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Created September 23, 2011 05:36
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VIM Dictionary output
"File: css.vim
"Description: Syntax checking plugin for syntastic.vim using `csslint` CLI tool (
"Maintainer: Ory Band <oryband at gmail dot com>
"License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty,
" to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute
" it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You
" Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar.
" See for more details.
if exists("loaded_css_syntax_checker")
let loaded_css_syntax_checker = 1
" Bail if the user doesn't have `csslint` installed.
if !executable("csslint")
function! SyntaxCheckers_css_GetLocList()
let makeprg = 'csslint --format=compact '.shellescape(expand('%'))
" Print CSS Lint's 'Welcome' and error/warning messages. Ignores the code line.
" main.css: line 19, col 1, Heading (h4) has already been defined.
let errorformat = '%f\:\ line\ %l\,\ col\ %c\,\ %m,%-G%.%#'
"let errorformat = '%+Gcsslint:\ There%.%#,%A%f:,%C%n:\ %t%\\w%\\+\ at\ line\ %l\,\ col\ %c,%Z%m\ at\ line%.%#,%A%>%f:,%C%n:\ %t%\\w%\\+\ at\ line\ %l\,\ col\ %c,%Z%m,%-G%.%#'
let loclist = SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg, 'errorformat': errorformat })
for i in loclist
let i['bufnr'] = bufnr("")
echo loclist
return loclist
[{"lnum": 19, "bufnr": 1, "col": 1, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Heading (h4) has already been defined."}, {"lnum": 31, "bufnr":
1, "col": 1, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Element (a.selected) is overqualified, just use .selected without element name."}, {"
lnum": 43, "bufnr": 1, "col": 1, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Standard property ""box-shadow"" should come after vendor-prefixed
property ""-moz-box-shadow""."}, {"lnum": 43, "bufnr": 1, "col": 1, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Standard property ""box-shadow
"" should come after vendor-prefixed property ""-webkit-box-shadow""."}, {"lnum": 43, "bufnr": 1, "col": 1, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "",
"text": "Standard property ""border-radius"" should come after vendor-prefixed property ""-webkit-border-radius""."}, {"lnum": 43, "bufnr": 1, "col": 1, "valid": 1, "vc
ol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Standard property ""border-radius"" should come after vendor-prefixed property ""-moz-border-radius""."}, {"lnum":
48, "bufnr": 1, "col": 17, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Values of 0 shouldn""t have units specified."}, {"lnum": 48, "bufnr": 1
, "col": 21, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Values of 0 shouldn""t have units specified."}, {"lnum": 49, "bufnr": 1, "col": 26, "v
alid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Values of 0 shouldn""t have units specified."}, {"lnum": 49, "bufnr": 1, "col": 22, "valid": 1, "vcol
": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Values of 0 shouldn""t have units specified."}, {"lnum": 50, "bufnr": 1, "col": 29, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1,
"type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Values of 0 shouldn""t have units specified."}, {"lnum": 50, "bufnr": 1, "col": 25, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "p
attern": "", "text": "Values of 0 shouldn""t have units specified."}, {"lnum": 55, "bufnr": 1, "col": 1, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "te
xt": "Standard property ""border-radius"" should come after vendor-prefixed property ""-webkit-border-radius""."}, {"lnum": 55, "bufnr": 1, "col": 1, "valid": 1, "vcol"
: 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Standard property ""border-radius"" should come after vendor-prefixed property ""-moz-border-radius""."}, {"lnum": 95
, "bufnr": 1, "col": 1, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Element (ul.longhorn-submenu) is overqualified, just use .longhorn-submenu
without element name."}, {"lnum": 112, "bufnr": 1, "col": 12, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Duplicate property ""*display"" found
."}, {"lnum": 256, "bufnr": 1, "col": 3, "valid": 1, "vcol": 0, "nr": -1, "type": "", "pattern": "", "text": "Negative text-indent doesn""t work well with RTL. If you u
se text-indent for image replacement explicitly set text-direction for that item to ltr."}]
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