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Created July 31, 2011 11:11
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<h2>Dreamer &amp; Procrastinator</h2>
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- <p id="hello"><span>Hi, I'm a wanna-be writer, tennis star, rock drummer, and entrepreneur</span> based in the California. Lacking the drive (and, let's admit it, talent) to make much of myself in any of these fields, I'm resigned to do a middling job on every one of them. Bumbling through life is not a dishonorable alternative to being rich and famous...</p>
+ <p id="hello"><span>Hi, I&#39;m a wanna-be writer, tennis star, rock drummer, and entrepreneur</span> based in the California. Lacking the drive (and, let&#39;s admit it, talent) to make much of myself in any of these fields, I&#39;m resigned to do a middling job on every one of them. Bumbling through life is not a dishonorable alternative to being rich and famous...</p>
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<div id="quote"><blockquote><p>I dream of a nondiscriminating society where chicken can cross the road without being asked why...</p></blockquote>
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