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Created July 21, 2011 22:13
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safety net in interactive swing development
(ns se.raek.kerodon.debug
(:import (javax.swing JFrame JOptionPane JTextArea)))
(defn debug-frame [thing]
(doto (JFrame. "Debug Frame")
(.add thing)
(defn debug-message [msg]
(JOptionPane/showMessageDialog nil msg "Debug MEssage" JOptionPane/PLAIN_MESSAGE))
(defn debug-text [text]
(doto (JFrame. "Debug Text")
(.add (JTextArea. text))
(ns se.raek.kerodon.error
(:use se.raek.kerodon.debug))
(defn exception-text [^Throwable e]
(let [sw (
pw ( sw)]
(.printStackTrace e pw)
(.toString sw)))
(defn handle-error [e]
(debug-text (exception-text e)))
(defmacro safety-net [& body]
(catch InterruptedException e#
(throw e#))
(catch Throwable e#
(handle-error e#))))
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