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Created September 3, 2011 01:57
private TextView htmlTextView;
private SpannableStringBuilder htmlSpannable;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// ...
// first parse the html
// replace getHtmlCode() with whatever generates/fetches your html
Spanned spanned = Html.fromHtml(getHtmlCode());
// we need a SpannableStringBuilder for later use
if (spanned instanceof SpannableStringBuilder) {
// for now Html.fromHtml() returns a SpannableStringBuiler
// so we can just cast it
htmlSpannable = (SpannableStringBuilder) spanned;
} else {
// but we have a fallback just in case this will change later
// or a custom subclass of Html is used
new SpannableStringBuilder(spanned);
// now we can call setText() on the next view.
// this won't show any images yet
// next we start a AsyncTask that loads the images
new ImageLoadTask().execute();
// ...
private class ImageLoadTask extends AsyncTask {
DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
protected void onPreExecute() {
// we need this to properly scale the images later
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
// iterate over all images found in the html
for (ImageSpan img : htmlSpannable.getSpans(0,
htmlSpannable.length(), ImageSpan.class)) {
if (!getImageFile(img).isFile()) {
// here you have to download the file
// we use publishProgress to run some code on the
// UI thread to actually show the image
// -> onProgressUpdate()
return null;
protected void onProgressUpdate(ImageSpan... values) {
// save ImageSpan to a local variable just for convenience
ImageSpan img = values[0];
// now we get the File object again. so remeber to always return
// the same file for the same ImageSpan object
File cache = getImageFile(img);
// if the file exists, show it
if (cache.isFile()) {
// first we need to get a Drawable object
Drawable d = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(),
// next we do some scaling
int width, height;
int originalWidthScaled = (int) (d.getIntrinsicWidth() * metrics.density);
int originalHeightScaled = (int) (d.getIntrinsicHeight() * metrics.density);
if (originalWidthScaled > metrics.widthPixels) {
height = d.getIntrinsicHeight() * metrics.widthPixels
/ d.getIntrinsicWidth();
width = metrics.widthPixels;
} else {
height = originalHeightScaled;
width = originalWidthScaled;
// it's important to call setBounds otherwise the image will
// have a size of 0px * 0px and won't show at all
d.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
// now we create a new ImageSpan
ImageSpan newImg = new ImageSpan(d, img.getSource());
// find the position of the old ImageSpan
int start = htmlSpannable.getSpanStart(img);
int end = htmlSpannable.getSpanEnd(img);
// remove the old ImageSpan
// add the new ImageSpan
htmlSpannable.setSpan(newImg, start, end,
// finally we have to update the TextView with our
// updates Spannable to display the image
private File getImageFile(ImageSpan img) {
// you need to implement this method yourself.
// it must return a unique File object (or something
// different if you also change the rest of the code)
// for every image tag. use img.getSource() to get
// the src="" attribute. you might want to use some
// hash of the url as file name
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Thanks a lot for this snippet of code. After some changes here and there it works like a charm for my purposes :D

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thank you for this

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Hi, can you tell me why I got nullPointerException when it runs htmlTextView.setText(htmlSpannable);? The htmlSpannable is not null.

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This is working like a charm. Thanks a lot

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