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Created August 29, 2011 23:06
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Poor man's growl-like notification on windows
import java.awt.TrayIcon
import java.awt.SystemTray.{getSystemTray => tray}
import java.awt.Toolkit.{getDefaultToolkit => toolkit}
object Notification {
private lazy val scalaIcon = {
// of course we use the logo of our favorite language ;)
val img = toolkit.getImage(new URL(""))
new TrayIcon(img)
def show(caption: String, text: String, messageType: TrayIcon.MessageType = TrayIcon.MessageType.INFO, icon: TrayIcon = scalaIcon) {
icon.displayMessage(caption, text, messageType)
// On windows, the message balloon is removed, as soon as the icon is removed. That's why we just wait couple of seconds here.
}"foo", "bar")
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