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Created September 13, 2011 17:52
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Python logging decorators.
import os
import sys
import logging
import inspect
import traceback
from decorator import decorator
format="%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s",
datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M'
def keyIsTrue(dic, key):
if not dic:
return False
if dic.has_key(key) and dic[key]==True:
return True
return False
def toStr(obj):
return str(obj)
return str(type(obj))
def toShortStr(obj, max=20):
s = toStr(obj)
if len(s) > max:
return toStr(type(obj))
return s
class LogCallBase(object):
Base log calls on functions.
If used in connection with LogClass decorator it uses logger
object created by that decorator.
def __init__(self, args=None):
self.args= args
if not self.args: self.args= {}
def __call__(self, fn):
"""Log calls to fn, reporting caller, args, and return value"""
return self.hook(fn)
def hook(self, fn):
def wrapped_f(*args):
# Report exceptions before letting them bubble
err = None
result = fn(*args)
except Exception, e:
result = "CRASHED"
err = e
frame = sys._getframe(3)
# In case we find args and first parameter with class type.
if args and inspect.isclass(type(args[0])):
if hasattr(args[0], "logger"):
logger= args[0].logger
logger = logging.getLogger(fn.__module__+"."+fn.__class__.__name__)
# Get a logger named after the module hierarchy
logger = logging.getLogger(fn.__module__)
self.log_f(logger, frame, fn, args, {}, result)
except Exception, e:
# See
del frame
err= e
raise e
if err:
raise err
return result
if keyIsTrue(self.args, "subdecorate"):
wrapped_f.__subdecorate__= self
return wrapped_f
def log_f(self, logger, frame, fn, args, kw, result):
This function gets called when we log. Override it.
@param logger: logger to use for logging.
@type logger: Logger
@param frame: Python frame object.
@type frame: frame
@param fn: Function which was called.
@type fn: function
@param args: Arguments to function.
@type args: list
@param kw: Kw aruments to function
@type kw: dictionary
@param result: Result from a function.
@type result: unknown
class LogCall(LogCallBase):
Log calls on functions.
If used in connection with LogClass decorator it uses logger
object created by that decorator.
def log_f(self, logger, frame, fn, args, kw, result):
# Format the args and kw args as a comma-separated list
arglist = ', '.join(map(toShortStr, args))
if kw:
arglist += ', ' + ', '.join(map(lambda k: '%s=%s' % (toStr(k), toShortStr(kw[k])), kw.keys()))
logger.debug("%(file)s %(line)d: %(func)s(%(args)s) -> %(ret)s" % (
{'file': os.path.relpath(frame.f_code.co_filename),
'line': frame.f_lineno,
'func': fn.__name__,
'args': arglist,
'ret': toShortStr(result)
class LogClass(object):
Decorator for logging in classes.
This decorator creates Logger as logger attribute on instance
in class it is used on. It supports input parameters and has
support for decorator inheritance if used in connection with
def __init__(self, args=None):
Input parameters for decorator.
@param args: Dictionary of additional parameters.
Currently there are these supported:
* subdecorate - Decorate all functions which have
LogFunction decorator and subdecorate option
in base class on all sub classes.
*inherit_logger - Inherit logger from base class or not.
@type args: Dictionary
self.args= args
def __call__(self, klas):
self.klas= klas
if hasattr(klas, "__init__"):
self.original_init= klas.__init__
else: self.original_init= None
if keyIsTrue(self.args, "subdecorate"):
klas.__subdecorate__= self
parent= inspect.getmro(klas)[1]
if hasattr(parent,"__subdecorate__"):
for key in parent.__dict__:
fn= getattr(parent, key)
if hasattr(fn, "__subdecorate__"):
if hasattr(klas, key):
def _init(instance, *args, **kws):
# we must check if logger already exists.
if not( hasattr(instance,"logger") and instance.logger ) \
or not keyIsTrue(self.args["inherit_logger"]):
instance.logger= logging.getLogger(instance.__class__.__module__+"."+ \
# In case we specific level set level for class.
if self.args and self.args["level"]:
if self.original_init:
self.original_init(instance, *args, **kws) # call the original __init__
klas.__init__ = _init # set the class' __init__ to the new one
return klas
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