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Last active December 28, 2021 04:38
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Using Paid Memberships Pro hooks to enable international addresses
Add this code to your theme's functions.php file to update the checkout page to support international credit cards.
First we need to enable international addresses. We just use the pmpro_international_addresses hook and return true.
This will add a "countries" dropdown to the checkout page.
function my_pmpro_international_addresses()
return true;
add_filter("pmpro_international_addresses", "my_pmpro_international_addresses");
Change some of the billing fields to be not required to support international addresses that don't have a state, etc.
Default fields are: bfirstname, blastname, baddress1, bcity, bstate, bzipcode, bphone, bemail, bcountry, CardType, AccountNumber, ExpirationMonth, ExpirationYear, CVV
function my_pmpro_required_billing_fields($fields)
//remove state and zip
return $fields;
add_filter("pmpro_required_billing_fields", "my_pmpro_required_billing_fields");
Make the city, state, and zip/postal code fields show up on their own lines.
function my_pmpro_longform_address()
return true;
add_filter("pmpro_longform_address", "my_pmpro_longform_address");
(optional) Now we want to change the default country from US to say the United Kingdom (GB)
Use the 2-letter acronym.
function my_pmpro_default_country($default)
return "GB";
//add_filter("pmpro_default_country", "my_pmpro_default_country");
(optional) You may want to add/remove certain countries from the list. The pmpro_countries filter allows you to do this.
The array is formatted like array("US"=>"United States", "GB"=>"United Kingdom"); with the acronym as the key and the full
country name as the value.
function my_pmpro_countries($countries)
//remove the US
//add The Moon (LN short for Lunar?)
$countries["LN"] = "The Moon";
//You could also rebuild the array from scratch.
//$countries = array("CA" => "Canada", "US" => "United States", "GB" => "United Kingdom");
return $countries;
//add_filter("pmpro_countries", "my_pmpro_countries");
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