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Created July 20, 2011 20:24
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Ring middleware adding session support to app-engine-magic based GAE apps.
;ring middleware for use with app-engine magic. this middleware provides the ring session interface (session as map in request),
;but implemented on top of the session implementation provided by google app-engine
;you need '<sessions-enabled>true</sessions-enabled>' in your war/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml file to enable the session support in app-engine
(defn wrap-ae-session [app]
(fn [req]
(let [http-session (.getSession (req :request))
;build-up ring like session map from httpservlet
names-in (enumeration-seq (.getAttributeNames http-session))
session-in (into {} (for [name names-in] [name (.getAttribute http-session name)]))]
;pass the session map in the request
(let [resp (app (assoc req :session session-in))]
;check for :session in response map to process changes to session
(if (contains? resp :session)
;changes to session present
(if (resp :session)
;non-nil session, add/change or delete
(let [session-out (resp :session)]
;check for updates or removed
(doseq [name names-in]
(if (contains? session-out name)
(when-not (= (session-in name) (session-out name))
;update value
(.setAttribute http-session name (session-out name)))
;no longer there, there delete it
(.removeAttribute http-session name)))
;check for additions
(doseq [name (keys session-out)]
(when-not (contains? session-in name)
(.setAttribute http-session name (session-out name))))
(dissoc resp :session))
;nil session, delete all
(.invalidate http-session)
(dissoc resp :session)))
;no session changes
;ring app (this will be different for your application)
(def app (-> main-routes
;app-engine magic
(ae/def-appengine-app magic-app (var app))
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