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Created February 3, 2021 06:49
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fun LoginFragment.model(channels: Pair<Channel<Intents>, SendChannel<UiModel>>) {
lifecycleScope.handleIntentsAndUpdateUiModels(channels.first, channels.second)
private fun CoroutineScope.handleIntentsAndUpdateUiModels(
intents: Channel<Intents>,
uiModels: SendChannel<UiModel>,
useCase: LoginUseCases = LoginUseCases(intents, uiModels)
) = launch(SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.IO) {
for(intent in intents) {
when (intent) {
is RequestLogin -> useCase.login(intent)
is RequestRegister -> useCase.register(intent)
private data class LoginUseCases(
val intents: Channel<Intents>,
val uiModels: SendChannel<UiModel>,
val loginUseCase: suspend (String?, String?) -> AuthenticationResponse = loginRequest,
val registerUseCase: suspend (String?, String?) -> AuthenticationResponse = registerRequest,
val login: suspend (RequestLogin) -> Unit = loginRequester(uiModels, loginUseCase),
val register: suspend (RequestRegister) -> Unit = registerRequester(uiModels, registerUseCase)
private fun registerRequester(
view: SendChannel<UiModel>,
registerUseCase: suspend (String?, String?) -> AuthenticationResponse
) : suspend (RequestRegister) -> Unit = {
view.send(UiModel(progress = true))
val response = registerUseCase(it.userName, it.password)
view.send(UiModel(response.errorMessage,false, response))
private fun loginRequester(
view: SendChannel<UiModel>,
loginUseCase: suspend (String?, String?) -> AuthenticationResponse
) : suspend (RequestLogin) -> Unit = {
view.send(UiModel(progress = true))
val response = loginUseCase(it.userName, it.password)
view.send(UiModel(response.errorMessage, false, response))
private val loginRequest: suspend (String?, String?) -> AuthenticationResponse = {
userName, password -> requestLogin(checkNotNull(userName), checkNotNull(password)).blockingGet()
private val registerRequest: suspend (String?, String?) -> AuthenticationResponse = {
userName, password -> requestRegister(checkNotNull(userName), checkNotNull(password)).blockingGet()
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