $this->getNode($parent);
if ($parentNode === FALSE) {
if (self::$debug) throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot load node number $parent.");
} else {
$parentNode[$halfKey] = $firstId;
ksort($parentNode); // Parent index must be always sorted.
$this->saveNode($parent, $parentNode);
* Commit header to journal file.
* @return void
private function headerCommit()
fseek($this->handle, self::INT32_SIZE);
@fwrite($this->handle, pack('N', $this->lastNode)); // intentionally @, save is not necceseary
* Remove node from journal file.
* @param integer
* @return void
private function deleteNode($id)
fseek($this->handle, 0, SEEK_END);
$end = ftell($this->handle);
if ($end <= (self::HEADER_SIZE + self::NODE_SIZE * ($id + 1))) {
$packedNull = pack('N', 0);
do {
$binary = stream_get_contents($this->handle, self::INT32_SIZE, (self::HEADER_SIZE + self::NODE_SIZE * --$id));
} while (empty($binary) || $binary === $packedNull);
if (!ftruncate($this->handle, self::HEADER_SIZE + self::NODE_SIZE * ($id + 1))) {
throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot truncate journal file.");
} else {
fseek($this->handle, self::HEADER_SIZE + self::NODE_SIZE * $id);
$writen = fwrite($this->handle, pack('N', 0));
if ($writen !== self::INT32_SIZE) {
throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot delete node number $id from journal.");
* Complete delete all nodes from file.
* @return void
private function deleteAll()
if (!ftruncate($this->handle, self::HEADER_SIZE)) {
throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot truncate journal file.");
* Lock file for writing and reading and delete node cache when file has changed.
* @return void
private function lock()
* @todo dořešit cache
$this->nodeCache = $this->dataNodeFreeSpace = array();
* Unlock file and save last modified time.
* @return void
private function unlock()
* Append $append to $array
* This function is mutch faster then $array = array_merge($array, $append)
* @param array
* @param array
* @return void
private function arrayAppend(array &$array, array $append)
foreach ($append as $value) {
$array[] = $value;
* Append $append to $array with preserve keys
* This function is mutch faster then $array = $array + $append
* @param array
* @param array
* @return void
private function arrayAppendKeys(array &$array, array $append)
foreach ($append as $key => $value) {
$array[$key] = $value;
protected function openFile($key, $mode, & $casToken = null)
if (func_num_args() === 3)
$val = $this->memcache->get($key, null, $casToken);
$val = $this->memcache->get($key);
if (false === $val)
return false;
$handle = fopen("php://memory", $mode);
fwrite($handle, $val);
fseek($handle, 0);
return $handle;
* Wrapper kolem \fseek tak, aby seekoval za konec php://memory jako soubory
* @param type $handle
* @param type $offset
* @param type $whence
function fseek($handle, $offset, $whence = SEEK_SET)
if ($whence === SEEK_SET)
\fseek($handle, $offset, $whence);
$pos = ftell($handle);
$miss = $offset - $pos;
if (feof($handle) && $miss > 0)
fwrite($handle, str_repeat("\x0", $miss), $miss);
elseif ($whence === SEEK_CUR)
$pos = ftell($handle);
\fseek($handle, $offset, $whence);
$miss = $offset - $pos;
if (feof($handle) && $miss > 0)
fwrite($handle, str_repeat("\x0", $miss), $miss);
elseif ($whence === SEEK_END)
\fseek($handle, 0, $whence);
$pos = ftell($handle);
\fseek($handle, $offset, $whence);
$miss = $offset - $pos;
if (feof($handle) && $miss > 0)
fwrite($handle, str_repeat("\x0", $miss), $miss);
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