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Created September 21, 2011 16:30
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The beginnings of a SC2 cheat sheet, in LaTeX of course.
% SC2 Cheat Sheet, initially aimed at Terran.
% To make a PDF: pdflatex sc2.tex
% If you don't have LaTeX already, grab TeX Live, MacTeX, or check apt/brew/etc.
% Based heavily on
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\Large{\textbf{Starcraft II Terran Cheat Sheet}} \\
TODO: General hotkey information that is the same across races should be included here.
The following hotkeys are only available when the player is playing the Terran race.
\section{Basic Buildings}
When a Terran player has an SCV selected, pressing \verb!B! to build, followed by one of
these keys will instruct the SCV to build the corresponding building.
\verb!C! & Command Center \\
\verb!S! & Supply Depot \\
\verb!R! & Refinery \\
\verb!B! & Barracks \\
\verb! X! & Add a Tech Lab to selected Barracks \\
\verb! C! & Add a Reactor to selected Barracks \\
\verb!E! & Engineering Bay \\
\verb!U! & Bunker \\
\verb!T! & Missile Turret \\
\verb!N! & Sensor Tower \\
\section{Advanced Buildings}
When a Terran player has an SCV selected, pressing \verb!V! to advanced build, followed by
one of these keys will instruct the SCV to build the corresponding building.
\verb!G! & Ghost Academy\\
\verb!F! & Factory \\
\verb! X! & Add a Tech Lab to selected Factory \\
\verb! C! & Add a Reactor to selected Factory \\
\verb!A! & Armory \\
\verb!S! & Starport \\
\verb! X! & Add a Tech Lab to selected Starport \\
\verb! C! & Add a Reactor to selected Starport \\
\verb!C! & Fusion Core \\
% TODO: Consider denser layout for these.
When the Terran player has the appropriate building selected and then presses
the following keys, they will start the creation of the corresponding unit.
\verb!S! & SCV \\
\verb!A! & Marine \\
\verb!D! & Marauder \\
\verb!R! & Reaper\\
\verb!G! & Ghost\\
\verb!E! & Hellion \\
\verb!S! & Siege Tank \\
\verb!T! & Thor \\
\verb!V! & Viking \\
\verb!D! & Medivac \\
\verb!R! & Raven \\
\verb!E! & Banshee \\
\verb!B! & Battlecruiser \\
\section{Technology (Upgrade)}
\subsection{Command Center}
\verb!B! & Upgrade to Orbital Command \\
\verb!P! & Upgrade to Planetary Fortress \\
\subsection{Tech lab on Engineering Bay}
\verb!E! & Infantry Weapons \\
\verb!A! & Infantry Armor \\
\verb!B! & Building Armor \\
\verb!H! & Hi-Sec Auto Tracking \\
\verb!N! & Neosteel Frame \\
\subsection{Tech lab on Barracks}
\verb!C! & Combat Shield \\
\verb!T! & Stimpack \\
\verb!G! & Concussive Shells \\
\verb!N! & Nitro Packs \\
\subsection{Tech lab on Armory}
\verb!E! & Vehicle Weapons \\
\verb!V! & Vehicle Armor \\
\verb!S! & Ship Weapons \\
\verb!P! & Ship Armor \\
\subsection{Tech lab on Factory}
\verb!I! & Infernal Pre-igniter \\
\verb!S! & Siege Tech \\
\verb!C! & 250mm Strike Cannons \\
\subsection{Tech lab on Fusion Core}
\verb!R! & Weapon Refit (Yamato Cannon) \\
\verb!B! & Behemoth Reactor \\
\subsection{Tech lab on Starport}
\verb!A! & Caduceus Reactor \\
\verb!D! & Durable Materials \\
\verb!R! & Seeker Missile \\
\verb!T! & Corvid Reactor \\
\verb!C! & Cloaking Field \\
\subsection{Tech lab on Ghost Academy}
\verb!C! & Personal Cloaking \\
\verb!M! & Moebius Reactor \\
\section{Spells and Actions}
TODO: Spells and actions.
Based on information in Liquipedia, The Starcraft II Encyclopedia. CC-BY-SA.
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