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Created August 16, 2011 16:07
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(ns books)
(defstruct book :author :title :year :rank)
(defmacro makebook [& vs]
`(struct-map book ~@vs))
^{:books/url ",29569,1951793,00.html"}
time-mag [
(makebook :title "The Adventures of Augie March" :year 1953 :author "Saul Bellow")
(makebook :title "All the King's Men" :year 1946 :author "Robert Penn Warren")
(makebook :title "American Pastoral" :year 1997 :author "Philip Roth")
(makebook :title "An American Tragedy" :year 1925 :author "Theodore Dreiser")
(makebook :title "Animal Farm" :year 1946 :author "George Orwell")
(makebook :title "Appointment in Samarra" :year 1934 :author "John O'Hara")
(makebook :title "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" :year 1970 :author "Judy Blume")
(makebook :title "The Assistant" :year 1957 :author "Bernard Malamud")
(makebook :title "At Swim-Two-Birds" :year 1938 :author "Flann O'Brien")
(makebook :title "Atonement" :year 2002 :author "Ian McEwan")
(makebook :title "Beloved" :year 1987 :author "Toni Morrison")
(makebook :title "The Berlin Stories" :year 1946 :author "Christopher Isherwood")
(makebook :title "The Big Sleep" :year 1939 :author "Raymond Chandler")
(makebook :title "The Blind Assassin" :year 2000 :author "Margaret Atwood")
(makebook :title "Blood Meridian" :year 1986 :author "Cormac McCarthy")
(makebook :title "Brideshead Revisited" :year 1946 :author "Evelyn Waugh")
(makebook :title "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" :year 1927 :author "Thornton Wilder")
(makebook :title "Call It Sleep" :year 1935 :author "Henry Roth")
(makebook :title "Catch-22" :year 1961 :author "Joseph Heller")
(makebook :title "The Catcher in the Rye" :year 1951 :author "J.D. Salinger")
(makebook :title "A Clockwork Orange" :year 1963 :author "Anthony Burgess")
(makebook :title "The Confessions of Nat Turner" :year 1967 :author "William Styron")
(makebook :title "The Corrections" :year 2001 :author "Jonathan Franzen")
(makebook :title "The Crying of Lot 49" :year 1966 :author "Thomas Pynchon")
(makebook :title "A Dance to the Music of Time" :year 1951 :author "Anthony Powell")
(makebook :title "The Day of the Locust" :year 1939 :author "Nathanael West")
(makebook :title "Death Comes for the Archbishop" :year 1927 :author "Willa Cather")
(makebook :title "A Death in the Family" :year 1958 :author "James Agee")
(makebook :title "The Death of the Heart" :year 1958 :author "Elizabeth Bowen")
(makebook :title "Deliverance" :year 1970 :author "James Dickey")
(makebook :title "Dog Soldiers" :year 1974 :author "Robert Stone")
(makebook :title "Falconer" :year 1977 :author "John Cheever")
(makebook :title "The French Lieutenant's Woman" :year 1969 :author "John Fowles")
(makebook :title "The Golden Notebook" :year 1962 :author "Doris Lessing")
(makebook :title "Go Tell it on the Mountain" :year 1953 :author "James Baldwin")
(makebook :title "Gone With the Wind" :year 1936 :author "Margaret Mitchell")
(makebook :title "The Grapes of Wrath" :year 1939 :author "John Steinbeck")
(makebook :title "Gravity's Rainbow" :year 1973 :author "Thomas Pynchon")
(makebook :title "The Great Gatsby" :year 1925 :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald")
(makebook :title "A Handful of Dust" :year 1934 :author "Evelyn Waugh")
(makebook :title "The Heart is A Lonely Hunter" :year 1940 :author "Carson McCullers")
(makebook :title "The Heart of the Matter" :year 1948 :author "Graham Greene")
(makebook :title "Herzog" :year 1964 :author "Saul Bellow")
(makebook :title "Housekeeping" :year 1981 :author "Marilynne Robinson")
(makebook :title "A House for Mr. Biswas" :year 1962 :author "V.S. Naipaul")
(makebook :title "I, Claudius" :year 1934 :author "Robert Graves")
(makebook :title "Infinite Jest" :year 1996 :author "David Foster Wallace")
(makebook :title "Invisible Man" :year 1952 :author "Ralph Ellison")
(makebook :title "Light in August" :year 1932 :author "William Faulkner")
(makebook :title "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" :year 1950 :author "C.S. Lewis")
(makebook :title "Lolita" :year 1955 :author "Vladimir Nabokov")
(makebook :title "Lord of the Flies" :year 1955 :author "William Golding")
(makebook :title "The Lord of the Rings" :year 1954 :author "J.R.R. Tolkien")
(makebook :title "Loving" :year 1945 :author "Henry Green")
(makebook :title "Lucky Jim" :year 1954 :author "Kingsley Amis")
(makebook :title "The Man Who Loved Children" :year 1940 :author "Christina Stead")
(makebook :title "Midnight's Children" :year 1981 :author "Salman Rushdie")
(makebook :title "Money" :year 1984 :author "Martin Amis")
(makebook :title "The Moviegoer" :year 1961 :author "Walker Percy")
(makebook :title "Mrs. Dalloway" :year 1925 :author "Virginia Woolf")
(makebook :title "Naked Lunch" :year 1959 :author "William Burroughs")
(makebook :title "Native Son" :year 1940 :author "Richard Wright")
(makebook :title "Neuromancer" :year 1984 :author "William Gibson")
(makebook :title "Never Let Me Go" :year 2005 :author "Kazuo Ishiguro")
(makebook :title "1984" :year 1948 :author "George Orwell")
(makebook :title "On the Road" :year 1957 :author "Jack Kerouac")
(makebook :title "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" :year 1962 :author "Ken Kesey")
(makebook :title "The Painted Bird" :year 1965 :author "Jerzy Kosinski")
(makebook :title "Pale Fire" :year 1962 :author "Vladimir Nabokov")
(makebook :title "A Passage to India" :year 1924 :author "E.M. Forster")
(makebook :title "Play It As It Lays" :year 1970 :author "Joan Didion")
(makebook :title "Portnoy's Complaint" :year 1969 :author "Philip Roth")
(makebook :title "Possession" :year 1990 :author "A.S. Byatt")
(makebook :title "The Power and the Glory" :year 1939 :author "Graham Greene")
(makebook :title "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" :year 1961 :author "Muriel Spark")
(makebook :title "Rabbit, Run" :year 1960 :author "John Updike")
(makebook :title "Ragtime" :year 1975 :author "E.L. Doctorow")
(makebook :title "The Recognitions" :year 1955 :author "William Gaddis")
(makebook :title "Red Harvest" :year 1929 :author "Dashiell Hammett")
(makebook :title "Revolutionary Road" :year 1961 :author "Richard Yates")
(makebook :title "The Sheltering Sky" :year 1949 :author "Paul Bowles")
(makebook :title "Slaughterhouse Five" :year 1969 :author "Kurt Vonnegut")
(makebook :title "Snow Crash" :year 1992 :author "Neal Stephenson")
(makebook :title "The Sot-Weed Factor" :year 1960 :author "John Barth")
(makebook :title "The Sound and the Fury" :year 1929 :author "William Faulkner")
(makebook :title "The Sportswriter" :year 1986 :author "Richard Ford")
(makebook :title "The Spy Who Came in From the Cold" :year 1964 :author "John le Carre")
(makebook :title "The Sun Also Rises" :year 1926 :author "Ernest Hemingway")
(makebook :title "Their Eyes Were Watching God" :year 1937 :author "Zora Neale Hurston")
(makebook :title "Things Fall Apart" :year 1959 :author "Chinua Achebe")
(makebook :title "To Kill a Mockingbird" :year 1960 :author "Harper Lee")
(makebook :title "To the Lighthouse" :year 1927 :author "Virginia Woolf")
(makebook :title "Tropic of Cancer" :year 1934 :author "Henry Miller")
(makebook :title "Ubik" :year 1969 :author "Philip K. Dick")
(makebook :title "Under the Net" :year 1954 :author "Iris Murdoch")
(makebook :title "Under the Volcano" :year 1947 :author "Malcolm Lowry")
(makebook :title "Watchmen" :year 1986 :author "Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons")
(makebook :title "White Noise" :year 1985 :author "Don DeLillo")
(makebook :title "White Teeth" :year 2000 :author "Zadie Smith")
(makebook :title "Wide Sargasso Sea" :year 1966 :author "Jean Rhys")])
^{:books/url ""}
the-board [
(makebook :title "Ulysses " :author "James Joyce" :rank 1)
(makebook :title "The Great Gatsby " :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :rank 2)
(makebook :title "A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man " :author "James Joyce" :rank 3)
(makebook :title "Lolita " :author "Vladimir Nabokov" :rank 4)
(makebook :title "Brave New World " :author "Aldous Huxley" :rank 5)
(makebook :title "The Sound And The Fury " :author "William Faulkner" :rank 6)
(makebook :title "Catch-22 " :author "Joseph Heller" :rank 7)
(makebook :title "Darkness At Noon " :author "Arthur Koestler" :rank 8)
(makebook :title "Sons And Lovers " :author "D.H. Lawrence" :rank 9)
(makebook :title "The Grapes Of Wrath " :author "John Steinbeck" :rank 10)
(makebook :title "Under The Volcano " :author "Malcolm Lowry" :rank 11)
(makebook :title "The Way Of All Flesh " :author "Samuel Butler" :rank 12)
(makebook :title "1984 " :author "George Orwell" :rank 13)
(makebook :title "I, Claudius " :author "Robert Graves" :rank 14)
(makebook :title "To The Lighthouse " :author "Virginia Woolf" :rank 15)
(makebook :title "An American Tragedy " :author "Theodore Dreiser" :rank 16)
(makebook :title "The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter " :author "Carson McCullers" :rank 17)
(makebook :title "Slaughterhouse-Five " :author "Kurt Vonnegut" :rank 18)
(makebook :title "Invisible Man " :author "Ralph Ellison" :rank 19)
(makebook :title "Native Son " :author "Richard Wright" :rank 20)
(makebook :title "Henderson The Rain King " :author "Saul Bellow" :rank 21)
(makebook :title "Appointment In Samarra " :author "John O'Hara" :rank 22)
(makebook :title "U.S.A.(Trilogy) " :author "John Dos Passos" :rank 23)
(makebook :title "Winesburg, Ohio " :author "Sherwood Anderson" :rank 24)
(makebook :title "A Passage To India " :author "E.M. Forster" :rank 25)
(makebook :title "The Wings Of The Dove " :author "Henry James" :rank 26)
(makebook :title "The Ambassadors " :author "Henry James" :rank 27)
(makebook :title "Tender Is The Night " :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :rank 28)
(makebook :title "The Studs Lonigan Trilogy " :author "James T. Farrell" :rank 29)
(makebook :title "The Good Soldier " :author "Ford Madox Ford" :rank 30)
(makebook :title "Animal Farm " :author "George Orwell" :rank 31)
(makebook :title "The Golden Bowl " :author "Henry James" :rank 32)
(makebook :title "Sister Carrie " :author "Theodore Dreiser" :rank 33)
(makebook :title "A Handful Of Dust " :author "Evelyn Waugh" :rank 34)
(makebook :title "As I Lay Dying " :author "William Faulkner" :rank 35)
(makebook :title "All The King'S Men " :author "Robert Penn Warren" :rank 36)
(makebook :title "The Bridge Of San Luis Rey " :author "Thornton Wilder" :rank 37)
(makebook :title "Howards End " :author "E.M. Forster" :rank 38)
(makebook :title "Go Tell It On The Mountain " :author "James Baldwin" :rank 39)
(makebook :title "The Heart Of The Matter " :author "Graham Greene" :rank 40)
(makebook :title "Lord Of The Flies " :author "William Golding" :rank 41)
(makebook :title "Deliverance " :author "James Dickey" :rank 42)
(makebook :title "A Dance To The Music Of Time (Series) " :author "Anthony Powell" :rank 43)
(makebook :title "Point Counter Point " :author "Aldous Huxley" :rank 44)
(makebook :title "The Sun Also Rises " :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 45)
(makebook :title "The Secret Agent " :author "Joseph Conrad" :rank 46)
(makebook :title "Nostromo " :author "Joseph Conrad" :rank 47)
(makebook :title "The Rainbow " :author "D.H. Lawrence" :rank 48)
(makebook :title "Women In Love " :author "D.H. Lawrence" :rank 49)
(makebook :title "Tropic Of Cancer " :author "Henry Miller" :rank 50)
(makebook :title "The Naked And The Dead " :author "Norman Mailer" :rank 51)
(makebook :title "Portnoy'S Complaint " :author "Philip Roth" :rank 52)
(makebook :title "Pale Fire " :author "Vladimir Nabokov" :rank 53)
(makebook :title "Light In August " :author "William Faulkner" :rank 54)
(makebook :title "On The Road " :author "Jack Kerouac" :rank 55)
(makebook :title "The Maltese Falcon " :author "Dashiell Hammett" :rank 56)
(makebook :title "Parade'S End " :author "Ford Madox Ford" :rank 57)
(makebook :title "The Age Of Innocence " :author "Edith Wharton" :rank 58)
(makebook :title "Zuleika Dobson " :author "Max Beerbohm" :rank 59)
(makebook :title "The Moviegoer " :author "Walker Percy" :rank 60)
(makebook :title "Death Comes For The Archbishop " :author "Willa Cather" :rank 61)
(makebook :title "From Here To Eternity " :author "James Jones" :rank 62)
(makebook :title "The Wapshot Chronicles " :author "John Cheever" :rank 63)
(makebook :title "The Catcher In The Rye " :author "J.D. Salinger" :rank 64)
(makebook :title "A Clockwork Orange " :author "Anthony Burgess" :rank 65)
(makebook :title "Of Human Bondage " :author "W. Somerset Maugham" :rank 66)
(makebook :title "Heart Of Darkness " :author "Joseph Conrad" :rank 67)
(makebook :title "Main Street " :author "Sinclair Lewis" :rank 68)
(makebook :title "The House Of Mirth " :author "Edith Wharton" :rank 69)
(makebook :title "The Alexandria Quartet " :author "Lawrence Durell" :rank 70)
(makebook :title "A High Wind In Jamaica " :author "Richard Hughes" :rank 71)
(makebook :title "A House For Mr Biswas " :author "V.S. Naipaul" :rank 72)
(makebook :title "The Day Of The Locust " :author "Nathanael West" :rank 73)
(makebook :title "A Farewell To Arms " :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 74)
(makebook :title "Scoop " :author "Evelyn Waugh" :rank 75)
(makebook :title "The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie " :author "Muriel Spark" :rank 76)
(makebook :title "Finnegans Wake " :author "James Joyce" :rank 77)
(makebook :title "Kim " :author "Rudyard Kipling" :rank 78)
(makebook :title "A Room With A View " :author "E.M. Forster" :rank 79)
(makebook :title "Brideshead Revisited " :author "Evelyn Waugh" :rank 80)
(makebook :title "The Adventures Of Augie March " :author "Saul Bellow" :rank 81)
(makebook :title "Angle Of Repose " :author "Wallace Stegner" :rank 82)
(makebook :title "A Bend In The River " :author "V.S. Naipaul" :rank 83)
(makebook :title "The Death Of The Heart " :author "Elizabeth Bowen" :rank 84)
(makebook :title "Lord Jim " :author "Joseph Conrad" :rank 85)
(makebook :title "Ragtime " :author "E.L. Doctorow" :rank 86)
(makebook :title "The Old Wives' Tale " :author "Arnold Bennett" :rank 87)
(makebook :title "The Call Of The Wild " :author "Jack London" :rank 88)
(makebook :title "Loving " :author "Henry Green" :rank 89)
(makebook :title "Midnight'S Children " :author "Salman Rushdie" :rank 90)
(makebook :title "Tobacco Road " :author "Erskine Caldwell" :rank 91)
(makebook :title "Ironweed " :author "William Kennedy" :rank 92)
(makebook :title "The Magus " :author "John Fowles" :rank 93)
(makebook :title "Wide Sargasso Sea " :author "Jean Rhys" :rank 94)
(makebook :title "Under The Net " :author "Iris Murdoch" :rank 95)
(makebook :title "Sophie'S Choice " :author "William Styron" :rank 96)
(makebook :title "The Sheltering Sky " :author "Paul Bowles" :rank 97)
(makebook :title "The Postman Always Rings Twice " :author "James M. Cain" :rank 98)
(makebook :title "The Ginger Man " :author "J.P. Donleavy" :rank 99)
(makebook :title "The Magnificent Ambersons " :author "Booth Tarkington" :rank 100)])
^{:books/url ""}
readers [
(makebook :title "Atlas Shrugged " :author "Ayn Rand" :rank 1)
(makebook :title "The Fountainhead " :author "Ayn Rand" :rank 2)
(makebook :title "Battlefield Earth " :author "L. Ron Hubbard" :rank 3)
(makebook :title "The Lord Of The Rings " :author "J.R.R. Tolkien" :rank 4)
(makebook :title "To Kill A Mockingbird " :author "Harper Lee" :rank 5)
(makebook :title "1984 " :author "George Orwell" :rank 6)
(makebook :title "Anthem " :author "Ayn Rand" :rank 7)
(makebook :title "We The Living " :author "Ayn Rand" :rank 8)
(makebook :title "Mission Earth " :author "L. Ron Hubbard" :rank 9)
(makebook :title "Fear " :author "L. Ron Hubbard" :rank 10)
(makebook :title "Ulysses " :author "James Joyce" :rank 11)
(makebook :title "Catch-22 " :author "Joseph Heller" :rank 12)
(makebook :title "The Great Gatsby " :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :rank 13)
(makebook :title "Dune " :author "Frank Herbert" :rank 14)
(makebook :title "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress " :author "Robert Heinlein" :rank 15)
(makebook :title "Stranger In A Strange Land " :author "Robert Heinlein" :rank 16)
(makebook :title "A Town Like Alice " :author "Nevil Shute" :rank 17)
(makebook :title "Brave New World " :author "Aldous Huxley" :rank 18)
(makebook :title "The Catcher In The Rye " :author "J.D. Salinger" :rank 19)
(makebook :title "Animal Farm " :author "George Orwell" :rank 20)
(makebook :title "Gravity'S Rainbow " :author "Thomas Pynchon" :rank 21)
(makebook :title "The Grapes Of Wrath " :author "John Steinbeck" :rank 22)
(makebook :title "Slaughterhouse Five " :author "Kurt Vonnegut" :rank 23)
(makebook :title "Gone With The Wind " :author "Margaret Mitchell" :rank 24)
(makebook :title "Lord Of The Flies " :author "William Golding" :rank 25)
(makebook :title "Shane " :author "Jack Schaefer" :rank 26)
(makebook :title "Trustee From The Toolroom " :author "Nevil Shute" :rank 27)
(makebook :title "A Prayer For Owen Meany " :author "John Irving" :rank 28)
(makebook :title "The Stand " :author "Stephen King" :rank 29)
(makebook :title "The French Lieutenant'S Woman " :author "John Fowles" :rank 30)
(makebook :title "Beloved " :author "Toni Morrison" :rank 31)
(makebook :title "The Worm Ouroboros " :author "E.R. Eddison" :rank 32)
(makebook :title "The Sound And The Fury " :author "William Faulkner" :rank 33)
(makebook :title "Lolita " :author "Vladimir Nabokov" :rank 34)
(makebook :title "Moonheart " :author "Charles de Lint" :rank 35)
(makebook :title "Absalom, Absalom! " :author "William Faulkner" :rank 36)
(makebook :title "Of Human Bondage " :author "W. Somerset Maugham" :rank 37)
(makebook :title "Wise Blood " :author "Flannery O'Connor" :rank 38)
(makebook :title "Under The Volcano " :author "Malcolm Lowry" :rank 39)
(makebook :title "Fifth Business " :author "Robertson Davies" :rank 40)
(makebook :title "Someplace To Be Flying " :author "Charles de Lint" :rank 41)
(makebook :title "On The Road " :author "Jack Kerouac" :rank 42)
(makebook :title "Heart Of Darkness " :author "Joseph Conrad" :rank 43)
(makebook :title "Yarrow " :author "Charles de Lint" :rank 44)
(makebook :title "At The Mountains Of Madness " :author "H.P. Lovecraft" :rank 45)
(makebook :title "One Lonely Night " :author "Mickey Spillane" :rank 46)
(makebook :title "Memory And Dream " :author "Charles de Lint" :rank 47)
(makebook :title "To The Lighthouse " :author "Virginia Woolf" :rank 48)
(makebook :title "The Moviegoer " :author "Walker Percy" :rank 49)
(makebook :title "Trader " :author "Charles de Lint" :rank 50)
(makebook :title "The Hitchhiker'S Guide To The Galaxy " :author "Douglas Adams" :rank 51)
(makebook :title "The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter " :author "Carson McCullers" :rank 52)
(makebook :title "The Handmaid'S Tale " :author "Margaret Atwood" :rank 53)
(makebook :title "Blood Meridian " :author "Cormac McCarthy" :rank 54)
(makebook :title "A Clockwork Orange " :author "Anthony Burgess" :rank 55)
(makebook :title "On The Beach " :author "Nevil Shute" :rank 56)
(makebook :title "A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man " :author "James Joyce" :rank 57)
(makebook :title "Greenmantle " :author "Charles de Lint" :rank 58)
(makebook :title "Ender'S Game " :author "Orson Scott Card" :rank 59)
(makebook :title "The Little Country " :author "Charles de Lint" :rank 60)
(makebook :title "The Recognitions " :author "William Gaddis" :rank 61)
(makebook :title "Starship Troopers " :author "Robert Heinlein" :rank 62)
(makebook :title "The Sun Also Rises " :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 63)
(makebook :title "The World According To Garp " :author "John Irving" :rank 64)
(makebook :title "Something Wicked This Way Comes " :author "Ray Bradbury" :rank 65)
(makebook :title "The Haunting Of Hill House " :author "Shirley Jackson" :rank 66)
(makebook :title "As I Lay Dying " :author "William Faulkner" :rank 67)
(makebook :title "Tropic Of Cancer " :author "Henry Miller" :rank 68)
(makebook :title "Invisible Man " :author "Ralph Ellison" :rank 69)
(makebook :title "The Wood Wife " :author "Terri Windling" :rank 70)
(makebook :title "The Magus " :author "John Fowles" :rank 71)
(makebook :title "The Door Into Summer " :author "Robert Heinlein" :rank 72)
(makebook :title "Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance " :author "Robert Pirsig" :rank 73)
(makebook :title "I, Claudius " :author "Robert Graves" :rank 74)
(makebook :title "The Call Of The Wild " :author "Jack London" :rank 75)
(makebook :title "At Swim-Two-Birds " :author "Flann O'Brien" :rank 76)
(makebook :title "Farenheit 451 " :author "Ray Bradbury" :rank 77)
(makebook :title "Arrowsmith " :author "Sinclair Lewis" :rank 78)
(makebook :title "Watership Down " :author "Richard Adams" :rank 79)
(makebook :title "Naked Lunch " :author "William S. Burroughs" :rank 80)
(makebook :title "The Hunt For Red October " :author "Tom Clancy" :rank 81)
(makebook :title "Guilty Pleasures " :author "Laurell K. Hamilton" :rank 82)
(makebook :title "The Puppet Masters " :author "Robert Heinlein" :rank 83)
(makebook :title "It " :author "Stephen King" :rank 84)
(makebook :title "V. " :author "Thomas Pynchon" :rank 85)
(makebook :title "Double Star " :author "Robert Heinlein" :rank 86)
(makebook :title "Citizen Of The Galaxy " :author "Robert Heinlein" :rank 87)
(makebook :title "Brideshead Revisited " :author "Evelyn Waugh" :rank 88)
(makebook :title "Light In August " :author "William Faulkner" :rank 89)
(makebook :title "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest " :author "Ken Kesey" :rank 90)
(makebook :title "A Farewell To Arms " :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 91)
(makebook :title "The Sheltering Sky " :author "Paul Bowles" :rank 92)
(makebook :title "Sometimes A Great Notion " :author "Ken Kesey" :rank 93)
(makebook :title "My Antonia " :author "Willa Cather" :rank 94)
(makebook :title "Mulengro " :author "Charles de Lint" :rank 95)
(makebook :title "Suttree " :author "Cormac McCarthy" :rank 96)
(makebook :title "Mythago Wood " :author "Robert Holdstock" :rank 97)
(makebook :title "Illusions " :author "Richard Bach" :rank 98)
(makebook :title "The Cunning Man " :author "Robertson Davies" :rank 99)
(makebook :title "The Satanic Verses " :author "Salman Rushdie" :rank 100)])
^{:books/url ""}
the-century [
(makebook :title "The Great Gatsby " :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :rank 1)
(makebook :title "The Catcher in the Rye " :author "J.D. Salinger" :rank 2)
(makebook :title "The Grapes of Wrath " :author "John Steinbeck" :rank 3)
(makebook :title "To Kill a Mockingbird " :author "Harper Lee" :rank 4)
(makebook :title "The Color Purple " :author "Alice Walker" :rank 5)
(makebook :title "Ulysses " :author "James Joyce" :rank 6)
(makebook :title "Beloved " :author "Toni Morrison" :rank 7)
(makebook :title "The Lord of the Flies " :author "William Golding" :rank 8)
(makebook :title "1984 " :author "George Orwell" :rank 9)
(makebook :title "The Sound and the Fury " :author "William Faulkner" :rank 10)
(makebook :title "Lolita " :author "Vladmir Nabokov" :rank 11)
(makebook :title "Of Mice and Men " :author "John Steinbeck" :rank 12)
(makebook :title "Charlotte's Web " :author "E.B. White" :rank 13)
(makebook :title "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man " :author "James Joyce" :rank 14)
(makebook :title "Catch-22 " :author "Joseph Heller" :rank 15)
(makebook :title "Brave New World " :author "Aldous Huxley" :rank 16)
(makebook :title "Animal Farm " :author "George Orwell" :rank 17)
(makebook :title "The Sun Also Rises " :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 18)
(makebook :title "As I Lay Dying " :author "William Faulkner" :rank 19)
(makebook :title "A Farewell to Arms " :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 20)
(makebook :title "Heart of Darkness " :author "Joseph Conrad" :rank 21)
(makebook :title "Winnie-the-Pooh " :author "A.A. Milne" :rank 22)
(makebook :title "Their Eyes Were Watching God " :author "Zora Neale Hurston" :rank 23)
(makebook :title "Invisible Man " :author "Ralph Ellison" :rank 24)
(makebook :title "Song of Solomon " :author "Toni Morrison" :rank 25)
(makebook :title "Gone with the Wind " :author "Margaret Mitchell" :rank 26)
(makebook :title "Native Son " :author "Richard Wright" :rank 27)
(makebook :title "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest " :author "Ken Kesey" :rank 28)
(makebook :title "Slaughterhouse-Five " :author "Kurt Vonnegut" :rank 29)
(makebook :title "For Whom the Bell Tolls " :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 30)
(makebook :title "On the Road " :author "Jack Kerouac" :rank 31)
(makebook :title "The Old Man and the Sea " :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 32)
(makebook :title "The Call of the Wild " :author "Jack London" :rank 33)
(makebook :title "To the Lighthouse " :author "Virginia Woolf" :rank 34)
(makebook :title "Portrait of a Lady " :author "Henry James" :rank 35)
(makebook :title "Go Tell it on the Mountain " :author "James Baldwin" :rank 36)
(makebook :title "The World According to Garp " :author "John Irving" :rank 37)
(makebook :title "All the King's Men " :author "Robert Penn Warren" :rank 38)
(makebook :title "A Room with a View " :author "E.M. Forster" :rank 39)
(makebook :title "The Lord of the Rings " :author "J.R.R. Tolkien" :rank 40)
(makebook :title "Schindler's List " :author "Thomas Keneally" :rank 41)
(makebook :title "The Age of Innocence " :author "Edith Wharton" :rank 42)
(makebook :title "The Fountainhead " :author "Ayn Rand" :rank 43)
(makebook :title "Finnegans Wake " :author "James Joyce" :rank 44)
(makebook :title "The Jungle " :author "Upton Sinclair" :rank 45)
(makebook :title "Mrs. Dalloway " :author "Virginia Woolf" :rank 46)
(makebook :title "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz " :author "L. Frank Baum" :rank 47)
(makebook :title "Lady Chatterley's Lover " :author "D.H. Lawrence" :rank 48)
(makebook :title "A Clockwork Orange " :author "Anthony Burgess" :rank 49)
(makebook :title "The Awakening " :author "Kate Chopin" :rank 50)
(makebook :title "My Antonia " :author "Willa Cather" :rank 51)
(makebook :title "Howards End " :author "E.M. Forster" :rank 52)
(makebook :title "In Cold Blood " :author "Truman Capote" :rank 53)
(makebook :title "Franny and Zooey " :author "J.D. Salinger" :rank 54)
(makebook :title "The Satanic Verses " :author "Salman Rushdie" :rank 55)
(makebook :title "Jazz " :author "Toni Morrison" :rank 56)
(makebook :title "Sophie's Choice " :author "William Styron" :rank 57)
(makebook :title "Absalom, Absalom! " :author "William Faulkner" :rank 58)
(makebook :title "A Passage to India " :author "E.M. Forster" :rank 59)
(makebook :title "Ethan Frome " :author "Edith Wharton" :rank 60)
(makebook :title "A Good Man Is Hard to Find " :author "Flannery O'Connor" :rank 61)
(makebook :title "Tender Is the Night " :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :rank 62)
(makebook :title "Orlando " :author "Virginia Woolf" :rank 63)
(makebook :title "Sons and Lovers " :author "D.H. Lawrence" :rank 64)
(makebook :title "Bonfire of the Vanities " :author "Tom Wolfe" :rank 65)
(makebook :title "Cat's Cradle " :author "Kurt Vonnegut" :rank 66)
(makebook :title "A Separate Peace " :author "John Knowles" :rank 67)
(makebook :title "Light in August " :author "William Faulkner" :rank 68)
(makebook :title "The Wings of the Dove " :author "Henry James" :rank 69)
(makebook :title "Things Fall Apart " :author "Chinua Achebe" :rank 70)
(makebook :title "Rebecca " :author "Daphne du Maurier" :rank 71)
(makebook :title "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy " :author "Douglas Adams" :rank 72)
(makebook :title "Naked Lunch " :author "William S. Burroughs" :rank 73)
(makebook :title "Brideshead Revisited " :author "Evelyn Waugh" :rank 74)
(makebook :title "Women in Love " :author "D.H. Lawrence" :rank 75)
(makebook :title "Look Homeward, Angel " :author "Thomas Wolfe" :rank 76)
(makebook :title "In Our Time " :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 77)
(makebook :title "The Autobiography of Alice B. Tokias " :author "Gertrude Stein" :rank 78)
(makebook :title "The Maltese Falcon " :author "Dashiell Hammett" :rank 79)
(makebook :title "The Naked and the Dead " :author "Norman Mailer" :rank 80)
(makebook :title "Wide Sargasso Sea " :author "Jean Rhys" :rank 81)
(makebook :title "White Noise " :author "Don DeLillo" :rank 82)
(makebook :title "O Pioneers! " :author "Willa Cather" :rank 83)
(makebook :title "Tropic of Cancer " :author "Henry Miller" :rank 84)
(makebook :title "The War of the Worlds " :author "H.G. Wells" :rank 85)
(makebook :title "Lord Jim " :author "Joseph Conrad" :rank 86)
(makebook :title "The Bostonians " :author "Henry James" :rank 87)
(makebook :title "An American Tragedy " :author "Theodore Dreiser" :rank 88)
(makebook :title "Death Comes for the Archbishop " :author "Willa Cather" :rank 89)
(makebook :title "The Wind in the Willows " :author "Kenneth Grahame" :rank 90)
(makebook :title "This Side of Paradise " :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :rank 91)
(makebook :title "Atlas Shrugged " :author "Ayn Rand" :rank 92)
(makebook :title "The French Lieutenant's Woman " :author "John Fowles" :rank 93)
(makebook :title "Babbitt " :author "Sinclair Lewis" :rank 94)
(makebook :title "Kim " :author "Rudyard Kipling" :rank 95)
(makebook :title "The Beautiful and the Damned " :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :rank 96)
(makebook :title "Rabbit, Run " :author "John Updike" :rank 97)
(makebook :title "Where Angels Fear to Tread " :author "E.M. Forster" :rank 98)
(makebook :title "Main Street " :author "Sinclair Lewis" :rank 99)
(makebook :title "Midnight's Children " :author "Salman Rushdie" :rank 100)])
^{:books/url ""}
npr-scifi [
(makebook :rank 1 :title "The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy" :author "J.R.R. Tolkien")
(makebook :rank 2 :title "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" :author "Douglas Adams")
(makebook :rank 3 :title "Ender's Game" :author "Orson Scott Card")
(makebook :rank 4 :title "The Dune Chronicles" :author "Frank Herbert")
(makebook :rank 5 :title "A Song Of Ice And Fire Series" :author "George R. R. Martin")
(makebook :rank 6 :title "1984" :author "George Orwell")
(makebook :rank 7 :title "Fahrenheit 451" :author "Ray Bradbury")
(makebook :rank 8 :title "The Foundation Trilogy" :author "Isaac Asimov")
(makebook :rank 9 :title "Brave New World" :author "Aldous Huxley")
(makebook :rank 10 :title "American Gods" :author "Neil Gaiman")
(makebook :rank 11 :title "The Princess Bride" :author "William Goldman")
(makebook :rank 12 :title "The Wheel Of Time Series" :author "Robert Jordan")
(makebook :rank 13 :title "Animal Farm" :author "George Orwell")
(makebook :rank 14 :title "Neuromancer" :author "William Gibson")
(makebook :rank 15 :title "Watchmen" :author "Alan Moore")
(makebook :rank 16 :title "I, Robot" :author "Isaac Asimov")
(makebook :rank 17 :title "Stranger In A Strange Land" :author "Robert Heinlein")
(makebook :rank 18 :title "The Kingkiller Chronicles" :author "Patrick Rothfuss")
(makebook :rank 19 :title "Slaughterhouse-Five" :author "Kurt Vonnegut")
(makebook :rank 20 :title "Frankenstein" :author "Mary Shelley")
(makebook :rank 21 :title "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" :author "Philip K. Dick")
(makebook :rank 22 :title "The Handmaid's Tale" :author "Margaret Atwood")
(makebook :rank 23 :title "The Dark Tower Series" :author "Stephen King")
(makebook :rank 24 :title "2001: A Space Odyssey" :author "Arthur C. Clarke")
(makebook :rank 25 :title "The Stand" :author "Stephen King")
(makebook :rank 26 :title "Snow Crash" :author "Neal Stephenson")
(makebook :rank 27 :title "The Martian Chronicles" :author "Ray Bradbury")
(makebook :rank 28 :title "Cat's Cradle" :author "Kurt Vonnegut")
(makebook :rank 29 :title "The Sandman Series" :author "Neil Gaiman")
(makebook :rank 30 :title "A Clockwork Orange" :author "Anthony Burgess")
(makebook :rank 31 :title "Starship Troopers" :author "Robert Heinlein")
(makebook :rank 32 :title "Watership Down" :author "Richard Adams")
(makebook :rank 33 :title "Dragonflight" :author "Anne McCaffrey")
(makebook :rank 34 :title "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress" :author "Robert Heinlein")
(makebook :rank 35 :title "A Canticle For Leibowitz" :author "Walter M. Miller")
(makebook :rank 36 :title "The Time Machine" :author "H.G. Wells")
(makebook :rank 37 :title "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea" :author "Jules Verne")
(makebook :rank 38 :title "Flowers For Algernon" :author "Daniel Keys")
(makebook :rank 39 :title "The War Of The Worlds" :author "H.G. Wells")
(makebook :rank 40 :title "The Chronicles Of Amber" :author "Roger Zelazny")
(makebook :rank 41 :title "The Belgariad" :author "David Eddings")
(makebook :rank 42 :title "The Mists Of Avalon" :author "Marion Zimmer Bradley")
(makebook :rank 43 :title "The Mistborn Series" :author "Brandon Sanderson")
(makebook :rank 44 :title "Ringworld" :author "Larry Niven")
(makebook :rank 45 :title "The Left Hand Of Darkness" :author "Ursula K. LeGuin")
(makebook :rank 46 :title "The Silmarillion" :author "J.R.R. Tolkien")
(makebook :rank 47 :title "The Once And Future King" :author "T.H. White")
(makebook :rank 48 :title "Neverwhere" :author "Neil Gaiman")
(makebook :rank 49 :title "Childhood's End" :author "Arthur C. Clarke")
(makebook :rank 50 :title "Contact" :author "Carl Sagan")
(makebook :rank 51 :title "The Hyperion Cantos" :author "Dan Simmons")
(makebook :rank 52 :title "Stardust" :author "Neil Gaiman")
(makebook :rank 53 :title "Cryptonomicon" :author "Neal Stephenson")
(makebook :rank 54 :title "World War Z" :author "Max Brooks")
(makebook :rank 55 :title "The Last Unicorn" :author "Peter S. Beagle")
(makebook :rank 56 :title "The Forever War" :author "Joe Haldeman")
(makebook :rank 57 :title "Small Gods" :author "Terry Pratchett")
(makebook :rank 58 :title "The Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant, Unbeliever" :author "Stephen R. Donaldson")
(makebook :rank 59 :title "The Vorkosigan Saga" :author "Lois McMaster Bujold")
(makebook :rank 60 :title "Going Postal" :author "Terry Pratchett")
(makebook :rank 61 :title "The Mote In God's Eye" :author "Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle")
(makebook :rank 62 :title "The Sword Of Truth" :author "Terry Goodkind")
(makebook :rank 63 :title "The Road" :author "Cormac McCarthy")
(makebook :rank 64 :title "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell" :author "Susanna Clarke")
(makebook :rank 65 :title "I Am Legend" :author "Richard Matheson")
(makebook :rank 66 :title "The Riftwar Saga" :author "Raymond E. Feist")
(makebook :rank 67 :title "The Shannara Trilogy" :author "Terry Brooks")
(makebook :rank 68 :title "The Conan The Barbarian Series" :author "R.E. Howard")
(makebook :rank 69 :title "The Farseer Trilogy" :author "Robin Hobb")
(makebook :rank 70 :title "The Time Traveler's Wife" :author "Audrey Niffenegger")
(makebook :rank 71 :title "The Way Of Kings" :author "Brandon Sanderson")
(makebook :rank 72 :title "A Journey To The Center Of The Earth" :author "Jules Verne")
(makebook :rank 73 :title "The Legend Of Drizzt Series" :author "R.A. Salvatore")
(makebook :rank 74 :title "Old Man's War" :author "John Scalzi")
(makebook :rank 75 :title "The Diamond Age" :author "Neal Stephenson")
(makebook :rank 76 :title "Rendezvous With Rama" :author "Arthur C. Clarke")
(makebook :rank 77 :title "The Kushiel's Legacy Series" :author "Jacqueline Carey")
(makebook :rank 78 :title "The Dispossessed" :author "Ursula K. LeGuin")
(makebook :rank 79 :title "Something Wicked This Way Comes" :author "Ray Bradbury")
(makebook :rank 80 :title "Wicked" :author "Gregory Maguire")
(makebook :rank 81 :title "The Malazan Book Of The Fallen Series" :author "Steven Erikson")
(makebook :rank 82 :title "The Eyre Affair" :author "Jasper Fforde")
(makebook :rank 83 :title "The Culture Series" :author "Iain M. Banks")
(makebook :rank 84 :title "The Crystal Cave" :author "Mary Stewart")
(makebook :rank 85 :title "Anathem" :author "Neal Stephenson")
(makebook :rank 86 :title "The Codex Alera Series" :author "Jim Butcher")
(makebook :rank 87 :title "The Book Of The New Sun" :author "Gene Wolfe")
(makebook :rank 88 :title "The Thrawn Trilogy" :author "Timothy Zahn")
(makebook :rank 89 :title "The Outlander Series" :author "Diana Gabaldan")
(makebook :rank 90 :title "The Elric Saga" :author "Michael Moorcock")
(makebook :rank 91 :title "The Illustrated Man" :author "Ray Bradbury")
(makebook :rank 92 :title "Sunshine" :author "Robin McKinley")
(makebook :rank 93 :title "A Fire Upon The Deep" :author "Vernor Vinge")
(makebook :rank 94 :title "The Caves Of Steel" :author "Isaac Asimov")
(makebook :rank 95 :title "The Mars Trilogy" :author "Kim Stanley Robinson")
(makebook :rank 96 :title "Lucifer's Hammer" :author "Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle")
(makebook :rank 97 :title "Doomsday Book" :author "Connie Willis")
(makebook :rank 98 :title "Perdido Street Station" :author "China Mieville")
(makebook :rank 99 :title "The Xanth Series" :author "Piers Anthony")
(makebook :rank 100 :title "The Space Trilogy" :author "C.S. Lewis")])
^{:books/url ""}
waterstones [
(makebook :rank 1 :author "J.R.R. Tolkien" :title "The Lord of the Rings")
(makebook :rank 2 :author "George Orwell" :title "1984")
(makebook :rank 3 :author "George Orwell" :title "Animal Farm")
(makebook :rank 4 :author "James Joyce" :title "Ulysses")
(makebook :rank 5 :author "Joseph Heller" :title "Catch-22")
(makebook :rank 6 :author "J.D. Salinger" :title "The Catcher in the Rye")
(makebook :rank 7 :author "Harper lee" :title "To Kill a Mocking Bird")
(makebook :rank 8 :author "Gabriel Garcia Marquez" :title "One Hundred Years of Solitude")
(makebook :rank 9 :author "John Steinbeck" :title "The Grapes of Wrath")
(makebook :rank 10 :author "Irvine Welsh" :title "Trainspotting")
(makebook :rank 11 :author "Jung Chan" :title "Wild Swans")
(makebook :rank 12 :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :title "The Great Gatsby")
(makebook :rank 13 :author "William Golding " :title "The Lord of the Flies")
(makebook :rank 14 :author "Jack Kerouac" :title "On the Road")
(makebook :rank 15 :author "Aldous Huxley" :title "Brave New World")
(makebook :rank 16 :author "Kenneth Grahame" :title "The Wind in the Willows")
(makebook :rank 17 :author "A.A. Milne" :title "Winnie the Pooh")
(makebook :rank 18 :author "Alice Walker" :title "The Colour Purple")
(makebook :rank 19 :author "J.R.R. Tolkien" :title "The Hobbit")
(makebook :rank 20 :author "Albert Camus" :title "The Outsider")
(makebook :rank 21 :author "C.S. Lewis" :title "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe")
(makebook :rank 22 :author "Franz Kafka" :title "The Trial")
(makebook :rank 23 :author "Margaret Mitchell" :title "Gone With the Wind")
(makebook :rank 24 :author "Douglas Adams" :title "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy")
(makebook :rank 25 :author "Salman Rushdie" :title "Midnight's Children")
(makebook :rank 26 :author "Anne Frank" :title "The Diary of Anne Frank")
(makebook :rank 27 :author "Anthony Burgess" :title "A Clockwork Orange")
(makebook :rank 28 :author "D.H. Lawrence" :title "Sons and Lovers")
(makebook :rank 29 :author "Virginia Woolf" :title "To the Lighthouse")
(makebook :rank 30 :author "Primo Levi" :title "If This Is a Man")
(makebook :rank 31 :author "Vladimir Nabokov" :title "Lolita")
(makebook :rank 32 :author "Iain Banks" :title "The Wasp Factory")
(makebook :rank 33 :author "Marcel Proust" :title "A la Recherche du Temps Perdu (Remembrance of Things Past)")
(makebook :rank 34 :author "Roald Dahl" :title "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory")
(makebook :rank 35 :author "John Steinbeck" :title "Of Mice and Men")
(makebook :rank 36 :author "Toni Morrison" :title "Beloved")
(makebook :rank 37 :author "A.S. Byatt" :title "Posession")
(makebook :rank 38 :author "Joseph Conrad" :title "The Heart of Darkness")
(makebook :rank 39 :author "E.M. Forster" :title "A Passage to India")
(makebook :rank 40 :author "Richard Adams" :title "Watership Down")
(makebook :rank 41 :author "Jostein Gaarder" :title "Sophie's World")
(makebook :rank 42 :author "Umberto Eco" :title "The Name of the Rose")
(makebook :rank 43 :author "Gabriel Garcia Marquez" :title "Love in a Time of Cholera")
(makebook :rank 44 :author "Daphne du Maurier" :title "Rebecca")
(makebook :rank 45 :author "Kazuo Ishiguri" :title "The Remains of the Day")
(makebook :rank 46 :author "Milan Kundera" :title "The Unbearable Lightness of Being")
(makebook :rank 47 :author "Sebastian Faulks" :title "Birdsong")
(makebook :rank 48 :author "E.M. Forster" :title "Howard's End")
(makebook :rank 49 :author "Evelyn Waugh" :title "Brideshead Revisited")
(makebook :rank 50 :author "Vikram Seth" :title "A Suitable Boy")
(makebook :rank 51 :author "Frank Herbert" :title "Dune")
(makebook :rank 52 :author "John Irvine" :title "A Prayer for Owen Meaney")
(makebook :rank 53 :author "Patrick Suskind" :title "Perfume")
(makebook :rank 54 :author "Boris Pasternak" :title "Doctor Zhivago")
(makebook :rank 55 :author "Mervyn Peake" :title "Gormenghast")
(makebook :rank 56 :author "Laurie Lee" :title "Cider with Rosie")
(makebook :rank 57 :author "Sylvia Plath" :title "The Bell Jar")
(makebook :rank 58 :author "Margaret Atwood" :title "The Handmaid's Tale")
(makebook :rank 59 :author "Vera Brittain" :title "Testament of Youth")
(makebook :rank 60 :author "John Fowlws" :title "The Magus")
(makebook :rank 61 :author "Graham Greene" :title "Brighton Rock")
(makebook :rank 62 :author "Robert Tressell" :title "The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists")
(makebook :rank 63 :author "Mikhail Bugakov" :title "The Master and Margarita")
(makebook :rank 64 :author "Armistead Maupin" :title "Tales from the City")
(makebook :rank 65 :author "John Fowles" :title "The French Lieutenant's Woman")
(makebook :rank 66 :author "Louis de Bernieres" :title "Captain Corelli's Mandolin")
(makebook :rank 67 :author "Kurt Vonnegut" :title "Slaughterhouse Five")
(makebook :rank 68 :author "Robert Persig" :title "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance")
(makebook :rank 69 :author "E.M. Forster" :title "A Room with a View")
(makebook :rank 70 :author "Kingsley Amis" :title "Lucky Jim")
(makebook :rank 71 :author "Stephen King" :title "It")
(makebook :rank 72 :author "Graham Greene" :title "The Power and the Glory")
(makebook :rank 73 :author "Stephen King" :title "The Stand")
(makebook :rank 74 :author "Erich Maria Remarque" :title "All Quiet on the Western Front")
(makebook :rank 75 :author "Roddy Doyle" :title "Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha")
(makebook :rank 76 :author "Roald Dahl" :title "Matilda")
(makebook :rank 77 :author "Bret Easton Ellis" :title "American Psycho")
(makebook :rank 78 :author "Hunter S. Thompson" :title "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas")
(makebook :rank 79 :author "Stephen Hawking" :title "A Brief History of Time")
(makebook :rank 80 :author "Roald Dahl" :title "James and the Giant Peach")
(makebook :rank 81 :author "D.H. Lawrence" :title "Lady Chatterley's Lover")
(makebook :rank 82 :author "Tom Wolfe" :title "The Bonfire of the Vanities")
(makebook :rank 83 :author "Delia Smith" :title "Complete Cookery Course")
(makebook :rank 84 :author "Brian Keenan" :title "An Evil Cradling")
(makebook :rank 85 :author "D.H. Lawrence" :title "The Rainbow")
(makebook :rank 86 :author "George Orwell" :title "Down and Out in Paris and London")
(makebook :rank 87 :author "Arthur C. Clarke" :title "2001 - A Space Odyssey")
(makebook :rank 88 :author "Gunter Grass" :title "The Tin Drum")
(makebook :rank 89 :author "Alexander Solzhenitsyn" :title "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich")
(makebook :rank 90 :author "Nelson Mandela" :title "Long Walk to Freedom")
(makebook :rank 91 :author "Richard Dawkins" :title "The Selfish Gene")
(makebook :rank 92 :author "Michael Crichton" :title "Jurassic Park")
(makebook :rank 93 :author "Lawrence Durrell" :title "The Alexandria Quartet")
(makebook :rank 94 :author "Alan Paton" :title "Cry the Beloved Country")
(makebook :rank 95 :author "Nick Hornby" :title "High Fidelity")
(makebook :rank 96 :author "Roddy Doyle" :title "The Van")
(makebook :rank 97 :author "Roald Dahl" :title "The BFG")
(makebook :rank 98 :author "Anthony Burgess" :title "Earthly Powers")
(makebook :rank 99 :author "Robert Graves" :title "I, Claudius")
(makebook :rank 100 :author "Nicholas Evans" :title "The Horse Whisperer")])
^{:books/url ""}
radcliffes [
(makebook :title "The Great Gatsby" :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :rank 1)
(makebook :title "The Catcher in the Rye" :author "J.D. Salinger" :rank 2)
(makebook :title "The Grapes of Wrath" :author "John Steinbeck" :rank 3)
(makebook :title "To Kill a Mockingbird" :author "Harper Lee" :rank 4)
(makebook :title "The Color Purple" :author "Alice Walker" :rank 5)
(makebook :title "Ulysses" :author "James Joyce" :rank 6)
(makebook :title "Beloved" :author "Toni Morrison" :rank 7)
(makebook :title "The Lord of the Flies" :author "William Golding" :rank 8)
(makebook :title "1984" :author "George Orwell" :rank 9)
(makebook :title "The Sound and the Fury" :author "William Faulkner" :rank 10)
(makebook :title "Lolita" :author "Vladmir Nabokov" :rank 11)
(makebook :title "Of Mice and Men" :author "John Steinbeck" :rank 12)
(makebook :title "Charlotte's Web" :author "E.B. White" :rank 13)
(makebook :title "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" :author "James Joyce" :rank 14)
(makebook :title "Catch-22" :author "Joseph Heller" :rank 15)
(makebook :title "Brave New World" :author "Aldous Huxley" :rank 16)
(makebook :title "Animal Farm" :author "George Orwell" :rank 17)
(makebook :title "The Sun Also Rises" :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 18)
(makebook :title "As I Lay Dying" :author "William Faulkner" :rank 19)
(makebook :title "A Farewell to Arms" :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 20)
(makebook :title "Heart of Darkness" :author "Joseph Conrad" :rank 21)
(makebook :title "Winnie-the-Pooh" :author "A.A. Milne" :rank 22)
(makebook :title "Their Eyes Were Watching God" :author "Zora Neale Hurston" :rank 23)
(makebook :title "Invisible Man" :author "Ralph Ellison" :rank 24)
(makebook :title "Song of Solomon" :author "Toni Morrison" :rank 25)
(makebook :title "Gone with the Wind" :author "Margaret Mitchell" :rank 26)
(makebook :title "Native Son" :author "Richard Wright" :rank 27)
(makebook :title "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" :author "Ken Kesey" :rank 28)
(makebook :title "Slaughterhouse-Five" :author "Kurt Vonnegut" :rank 29)
(makebook :title "For Whom the Bell Tolls" :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 30)
(makebook :title "On the Road" :author "Jack Kerouac" :rank 31)
(makebook :title "The Old Man and the Sea" :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 32)
(makebook :title "The Call of the Wild" :author "Jack London" :rank 33)
(makebook :title "To the Lighthouse" :author "Virginia Woolf" :rank 34)
(makebook :title "Portrait of a Lady" :author "Henry James" :rank 35)
(makebook :title "Go Tell it on the Mountain" :author "James Baldwin" :rank 36)
(makebook :title "The World According to Garp" :author "John Irving" :rank 37)
(makebook :title "All the King's Men" :author "Robert Penn Warren" :rank 38)
(makebook :title "A Room with a View" :author "E.M. Forster" :rank 39)
(makebook :title "The Lord of the Rings" :author "J.R.R. Tolkien" :rank 40)
(makebook :title "Schindler's List" :author "Thomas Keneally" :rank 41)
(makebook :title "The Age of Innocence" :author "Edith Wharton" :rank 42)
(makebook :title "The Fountainhead" :author "Ayn Rand" :rank 43)
(makebook :title "Finnegans Wake" :author "James Joyce" :rank 44)
(makebook :title "The Jungle" :author "Upton Sinclair" :rank 45)
(makebook :title "Mrs. Dalloway" :author "Virginia Woolf" :rank 46)
(makebook :title "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" :author "L. Frank Baum" :rank 47)
(makebook :title "Lady Chatterley's Lover" :author "D.H. Lawrence" :rank 48)
(makebook :title "A Clockwork Orange" :author "Anthony Burgess" :rank 49)
(makebook :title "The Awakening" :author "Kate Chopin" :rank 50)
(makebook :title "My Antonia" :author "Willa Cather" :rank 51)
(makebook :title "Howards End" :author "E.M. Forster" :rank 52)
(makebook :title "In Cold Blood" :author "Truman Capote" :rank 53)
(makebook :title "Franny and Zooey" :author "J.D. Salinger" :rank 54)
(makebook :title "The Satanic Verses" :author "Salman Rushdie" :rank 55)
(makebook :title "Jazz" :author "Toni Morrison" :rank 56)
(makebook :title "Sophie's Choice" :author "William Styron" :rank 57)
(makebook :title "Absalom, Absalom!" :author "William Faulkner" :rank 58)
(makebook :title "A Passage to India" :author "E.M. Forster" :rank 59)
(makebook :title "Ethan Frome" :author "Edith Wharton" :rank 60)
(makebook :title "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" :author "Flannery O'Connor" :rank 61)
(makebook :title "Tender Is the Night" :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :rank 62)
(makebook :title "Orlando" :author "Virginia Woolf" :rank 63)
(makebook :title "Sons and Lovers" :author "D.H. Lawrence" :rank 64)
(makebook :title "Bonfire of the Vanities" :author "Tom Wolfe" :rank 65)
(makebook :title "Cat's Cradle" :author "Kurt Vonnegut" :rank 66)
(makebook :title "A Separate Peace" :author "John Knowles" :rank 67)
(makebook :title "Light in August" :author "William Faulkner" :rank 68)
(makebook :title "The Wings of the Dove" :author "Henry James" :rank 69)
(makebook :title "Things Fall Apart" :author "Chinua Achebe" :rank 70)
(makebook :title "Rebecca" :author "Daphne du Maurier" :rank 71)
(makebook :title "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" :author "Douglas Adams" :rank 72)
(makebook :title "Naked Lunch" :author "William S. Burroughs" :rank 73)
(makebook :title "Brideshead Revisited" :author "Evelyn Waugh" :rank 74)
(makebook :title "Women in Love" :author "D.H. Lawrence" :rank 75)
(makebook :title "Look Homeward, Angel" :author "Thomas Wolfe" :rank 76)
(makebook :title "In Our Time" :author "Ernest Hemingway" :rank 77)
(makebook :title "The Autobiography of Alice B. Tokias" :author "Gertrude Stein" :rank 78)
(makebook :title "The Maltese Falcon" :author "Dashiell Hammett" :rank 79)
(makebook :title "The Naked and the Dead" :author "Norman Mailer" :rank 80)
(makebook :title "Wide Sargasso Sea" :author "Jean Rhys" :rank 81)
(makebook :title "White Noise" :author "Don DeLillo" :rank 82)
(makebook :title "O Pioneers!" :author "Willa Cather" :rank 83)
(makebook :title "Tropic of Cancer" :author "Henry Miller" :rank 84)
(makebook :title "The War of the Worlds" :author "H.G. Wells" :rank 85)
(makebook :title "Lord Jim" :author "Joseph Conrad" :rank 86)
(makebook :title "The Bostonians" :author "Henry James" :rank 87)
(makebook :title "An American Tragedy" :author "Theodore Dreiser" :rank 88)
(makebook :title "Death Comes for the Archbishop" :author "Willa Cather" :rank 89)
(makebook :title "The Wind in the Willows" :author "Kenneth Grahame" :rank 90)
(makebook :title "This Side of Paradise" :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :rank 91)
(makebook :title "Atlas Shrugged" :author "Ayn Rand" :rank 92)
(makebook :title "The French Lieutenant's Woman" :author "John Fowles" :rank 93)
(makebook :title "Babbitt" :author "Sinclair Lewis" :rank 94)
(makebook :title "Kim" :author "Rudyard Kipling" :rank 95)
(makebook :title "The Beautiful and the Damned" :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :rank 96)
(makebook :title "Rabbit, Run" :author "John Updike" :rank 97)
(makebook :title "Where Angels Fear to Tread" :author "E.M. Forster" :rank 98)
(makebook :title "Main Street" :author "Sinclair Lewis" :rank 99)
(makebook :title "Midnight's Children" :author "Salman Rushdie" :rank 100)])
^{:books/url ""}
random-house [
(makebook :title "Ulysses" :author "James Joyce" :year 1922 :rank 1)
(makebook :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :year 1925 :rank 2 :title "The Great Gatsby")
(makebook :author "James Joyce" :year 1916 :rank 3 :title "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man")
(makebook :author "Vladimir Nabokov" :year 1958 :rank 4 :title "Lolita")
(makebook :author "Aldous Huxley" :year 1932 :rank 5 :title "Brave New World")
(makebook :author "William Faulkner" :year 1929 :rank 6 :title "The Sound and the Fury")
(makebook :author "Joseph Heller" :year 1961 :rank 7 :title "Catch-22")
(makebook :author "Arthur Koestler" :year 1941 :rank 8 :title "Darkness at Noon")
(makebook :author "D. H. Lawrence" :year 1913 :rank 9 :title "Sons and Lovers")
(makebook :author "John Steinbeck" :year 1939 :rank 10 :title "The Grapes of Wrath")
(makebook :author "Malcolm Lowry" :year 1947 :rank 11 :title "Under the Volcano")
(makebook :author "Samuel Butler" :year 1903 :rank 12 :title "The Way of All Flesh")
(makebook :author "George Orwell" :year 1949 :rank 13 :title "1984")
(makebook :author "Robert Graves" :year 1934 :rank 14 :title "I, Claudius")
(makebook :author "Virginia Woolf" :year 1927 :rank 15 :title "To the Lighthouse")
(makebook :author "Theodore Dreiser" :year 1925 :rank 16 :title "An American Tragedy")
(makebook :author "Carson McCullers" :year 1940 :rank 17 :title "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter")
(makebook :author "Kurt Vonnegut" :year 1969 :rank 18 :title "Slaughterhouse-Five")
(makebook :author "Ralph Ellison" :year 1952 :rank 19 :title "Invisible Man")
(makebook :author "Richard Wright" :year 1940 :rank 20 :title "Native Son")
(makebook :author "Saul Bellow" :year 1959 :rank 21 :title "Henderson the Rain King")
(makebook :author "John O'Hara" :year 1934 :rank 22 :title "Appointment in Samarra")
(makebook :author "John Dos Passos" :year 1937 :rank 23 :title "U.S.A. (trilogy)")
(makebook :author "Sherwood Anderson" :year 1919 :rank 24 :title "Winesburg, Ohio")
(makebook :author "E. M. Forster" :year 1924 :rank 25 :title "A Passage to India")
(makebook :author "Henry James" :year 1902 :rank 26 :title "The Wings of the Dove")
(makebook :author "Henry James" :year 1903 :rank 27 :title "The Ambassadors")
(makebook :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald" :year 1934 :rank 28 :title "Tender Is the Night")
(makebook :author "James T. Farrell" :year 1935 :rank 29 :title "The Studs Lonigan Trilogy")
(makebook :author "Ford Madox Ford" :year 1915 :rank 30 :title "The Good Soldier")
(makebook :author "George Orwell" :year 1946 :rank 31 :title "Animal Farm")
(makebook :author "Henry James" :year 1904 :rank 32 :title "The Golden Bowl")
(makebook :author "Theodore Dreiser" :year 1900 :rank 33 :title "Sister Carrie")
(makebook :author "Evelyn Waugh" :year 1934 :rank 34 :title "A Handful of Dust")
(makebook :author "William Faulkner" :year 1930 :rank 35 :title "As I Lay Dying")
(makebook :author "Robert Penn Warren" :year 1946 :rank 36 :title "All the King's Men")
(makebook :author "Thornton Wilder" :year 1927 :rank 37 :title "The Bridge of San Luis Rey")
(makebook :author "E. M. Forster" :year 1910 :rank 38 :title "Howards End")
(makebook :author "James Baldwin" :year 1953 :rank 39 :title "Go Tell It on the Mountain")
(makebook :author "Graham Greene" :year 1948 :rank 40 :title "The Heart of the Matter")
(makebook :author "William Golding" :year 1954 :rank 41 :title "Lord of the Flies")
(makebook :author "James Dickey" :year 1969 :rank 42 :title "Deliverance")
(makebook :author "Anthony Powell" :year 1975 :rank 43 :title "A Dance to the Music of Time (series)")
(makebook :author "Aldous Huxley" :year 1928 :rank 44 :title "Point Counter Point")
(makebook :author "Ernest Hemingway" :year 1926 :rank 45 :title "The Sun Also Rises")
(makebook :author "Joseph Conrad" :year 1907 :rank 46 :title "The Secret Agent")
(makebook :author "Joseph Conrad" :year 1904 :rank 47 :title "Nostromo")
(makebook :author "D. H. Lawrence" :year 1915 :rank 48 :title "The Rainbow")
(makebook :author "D. H. Lawrence" :year 1921 :rank 49 :title "Women in Love")
(makebook :author "Henry Miller" :year 1934 :rank 50 :title "Tropic of Cancer")
(makebook :author "Norman Mailer" :year 1948 :rank 51 :title "The Naked and the Dead")
(makebook :author "Philip Roth" :year 1969 :rank 52 :title "Portnoy's Complaint")
(makebook :author "Vladimir Nabokov" :year 1962 :rank 53 :title "Pale Fire")
(makebook :author "William Faulkner" :year 1932 :rank 54 :title "Light in August")
(makebook :author "Jack Kerouac" :year 1957 :rank 55 :title "On the Road")
(makebook :author "Dashiell Hammett" :year 1930 :rank 56 :title "The Maltese Falcon")
(makebook :author "Ford Madox Ford" :year 1950 :rank 57 :title "Parade's End")
(makebook :author "Edith Wharton" :year 1920 :rank 58 :title "The Age of Innocence")
(makebook :author "Max Beerbohm" :year 1911 :rank 59 :title "Zuleika Dobson")
(makebook :author "Walker Percy" :year 1961 :rank 60 :title "The Moviegoer")
(makebook :author "Willa Cather" :year 1927 :rank 61 :title "Death Comes for the Archbishop")
(makebook :author "James Jones" :year 1951 :rank 62 :title "From Here to Eternity")
(makebook :author "John Cheever" :year 1957 :rank 63 :title "The Wapshot Chronicles")
(makebook :author "J. D. Salinger" :year 1951 :rank 64 :title "The Catcher in the Rye")
(makebook :author "Anthony Burgess" :year 1962 :rank 65 :title "A Clockwork Orange")
(makebook :author "W. Somerset Maugham" :year 1915 :rank 66 :title "Of Human Bondage")
(makebook :author "Joseph Conrad" :year 1902 :rank 67 :title "Heart of Darkness")
(makebook :author "Sinclair Lewis" :year 1920 :rank 68 :title "Main Street")
(makebook :author "Edith Wharton" :year 1905 :rank 69 :title "The House of Mirth")
(makebook :author "Lawrence Durrell" :year 1960 :rank 70 :title "The Alexandria Quartet")
(makebook :author "Richard Hughes" :year 1929 :rank 71 :title "A High Wind in Jamaica")
(makebook :author "V. S. Naipaul" :year 1961 :rank 72 :title "A House for Mr. Biswas")
(makebook :author "Nathanael West" :year 1939 :rank 73 :title "The Day of the Locust")
(makebook :author "Ernest Hemingway" :year 1929 :rank 74 :title "A Farewell to Arms")
(makebook :author "Evelyn Waugh" :year 1938 :rank 75 :title "Scoop")
(makebook :author "Muriel Spark" :year 1961 :rank 76 :title "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie")
(makebook :author "James Joyce" :year 1939 :rank 77 :title "Finnegans Wake")
(makebook :author "Rudyard Kipling" :year 1901 :rank 78 :title "Kim")
(makebook :author "E. M. Forster" :year 1908 :rank 79 :title "A Room with a View")
(makebook :author "Evelyn Waugh" :year 1945 :rank 80 :title "Brideshead Revisited")
(makebook :author "Saul Bellow" :year 1953 :rank 81 :title "The Adventures of Augie March")
(makebook :author "Wallace Stegner" :year 1971 :rank 82 :title "Angle of Repose")
(makebook :author "V. S. Naipaul" :year 1979 :rank 83 :title "A Bend in the River")
(makebook :author "Elizabeth Bowen" :year 1938 :rank 84 :title "The Death of the Heart")
(makebook :author "Joseph Conrad" :year 1900 :rank 85 :title "Lord Jim")
(makebook :author "E. L. Doctorow" :year 1975 :rank 86 :title "Ragtime")
(makebook :author "Arnold Bennett" :year 1908 :rank 87 :title "The Old Wives' Tale")
(makebook :author "Jack London" :year 1903 :rank 88 :title "The Call of the Wild")
(makebook :author "Henry Green" :year 1945 :rank 89 :title "Loving")
(makebook :author "Salman Rushdie" :year 1981 :rank 90 :title "Midnight's Children")
(makebook :author "Erskine Caldwell" :year 1933 :rank 91 :title "Tobacco Road")
(makebook :author "William Kennedy" :year 1983 :rank 92 :title "Ironweed")
(makebook :author "John Fowles" :year 1966 :rank 93 :title "The Magus")
(makebook :author "Jean Rhys" :year 1966 :rank 94 :title "Wide Sargasso Sea")
(makebook :author "Iris Murdoch" :year 1954 :rank 95 :title "Under the Net")
(makebook :author "William Styron" :year 1979 :rank 96 :title "Sophie's Choice")
(makebook :author "Paul Bowles" :year 1949 :rank 97 :title "The Sheltering Sky")
(makebook :author "James M. Cain" :year 1934 :rank 98 :title "The Postman Always Rings Twice")
(makebook :author "J. P. Donleavy" :year 1955 :rank 99 :title "The Ginger Man")
(makebook :author "Booth Tarkington" :year 1918 :rank 100 :title "The Magnificent Ambersons")])
(defn like [s1 s2]
(re-matches (re-pattern (str ".*" s2 ".*")) s1))
(defn matches [s re]
(re-matches (re-pattern re) s))
(defmacro showbooks [bookvec filter-expr]
`(doseq [~'book (vec (~'getbooks ~bookvec ~filter-expr))]
(printbook ~'book)))
(defmacro getbooks [bookvec filter-expr]
`(for [~'book ~bookvec :when ~filter-expr] ~'book))
(defn showfn [bookvec filter-function display-function]
(doseq [b bookvec :when (fn [b] (filter-function b))]
(display-function b)))
(defmacro top [num]
`(<= (:rank ~'book) ~num))
(defmacro from-to [low high]
`(and (<= (:rank ~'book) ~high) (>= (:rank ~'book) ~low)))
(defmacro author-is [author]
`(= (:author ~'book) ~author))
(defmacro author-like [author-re]
`(like (:author ~'book) (str "(?i)" ~author-re)))
(defmacro title-like [title-re]
`(like (:title ~'book) ~title-re))
(defn printbook [b]
(println (:rank b) "-" (:title b) "-" (:author b) "-" (str (:year b))))
(defmacro number [num]
`(from-to ~num ~num))
(defmacro all []
`(= 1 1))
banned [
(makebook :title "The Great Gatsby" :author "F. Scott Fitzgerald")
(makebook :title "The Catcher in the Rye" :author "J.D. Salinger")
(makebook :title "The Grapes of Wrath" :author "John Steinbeck")
(makebook :title "To Kill a Mockingbird" :author "Harper Lee")
(makebook :title "The Color Purple" :author "Alice Walker")
(makebook :title "Ulysses" :author "James Joyce")
(makebook :title "Beloved" :author "Toni Morrison")
(makebook :title "The Lord of the Flies" :author "William Golding")
(makebook :title "1984" :author "George Orwell")
(makebook :title "Lolita" :author "Vladmir Nabokov")
(makebook :title "Of Mice and Men" :author "John Steinbeck")
(makebook :title "Catch-22" :author "Joseph Heller")
(makebook :title "Brave New World" :author "Aldous Huxley")
(makebook :title "Animal Farm" :author "George Orwell")
(makebook :title "The Sun Also Rises" :author "Ernest Hemingway")
(makebook :title "As I Lay Dying" :author "William Faulkner")
(makebook :title "A Farewell to Arms" :author "Ernest Hemingway")
(makebook :title "Their Eyes Were Watching God" :author "Zora Neale Hurston")
(makebook :title "Invisible Man" :author "Ralph Ellison")
(makebook :title "Song of Solomon" :author "Toni Morrison")
(makebook :title "Gone with the Wind" :author "Margaret Mitchell")
(makebook :title "Native Son" :author "Richard Wright")
(makebook :title "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" :author "Ken Kesey")
(makebook :title "Slaughterhouse-Five" :author "Kurt Vonnegut")
(makebook :title "For Whom the Bell Tolls" :author "Ernest Hemingway")
(makebook :title "The Call of the Wild" :author "Jack London")
(makebook :title "Go Tell it on the Mountain" :author "James Baldwin")
(makebook :title "All the King's Men" :author "Robert Penn Warren")
(makebook :title "The Lord of the Rings" :author "J.R.R. Tolkien")
(makebook :title "The Jungle" :author "Upton Sinclair")
(makebook :title "Lady Chatterley's Lover" :author "D.H. Lawrence")
(makebook :title "A Clockwork Orange" :author "Anthony Burgess")
(makebook :title "The Awakening" :author "Kate Chopin")
(makebook :title "In Cold Blood" :author "Truman Capote")
(makebook :title "The Satanic Verses" :author "Salman Rushdie")
(makebook :title "Sophie's Choice" :author "William Styron")
(makebook :title "Sons and Lovers" :author "D.H. Lawrence")
(makebook :title "Cat's Cradle" :author "Kurt Vonnegut")
(makebook :title "A Separate Peace" :author "John Knowles")
(makebook :title "Naked Lunch" :author "William S. Burroughs")
(makebook :title "Brideshead Revisited" :author "Evelyn Waugh")
(makebook :title "Women in Love" :author "D.H. Lawrence")
(makebook :title "The Naked and the Dead" :author "Norman Mailer")
(makebook :title "Tropic of Cancer" :author "Henry Miller")
(makebook :title "An American Tragedy" :author "Theodore Dreiser")
(makebook :title "Rabbit, Run" :author "John Updike")])
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