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Created September 21, 2011 06:15
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module Main where
import Data.ByteString (pack)
import Data.Set (Set, fromList, member)
import Data.List (tails)
import Codec.BMP
import Data.Word
spread :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
spread f as = as'
where as' = concat $ as : map (\a -> f a : as) as'
listOfDiffs :: [Int]
listOfDiffs = subtract 9 `spread` replicate 9 1
-- find sums of the digits for all numbers >= 1000
sumOfDigits :: [Int]
sumOfDigits = scanl (+) 1 $ drop 1000 listOfDiffs
main = print $ length points
-- find reachable points starting from (1000, 1000)
(points, queue) = walk Nothing 1 $ ((1000, 1000), sumOfDigits, sumOfDigits) : queue
where walk prev 0 _ = ([],[])
walk prev n ((p@(x,y),as'@(a:as),bs'@(b:bs)):q) =
let -- traverse (and generate) the rest of the queue
(ps,q') = walk prev' (n - 1 + length q'') q
-- decide whether to return this point and enqueue its children
(ps',q'',prev') = if a + b > 25
then (ps, [], Nothing)
else (p:ps,
-- don't go up if the last guy hit that
-- point going right
(if Just up == prev then id else (up':)) [right']
, Just right)
-- point on the grid
up = (x,y+1)
right = (x+1,y)
-- states to push on the queue
up' = (up, as', bs)
right' = (right, as, bs')
in (ps',q''++q')
-- image of which points are reachable, valid, or neither
image :: BMP
image = packRGBA32ToBMP 1000 1000 . pack $ bytes
-- all the points >= (1000,1000) whose coordinates sum to <= 25
where grid = [ [ sx+sy <= 25 | sx <- sumOfDigits ] | sy <- sumOfDigits ]
-- all the points >= (1000,1000) whose coordinates sum to <= 25
-- and are reachable from (1000,1000) (there exists a path on the grid)
reachable = tail $ scanl meld (True : repeat False) grid
where meld bs ds = tail . scanl (uncurry . fuse) False $ zip bs ds
fuse p q d = (p || q) && d
-- bytestring encoding of BMP image
bytes = do
(gs,rs) <- take 1000 $ zip grid reachable
(g,r) <- take 1000 $ zip gs rs
if r then green else if g then cyan else black
-- colors!
green = [0,255,0,0]
cyan = [0,255,255,0]
black = [0,0,0,0]
-- main = writeBMP "temp.bmp" image
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