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Created September 13, 2011 19:09
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Side by Side: CoffeeScript vs JavaScript - Algorithms Edition
# All CoffeeScript examples from:
# All Java Script examples from: - Copyright (c) 2009 Nicholas C. Zakas
# - Released under (*.js copyright headers reduced for clarity)
# Uses a binary search algorithm to locate a value in the specified array.
binary_search = (items, value) ->
start = 0
stop = items.length - 1
pivot = Math.floor (start + stop) / 2
while items[pivot] isnt value and start < stop
# Adjust the search area.
stop = pivot - 1 if value < items[pivot]
start = pivot + 1 if value > items[pivot]
# Recalculate the pivot.
pivot = Math.floor (stop + start) / 2
# Make sure we've found the correct value.
if items[pivot] is value then pivot else -1
# Test the function.
console.log 2 is binary_search [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], 30
console.log 4 is binary_search [-97, 35, 67, 88, 1200], 1200
console.log 0 is binary_search [0, 45, 70], 0
console.log(-1 is binary_search [0, 45, 70], 10)
/* Copyright (c) 2009 Nicholas C. Zakas. All rights reserved.
( */
* Uses a binary search algorithm to locate a value in the specified array.
* @param {Array} items The array containing the item.
* @param {variant} value The value to search for.
* @return {int} The zero-based index of the value in the array or -1 if not found.
function binarySearch(items, value){
var startIndex = 0,
stopIndex = items.length - 1,
middle = Math.floor((stopIndex + startIndex)/2);
while(items[middle] != value && startIndex < stopIndex){
//adjust search area
if (value < items[middle]){
stopIndex = middle - 1;
} else if (value > items[middle]){
startIndex = middle + 1;
//recalculate middle
middle = Math.floor((stopIndex + startIndex)/2);
//make sure it's the right value
return (items[middle] != value) ? -1 : middle;
# A bubble sort implementation, sorting the given array in-place.
bubble_sort = (list) ->
for i in [0...list.length]
for j in [0...list.length - i]
[list[j], list[j+1]] = [list[j+1], list[j]] if list[j] > list[j+1]
# Test the function.
console.log bubble_sort([3, 2, 1]).join(' ') is '1 2 3'
console.log bubble_sort([9, 2, 7, 0, 1]).join(' ') is '0 1 2 7 9'
/* Copyright (c) 2009 Nicholas C. Zakas. All rights reserved.
( */
* Swaps two values in an array.
* @param {Array} items The array containing the items.
* @param {int} firstIndex Index of first item to swap.
* @param {int} secondIndex Index of second item to swap.
* @return {void}
function swap(items, firstIndex, secondIndex){
var temp = items[firstIndex];
items[firstIndex] = items[secondIndex];
items[secondIndex] = temp;
* A bubble sort implementation in JavaScript. The array
* is sorted in-place.
* @param {Array} items An array of items to sort.
* @return {Array} The sorted array.
function bubbleSort(items){
var len = items.length,
i, j, stop;
for (i=0; i < len; i++){
for (j=0, stop=len-i; j < stop; j++){
if (items[j] > items[j+1]){
swap(items, j, j+1);
return items;
# "Classic" linked list implementation that doesn't keep track of its size.
class LinkedList
this._head = null # Pointer to the first item in the list.
# Appends some data to the end of the list. This method traverses the existing
# list and places the value at the end in a new node.
add: (data) ->
# Create a new node object to wrap the data.
node = data: data, next: null
current = this._head or= node
if this._head isnt node
(current = while = node
# Retrieves the data at the given position in the list.
item: (index) ->
# Check for out-of-bounds values.
return null if index < 0
current = this._head or null
i = -1
# Advance through the list.
(current = while current and index > (i += 1)
# Return null if we've reached the end.
current and
# Remove the item from the given location in the list.
remove: (index) ->
# Check for out-of-bounds values.
return null if index < 0
current = this._head or null
i = -1
# Special case: removing the first item.
if index is 0
this._head =
# Find the right location.
([previous, current] = [current,]) while index > (i += 1)
# Skip over the item to remove. =
# Return the value.
current and
# Calculate the number of items in the list.
size: ->
current = this._head
count = 0
while current
count += 1
current =
# Convert the list into an array.
toArray: ->
result = []
current = this._head
while current
current =
# The string representation of the linked list.
toString: -> this.toArray().toString()
# Tests.
list = new LinkedList
console.log list.size() is 1
console.log list.item(0) is "Hi"
console.log list.item(1) is null
list = new LinkedList
console.log list.size() is 3
console.log list.item(2) is "two"
console.log list.remove(1) is "one"
console.log list.item(0) is "zero"
console.log list.item(1) is "two"
console.log list.size() is 2
console.log list.item(-10) is null
/* Copyright (c) 2009 Nicholas C. Zakas. All rights reserved.
( */
* A linked list implementation in JavaScript.
* @class LinkedList
* @constructor
function LinkedList() {
* The number of items in the list.
* @property _length
* @type int
* @private
this._length = 0;
* Pointer to first item in the list.
* @property _head
* @type Object
* @private
this._head = null;
LinkedList.prototype = {
//restore constructor
constructor: LinkedList,
* Appends some data to the end of the list. This method traverses
* the existing list and places the value at the end in a new item.
* @param {variant} data The data to add to the list.
* @return {Void}
* @method add
add: function (data){
//create a new item object, place data in
var node = {
data: data,
next: null
//used to traverse the structure
//special case: no items in the list yet
if (this._head === null){
this._head = node;
} else {
current = this._head;
current =;
} = node;
//don't forget to update the count
* Retrieves the data in the given position in the list.
* @param {int} index The zero-based index of the item whose value
* should be returned.
* @return {variant} The value in the "data" portion of the given item
* or null if the item doesn't exist.
* @method item
item: function(index){
//check for out-of-bounds values
if (index > -1 && index < this._length){
var current = this._head,
i = 0;
while(i++ < index){
current =;
} else {
return null;
* Removes the item from the given location in the list.
* @param {int} index The zero-based index of the item to remove.
* @return {variant} The data in the given position in the list or null if
* the item doesn't exist.
* @method remove
remove: function(index){
//check for out-of-bounds values
if (index > -1 && index < this._length){
var current = this._head,
i = 0;
//special case: removing first item
if (index === 0){
this._head =;
} else {
//find the right location
while(i++ < index){
previous = current;
current =;
//skip over the item to remove =;
//decrement the length
//return the value
} else {
return null;
* Returns the number of items in the list.
* @return {int} The number of items in the list.
* @method size
size: function(){
return this._length;
* Converts the list into an array.
* @return {Array} An array containing all of the data in the list.
* @method toArray
toArray: function(){
var result = [],
current = this._head;
current =;
return result;
* Converts the list into a string representation.
* @return {String} A string representation of the list.
* @method toString
toString: function(){
return this.toArray().toString();
# Use the Luhn algorithm to validate a numeric identifier, such as credit card
# numbers, national insurance numbers, etc.
# See:
is_valid_identifier = (identifier) ->
sum = 0
alt = false
for i in [identifier.length - 1..0] by -1
# Get the next digit.
num = parseInt identifier.charAt(i), 10
# If it's not a valid number, abort.
return false if isNaN(num)
# If it's an alternate number...
if alt
num *= 2
num = (num % 10) + 1 if num > 9
# Flip the alternate bit.
alt = !alt
# Add to the rest of the sum.
sum += num
# Determine if it's valid.
sum % 10 is 0
# Tests.
console.log is_valid_identifier("49927398716") is true
console.log is_valid_identifier("4408041234567893") is true
console.log is_valid_identifier("4408041234567890") is false
/* Copyright (c) 2009 Nicholas C. Zakas. All rights reserved.
( */
* Uses Luhn algorithm to validate a numeric identifier.
* @param {String} identifier The identifier to validate.
* @return {Boolean} True if the identifier is valid, false if not.
function isValidIdentifier(identifier) {
var sum = 0,
alt = false,
i = identifier.length-1,
while (i >= 0){
//get the next digit
num = parseInt(identifier.charAt(i), 10);
//if it's not a valid number, abort
if (isNaN(num)){
return false;
//if it's an alternate number...
if (alt) {
num *= 2;
if (num > 9){
num = (num % 10) + 1;
//flip the alternate bit
alt = !alt;
//add to the rest of the sum
sum += num;
//go to next digit
//determine if it's valid
return (sum % 10 == 0);
# Sorts an array in ascending natural order using merge sort.
merge_sort = (list) ->
return list if list.length is 1
result = []
pivot = Math.floor list.length / 2
left = merge_sort list.slice 0, pivot
right = merge_sort list.slice pivot
while left.length and right.length
result.push(if left[0] < right[0] then left.shift() else right.shift())
# Test the function.
console.log merge_sort([3, 2, 1]).join(' ') is '1 2 3'
console.log merge_sort([9, 2, 7, 0, 1]).join(' ') is '0 1 2 7 9'
* Merges to arrays in order based on their natural
* relationship.
* @param {Array} left The first array to merge.
* @param {Array} right The second array to merge.
* @return {Array} The merged array.
function merge(left, right){
var result = [];
while (left.length > 0 && right.length > 0){
if (left[0] < right[0]){
} else {
return result.concat(left).concat(right);
* Sorts an array in ascending natural order using
* merge sort.
* @param {Array} items The array to sort.
* @return {Array} The sorted array.
function mergeSort(items){
if (items.length == 1) {
return items;
var middle = Math.floor(items.length / 2),
left = items.slice(0, middle),
right = items.slice(middle);
return merge(mergeSort(left), mergeSort(right));
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