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Created September 27, 2011 22:30
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# Copyright 2007-2011, Larry Wall
# You may copy this software under the terms of the Artistic License,
# version 2.0 or later.
grammar STD:ver<6.0.0.alpha>:auth<>;
use DEBUG;
use NAME;
use Stash;
use Cursor;
our $ALL;
=begin comment
Contextuals used in STD
# per parse
my $*ACTIONS; # class or object which defines reduce actions
my $*SETTINGNAME; # name of core setting
my $*TMP_PREFIX; # where to put tmp files
my $*ORIG; # the original program string
my @*ORIG; # same thing as individual chars
my @*MEMOS; # per-position info such as ws and line number
my $*HIGHWATER; # where we were last looking for things
my $*HIGHMESS; # current parse failure message
my $*HIGHEXPECT; # things we were looking for at the bleeding edge
my $*IN_PANIC; # don't panic recursively
# symbol table management
our $ALL; # all the stashes, keyed by id
my $*CORE; # the CORE scope
my $*SETTING; # the SETTING scope
my $*GLOBAL; # the GLOBAL scope
my $*PROCESS; # the PROCESS scope
my $*UNIT; # the UNIT scope
my $*CURLEX; # current lexical scope info
my $*CURPKG; # current package scope
my %*MYSTERY; # names we assume may be post-declared functions
# tree attributes, marked as propagating up (u) down (d) or up-and-down (u/d)
my %*LANG; # (d) braided languages: MAIN, Q, Regex, etc
my $*IN_DECL; # (d) a declarator is looking for a name to declare
my $*HAS_SELF; # (d) in a context where 'self' exists
my $*SCOPE = ""; # (d) which scope declarator we're under
my $*MULTINESS; # (d) which multi declarator we're under
my $*PKGDECL ::= ""; # (d) current package declarator
my $*NEWPKG; # (u/d) new package being declared
my $*NEWLEX; # (u/d) new lex info being declared
my $*DECLARAND; # (u/d) new object associated with declaration
my $*GOAL ::= "(eof)"; # (d) which special terminator we're most wanting
my $*IN_REDUCE; # (d) attempting to parse an [op] construct
my $*IN_META; # (d) parsing a metaoperator like [..]
my $*QUASIMODO; # (d) don't carp about quasi variables
my $*LEFTSIGIL; # (u) sigil of LHS for item vs list assignment
my $*QSIGIL; # (d) sigil of current interpolation
my $*INVOCANT_OK; # (d) parsing a list that allows an invocant
my $*INVOCANT_IS; # (u) invocant of args match
my $*BORG; # (u/d) who to blame if we're missing a block
=end comment
=begin notes
Some rules are named by syntactic category plus an additional symbol
specified in adverbial form, either in bare :name form or in :sym<name>
form. (It does not matter which form you use for identifier symbols,
except that to specify a symbol "sym" you must use the :sym<sym> form
of adverb.) If you use the <sym> rule within the rule, it will parse the
symbol at that point. At the final reduction point of a rule, if $sym
has been set, that is used as the final symbol name for the rule. This
need not match the symbol specified as part the rule name; that is just
for disambiguating the name. However, if no $sym is set, the original
symbol will be used by default.
This grammar relies on transitive longest-token semantics.
=end notes
method p6class () { ::STD::P6 }
method TOP ($STOP = '') {
my $lang = self.cursor_fresh( self.p6class );
if $STOP {
my $*GOAL ::= $STOP;
else {
# Precedence #
# The internal precedence levels are *not* part of the public interface.
# The current values are mere implementation; they may change at any time.
# Users should specify precedence only in relation to existing levels.
constant %term = (:dba('term') , :prec<z=>);
constant %methodcall = (:dba('methodcall') , :prec<y=>, :assoc<unary>, :uassoc<left>, :fiddly, :!pure);
constant %autoincrement = (:dba('autoincrement') , :prec<x=>, :assoc<unary>, :uassoc<non>, :!pure);
constant %exponentiation = (:dba('exponentiation') , :prec<w=>, :assoc<right>, :pure);
constant %symbolic_unary = (:dba('symbolic unary') , :prec<v=>, :assoc<unary>, :uassoc<left>, :pure);
constant %multiplicative = (:dba('multiplicative') , :prec<u=>, :assoc<left>, :pure);
constant %additive = (:dba('additive') , :prec<t=>, :assoc<left>, :pure);
constant %replication = (:dba('replication') , :prec<s=>, :assoc<left>, :pure);
constant %concatenation = (:dba('concatenation') , :prec<r=>, :assoc<list>, :pure);
constant %junctive_and = (:dba('junctive and') , :prec<q=>, :assoc<list>, :pure);
constant %junctive_or = (:dba('junctive or') , :prec<p=>, :assoc<list>, :pure);
constant %named_unary = (:dba('named unary') , :prec<o=>, :assoc<unary>, :uassoc<left>, :pure);
constant %structural = (:dba('structural infix'), :prec<n=>, :assoc<non>, :diffy);
constant %chaining = (:dba('chaining') , :prec<m=>, :assoc<chain>, :diffy, :iffy, :pure);
constant %tight_and = (:dba('tight and') , :prec<l=>, :assoc<list>);
constant %tight_or = (:dba('tight or') , :prec<k=>, :assoc<list>);
constant %conditional = (:dba('conditional') , :prec<j=>, :assoc<right>, :fiddly);
constant %item_assignment = (:dba('item assignment') , :prec<i=>, :assoc<right>, :!pure);
constant %list_assignment = (:dba('list assignment') , :prec<i=>, :assoc<right>, :sub<e=>, :fiddly, :!pure);
constant %loose_unary = (:dba('loose unary') , :prec<h=>, :assoc<unary>, :uassoc<left>, :pure);
constant %comma = (:dba('comma') , :prec<g=>, :assoc<list>, :nextterm<nulltermish>, :fiddly, :pure);
constant %list_infix = (:dba('list infix') , :prec<f=>, :assoc<list>, :pure);
constant %list_prefix = (:dba('list prefix') , :prec<e=>, :assoc<unary>, :uassoc<left>);
constant %loose_and = (:dba('loose and') , :prec<d=>, :assoc<list>);
constant %loose_or = (:dba('loose or') , :prec<c=>, :assoc<list>);
constant %sequencer = (:dba('sequencer') , :prec<b=>, :assoc<list>, :nextterm<statement>, :fiddly);
constant %LOOSEST = (:dba('LOOSEST') , :prec<a=!>);
constant %terminator = (:dba('terminator') , :prec<a=>, :assoc<list>);
# "epsilon" tighter than terminator
#constant $LOOSEST = %LOOSEST<prec>;
constant $LOOSEST = "a=!"; # XXX preceding line is busted
constant $item_assignment_prec = 'i=';
constant $methodcall_prec = 'y=';
# Categories #
# Categories are designed to be easily extensible in derived grammars
# by merely adding more rules in the same category. The rules within
# a given category start with the category name followed by a differentiating
# adverbial qualifier to serve (along with the category) as the longer name.
# The endsym context, if specified, says what to implicitly check for in each
# rule right after the initial <sym>. Normally this is used to make sure
# there's appropriate whitespace. # Note that endsym isn't called if <sym>
# isn't called.
my $*endsym = "null";
my $*endargs = -1;
proto token category {*}
token category:category { <sym> }
token category:sigil { <sym> }
proto token sigil {*}
token category:twigil { <sym> }
proto token twigil is endsym<begid> {*}
token category:special_variable { <sym> }
proto token special_variable {*}
token category:comment { <sym> }
proto token comment {*}
token category:version { <sym> }
proto token version {*}
token category:module_name { <sym> }
proto token module_name {*}
token category:value { <sym> }
proto token value {*}
token category:term { <sym> }
proto token term {*}
token category:numeric { <sym> }
proto token numeric {*}
token category:quote { <sym> }
proto token quote () {*}
token category:prefix { <sym> }
proto token prefix is unary is defequiv(%symbolic_unary) {*}
token category:infix { <sym> }
proto token infix is binary is defequiv(%additive) {*}
token category:postfix { <sym> }
proto token postfix is unary is defequiv(%autoincrement) {*}
token category:dotty { <sym> }
proto token dotty is endsym<unspacey> {*}
token category:circumfix { <sym> }
proto token circumfix {*}
token category:postcircumfix { <sym> }
proto token postcircumfix is unary {*} # unary as far as EXPR knows...
token category:quote_mod { <sym> }
proto token quote_mod {*}
token category:trait_mod { <sym> }
proto token trait_mod is endsym<keyspace> {*}
token category:type_declarator { <sym> }
proto token type_declarator is endsym<keyspace> {*}
token category:scope_declarator { <sym> }
proto token scope_declarator is endsym<nofun> {*}
token category:package_declarator { <sym> }
proto token package_declarator is endsym<keyspace> {*}
token category:multi_declarator { <sym> }
proto token multi_declarator is endsym<keyspace> {*}
token category:routine_declarator { <sym> }
proto token routine_declarator is endsym<nofun> {*}
token category:regex_declarator { <sym> }
proto token regex_declarator is endsym<keyspace> {*}
token category:statement_prefix { <sym> }
proto rule statement_prefix () {*}
token category:statement_control { <sym> }
proto rule statement_control is endsym<keyspace> {*}
token category:statement_mod_cond { <sym> }
proto rule statement_mod_cond is endsym<nofun> {*}
token category:statement_mod_loop { <sym> }
proto rule statement_mod_loop is endsym<nofun> {*}
token category:infix_prefix_meta_operator { <sym> }
proto token infix_prefix_meta_operator is binary {*}
token category:infix_postfix_meta_operator { <sym> }
proto token infix_postfix_meta_operator ($op) is binary {*}
token category:infix_circumfix_meta_operator { <sym> }
proto token infix_circumfix_meta_operator is binary {*}
token category:postfix_prefix_meta_operator { <sym> }
proto token postfix_prefix_meta_operator is unary {*}
token category:prefix_postfix_meta_operator { <sym> }
proto token prefix_postfix_meta_operator is unary {*}
token category:prefix_circumfix_meta_operator { <sym> }
proto token prefix_circumfix_meta_operator is unary {*}
token category:terminator { <sym> }
proto token terminator {*}
token unspacey { <.unsp>? }
token begid { <?before \w> }
token endid { <?before <-[ \- \' \w ]> > }
token spacey { <?before <[ \s \# ]> > }
token keyspace { <!before '('> [ <?before <[ \s \# ]> > || <.panic: "Whitespace required after keyword"> ] }
token nofun { <!before '(' | '.(' | '\\' | '\'' | '-' | "'" | \w > }
# Note, don't reduce on a bare sigil unless you don't want a twigil or
# you otherwise don't care what the longest token is.
token sigil:sym<$> { <sym> }
token sigil:sym<@> { <sym> }
token sigil:sym<%> { <sym> }
token sigil:sym<&> { <sym> }
token twigil:sym<.> { <sym> }
token twigil:sym<!> { <sym> }
token twigil:sym<^> { <sym> }
token twigil:sym<:> { <sym> }
token twigil:sym<*> { <sym> }
token twigil:sym<?> { <sym> }
token twigil:sym<=> { <sym> }
token twigil:sym<~> { <sym> }
# overridden in subgrammars
token stopper { <!> }
# hopefully we can include these tokens in any outer LTM matcher
regex stdstopper {
:temp $*STUB = return self if @*MEMOS[self.pos]<endstmt> :exists;
:dba('standard stopper')
| <?terminator>
| <?unitstopper>
| <?before <stopper> >
| $ # unlikely, check last (normal LTM behavior)
{ @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<endstmt> ||= 1; }
token longname {
<name> {} [ <?before ':' <[ a..z A..Z _ \< \[ \« ]>> <colonpair> ]*
token name {
| <identifier> <morename>*
| <morename>+
token morename {
:my $*QSIGIL ::= '';
|| <?before '(' | <alpha> >
| <identifier>
| :dba('indirect name') '(' ~ ')' <EXPR>
|| <?before '::'> <.panic: "Name component may not be null">
# Quote primitives #
# assumes whitespace is eaten already
method peek_delimiters {
my $pos = self.pos;
my $startpos = $pos;
my $char = substr(self.orig,$pos++,1);
if $char ~~ /^\s$/ {
self.panic("Whitespace character is not allowed as delimiter"); # "can't happen"
elsif $char ~~ /^\w$/ {
self.panic("Alphanumeric character is not allowed as delimiter");
elsif $char eq '' {
self.panic("No delimiter found");
elsif not ord $char {
self.panic("Null character is not allowed as delimiter");
elsif %STD::close2open{$char} {
self.panic("Use of a closing delimiter for an opener is reserved");
elsif $char eq ':' {
self.panic("Colons may not be used to delimit quoting constructs");
my $rightbrack = %STD::open2close{$char};
if not defined $rightbrack {
return $char, $char;
while substr(self.orig,$pos,1) eq $char {
my $len = $pos - $startpos;
my $start = $char x $len;
my $stop = $rightbrack x $len;
return $start, $stop;
role startstop[$start,$stop] {
token starter { $start }
token stopper { $stop }
role stop[$stop] {
token starter { <!> }
token stopper { $stop }
role unitstop[$stop] {
token unitstopper { $stop }
token unitstopper { $ }
method balanced ($start,$stop) { self.mixin( ::startstop[$start,$stop] ); }
method unbalanced ($stop) { self.mixin( ::stop[$stop] ); }
method unitstop ($stop) { self.mixin( ::unitstop[$stop] ); }
method truly ($bool,$opt) {
return self if $bool;
self.sorry("Cannot negate $opt adverb");
token charname {
| <radint>
| <alpha> .*? <?before \s*[ ',' | '#' | ']']>
] || <.sorry: "Unrecognized character name"> .*?<?terminator>
token charnames { \s* [<charname><.ws>] ** [','\s*] }
token charspec {
| :dba('character name') '[' ~ ']' <charnames>
| \d+
| <[ ?..Z \\.._ ]>
| <?> <.sorry: "Unrecognized \\c character"> .
proto token backslash {*}
proto token escape {*}
token starter { <!> }
token escape:none { <!> }
# and this is what makes nibbler polymorphic...
method nibble ($lang) {
# note: polymorphic over many quote languages, we hope
token nibbler {
:my $text = '';
:my $from = self.pos;
:my $to = $from;
:my @nibbles = ();
:my $multiline = 0;
{ $.from = self.pos; }
[ <!before <stopper> >
|| <starter> <nibbler> <stopper>
push @nibbles, $¢.makestr(TEXT => $text, _from => $from, _pos => $to ) if $from != $to;
my $n = $<nibbler>[*-1]<nibbles>;
my @n = @$n;
push @nibbles, $<starter>;
push @nibbles, @n;
push @nibbles, $<stopper>;
$text = '';
$to = $from = $¢.pos;
|| <escape> {
push @nibbles, $¢.makestr(TEXT => $text, _from => $from, _pos => $to ) if $from != $to;
push @nibbles, $<escape>[*-1];
$text = '';
$to = $from = $¢.pos;
|| .
my $ch = substr(self.orig, $¢.pos-1, 1);
$text ~= $ch;
$to = $¢.pos;
if $ch ~~ "\n" {
push @nibbles, $¢.makestr(TEXT => $text, _from => $from, _pos => $to ) if $from != $to or !@nibbles;
$<nibbles> = \@nibbles;
$.pos = $¢.pos;
$<nibbler> :delete;
$<escape> :delete;
$<starter> :delete;
$<stopper> :delete;
$*LAST_NIBBLE_MULTILINE = $¢ if $multiline;
token babble ($l) {
:my $lang = $l;
:my $start;
:my $stop;
[ <quotepair> <.ws>
my $kv = $<quotepair>[*-1];
$lang = ($lang.tweak(| ($kv.<k> => $kv.<v>))
or $lang.sorry("Unrecognized adverb :" ~ $kv.<k> ~ '(' ~ $kv.<v> ~ ')'));
$<B> = {
($start,$stop) = $¢.peek_delimiters();
$lang = $start ne $stop ?? $lang.balanced($start,$stop)
!! $lang.unbalanced($stop);
our @herestub_queue;
class Herestub {
has Str $.delim;
has $.orignode;
has $.lang;
role herestop {
token stopper { ^^ {} $<ws>=(\h*?) $*DELIM \h* <.unv>?? $$ \v? }
# XXX be sure to temporize @herestub_queue on reentry to new line of heredocs
method heredoc () {
my $*CTX ::= self.callm if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::trace_call;
my $here = self;
while my $herestub = shift @herestub_queue {
my $*DELIM = $herestub.delim;
my $lang = $herestub.lang.mixin( ::herestop );
my $doc;
if ($doc) = $here.nibble($lang) {
$here = $doc.trim_heredoc();
$herestub.orignode<doc> = $doc;
else {
self.panic("Ending delimiter $*DELIM not found");
return self.cursor($here.pos); # return to initial type
token quibble ($l) {
:my ($lang, $start, $stop);
{ my $B = $<babble><B>; ($lang,$start,$stop) = @$B; }
$start <nibble($lang)> [ $stop || <.panic: "Couldn't find terminator $stop"> ]
if $lang<_herelang> {
push @herestub_queue,
delim => $<nibble><nibbles>[0]<TEXT>,
orignode => $¢,
lang => $lang<_herelang>,
token quotepair {
:my $key;
:my $value;
:dba('colon pair (restricted)')
| '!' <identifier> [ <?before '('> <.sorry: "Argument not allowed on negated pair"> <circumfix> ]?
{ $key = $<identifier>.Str; $value = 0; }
| <identifier>
{ $key = $<identifier>.Str; }
|| <.unsp>? <?before '('> <circumfix> { $value = $<circumfix>; }
|| { $value = 1; }
| $<n>=(\d+) $<id>=(<[a..z]>+) [ <?before '('> <.sorry: "2nd argument not allowed on pair"> <circumfix> ]?
{ $key = $<id>.Str; $value = $<n>.Str; }
$<k> = {$key} $<v> = {$value}
token quote:sym<' '> { :dba('single quotes') "'" ~ "'" <nibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:q).unbalanced("'"))> }
token quote:sym<" "> { :dba('double quotes') '"' ~ '"' <nibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:qq).unbalanced('"'))> }
token circumfix:sym<« »> { :dba('shell-quote words') '«' ~ '»' <nibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:qq).tweak(:ww).balanced('«','»'))> }
token circumfix:sym«<< >>» { :dba('shell-quote words') '<<' ~ '>>' <nibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:qq).tweak(:ww).balanced('<<','>>'))> }
token circumfix:sym«< >» { :dba('quote words') '<' ~ '>'
[ <?before 'STDIN>' > <.obs('<STDIN>', '$' ~ '*IN.lines (or add whitespace to suppress warning)')> ]? # XXX fake out gimme5
[ <?before '>' > <.obs('<>', "lines() to read input,\n or ('') to represent the null string,\n or () to represent Nil")> ]?
<nibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:q).tweak(:w).balanced('<','>'))>
# Lexer routines #
token ws {
:temp $*STUB = return self if @*MEMOS[self.pos]<ws> :exists;
:my $startpos = self.pos;
:my $*HIGHEXPECT = {};
| \h+ <![\#\s\\]> { @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<ws> = $startpos; } # common case
| <?before \w> <?after \w> :::
{ @*MEMOS[$startpos]<ws>:delete; }
<.sorry: "Whitespace is required between alphanumeric tokens"> # must \s+ between words
| <.unsp>
| <.vws> <.heredoc>
| <.unv>
| $ { $¢.moreinput }
if ($¢.pos == $startpos) {
else {
@*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<ws> = $startpos;
@*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<endstmt> = @*MEMOS[$startpos]<endstmt>
if @*MEMOS[$startpos]<endstmt> :exists;
token unsp {
\\ <?before [\s|'#'] >
| <.vws>
| <.unv>
| $ { $¢.moreinput }
token vws {
:dba('vertical whitespace')
| \v
| '#DEBUG -1' { say "DEBUG"; $*DEBUG = -1; } \V* \v
| '<<<<<<<' :: <?before [.*? \v '=======']: .*? \v '>>>>>>>' > <.sorry: 'Found a version control conflict marker'> \V* \v
| '=======' :: .*? \v '>>>>>>>' \V* \v # ignore second half
# We provide two mechanisms here:
# 1) define $*moreinput, or
# 2) override moreinput method
method moreinput () {
$*moreinput.() if $*moreinput;
token unv {
:dba('horizontal whitespace')
| \h+
| <?before \h* '=' [ \w | '\\'] > ^^ <.pod_comment>
| \h* <comment>
token comment:sym<#`(...)> {
'#`' :: [ <?opener> || <.panic: "Opening bracket is required for #` comment"> ]
<.quibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ))>
token comment:sym<#(...)> {
'#' <?opener>
<quibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ))>
<!before <[,;:]>* \h* [ '#' | $$ ] > # extra stuff on line after closer?
<.worry: "Embedded comment seems to be missing backtick"> <!>
token comment:sym<#=(...)> {
'#=' <?opener> ::
<quibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ))>
token comment:sym<#=> {
'#=' :: $<attachment> = [\N*]
token comment:sym<#> {
'#' {} \N*
token ident {
<.alpha> \w*
token apostrophe {
<[ ' \- ]>
token identifier {
<.ident> [ <.apostrophe> <.ident> ]*
# XXX We need to parse the pod eventually to support $= variables.
token pod_comment {
^^ \h* '=' <.unsp>?
| 'begin' \h+ <identifier> ::
|| .*? "\n" [ :r \h* '=' <.unsp>? 'end' \h+ $<identifier> » \N* ]
|| <?{ $<identifier>.Str eq 'END'}> .*
|| { my $id = $<identifier>.Str; self.panic("=begin $id without matching =end $id"); }
| 'begin' » :: \h* [ $$ || '#' || <.sorry: "Unrecognized token after =begin"> \N* ]
[ .*? "\n" \h* '=' <.unsp>? 'end' » \N* || { self.panic("=begin without matching =end"); } ]
| 'for' » :: \h* [ <identifier> || $$ || '#' || <.sorry: "Unrecognized token after =for"> \N* ]
[.*? ^^ \h* $$ || .*]
| ::
[ <?before .*? ^^ '=cut' » > <.panic: "Obsolescent pod format, please use =begin/=end instead"> ]?
[<alpha>||\s||<.sorry: "Illegal pod directive">]
# suppress fancy end-of-line checking
token embeddedblock {
# encapsulate braided languages
:temp %*LANG;
:my $*SIGNUM;
:my $*GOAL ::= '}';
:temp $*CURLEX;
:dba('embedded block')
'{' :: [ :lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <statementlist> ]
[ '}' || <.panic: "Unable to parse statement list; couldn't find right brace"> ]
token binints { [<.ws><binint><.ws>] ** ',' }
token binint {
<[ 0..1 ]>+ [ _ <[ 0..1 ]>+ ]*
token octints { [<.ws><octint><.ws>] ** ',' }
token octint {
<[ 0..7 ]>+ [ _ <[ 0..7 ]>+ ]*
token hexints { [<.ws><hexint><.ws>] ** ',' }
token hexint {
<[ 0..9 a..f A..F ]>+ [ _ <[ 0..9 a..f A..F ]>+ ]*
token decints { [<.ws><decint><.ws>] ** ',' }
token decint {
\d+ [ _ \d+ ]*
token integer {
| 0 [ b '_'? <binint>
| o '_'? <octint>
| x '_'? <hexint>
| d '_'? <decint>
| <decint>
<!!{ $¢.worry("Leading 0 does not indicate octal in Perl 6; please use 0o" ~ $<decint>.Str ~ " if you mean that") }>
| <decint>
<!!before ['.' <?before \s | ',' | '=' | <terminator> > <.sorry: "Decimal point must be followed by digit">]? >
[ <?before '_' '_'+\d> <.sorry: "Only isolated underscores are allowed inside numbers"> ]?
token radint {
| <integer>
| <?before ':'\d> <rad_number> <?{
defined $<rad_number><intpart>
not defined $<rad_number><fracpart>
token escale {
<[Ee]> <[+\-]>? <decint>
# careful to distinguish from both integer and 42.method
token dec_number {
:dba('decimal number')
| $<coeff> = [ '.' <frac=.decint> ] <escale>?
| $<coeff> = [<int=.decint> '.' <frac=.decint> ] <escale>?
| $<coeff> = [<int=.decint> ] <escale>
[ <?before '.' \d> <.sorry: "Number contains two decimal points (missing 'v' for version number?)"> ['.'\d+]+ ]?
[ <?before '_' '_'+\d> <.sorry: "Only isolated underscores are allowed inside numbers"> ]?
token alnumint {
[ <[ 0..9 a..z A..Z ]>+ [ _ <[ 0..9 a..z A..Z ]>+ ]* ]
token rad_number {
':' $<radix> = [\d+] <.unsp>? # XXX optional dot here?
{} # don't recurse in lexer
:dba('number in radix notation')
|| '<' :s
| $<coeff> = [ '.' <frac=.alnumint> ]
| $<coeff> = [<int=.alnumint> '.' <frac=.alnumint> ]
| $<coeff> = [<int=.alnumint> ]
'*' <base=.radint>
[ '**' <exp=.radint> || <.sorry: "Base is missing ** exponent part"> ]
# { make radcalc($<radix>, $<coeff>, $<base>, $<exp>) }
|| <?before '['> <circumfix>
|| <?before '('> <circumfix>
|| <.panic: "Malformed radix number">
token terminator:sym<)>
{ <sym> <O(|%terminator)> }
token terminator:sym<]>
{ ']' <O(|%terminator)> }
token terminator:sym<}>
{ '}' <O(|%terminator)> }
# XXX should eventually be derived from current Unicode tables.
constant %open2close = (
"\x0028" => "\x0029",
"\x003C" => "\x003E",
"\x005B" => "\x005D",
"\x007B" => "\x007D",
"\x00AB" => "\x00BB",
"\x0F3A" => "\x0F3B",
"\x0F3C" => "\x0F3D",
"\x169B" => "\x169C",
"\x2018" => "\x2019",
"\x201A" => "\x2019",
"\x201B" => "\x2019",
"\x201C" => "\x201D",
"\x201E" => "\x201D",
"\x201F" => "\x201D",
"\x2039" => "\x203A",
"\x2045" => "\x2046",
"\x207D" => "\x207E",
"\x208D" => "\x208E",
"\x2208" => "\x220B",
"\x2209" => "\x220C",
"\x220A" => "\x220D",
"\x2215" => "\x29F5",
"\x223C" => "\x223D",
"\x2243" => "\x22CD",
"\x2252" => "\x2253",
"\x2254" => "\x2255",
"\x2264" => "\x2265",
"\x2266" => "\x2267",
"\x2268" => "\x2269",
"\x226A" => "\x226B",
"\x226E" => "\x226F",
"\x2270" => "\x2271",
"\x2272" => "\x2273",
"\x2274" => "\x2275",
"\x2276" => "\x2277",
"\x2278" => "\x2279",
"\x227A" => "\x227B",
"\x227C" => "\x227D",
"\x227E" => "\x227F",
"\x2280" => "\x2281",
"\x2282" => "\x2283",
"\x2284" => "\x2285",
"\x2286" => "\x2287",
"\x2288" => "\x2289",
"\x228A" => "\x228B",
"\x228F" => "\x2290",
"\x2291" => "\x2292",
"\x2298" => "\x29B8",
"\x22A2" => "\x22A3",
"\x22A6" => "\x2ADE",
"\x22A8" => "\x2AE4",
"\x22A9" => "\x2AE3",
"\x22AB" => "\x2AE5",
"\x22B0" => "\x22B1",
"\x22B2" => "\x22B3",
"\x22B4" => "\x22B5",
"\x22B6" => "\x22B7",
"\x22C9" => "\x22CA",
"\x22CB" => "\x22CC",
"\x22D0" => "\x22D1",
"\x22D6" => "\x22D7",
"\x22D8" => "\x22D9",
"\x22DA" => "\x22DB",
"\x22DC" => "\x22DD",
"\x22DE" => "\x22DF",
"\x22E0" => "\x22E1",
"\x22E2" => "\x22E3",
"\x22E4" => "\x22E5",
"\x22E6" => "\x22E7",
"\x22E8" => "\x22E9",
"\x22EA" => "\x22EB",
"\x22EC" => "\x22ED",
"\x22F0" => "\x22F1",
"\x22F2" => "\x22FA",
"\x22F3" => "\x22FB",
"\x22F4" => "\x22FC",
"\x22F6" => "\x22FD",
"\x22F7" => "\x22FE",
"\x2308" => "\x2309",
"\x230A" => "\x230B",
"\x2329" => "\x232A",
"\x23B4" => "\x23B5",
"\x2768" => "\x2769",
"\x276A" => "\x276B",
"\x276C" => "\x276D",
"\x276E" => "\x276F",
"\x2770" => "\x2771",
"\x2772" => "\x2773",
"\x2774" => "\x2775",
"\x27C3" => "\x27C4",
"\x27C5" => "\x27C6",
"\x27D5" => "\x27D6",
"\x27DD" => "\x27DE",
"\x27E2" => "\x27E3",
"\x27E4" => "\x27E5",
"\x27E6" => "\x27E7",
"\x27E8" => "\x27E9",
"\x27EA" => "\x27EB",
"\x2983" => "\x2984",
"\x2985" => "\x2986",
"\x2987" => "\x2988",
"\x2989" => "\x298A",
"\x298B" => "\x298C",
"\x298D" => "\x298E",
"\x298F" => "\x2990",
"\x2991" => "\x2992",
"\x2993" => "\x2994",
"\x2995" => "\x2996",
"\x2997" => "\x2998",
"\x29C0" => "\x29C1",
"\x29C4" => "\x29C5",
"\x29CF" => "\x29D0",
"\x29D1" => "\x29D2",
"\x29D4" => "\x29D5",
"\x29D8" => "\x29D9",
"\x29DA" => "\x29DB",
"\x29F8" => "\x29F9",
"\x29FC" => "\x29FD",
"\x2A2B" => "\x2A2C",
"\x2A2D" => "\x2A2E",
"\x2A34" => "\x2A35",
"\x2A3C" => "\x2A3D",
"\x2A64" => "\x2A65",
"\x2A79" => "\x2A7A",
"\x2A7D" => "\x2A7E",
"\x2A7F" => "\x2A80",
"\x2A81" => "\x2A82",
"\x2A83" => "\x2A84",
"\x2A8B" => "\x2A8C",
"\x2A91" => "\x2A92",
"\x2A93" => "\x2A94",
"\x2A95" => "\x2A96",
"\x2A97" => "\x2A98",
"\x2A99" => "\x2A9A",
"\x2A9B" => "\x2A9C",
"\x2AA1" => "\x2AA2",
"\x2AA6" => "\x2AA7",
"\x2AA8" => "\x2AA9",
"\x2AAA" => "\x2AAB",
"\x2AAC" => "\x2AAD",
"\x2AAF" => "\x2AB0",
"\x2AB3" => "\x2AB4",
"\x2ABB" => "\x2ABC",
"\x2ABD" => "\x2ABE",
"\x2ABF" => "\x2AC0",
"\x2AC1" => "\x2AC2",
"\x2AC3" => "\x2AC4",
"\x2AC5" => "\x2AC6",
"\x2ACD" => "\x2ACE",
"\x2ACF" => "\x2AD0",
"\x2AD1" => "\x2AD2",
"\x2AD3" => "\x2AD4",
"\x2AD5" => "\x2AD6",
"\x2AEC" => "\x2AED",
"\x2AF7" => "\x2AF8",
"\x2AF9" => "\x2AFA",
"\x2E02" => "\x2E03",
"\x2E04" => "\x2E05",
"\x2E09" => "\x2E0A",
"\x2E0C" => "\x2E0D",
"\x2E1C" => "\x2E1D",
"\x2E20" => "\x2E21",
"\x3008" => "\x3009",
"\x300A" => "\x300B",
"\x300C" => "\x300D",
"\x300E" => "\x300F",
"\x3010" => "\x3011",
"\x3014" => "\x3015",
"\x3016" => "\x3017",
"\x3018" => "\x3019",
"\x301A" => "\x301B",
"\x301D" => "\x301E",
"\xFD3E" => "\xFD3F",
"\xFE17" => "\xFE18",
"\xFE35" => "\xFE36",
"\xFE37" => "\xFE38",
"\xFE39" => "\xFE3A",
"\xFE3B" => "\xFE3C",
"\xFE3D" => "\xFE3E",
"\xFE3F" => "\xFE40",
"\xFE41" => "\xFE42",
"\xFE43" => "\xFE44",
"\xFE47" => "\xFE48",
"\xFE59" => "\xFE5A",
"\xFE5B" => "\xFE5C",
"\xFE5D" => "\xFE5E",
"\xFF08" => "\xFF09",
"\xFF1C" => "\xFF1E",
"\xFF3B" => "\xFF3D",
"\xFF5B" => "\xFF5D",
"\xFF5F" => "\xFF60",
"\xFF62" => "\xFF63",
constant %close2open = invert %open2close;
token opener {
\x0028 \x003C \x005B \x007B \x00AB \x0F3A \x0F3C \x169B \x2018 \x201A \x201B
\x201C \x201E \x201F \x2039 \x2045 \x207D \x208D \x2208 \x2209 \x220A \x2215
\x223C \x2243 \x2252 \x2254 \x2264 \x2266 \x2268 \x226A \x226E \x2270 \x2272
\x2274 \x2276 \x2278 \x227A \x227C \x227E \x2280 \x2282 \x2284 \x2286 \x2288
\x228A \x228F \x2291 \x2298 \x22A2 \x22A6 \x22A8 \x22A9 \x22AB \x22B0 \x22B2
\x22B4 \x22B6 \x22C9 \x22CB \x22D0 \x22D6 \x22D8 \x22DA \x22DC \x22DE \x22E0
\x22E2 \x22E4 \x22E6 \x22E8 \x22EA \x22EC \x22F0 \x22F2 \x22F3 \x22F4 \x22F6
\x22F7 \x2308 \x230A \x2329 \x23B4 \x2768 \x276A \x276C \x276E \x2770 \x2772
\x2774 \x27C3 \x27C5 \x27D5 \x27DD \x27E2 \x27E4 \x27E6 \x27E8 \x27EA \x2983
\x2985 \x2987 \x2989 \x298B \x298D \x298F \x2991 \x2993 \x2995 \x2997 \x29C0
\x29C4 \x29CF \x29D1 \x29D4 \x29D8 \x29DA \x29F8 \x29FC \x2A2B \x2A2D \x2A34
\x2A3C \x2A64 \x2A79 \x2A7D \x2A7F \x2A81 \x2A83 \x2A8B \x2A91 \x2A93 \x2A95
\x2A97 \x2A99 \x2A9B \x2AA1 \x2AA6 \x2AA8 \x2AAA \x2AAC \x2AAF \x2AB3 \x2ABB
\x2ABD \x2ABF \x2AC1 \x2AC3 \x2AC5 \x2ACD \x2ACF \x2AD1 \x2AD3 \x2AD5 \x2AEC
\x2AF7 \x2AF9 \x2E02 \x2E04 \x2E09 \x2E0C \x2E1C \x2E20 \x3008 \x300A \x300C
\x300E \x3010 \x3014 \x3016 \x3018 \x301A \x301D \xFD3E \xFE17 \xFE35 \xFE37
\xFE39 \xFE3B \xFE3D \xFE3F \xFE41 \xFE43 \xFE47 \xFE59 \xFE5B \xFE5D \xFF08
\xFF1C \xFF3B \xFF5B \xFF5F \xFF62
grammar P6 is STD {
# Top-level rules #
# Note: we only check for the stopper. We don't check for ^ because
# we might be embedded in something else.
rule comp_unit {
:my $*begin_compunit = 1;
:my $*endargs = -1;
:my %*LANG;
:my $*PKGDECL ::= "";
:my $*IN_DECL = '';
:my $*HAS_SELF = '';
:my $*OFTYPE;
:my $*NEWPKG;
:my $*NEWLEX;
:my $*QSIGIL ::= '';
:my $*IN_META = '';
:my $*SCOPE = "";
:my $*PRECLIM;
:my %*MYSTERY = ();
:my $*CURLEX;
:my $*MULTINESS = '';
:my $*SIGNUM = 0;
:my $*MONKEY_TYPING = False;
:my %*WORRIES;
:my @*WORRIES;
:my $*FATALS = 0;
:my $*IN_SUPPOSE = False;
:my $*CURPKG;
%*LANG<MAIN> = ::STD::P6 ;
%*LANG<Q> = ::STD::Q ;
%*LANG<Quasi> = ::STD::Quasi ;
%*LANG<Regex> = ::STD::Regex ;
%*LANG<P5> = ::STD::P5 ;
%*LANG<P5Regex> = ::STD::P5::Regex ;
@*WORRIES = ();
my $oid = $*;
my $id = 'MY:file<' ~ $*FILE<name> ~ '>';
'OUTER::' => [$oid],
'!file' => $*FILE, '!line' => 0,
'!id' => [$id],
$ALL.{$id} = $*CURLEX;
# $¢ = self.cursor_fresh($*CURLEX<$?LANGNAME>);
[ <?unitstopper> || <.panic: "Confused"> ]
# "CHECK" time...
$<LEX> = { $*CURLEX }
if @*WORRIES {
note "Potential difficulties:\n " ~ join( "\n ", @*WORRIES) ~ "\n";
die "Check failed\n" if $*FATALS;
# Note: because of the possibility of placeholders we can't determine arity of
# the block syntactically, so this must be determined via semantic analysis.
# Also, pblocks used in an if/unless statement do not treat $_ as a placeholder,
# while most other blocks treat $_ as equivalent to $^x. Therefore the first
# possible place to check arity is not here but in the rule that calls this
# rule. (Could also be done in a later pass.)
token pblock () {
:temp $*CURLEX;
:dba('parameterized block')
[<?before <.lambda> | '{' > ||
if $*BORG and $*BORG.<block> {
if $*BORG.<name> {
my $m = "Function '" ~ $*BORG.<name> ~ "' needs parens to avoid gobbling block" ~ $*BORG.<culprit>.locmess;
$*BORG.<block>.panic($m ~ "\nMissing block (apparently gobbled by '" ~ $*BORG.<name> ~ "')");
else {
my $m = "Expression needs parens to avoid gobbling block" ~ $*BORG.<culprit>.locmess;
$*BORG.<block>.panic($m ~ "\nMissing block (apparently gobbled by expression)");
elsif %*MYSTERY {
$¢.panic("Missing block (apparently gobbled by undeclared routine?)");
else {
$¢.panic("Missing block");
| <lambda>
| <?before '{'>
# this is a hook for subclasses
token unitstart { <?> }
token lambda { '->' | '<->' }
# Look for an expression followed by a required lambda.
token xblock {
:my $*GOAL ::= '{';
:my $*BORG = {};
{ $*BORG.<culprit> //= $<EXPR>.cursor(self.pos) }
token block () {
:temp $*CURLEX;
:dba('scoped block')
[ <?before '{' > || <.panic: "Missing block"> ]
token blockoid {
# encapsulate braided languages
:temp %*LANG;
:my $*SIGNUM;
| '{YOU_ARE_HERE}' <.you_are_here>
| :dba('block') '{' ~ '}' <statementlist> :: <.curlycheck>
| <?terminator> <.panic: 'Missing block'>
| <?> <.panic: "Malformed block">
token curlycheck {
|| <?before \h* $$> # (usual case without comments)
{ @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<endstmt> = 2; }
|| <?before \h* <[\\,:]>>
|| <.unv> $$
{ @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<endstmt> = 2; }
|| <.unsp>? { @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<endargs> = 1; }
token regex_block {
# encapsulate braided languages
:temp %*LANG;
:temp %*RX;
:my $lang = %*LANG<Regex>;
:my $*GOAL ::= '}';
[ <quotepair> <.ws>
my $kv = $<quotepair>[*-1];
$lang = ($lang.tweak(|($kv.<k>.Str => $kv.<v>))
or $lang.panic("Unrecognized adverb :" ~ $kv.<k> ~ '(' ~ $kv.<v> ~ ')'));
| '{*}' <?{ $*MULTINESS eq 'proto' }> $<onlystar> = {1}
| [
<nibble( $¢.cursor_fresh($lang).unbalanced('}') )>
[ '}' || <.panic: "Unable to parse regex; couldn't find right brace"> ]
# statement semantics
rule statementlist {
:my $*INVOCANT_OK = 0;
:dba('statement list')
| $
| <?before <[\)\]\}]>>
| [<statement><eat_terminator> ]*
{ self.mark_sinks($<statement>) }
# embedded semis, context-dependent semantics
rule semilist {
:my $*INVOCANT_OK = 0;
:dba('semicolon list')
| <?before <[\)\]\}]>>
| [<statement><eat_terminator> ]*
token label {
:my $label;
<identifier> ':' <?before \s> <.ws>
[ <?{ $¢.is_name($label = $<identifier>.Str) }>
<.worry("Redeclaration of '$label'")>
# add label as a pseudo constant
{ $¢.add_constant($label,self.label_id); }
token statement {
:my $*endargs = -1;
:my $*QSIGIL ::= 0;
<!before <[\)\]\}]> >
# this could either be a statement that follows a declaration
# or a statement that is within the block of a code declaration
<!!{ $*LASTSTATE = $¢.pos; $¢ = %*LANG<MAIN>.bless($¢); }>
| <label> <statement>
| <statement_control>
| <EXPR>
:dba('statement end')
|| <?{ (@*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<endstmt> // 0) == 2 }> # no mod after end-line curly
:dba('statement modifier')
| <statement_mod_loop>
my $sp = $<EXPR><statement_prefix>;
if $sp and $sp<sym> eq 'do' {
my $s = $<statement_mod_loop>[0]<sym>;
$¢.obs("do...$s" ,"repeat...$s");
| <statement_mod_cond>
:dba('statement modifier loop')
|| <?{ (@*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<endstmt> // 0) == 2 }>
|| <.ws> <statement_mod_loop>?
| <?before ';'>
| <?before <stopper> >
| {} <.panic: "Bogus statement">
# Is there more on same line after a block?
[ <?{ (@*MEMOS[@*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<ws>//$¢.pos]<endargs>//0) == 1 }>
<!before ';' | ')' | ']' | '}' >
{ $*HIGHWATER = $¢.pos = @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<ws>//$¢.pos; }
<.panic: "Strange text after block (missing comma, semicolon, comment marker?)">
token eat_terminator {
|| ';'
|| <?{ (@*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<endstmt>//0) >= 2 }> <.ws>
|| <?before ')' | ']' | '}' >
|| $
|| <?stopper>
|| <?before <.suppose <statement_control> > > <.backup_ws> { $*HIGHWATER = -1; } <.panic: "Missing semicolon">
|| <.panic: "Confused">
# undo any line transition
method backup_ws () {
if @*MEMOS[self.pos]<ws> {
return self.cursor(@*MEMOS[self.pos]<ws>);
return self;
# statement control #
token statement_control:need {
:my $longname;
my $*IN_DECL = 'use';
my $*SCOPE = 'use';
$longname = $<module_name>[*-1]<longname>;
] ** ','
token statement_control:import {
:my $*IN_DECL = 'use';
:my $*HAS_SELF = '';
:my $*SCOPE = 'use';
<sym> <.ws>
|| <.spacey> <arglist>
$¢.do_import($<term>, $<arglist>);
|| { $¢.do_import($<term>, ''); }
token statement_control:use {
:my $longname;
:my $*IN_DECL = 'use';
:my $*SCOPE = 'use';
:my $*HAS_SELF = '';
:my %*MYSTERY;
<sym> <.ws>
| <version>
| <module_name>
$longname = $<module_name><longname>;
if $longname.Str eq 'MONKEY_TYPING' {
|| <.spacey> <arglist>
$¢.do_use($longname<name>, $<arglist>);
|| { $¢.do_use($longname<name>, ''); }
token statement_control:no {
:my %*MYSTERY;
<sym> <.ws>
token statement_control:if {
<sym> :s
| 'else'\h*'if' <.sorry: "Please use 'elsif'">
| 'elsif'<?keyspace> <elsif=.xblock>
'else'<?keyspace> <else=.pblock>
token statement_control:unless {
<sym> :s
[ <!before 'else'> || <.panic: "\"unless\" does not take \"else\" in Perl 6; please rewrite using \"if\""> ]
token statement_control:while {
<sym> :s
[ <?before '(' ['my'? '$'\w+ '=']? '<' '$'?\w+ '>' ')'> #'
<.panic: "This appears to be Perl 5 code"> ]?
token statement_control:until {
<sym> :s
token statement_control:repeat {
<sym> :s
| $<wu>=['while'|'until']<.keyspace>
| <pblock>
$<wu>=['while'|'until'][<.keyspace>||<.panic: "Whitespace required after keyword">] <EXPR>
token statement_control:loop {
<sym> <.ws>
$<eee> = (
'(' [ :s
<e1=.EXPR>? ';'
<e2=.EXPR>? ';'
')'||<.panic: "Malformed loop spec">]
[ <?before '{' > <.sorry: "Whitespace required before block"> ]?
)? <.ws>
token statement_control:for {
<sym> :s
[ <?before 'my'? '$'\w+ '(' >
<.panic: "This appears to be Perl 5 code"> ]?
[ <?before '(' <.EXPR>? ';' <.EXPR>? ';' <.EXPR>? ')' >
<.obs('C-style "for (;;)" loop', '"loop (;;)"')> ]?
token statement_control:foreach {
<sym> <.obs("'foreach'", "'for'")>
token statement_control:given {
<sym> :s
token statement_control:when {
<sym> :s
rule statement_control:default {<sym> <block> }
token statement_prefix:BEGIN { :my %*MYSTERY; <sym> <blast> <.explain_mystery> }
token statement_prefix:CHECK { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:INIT { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:START { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:ENTER { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:FIRST { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:END { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:LEAVE { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:KEEP { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:UNDO { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:NEXT { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:LAST { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:PRE { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:POST { <sym> <blast> }
rule statement_control:CATCH {<sym> <block> }
rule statement_control:CONTROL {<sym> <block> }
rule statement_control:TEMP {<sym> <block> }
# statement modifiers #
rule modifier_expr { <EXPR> }
rule statement_mod_cond:if {<sym> <modifier_expr> }
rule statement_mod_cond:unless {<sym> <modifier_expr> }
rule statement_mod_cond:when {<sym> <?dumbsmart> <modifier_expr> }
rule statement_mod_loop:while {<sym> <modifier_expr> }
rule statement_mod_loop:until {<sym> <modifier_expr> }
rule statement_mod_loop:for {<sym> <modifier_expr> }
rule statement_mod_loop:given {<sym> <modifier_expr> }
# module names #
token module_name:normal {
[ <?before '['> :dba('generic role') '[' ~ ']' <arglist> ]?
token vnum {
\d+ | '*'
token version:sym<v> {
'v' <?before \d+> :: <vnum> ** '.' '+'?
# Declarators #
token variable_declarator {
:my $*IN_DECL = 'variable';
:my $var;
$var = $<variable>.Str;
$*IN_DECL = '';
[ # Is it a shaped array or hash declaration?
# <?{ $<sigil> eq '@' | '%' }>
$<shape> = [
| '(' ~ ')' <signature>
given substr($var,0,1) {
when '&' {
$¢.sorry("The () shape syntax in routine declarations is reserved (maybe use :() to declare a longname?)");
when '@' {
$¢.sorry("The () shape syntax in array declarations is reserved");
when '%' {
$¢.sorry("The () shape syntax in hash declarations is reserved");
default {
$¢.sorry("The () shape syntax in variable declarations is reserved");
| :dba('shape definition') '[' ~ ']' <semilist>
| :dba('shape definition') '{' ~ '}' <semilist> <.curlycheck>
| <?before '<'> <postcircumfix>
rule scoped ($*SCOPE) {
:dba('scoped declarator')
| <declarator>
| <regex_declarator>
| <package_declarator>
| [<typename> ]+
my $t = $<typename>;
@$t > 1 and $¢.sorry("Multiple prefix constraints not yet supported");
$*OFTYPE = $t[0];
| <multi_declarator>
|| <?before <[A..Z]>><longname>{
my $t = $<longname>.Str;
if not $¢.is_known($t) {
$¢.sorry("In $*SCOPE declaration, typename '$t' must be predeclared (or marked as declarative with :: prefix)");
<!> # drop through
|| <.panic: "Malformed $*SCOPE">
token scope_declarator:my { <sym> <scoped('my')> }
token scope_declarator:our { <sym> <scoped('our')> }
token scope_declarator:anon { <sym> <scoped('anon')> }
token scope_declarator:state { <sym> <scoped('state')> }
token scope_declarator:augment { <sym> <scoped('augment')> }
token scope_declarator:supersede { <sym> <scoped('supersede')> }
token scope_declarator:has {
:my $*HAS_SELF = 'partial';
<sym> {
given $*PKGDECL {
when 'class' {} # XXX to be replaced by MOP queries
when 'grammar' {}
when 'role' {}
default { $¢.worry("'has' declaration outside of class") }
token package_declarator:class {
:my $*PKGDECL ::= 'class';
<sym> <package_def>
token package_declarator:grammar {
:my $*PKGDECL ::= 'grammar';
<sym> <package_def>
token package_declarator:module {
:my $*PKGDECL ::= 'module';
<sym> <package_def>
token package_declarator:package {
:my $*PKGDECL ::= 'package';
<sym> <package_def>
token package_declarator:role {
:my $*PKGDECL ::= 'role';
<sym> <package_def>
token package_declarator:knowhow {
:my $*PKGDECL ::= 'knowhow';
<sym> <package_def>
token package_declarator:slang {
:my $*PKGDECL ::= 'slang';
<sym> <package_def>
token package_declarator:require { # here because of declarational aspects
<sym> <.ws>
|| <module_name> <.ws> <EXPR>?
my $*IN_DECL = 'use';
my $*SCOPE = 'use';
|| <EXPR>
token package_declarator:trusts {
<sym> <.ws>
token package_declarator:sym<also> {
[ <trait>+ || <.panic: "No valid trait found after also"> ]
rule package_def {
:my $longname;
:my $*IN_DECL = 'package';
:my $*HAS_SELF = '';
:my $*NEWPKG;
:my $*NEWLEX;
:my $outer = $*CURLEX;
:temp $*CURPKG;
:temp $*CURLEX;
{ $*SCOPE ||= 'our'; }
[ <longname> { $longname = $<longname>[0]; $¢.add_name($longname<name>.Str); } ]?
[ :dba('generic role')
<?{ ($*PKGDECL//'') eq 'role' }>
'[' ~ ']' <signature>
{ $*IN_DECL = ''; }
|| <?before '{'>
# figure out the actual full package name (nested in outer package)
if $longname and $*NEWPKG {
my $shortname = $longname.<name>.Str;
if $*SCOPE eq 'our' {
$*CURPKG = $*NEWPKG // $*CURPKG.{$shortname ~ '::'};
self.deb("added our " ~ $* if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
else {
$*CURPKG = $*NEWPKG // $*CURPKG.{$shortname ~ '::'};
self.deb("added my " ~ $* if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$*begin_compunit = 0;
$*UNIT<$?LONGNAME> ||= $longname ?? $longname<name>.Str !! '';
{ $*IN_DECL = ''; }
|| <?before ';'>
|| <?{ $*begin_compunit }>
$longname orelse $¢.panic("Compilation unit cannot be anonymous");
$outer === $*UNIT or $¢.panic("Semicolon form of " ~ $*PKGDECL ~ " definition not allowed in subscope;\n please use block form");
$*PKGDECL eq 'package' and $¢.panic("Semicolon form of package definition indicates a Perl 5 module; unfortunately,\n STD doesn't know how to parse Perl 5 code yet");
my $shortname = $longname.<name>.Str;
$*CURPKG = $*NEWPKG // $*CURPKG.{$shortname ~ '::'};
$*begin_compunit = 0;
# XXX throws away any role sig above
$*CURLEX = $outer;
$*UNIT<$?LONGNAME> = $longname<name>.Str;
{ $*IN_DECL = ''; }
<statementlist> # whole rest of file, presumably
|| <.panic: "Too late for semicolon form of " ~ $*PKGDECL ~ " definition">
|| <.panic: "Unable to parse " ~ $*PKGDECL ~ " definition">
] || <.panic: "Malformed $*PKGDECL">
token declarator {
| <variable_declarator>
[ <?before <.ws>','<.ws> { @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<declend> = $*SCOPE; }> ]?
| '(' ~ ')' <signature> <trait>*
| <routine_declarator>
| <regex_declarator>
| <type_declarator>
token multi_declarator:multi {
:my $*MULTINESS = 'multi';
<sym> <.ws> [ <declarator> || <routine_def('multi')> || <.panic: 'Malformed multi'> ]
token multi_declarator:proto {
:my $*MULTINESS = 'proto';
<sym> <.ws> [ <declarator> || <routine_def('proto')> || <.panic: 'Malformed proto'> ]
token multi_declarator:only {
:my $*MULTINESS = 'only';
<sym> <.ws> [ <declarator> || <routine_def('only')> || <.panic: 'Malformed only'> ]
token multi_declarator:null {
:my $*MULTINESS = '';
token routine_declarator:sub { <sym> <routine_def('sub')> }
token routine_declarator:method { <sym> <method_def('method')> }
token routine_declarator:submethod { <sym> <method_def('submethod')> }
token routine_declarator:macro { <sym> <macro_def> }
token regex_declarator:regex { <sym> <regex_def('regex', :!r,:!s)> }
token regex_declarator:token { <sym> <regex_def('token', :r,:!s)> }
token regex_declarator:rule { <sym> <regex_def('rule', :r,:s)> }
rule multisig {
:my $signum = 0;
':'?'(' ~ ')' <signature(++$signum)>
** '|'
method checkyada {
try {
my $statements = self.<blockoid><statementlist><statement>;
my $startsym = $statements[0]<EXPR><sym> // '';
given $startsym {
when '...' { $*DECLARAND<stub> = 1 }
when '!!!' { $*DECLARAND<stub> = 1 }
when '???' { $*DECLARAND<stub> = 1 }
when '*' {
if $*MULTINESS eq 'proto' and $statements.elems == 1 {
self.<onlystar> = 1;
return self;
rule routine_def ($d) {
:temp $*CURLEX;
:my $*IN_DECL = $d;
[ $<sigil>=['&''*'?] <deflongname>? | <deflongname> ]?
[ <multisig> | <trait> ]*
[ <!before '{'> <.panic: "Malformed block"> ]?
$*IN_DECL = '';
] || <.panic: "Malformed routine">
rule method_def ($d) {
:temp $*CURLEX;
:my $*IN_DECL = $d;
:my $*HAS_SELF = $d eq 'submethod' ?? 'partial' !! 'complete';
| $<type>=[<[ ! ^ ]>?]<longname> [ <multisig> | <trait> ]*
| <multisig> <trait>*
| <sigil> '.'
:dba('subscript signature')
| '(' ~ ')' <signature>
| '[' ~ ']' <signature>
| '{' ~ '}' <signature> # don't need curlycheck here
| <?before '<'> <postcircumfix>
| <?>
given $*PKGDECL {
when 'class' {} # XXX to be replaced by MOP queries
when 'grammar' {}
when 'role' {}
default {$¢.worry("'$d' declaration outside of class") if ($*SCOPE || 'has') eq 'has' && $<longname> }
{ $*IN_DECL = ''; }
] || <.panic: "Malformed method">
rule regex_def ($d, :$r, :$s) {
:temp $*CURLEX;
:my $*IN_DECL = $d;
:temp %*RX;
:my $*HAS_SELF = 'complete';
{ %*RX<s> = $s; %*RX<r> = $r; }
[ '&'<deflongname>? | <deflongname> ]?
[ [ ':'?'(' <signature(1)> ')'] | <trait> ]*
[ <!before '{'> <.panic: "Malformed block"> ]?
given $*PKGDECL {
when 'grammar' {} # XXX to be replaced by MOP queries
when 'role' {}
default { $¢.worry("'$d' declaration outside of grammar") if ($*SCOPE || 'has') eq 'has' && $<deflongname>[0] }
{ $*IN_DECL = ''; }
] || <.panic: "Malformed regex">
rule macro_def () {
:temp $*CURLEX;
:my $*IN_DECL = 'macro';
[ '&'<deflongname>? | <deflongname> ]?
[ <multisig> | <trait> ]*
[ <!before '{'> <.panic: "Malformed block"> ]?
{ $*IN_DECL = ''; }
] || <.panic: "Malformed macro">
rule trait {
:my $*IN_DECL = 0;
| <trait_mod>
| <colonpair>
token trait_mod:is {
<sym>:s <longname><circumfix>? # e.g. context<rw> and Array[Int]
my $traitname = $<longname>.Str;
# XXX eventually will use multiple dispatch
$*DECLARAND{$traitname} = self.gettrait($traitname, $<circumfix>);
token trait_mod:hides {
<sym>:s <typename>
token trait_mod:does {
:my $*PKGDECL ::= 'role';
<sym>:s <typename>
token trait_mod:will {
<sym>:s <identifier> <pblock>
token trait_mod:of {
['of'|'returns']:s <typename>
[ <?{ $*DECLARAND<of> }> <.sorry("Extra 'of' type; already declared as type " ~ $*DECLARAND<of>.Str)> ]?
{ $*DECLARAND<of> = $<typename>; }
token trait_mod:as { <sym>:s <typename> }
token trait_mod:handles { <sym>:s <term> }
# Nouns #
# (for when you want to tell EXPR that infix already parsed the term)
token nullterm {
token nulltermish {
:dba('null term')
| <?stdstopper>
| <term=.termish>
$¢.<PRE> = $<term><PRE>:delete;
$¢.<POST> = $<term><POST>:delete;
$¢.<~CAPS> = $<term><~CAPS>;
| <?>
token termish {
:my $*SCOPE = "";
:my $*MULTINESS = "";
:my $*OFTYPE;
:my $*VAR;
:dba('prefix or term')
| <PRE> [ <!{ my $p = $<PRE>; my @p = @$p; @p[*-1]<O><term> and $<term> = pop @$p }> <PRE> ]*
[ <?{ $<term> }> || <term> || <.panic("Prefix requires an argument")> ]
| <term>
# also queue up any postfixes
|| <?{ $*QSIGIL }>
|| <?{ $*QSIGIL eq '$' }> [ [<!before '\\'> <POST>]+! <?after <[ \] } > ) ]> > || { $<POST> = [] } ]
|| [<!before '\\'> <POST>]*! <?after <[ \] } > ) ]> >
|| { $*VAR = 0; }
|| <!{ $*QSIGIL }>
self.check_variable($*VAR) if $*VAR;
$¢.<~CAPS> = $<term><~CAPS>;
token term:fatarrow { <fatarrow> }
token term:variable { <variable> { $*VAR = $<variable> } }
token term:package_declarator { <package_declarator> }
token term:scope_declarator { <scope_declarator> }
token term:multi_declarator { <?before 'multi'|'proto'|'only'> <multi_declarator> }
token term:routine_declarator { <routine_declarator> }
token term:regex_declarator { <regex_declarator> }
token term:type_declarator { <type_declarator> }
token term:circumfix { <circumfix> }
token term:dotty { <dotty> }
token term:value { <value> }
token term:capterm { <capterm> }
token term:sigterm { <sigterm> }
token term:statement_prefix { <statement_prefix> }
token term:colonpair { [ <colonpair> <.ws> ]+ }
token fatarrow {
<key=.identifier> \h* '=>' <.ws> <val=.EXPR(item %item_assignment)>
token coloncircumfix ($front) {
| '<>' <.worry("Pair with <> really means a Nil value, not null string; use :$front" ~ "('') to represent the null string,\n or :$front" ~ "() to represent Nil more accurately")>
| <circumfix>
token colonpair {
:my $key;
:my $value;
:dba('colon pair')
| '!' :: [ <identifier> || <.panic: "Malformed False pair; expected identifier">]
[ <?before <[ \[ \( \< \{ ]>> <.panic: "Extra argument not allowed; pair already has False argument"> ]?
{ $key = $<identifier>.Str; $value = 0; }
| $<num> = [\d+] <identifier> [ <?before <[ \[ \( \< \{ ]>> <.sorry("Extra argument not allowed; pair already has argument of " ~ $<num>.Str)> <.circumfix> ]?
| <identifier>
{ $key = $<identifier>.Str; }
|| <.unsp>? :dba('pair value') <coloncircumfix($key)> { $value = $<coloncircumfix>; }
|| { $value = 1; }
| :dba('signature') '(' ~ ')' <fakesignature>
| <coloncircumfix('')>
{ $key = ""; $value = $<coloncircumfix>; }
| $<var> = (
<sigil> {}
| <twigil>? <desigilname>
| '<' <desigilname> '>'
{ $key = $<var><desigilname>.Str; $value = $<var>; $¢.check_variable($value); }
$<k> = {$key} $<v> = {$value}
# Most of these special variable rules are there simply to catch old p5 brainos
token special_variable:sym<$¢> { <sym> }
token special_variable:sym<$!> { <sym> <!before \w> }
token special_variable:sym<$!{ }> {
'$!' '{' ~ '}' [<identifier> | <statementlist>]
my $all = substr(self.orig, self.pos, $¢.pos - self.pos);
my ($inside) = $all ~~ m!^...\s*(.*?)\s*.$!;
$¢.obs("Perl 5's $all construct", "a smartmatch like \$! ~~ $inside" );
token special_variable:sym<$/> {
# XXX assuming nobody ever wants to assign $/ directly anymore...
[ <?before \h* '=' <![=]> >
<.obs('$/ variable as input record separator',
"the filehandle's :irs attribute")>
token special_variable:sym<$~> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | '=' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$~ variable', 'Form module')>
token special_variable:sym<$`> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$` variable', 'explicit pattern before <(')>
token special_variable:sym<$@> {
<sym> <?before \W> ::
<.obs('$@ variable as eval error', '$!')>
token special_variable:sym<$#> {
<sym> ::
|| (\w+) <.obs("\$#" ~ $0.Str ~ " variable", '@' ~ $0.Str ~ '.end')>
|| <.obs('$# variable', '.fmt')>
token special_variable:sym<$$> {
<sym> <!alpha> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$$ variable', '$*PID')>
token special_variable:sym<$%> {
<sym> <!before \w> <!sigil> ::
<.obs('$% variable', 'Form module')>
# Note: this works because placeholders are restricted to lowercase
token special_variable:sym<$^X> {
<sigil> '^' $<letter> = [<[A..Z]>] \W
<.obscaret($<sigil>.Str ~ '^' ~ $<letter>.Str, $<sigil>.Str, $<letter>.Str)>
token special_variable:sym<$^> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | '=' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$^ variable', 'Form module')>
token special_variable:sym<$&> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$& variable', '$/ or $()')>
token special_variable:sym<$*> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | '=' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$* variable', '^^ and $$')>
token special_variable:sym<$)> {
<sym> <?{ $*GOAL ne ')' }> <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$) variable', '$*EGID')>
token special_variable:sym<$-> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | '=' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$- variable', 'Form module')>
token special_variable:sym<$=> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | '=' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$= variable', 'Form module')>
token special_variable:sym<@+> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('@+ variable', '.to method')>
token special_variable:sym<%+> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('%+ variable', '.to method')>
token special_variable:sym<$+[ ]> {
<.obs('@+ variable', '.to method')>
token special_variable:sym<@+[ ]> {
<.obs('@+ variable', '.to method')>
token special_variable:sym<@+{ }> {
<.obs('%+ variable', '.to method')>
token special_variable:sym<@-> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('@- variable', '.from method')>
token special_variable:sym<%-> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('%- variable', '.from method')>
token special_variable:sym<$-[ ]> {
<.obs('@- variable', '.from method')>
token special_variable:sym<@-[ ]> {
<.obs('@- variable', '.from method')>
token special_variable:sym<%-{ }> {
<.obs('%- variable', '.from method')>
token special_variable:sym<$+> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$+ variable', 'Form module')>
token special_variable:sym<${^ }> {
<sigil> '{^' :: $<text>=[.*?] '}'
<.obscaret($<sigil>.Str ~ '{^' ~ $<text>.Str ~ '}', $<sigil>.Str, $<text>.Str)>
# XXX should eventually rely on multi instead of nested cases here...
method obscaret (Str $var, Str $sigil, Str $name) {
my $repl;
given $sigil {
when '$' {
given $name {
when 'MATCH' { $repl = '$/' }
when 'PREMATCH' { $repl = 'an explicit pattern before <(' }
when 'POSTMATCH' { $repl = 'an explicit pattern after )>' }
when 'ENCODING' { $repl = '$?ENCODING' }
when 'UNICODE' { $repl = '$?UNICODE' } # XXX ???
when 'TAINT' { $repl = '$*TAINT' }
when 'OPEN' { $repl = 'filehandle introspection' }
when 'N' { $repl = '$-1' } # XXX ???
when 'L' { $repl = 'Form module' }
when 'A' { $repl = 'Form module' }
when 'E' { $repl = '$!.extended_os_error' }
when 'C' { $repl = 'COMPILING namespace' }
when 'D' { $repl = '$*DEBUGGING' }
when 'F' { $repl = '$*SYSTEM_FD_MAX' }
when 'H' { $repl = '$?FOO variables' }
when 'I' { $repl = '$*INPLACE' } # XXX ???
when 'O' { $repl = '$?OS or $*OS' }
when 'P' { $repl = 'whatever debugger Perl 6 comes with' }
when 'R' { $repl = 'an explicit result variable' }
when 'S' { $repl = 'the context function' } # XXX ???
when 'T' { $repl = '$*BASETIME' }
when 'V' { $repl = '$*PERL_VERSION' }
when 'W' { $repl = '$*WARNING' }
when 'X' { $repl = '$*EXECUTABLE_NAME' }
when * { $repl = "a global form such as $sigil*$name" }
when '%' {
given $name {
when 'H' { $repl = '$?FOO variables' }
when * { $repl = "a global form such as $sigil*$name" }
when * { $repl = "a global form such as $sigil*$name" }
return self.obs("$var variable", $repl);
token special_variable:sym<::{ }> {
'::' <?before '{'>
regex special_variable:sym<${ }> {
<sigil> '{' {} $<text>=[.*?] '}'
my $sigil = $<sigil>.Str;
my $text = $<text>.Str;
my $bad = $sigil ~ '{' ~ $text ~ '}';
$text = $text - 1 if $text ~~ /^\d+$/;
if $text !~~ /^(\w|\:)+$/ {
return () if $*QSIGIL;
$¢.obs($bad, $sigil ~ '(' ~ $text ~ ')');
elsif $*QSIGIL {
$¢.obs($bad, '{' ~ $sigil ~ $text ~ '}');
else {
$¢.obs($bad, $sigil ~ $text);
} # always fails, don't need curlycheck here
token special_variable:sym<$[> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | '=' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$[ variable', 'user-defined array indices')>
token special_variable:sym<$]> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$] variable', '$*PERL_VERSION')>
token special_variable:sym<$\\> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | '=' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$\\ variable', "the filehandle's :ors attribute")>
token special_variable:sym<$|> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | '=' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$| variable', ':autoflush on open')>
token special_variable:sym<$:> {
<sym> <?before <[\x20\t\n\],=)}]> >
<.obs('$: variable', 'Form module')>
token special_variable:sym<$;> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | '=' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$; variable', 'real multidimensional hashes')>
token special_variable:sym<$'> { #'
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$' ~ "'" ~ 'variable', "explicit pattern after )\x3E")>
token special_variable:sym<$"> {
<sym> <!{ $*QSIGIL }>
:: <?before \s | ',' | '=' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$" variable', '.join() method')>
token special_variable:sym<$,> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$, variable', ".join() method")>
token special_variable:sym['$<'] {
<sym> <?before \h* <[ = , ; ? : ! ) \] } ]> <!before \S* '>'> >
<.obs('$< variable', '$*UID')>
token special_variable:sym«\$>» {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$> variable', '$*EUID')>
token special_variable:sym<$.> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$. variable', "the filehandle's .line method")>
token special_variable:sym<$?> {
<sym> :: <?before \s | ',' | <terminator> >
<.obs('$? variable as child error', '$!')>
# desigilname should only follow a sigil/twigil
token desigilname {
| <?before '$' >
[ <?{ $*IN_DECL }> <.panic: "Cannot declare an indirect variable name"> ]?
<variable> {
$*VAR = $<variable>;
self.check_variable($*VAR) if substr($*VAR,1,1) ne '$';
| <?before <[\@\%\&]> <sigil>* \w > <.panic: "Invalid hard reference syntax">
| <longname>
token variable {
:my $*IN_META = '';
:my $sigil = '';
:my $twigil = '';
:my $name;
<?before <sigil> {
$sigil = $<sigil>.Str;
$*LEFTSIGIL ||= $sigil;
}> {}
|| <sigil> <twigil>? <?before '::' [ '{' | '<' | '(' ]> <longname> # XXX
|| '&'
| <twigil>? <sublongname> { $name = $<sublongname>.Str }
| :dba('infix noun') '[' ~ ']' <infixish('[]')>
|| '$::' <name>? # XXX
|| '$:' <name> # XXX
|| [
| <sigil> <twigil>? <desigilname> { $name = $<desigilname>.Str }
| <special_variable>
| <sigil> <index=.decint> [<?{ $*IN_DECL }> <.panic: "Cannot declare a numeric variable">]?
# Note: $() can also parse as contextualizer in an expression; should have same effect
| <sigil> <?before '<'> <postcircumfix> [<?{ $*IN_DECL }> <.panic: "Cannot declare a match variable">]?
| <sigil> <?before '('> <postcircumfix> [<?{ $*IN_DECL }> <.panic: "Cannot declare a contextualizer">]?
| <sigil> <?{ $*IN_DECL }>
| <?> {
if $*QSIGIL {
return ();
else {
$¢.sorry("Non-declarative sigil is missing its name");
{ my $t = $<twigil>; $twigil = $t.[0].Str if @$t; }
[ <?{ $twigil eq '.' }>
[<.unsp> | '\\' | <?> ] <?before '('> <postcircumfix>
token deflongname {
:dba('new name to be defined')
| <colonpair>+ { $¢.add_categorical(substr(self.orig, self.pos, $¢.pos - self.pos)) if $*IN_DECL; }
| { $¢.add_routine($<name>.Str) if $*IN_DECL; }
token subshortname {
| <category> <colonpair>+
| <desigilname>
token sublongname {
<subshortname> <sigterm>?
token value:quote { <quote> }
token value:number { <number> }
token value:version { <version> }
# Note: call this only to use existing type, not to declare type
token typename {
| '::?'<identifier> # parse ::?CLASS as special case
| <longname>
my $longname = $<longname>.Str;
if substr($longname, 0, 2) eq '::' {
$¢.add_my_name(substr($longname, 2));
else {
# parametric type?
<.unsp>? [ <?before '['> <param=.postcircumfix> ]?
<.unsp>? [ <?before '{'> <whence=.postcircumfix> ]?
<.unsp>? [ <?before '('> <accept=.postcircumfix> ]?
[<.ws> 'of' <.ws> <typename> ]?
# Note, does not include <1/2> forms, which are parsed as quotewords
token number {
| 'NaN' »
| <integer>
| <dec_number>
| <rad_number>
| 'Inf' »
# <numeric> is used by Str.Numeric conversions such as those done by val()
token numeric:rational { <[+\-]>?<nu=.integer>'/'<de=.integer> }
token numeric:complex { [<[+\-]>?<re=.number>]? <[+\-]><im=.number>'\\'?'i' }
token numeric:number { <[+\-]>?<number> }
# Quotes #
token sibble ($l, $lang2) {
:my ($lang, $start, $stop);
{ my $B = $<babble><B>; ($lang,$start,$stop) = @$B; }
$start <left=.nibble($lang)> [ $stop || <.panic: "Couldn't find terminator $stop"> ]
[ <?{ $start ne $stop }>
[ <?[ \[ \{ \( \< ]> <.obs('brackets around replacement', 'assignment syntax')> ]?
[ <infixish> || <panic: "Missing assignment operator"> ]
[ <?{ $<infixish>.Str eq '=' || $<infixish>.<infix_postfix_meta_operator> }> || <.panic: "Malformed assignment operator"> ]
<right=EXPR(item %item_assignment)>
{ $lang = $lang2.unbalanced($stop); }
<right=.nibble($lang)> $stop || <.panic: "Malformed replacement part; couldn't find final $stop">
token tribble ($l, $lang2 = $l) {
:my ($lang, $start, $stop);
:my $*CCSTATE = '';
{ my $B = $<babble><B>; ($lang,$start,$stop) = @$B; }
$start <left=.nibble($lang)> [ $stop || <.panic: "Couldn't find terminator $stop"> ]
{ $*CCSTATE = ''; }
[ <?{ $start ne $stop }>
<.ws> <quibble($lang2)>
{ $lang = $lang2.unbalanced($stop); }
<right=.nibble($lang)> $stop || <.panic: "Malformed replacement part; couldn't find final $stop">
token quasiquibble ($l) {
:temp %*LANG;
:my ($lang, $start, $stop);
:my $*QUASIMODO = 0; # :COMPILING sets true
my $B = $<babble><B>;
($lang,$start,$stop) = @$B;
%*LANG<MAIN> = $lang;
|| <?{ $start eq '{' }> [ :lang($lang) <block> ]
|| [ :lang($lang) <starter> <statementlist> [ <stopper> || <.panic: "Couldn't find terminator $stop"> ] ]
token quote:sym<//> {
'/'\s*'/' <.sorry: "Null regex not allowed">
token quote:sym</ /> {
'/' <nibble( $¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Regex> ).unbalanced("/") )> [ '/' || <.panic: "Unable to parse regex; couldn't find final '/'"> ]
# handle composite forms like qww
token quote:qq {
:my $qm;
| <quote_mod> » <!before '('> { $qm = $<quote_mod>.Str } <.ws> <quibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:qq).tweak(|($qm => 1)))>
| » <!before '('> <.ws> <quibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:qq))>
token quote:q {
:my $qm;
| <quote_mod> » <!before '('> { $qm = $<quote_mod>.Str } <quibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:q).tweak(|($qm => 1)))>
| » <!before '('> <.ws> <quibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:q))>
token quote:Q {
:my $qm;
| <quote_mod> » <!before '('> { $qm = $<quote_mod>.Str } <quibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(|($qm => 1)))>
| » <!before '('> <.ws> <quibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ))>
token quote_mod:w { <sym> }
token quote_mod:ww { <sym> }
token quote_mod:p { <sym> }
token quote_mod:x { <sym> }
token quote_mod:to { <sym> }
token quote_mod:s { <sym> }
token quote_mod:a { <sym> }
token quote_mod:h { <sym> }
token quote_mod:f { <sym> }
token quote_mod:c { <sym> }
token quote_mod:b { <sym> }
token quote:rx {
<sym> » <!before '('>
<quibble( $¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Regex> ) )>
token quote:m {
<sym> » <!before '('>
<quibble( $¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Regex> ) )>
token quote:mm {
<sym> » <!before '('>
<quibble( $¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Regex> ).tweak(:s))>
token quote:s {
<sym> » <!before '('>
<pat=.sibble( $¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Regex> ), $¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:qq))>
token quote:ss {
<sym> » <!before '('>
<pat=.sibble( $¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Regex> ).tweak(:s), $¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:qq))>
token quote:tr {
<sym> » <!before '('> <pat=.tribble( $¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:cc))>
token quote:y {
<sym> »
# could be defined as a function or constant
<!{ self.is_known('&y') or self.is_known('y') }>
<!before '('> <?before \h*\W>
token old_rx_mods {
<!after \s>
(< i g s m x c e >+)
given $0.Str {
$_ ~~ /i/ and $¢.worryobs('/i',':i');
$_ ~~ /g/ and $¢.worryobs('/g',':g');
$_ ~~ /m/ and $¢.worryobs('/m','^^ and $$ anchors');
$_ ~~ /s/ and $¢.worryobs('/s','. or \N');
$_ ~~ /x/ and $¢.worryobs('/x','normal default whitespace');
$_ ~~ /c/ and $¢.worryobs('/c',':c or :p');
$_ ~~ /e/ and $¢.worryobs('/e','interpolated {...} or s{} = ... form');
$¢.obs('suffix regex modifiers','prefix adverbs');
token old_tr_mods {
(< c d s ] >+)
given $0.Str {
$_ ~~ /c/ and $¢.worryobs('/c',':c');
$_ ~~ /d/ and $¢.worryobs('/g',':d');
$_ ~~ /s/ and $¢.worryobs('/s',':s');
$¢.obs('suffix transliteration modifiers','prefix adverbs');
token quote:quasi {
<sym> » <!before '('> <quasiquibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Quasi> ))>
# Captures and Signatures #
token capterm {
| '(' <capture>? ')'
| <?before \S> <termish>
| {} <.panic: "You can't backslash that">
rule capture {
:my $*INVOCANT_OK = 1;
token sigterm {
':(' ~ ')' <fakesignature>
rule param_sep { [','|':'|';'|';;'] }
token fakesignature() {
:temp $*CURLEX;
token signature ($lexsig = 0) {
:my $*IN_DECL = 'sig';
:my $*zone = 'posreq';
:my $startpos = self.pos;
:my $*MULTINESS = 'only';
:my $*SIGNUM = $lexsig;
| '\|' [ <param_var> || <.panic: "\\| signature must contain one variable"> ]
<.ws> [ <?before '-->' | ')' | ']' > || <.panic: "\\| signature may contain only a variable"> ]
| [
| <?before '-->' | ')' | ']' | '{' | ':'\s | ';;' >
| [ <parameter> || <.panic: "Malformed parameter"> ]
] ** <param_sep>
{ $*IN_DECL = ''; }
[ '-->' <.ws>
|| <type_constraint>
|| <longname> <.panic("Typename " ~ $<longname>[0].Str ~ " must be predeclared")>
|| <.panic: "No type found after -->">
$*LEFTSIGIL = '@';
if $lexsig {
$*CURLEX.<$?SIGNATURE> ~= '|' if $lexsig > 1;
$*CURLEX.<$?SIGNATURE> ~= '(' ~ substr(self.orig, $startpos, $¢.pos - $startpos) ~ ')';
token type_declarator:subset {
:my $*IN_DECL = 'subset';
<sym> :s
[ <longname> { $¢.add_name($<longname>[0].Str); } ]?
{ $*IN_DECL = ''; }
[where <EXPR(item %item_assignment)> ]? # (EXPR can parse multiple where clauses)
] || <.panic: "Malformed subset">
token type_declarator:enum {
:my $*IN_DECL = 'enum';
<sym> <.ws>
| <name=longname> { $¢.add_name($<name>.Str); }
| <name=variable> { $¢.add_variable($<name>.Str); }
| <?>
{ $*IN_DECL = ''; }
<trait>* <?before <[ < ( « ]> > <term> <.ws>
{$¢.add_enum($<name>, $<term>.Str); }
token type_declarator:constant {
:my $*IN_DECL = 'constant';
<sym> <.ws>
| <identifier> { $¢.add_name($<identifier>.Str); }
| <variable> { $¢.add_variable($<variable>.Str); }
| <?>
{ $*IN_DECL = ''; }
|| <?before '='>
|| <?before <-[\n=]>*'='> <.panic: "Malformed constant"> # probable initializer later
|| <.sorry: "Missing initializer on constant declaration">
token type_constraint {
:my $*IN_DECL = '';
| <value>
| <typename>
[ <?{ $*DECLARAND<of> }> <.sorry("Extra 'of' type; already declared as type " ~ $*DECLARAND<of>.Str)> ]?
{ $*DECLARAND<of> = $<typename>; }
| where <.ws> <EXPR(item %item_assignment)>
rule post_constraint {
:my $*IN_DECL = '';
| '[' ~ ']' <signature>
| '(' ~ ')' <signature>
| where <EXPR(item %item_assignment)>
token named_param {
:my $*GOAL ::= ')';
| <name=.identifier> '(' <.ws>
[ <named_param> | <param_var> <.ws> ]
[ ')' || <.panic: "Unable to parse named parameter; couldn't find right parenthesis"> ]
| <param_var(1)>
token param_var($named = 0) {
:dba('formal parameter')
| '[' ~ ']' <signature>
| '(' ~ ')' <signature>
| <sigil> <twigil>?
# Is it a longname declaration?
|| <?{ $<sigil>.Str eq '&' }> <?ident> {}
|| # Is it a shaped array or hash declaration?
<?{ $<sigil>.Str eq '@' || $<sigil>.Str eq '%' }>
<?before <[ \< \( \[ \{ ]> >
# ordinary parameter name
|| <name=.identifier>
|| <name=.decint> <.panic: "Cannot declare a numeric parameter">
|| $<name> = [<[/!]>]
# bare sigil?
my $vname = $<sigil>.Str;
my $t = $<twigil>;
my $twigil = '';
$twigil = $t.[0].Str if @$t;
$vname ~= $twigil;
my $n = try { $<name>[0].Str } // '';
$vname ~= $n;
given $twigil {
when '' {
self.add_my_name($vname) if $n ne '';
# :$param is often used as a multi matcher without $param used in body
# so don't count as "declared but not used"
$*CURLEX{$vname}<used> = 1 if $named and $n;
when '.' {
when '!' {
when '*' {
default {
self.panic("You may not use the $twigil twigil in a signature");
token parameter {
:my $kind;
:my $quant = '';
:my $*OFTYPE;
| <type_constraint>+
my $t = $<type_constraint>;
my @t = grep { substr($_.Str,0,2) ne '::' }, @$t;
@t > 1 and $¢.sorry("Multiple prefix constraints not yet supported")
| '**' <param_var> { $quant = '**'; $kind = '*'; }
| '*' <param_var> { $quant = '*'; $kind = '*'; }
| '|' <param_var> { $quant = '|'; $kind = '*'; }
| '\\' <param_var> { $quant = '\\'; $kind = '!'; }
| [
| <param_var> { $quant = ''; $kind = '!'; }
| <named_param> { $quant = ''; $kind = '*'; }
| '?' { $quant = '?'; $kind = '?' }
| '!' { $quant = '!'; $kind //= '!' }
| <?>
| <?> { $quant = ''; $kind = '!' }
| '**' <param_var> { $quant = '**'; $kind = '*'; }
| '*' <param_var> { $quant = '*'; $kind = '*'; }
| '|' <param_var> { $quant = '|'; $kind = '*'; }
| '\\' <param_var> { $quant = '\\'; $kind = '!'; }
| [
| <param_var> { $quant = ''; $kind = '!'; }
| <named_param> { $quant = ''; $kind = '*'; }
| '?' { $quant = '?'; $kind = '?' }
| '!' { $quant = '!'; $kind //= '!' }
| <?>
| {} <longname> <.panic("In parameter declaration, typename '" ~ $<longname>.Str ~ "' must be predeclared (or marked as declarative with :: prefix)")>
<default_value> {
given $quant {
when '!' { $¢.sorry("Cannot put a default on a required parameter") }
when '*' { $¢.sorry("Cannot put a default on a slurpy parameter") }
when '**' { $¢.sorry("Cannot put a default on a slice parameter") }
when '|' { $¢.sorry("Cannot put a default on an slurpy capture parameter") }
when '\\' { $¢.sorry("Cannot put a default on a capture parameter") }
$kind = '?' if $kind eq '!';
[<?before ':' > <.sorry: "Cannot put a default on the invocant parameter">]?
[<!before <[,;)\]\{\}\-]> > <.sorry: "Default expression must come last">]?
[<?before ':'> <?{ $kind ne '!' }> <.sorry: "Invocant is too exotic">]?
$<quant> = {$quant}
$<kind> = {$kind}
# enforce zone constraints
given $kind {
when '!' {
given $*zone {
when 'posopt' {
$¢.sorry("Cannot put required parameter after optional parameters");
when 'var' {
$¢.sorry("Cannot put required parameter after variadic parameters");
when '?' {
given $*zone {
when 'posreq' { $*zone = 'posopt' }
when 'var' {
$¢.sorry("Cannot put optional positional parameter after variadic parameters");
when '*' {
$*zone = 'var';
rule default_value {
:my $*IN_DECL = '';
'=' <EXPR(item %item_assignment)>
token statement_prefix:sink { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:try { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:quietly { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:gather { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:contend { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:async { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:maybe { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:lazy { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:do { <sym> <blast> }
token statement_prefix:lift {
:my $*QUASIMODO = 1;
<sym> <blast>
# accepts blocks and statements
token blast {
| <?before \s> <.ws>
| <block>
| <statement> # creates a dynamic scope but not lexical scope
| <.panic: "Whitespace required after keyword">
# Terms #
token term:new {
'new' \h+ <longname> \h* <!before ':'> <.obs("C++ constructor syntax", "method call syntax")>
token term:sym<::?IDENT> {
$<sym> = [ '::?' <identifier> ] »
token term:sym<Object> {
<sym> » {}
<.obs('Object', 'Mu as the "most universal" object type')>
token term:sym<undef> {
<sym> » {}
[ <?before \h*'$/' >
<.obs('$/ variable as input record separator',
"the filehandle's .slurp method")>
[ <?before [ '(' || \h*<sigil><twigil>?\w ] >
<.obs('undef as a verb', 'undefine function or assignment of Nil')>
<.obs('undef as a value', "something more specific:\n\tMu (the \"most undefined\" type object),\n\tan undefined type object such as Int,\n\tNil as an empty list,\n\t:!defined as a matcher,\n\tAny:U as a type constraint\n\tor fail() as a failure return\n\t ")>
token term:sym<proceed>
{ <sym> » <O(|%term)> }
token term:sym<time>
{ <sym> » <O(|%term)> }
token term:sym<now>
{ <sym> » <O(|%term)> }
token term:sym<self> {
<sym> »
{ $*HAS_SELF || $¢.sorry("'self' used where no object is available") }
token term:sym<defer>
{ <sym> » <O(|%term)> }
token term:rand {
<sym> »
[ <?before '('? \h* [\d|'$']> <.obs('rand(N)', 'N.rand or (1..N).pick')> ]?
[ <?before '()'> <.obs('rand()', 'rand')> ]?
token term:sym<*>
{ <sym> <O(|%term)> }
token term:sym<**>
{ <sym> <O(|%term)> }
token infix:lambda {
<?before '{' | '->' > <!{ $*IN_META }> {
my $needparens = 0;
my $line = $¢.lineof($¢.pos);
for 'if', 'unless', 'while', 'until', 'for', 'given', 'when', 'loop', 'sub', 'method' {
$needparens++ if $_ eq 'loop';
my $m = %*MYSTERY{$_};
next unless $m;
if $line - ($m.<line>//-123) < 5 {
if $m.<ctx> eq '(' {
$¢.panic("Word '$_' interpreted as '$_" ~ "()' function call; please use whitespace " ~
($needparens ?? 'around the parens' !! 'instead of parens') ~ $m<token>.locmess ~
"\nUnexpected block in infix position (two terms in a row)");
else {
$¢.panic("Word '$_' interpreted as a listop; please use 'do $_' to introduce the statement control word" ~ $m<token>.cursor($m<token>.from).locmess ~
"\nUnexpected block in infix position (two terms in a row)");
return () if $*IN_REDUCE;
my $endpos = $¢.pos;
my $startpos = @*MEMOS[$endpos]<ws> // $endpos;
if self.lineof($startpos) != self.lineof($endpos) {
$¢.panic("Unexpected block in infix position (previous line missing its semicolon?)");
elsif @*MEMOS[$¢.pos-1]<baremeth> {
$¢.panic("Unexpected block in infix position (method call needs colon or parens to take arguments)");
else {
$¢.panic("Unexpected block in infix position (two terms in a row, or previous statement missing semicolon?)");
token circumfix:sigil
{ :dba('contextualizer') <sigil> '(' ~ ')' <semilist> { $*LEFTSIGIL ||= $<sigil>.Str } <O(|%term)> }
token circumfix:sym<( )>
{ :dba('parenthesized expression') '(' ~ ')' <semilist> <O(|%term)> }
token circumfix:sym<[ ]>
{ :dba('array composer') '[' ~ ']' <semilist> <O(|%term)> { @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<arraycomp> = 1; } }
# Operators #
token PRE {
:dba('prefix or meta-prefix')
| <prefix>
$<O> = {$<prefix><O>} $<sym> = {$<prefix><sym>}
| <prefix_circumfix_meta_operator>
$<O> = {$<prefix_circumfix_meta_operator><O>} $<sym> = {$<prefix_circumfix_meta_operator>.Str}
# XXX assuming no precedence change
token infixish ($in_meta = $*IN_META) {
:my $infix;
:my $*IN_META = $in_meta;
:dba('infix or meta-infix')
| <colonpair> {
$<fake> = 1;
$<sym> = ':';
%<O><prec> = %item_assignment<prec>; # actual test is non-inclusive!
%<O><assoc> = 'unary';
%<O><dba> = 'adverb';
| [
| :dba('bracketed infix') '[' ~ ']' <infix=.infixish('[]')>
{ $<O> = $<infix><O>; $<sym> = $<infix><sym>; }
[ <!before '='> { self.worry("Useless use of [] around infix op") unless $*IN_META; } ]?
| <infix=infix_circumfix_meta_operator> { $<O> = $<infix><O>; $<sym> = $<infix><sym>; }
| <infix=infix_prefix_meta_operator> { $<O> = $<infix><O>; $<sym> = $<infix><sym>; }
| <infix> { $<O> = $<infix><O>; $<sym> = $<infix><sym>; }
| {} <?dotty> <.panic: "Method call found where infix expected (change whitespace?)">
| {} <?postfix> <.panic: "Postfix found where infix expected (change whitespace?)">
[ <?before '='> <?{ $infix = $<infix>; }> <infix_postfix_meta_operator($infix)>
{ $<O> = $<infix_postfix_meta_operator>[0]<O>; $<sym> = $<infix_postfix_meta_operator>[0]<sym>; }
# NOTE: Do not add dotty ops beginning with anything other than dot!
# Dotty ops have to parse as .foo terms as well, and almost anything
# other than dot will conflict with some other prefix.
# doing fancy as one rule simplifies LTM
token dotty:sym<.*> {
('.' [ <[+*?=]> | '^' '!'? ]) :: <.unspacey> <dottyop>
$<sym> = {$0.Str}
token dotty:sym<.> {
<sym> <dottyop>
token privop {
'!' <methodop>
token dottyopish {
token dottyop {
:dba('dotty method or postfix')
| <methodop>
| <colonpair>
| <!alpha> <postop> $<O> = {$<postop><O>} $<sym> = {$<postop><sym>} # only non-alpha postfixes have dotty form
# Note, this rule mustn't do anything irreversible because it's used
# as a lookahead by the quote interpolator.
token POST {
# last whitespace didn't end here
<!{ @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<ws> }>
[ <.unsp> | '\\' ]?
[ ['.' <.unsp>?]? <postfix_prefix_meta_operator> <.unsp>? ]*
| <dotty> { $<O> = $<dotty><O>; $<sym> = $<dotty><sym>; $<~CAPS> = $<dotty><~CAPS>; }
| <privop> { $<O> = $<privop><O>; $<sym> = $<privop><sym>; $<~CAPS> = $<privop><~CAPS>; }
| <postop> { $<O> = $<postop><O>; $<sym> = $<postop><sym>; $<~CAPS> = $<postop><~CAPS>; }
{ $*LEFTSIGIL = '@'; }
method can_meta ($op, $meta) {
!$op<O><fiddly> ||
self.sorry("Cannot " ~ $meta ~ " " ~ $op<sym> ~ " because " ~ $op<O><dba> ~ " operators are too fiddly");
regex prefix_circumfix_meta_operator:reduce {
:my $*IN_REDUCE = 1;
:my $op;
<?before '['\S+']'>
$<s> = (
|| <op=.infixish('red')> <?before ']'>
|| \\<op=.infixish('tri')> <?before ']'>
|| <!>
']' ['«'|<?>]
{ $op = $<s><op>; @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<listop> = 1; }
<.can_meta($op, "reduce with")>
|| <!{ $op<O><diffy> }>
|| <?{ $op<O><assoc> eq 'chain' }>
|| <.sorry("Cannot reduce with " ~ $op<sym> ~ " because " ~ $op<O><dba> ~ " operators are diffy and not chaining")>
<O($op.Opairs, |%list_prefix, assoc => 'unary', uassoc => 'left')>
{ $<sym> = $<s>.Str; }
[ <?before '('> || <?before \s+ [ <?stdstopper> { $<O><term> = 1 } ]? > || { $<O><term> = 1 } ]
token prefix_postfix_meta_operator:sym< « > { <sym> | '<<' }
token postfix_prefix_meta_operator:sym< » > {
[ <sym> | '>>' ]
# require >>.( on interpolated hypercall so infix:«$s»($a,$b) {...} dwims
[<!{ $*QSIGIL }> || <!before '('> ]
token infix_prefix_meta_operator:sym<!> {
<sym> <!before '!'> {} [ <infixish('neg')> || <.panic: "Negation metaoperator not followed by valid infix"> ]
|| <?{ $<infixish>.Str eq '=' }>
|| <.can_meta($<infixish>, "negate")>
<?{ $<infixish><O><iffy> }>
$<O> = {$<infixish><O>}
|| <.panic("Cannot negate " ~ $<infixish>.Str ~ " because " ~ $<infixish><O><dba> ~ " operators are not iffy enough")>
token infix_prefix_meta_operator:sym<R> {
<sym> {} <infixish('R')>
<.can_meta($<infixish>, "reverse the args of")>
$<O> = {$<infixish><O>}
token infix_prefix_meta_operator:sym<S> {
<sym> {} <infixish('S')>
<.can_meta($<infixish>, "sequence the args of")>
$<O> = {$<infixish><O>}
token infix_prefix_meta_operator:sym<X> {
<sym> <?before \S> {}
[ <infixish('X')>
<.can_meta($<infixish>[0], "cross with")>
<?{ $<O> = $<infixish>[0]<O>; $<O><prec>:delete; $<sym> ~= $<infixish>[0].Str }>
<O(|%list_infix, self.Opairs)>
token infix_prefix_meta_operator:sym<Z> {
<sym> <?before \S> {}
[ <infixish('Z')>
<.can_meta($<infixish>[0], "zip with")>
<?{ $<O> = $<infixish>[0]<O>; $<O><prec>:delete; $<sym> ~= $<infixish>[0].Str }>
<O(|%list_infix, self.Opairs)>
token infix_circumfix_meta_operator:sym<« »> {
| '«'
| '»'
{} <infixish('hyper')> [ '«' | '»' || <.panic: "Missing « or »"> ]
<.can_meta($<infixish>, "hyper with")>
$<O> = {$<infixish><O>}
token infix_circumfix_meta_operator:sym«<< >>» {
| '<<'
| '>>'
{} <infixish('HYPER')> [ '<<' | '>>' || <.panic("Missing << or >>")> ]
<.can_meta($<infixish>, "hyper with")>
$<O> = {$<infixish><O>}
token infix_postfix_meta_operator:sym<=> ($op) {
:my %prec;
<.can_meta($op, "make assignment out of")>
[ <!{ $op<O><diffy> }> || <.sorry("Cannot make assignment out of " ~ $op<sym> ~ " because " ~ $op<O><dba> ~ " operators are diffy")> ]
$<sym> = $op<sym> ~ '=';
if $op<O><prec> gt %comma<prec> {
%prec = %item_assignment;
else {
%prec = %list_assignment;
<O($op.Opairs, |%prec, dba => 'assignment operator', iffy => 0)>
token postcircumfix:sym<( )>
{ :dba('argument list') '(' ~ ')' <semiarglist> <O(|%methodcall)> }
token postcircumfix:sym<[ ]> { :dba('subscript') '[' ~ ']' <semilist> <O(|%methodcall)>
my $innards = $<semilist>.Str;
$innards ~~ s/^\s+//;
$innards ~~ s/\s+$//;
if $innards ~~ /^\-\d+$/ {
$¢.obs("[$innards] subscript to access from end of array","[*$innards]");
token postcircumfix:sym<{ }>
{ :dba('subscript') '{' ~ '}' <semilist> <O(|%methodcall)> <.curlycheck> }
token postcircumfix:sym«< >» {
:my $pos;
{ $pos = $¢.pos }
|| <nibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:q).tweak(:w).balanced('<','>'))> '>'
|| <?before \h* [ \d | <sigil> | ':' ] >
{ $¢.cursor_force($pos).panic("Whitespace required before < operator") }
|| { $¢.cursor_force($pos).panic("Unable to parse quote-words subscript; couldn't find right angle quote") }
token postcircumfix:sym«<< >>»
{ '<<' <nibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:qq).tweak(:ww).balanced('<<','>>'))> [ '>>' || <.panic: "Unable to parse quote-words subscript; couldn't find right double-angle quote"> ] <O(|%methodcall)> }
token postcircumfix:sym<« »>
{ '«' <nibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:qq).tweak(:ww).balanced('«','»'))> [ '»' || <.panic: "Unable to parse quote-words subscript; couldn't find right double-angle quote"> ] <O(|%methodcall)> }
token postop {
| <postfix> $<O> = {$<postfix><O>} $<sym> = {$<postfix><sym>}
| <postcircumfix> $<O> = {$<postcircumfix><O>} $<sym> = {$<postcircumfix><sym>}
token methodop {
| <longname>
| <?before '$' | '@' | '&' > <variable> { $¢.check_variable($<variable>) }
| <?before <[ ' " ]> >
[ <!{$*QSIGIL}> || <!before '"' <-["]>*? \s > ] # dwim on "$foo."
[ <?before '(' | '.(' | '\\'> || <.obs('. to concatenate strings or to call a quoted method', '~ to concatenate, or if you meant to call a quoted method, please supply the required parentheses')> ]
{ my $t = $<quote><nibble>.Str; $t ~~ /\W/ or $t eq '' or $t ~~ /^(WHO|WHAT|WHERE|WHEN|WHY|HOW)$/ or $¢.worry("Useless use of quotes") }
] <.unsp>?
:dba('method arguments')
| ':' <?before \s | '{'> <!{ $*QSIGIL }> <arglist>
| <?[\\(]> <args>
| { @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<baremeth> = 1 }
token semiarglist {
<arglist> ** ';'
token arglist {
:my $inv_ok = $*INVOCANT_OK;
:my StrPos $*endargs = 0;
:my $*GOAL ::= 'endargs';
:my $*QSIGIL ::= '';
:dba('argument list')
| <?stdstopper>
| <EXPR(item %list_prefix)> {
my $delims = $<EXPR><delims>;
for @$delims {
if $_.<infix><wascolon> // '' {
if $inv_ok {
$*INVOCANT_IS = $<EXPR><list>[0];
token term:lambda {
<?before <.lambda> >
if $*BORG {
$*BORG.<block> = $<pblock>;
token circumfix:sym<{ }> {
<?before '{' >
if $*BORG {
$*BORG.<block> = $<pblock>;
## methodcall
token postfix:sym<i>
{ <sym> » <O(|%methodcall)> }
token infix:sym<.> ()
{ '.' <[\]\)\},:\s\$"']> <.obs('. to concatenate strings', '~')> }
token postfix:sym['->'] () {
| <brack=[ \[ \{ \( ]> <.obs("'->" ~ $<brack>.Str ~ "' as postfix dereferencer", "'." ~ $<brack>.Str ~ "' or just '" ~ $<brack>.Str ~ "' to deref, or whitespace to delimit a pointy block")>
| <.obs('-> as postfix', 'either . to call a method, or whitespace to delimit a pointy block')>
## autoincrement
token postfix:sym<++>
{ <sym> <O(|%autoincrement)> }
token postfix:sym«--» ()
{ <sym> <O(|%autoincrement)> }
token prefix:sym<++>
{ <sym> <O(|%autoincrement)> }
token prefix:sym«--» ()
{ <sym> <O(|%autoincrement)> }
## exponentiation
token infix:sym<**>
{ <sym> <O(|%exponentiation)> }
## symbolic unary
token prefix:sym<!>
{ <sym> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<+>
{ <sym> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<->
{ <sym> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<~~>
{ <sym> <.dupprefix('~~')> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<~>
{ <sym> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<??>
{ <sym> <.dupprefix('??')> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<?>
{ <sym> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<~^>
{ <sym> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<+^>
{ <sym> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<?^>
{ <sym> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<^^>
{ <sym> <.dupprefix('^^')> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<^>
{ <sym> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<||>
{ <sym> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<|>
{ <sym> <O(|%symbolic_unary)> }
## multiplicative
token infix:sym<*>
{ <sym> <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym</>
{ <sym> <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym<div>
{ <sym> <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym<%>
{ <sym> <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym<%%>
{ <sym> <O(|%multiplicative, iffy => 1)> } # "is divisible by" returns Bool
token infix:sym<mod>
{ <sym> <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym<gcd>
{ <sym> <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym<lcm>
{ <sym> <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym<+&>
{ <sym> <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym« << »
{ <sym> <!{ $*IN_META }> <?before \s> <.sorryobs('<< to do left shift', '+< or ~<')> <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym« >> »
{ <sym> <!{ $*IN_META }> <?before \s> <.sorryobs('>> to do right shift', '+> or ~>')> <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym<~&>
{ <sym> <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym<?&>
{ <sym> <O(|%multiplicative, iffy => 1)> }
# try to allow both of >>op<< and >>op<<< without allowing op<<
token infix:sym« ~< »
{ <sym> [ <!{ $*IN_META }> || <?before '<<'> || <!before '<'> ] <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym« ~> »
{ <sym> [ <!{ $*IN_META }> || <?before '>>'> || <!before '>'> ] <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym« +< »
{ <sym> [ <!{ $*IN_META }> || <?before '<<'> || <!before '<'> ] <O(|%multiplicative)> }
token infix:sym« +> »
{ <sym> [ <!{ $*IN_META }> || <?before '>>'> || <!before '>'> ] <O(|%multiplicative)> }
## additive
token infix:sym<+>
{ <sym> <!before '+'> <O(|%additive)> }
token infix:sym<->
{ <sym> <!before '-'> <O(|%additive)> }
token infix:sym<+|>
{ <sym> <O(|%additive)> }
token infix:sym<+^>
{ <sym> <O(|%additive)> }
token infix:sym<~|>
{ <sym> <O(|%additive)> }
token infix:sym<~^>
{ <sym> <O(|%additive)> }
token infix:sym<?|>
{ <sym> <O(|%additive, iffy => 1)> }
token infix:sym<?^>
{ <sym> <O(|%additive)> }
## replication
# Note: no word boundary check after x, relies on longest token for x2 xx2 etc
token infix:sym<x>
{ <sym> <O(|%replication)> }
token infix:sym<xx>
{ <sym> <O(|%replication)> }
## concatenation
token infix:sym<~>
{ <sym> <O(|%concatenation)> }
## junctive and (all)
token infix:sym<&>
{ <sym> <O(|%junctive_and, iffy => 1)> }
## junctive or (any)
token infix:sym<|>
{ <sym> <O(|%junctive_or, iffy => 1)> }
token infix:sym<^>
{ <sym> <O(|%junctive_or, iffy => 1)> }
## named unary examples
# (need \s* to win LTM battle with listops)
token prefix:sleep
{ <sym> » <?before \s*> <O(|%named_unary)> }
token prefix:abs
{ <sym> » <?before \s*> <O(|%named_unary)> }
token prefix:let
{ <sym> » <?before \s*> <O(|%named_unary)> }
token prefix:temp
{ <sym> » <?before \s*> <O(|%named_unary)> }
## structural infix
token infix:sym« <=> »
{ <sym> <O(|%structural, returns => 'Order')> }
token infix:cmp
{ <sym> <O(|%structural, returns => 'Order')> }
token infix:leg
{ <sym> <O(|%structural, returns => 'Order')> }
token infix:but
{ <sym> <O(|%structural)> }
token infix:does
{ <sym> <O(|%structural)> }
token infix:sym<..>
{ <sym> [<!{ $*IN_META }> <?before ')' | ']'> <.panic: "Please use ..* for indefinite range">]? <O(|%structural)> }
token infix:sym<^..>
{ <sym> <O(|%structural)> }
token infix:sym<..^>
{ <sym> <O(|%structural)> }
token infix:sym<^..^>
{ <sym> <O(|%structural)> }
## chaining binary
token infix:sym<==>
{ <sym> <!before '=' > <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<!=>
{ <sym> <?before \s> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym« < »
{ <sym> <!before '<'> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym« <= »
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym« > »
{ <sym> <!before '>'> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym« >= »
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<~~>
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> <?dumbsmart> }
token dumbsmart {
[ \h*
('True'|'False'|'Bool::True'|'Bool::False') <?before \s>
my $litbool = $0[0].Str;
my $true = $litbool ~~ /True/;
self.worry("Smartmatch against $litbool always " ~
($true ?? 'matches' !! 'fails') ~
"; if you mean to test the topic for\n truthiness, please use " ~
($true ?? ':so or *.so or ?*' !! ':!so or *.not or !*') ~
' instead');
# XXX should move to inside meta !
token infix:sym<!~>
{ <sym> \s <.obs('!~ to do negated pattern matching', '!~~')> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<=~>
{ <sym> <.obs('=~ to do pattern matching', '~~')> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<eq>
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<ne>
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<lt>
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<le>
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<gt>
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<ge>
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<=:=>
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<===>
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<eqv>
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<before>
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
token infix:sym<after>
{ <sym> <O(|%chaining)> }
## tight and
token infix:sym<&&>
{ <sym> <O(|%tight_and, iffy => 1)> }
## tight or
token infix:sym<||>
{ <sym> <O(|%tight_or, iffy => 1)> }
token infix:sym<^^>
{ <sym> <O(|%tight_or, iffy => 1)> }
token infix:sym<//>
{ <sym> <O(|%tight_or)> }
token infix:sym<min>
{ <sym> <O(|%tight_or)> }
token infix:sym<max>
{ <sym> <O(|%tight_or)> }
## conditional
token infix:sym<?? !!> {
:my $*GOAL ::= '!!';
<EXPR(item %item_assignment)>
[ '!!'
|| <?before '::'<-[=]>> <.panic: "Please use !! rather than ::">
|| <infixish> {
my $b = $<infixish>.Str;
if $b eq ':' {
$¢.panic("Please use !! rather than $b");
else {
$¢.panic("Precedence of $b is too loose to use between ?? and !!; please use parens around inner expression");
|| <?before \N*? [\n\N*?]?> '!!' <.sorry("Bogus code found before the !!")> <.panic("Confused")>
|| <.sorry("Found ?? but no !!")> <.panic("Confused")>
<O(|%conditional, _reducecheck => 'raise_middle')>
token infix:sym<!!> {
<sym> ::
|| <.suppose <infixish>> <.panic: "An infix may not start with !!">
|| <.panic: "Ternary !! seems to be missing its ??">
method raise_middle {
self.<middle> = self.<infix><EXPR>;
token infix:sym<?>
{ <sym> {} <!before '?'> <?before <-[;]>*?':'> <.obs('?: for the conditional operator', '??!!')> <O(|%conditional)> }
token infix:sym<ff>
{ <sym> <O(|%conditional)> }
token infix:sym<^ff>
{ <sym> <O(|%conditional)> }
token infix:sym<ff^>
{ <sym> <O(|%conditional)> }
token infix:sym<^ff^>
{ <sym> <O(|%conditional)> }
token infix:sym<fff>
{ <sym> <O(|%conditional)> }
token infix:sym<^fff>
{ <sym> <O(|%conditional)> }
token infix:sym<fff^>
{ <sym> <O(|%conditional)> }
token infix:sym<^fff^>
{ <sym> <O(|%conditional)> }
## assignment
token infix:sym<=> ()
|| <?{ $*LEFTSIGIL eq '$' }>
|| <O(|%list_assignment)>
token infix:sym<:=>
{ <sym> <O(|%list_assignment)> }
token infix:sym<::=>
{ <sym> <O(|%list_assignment)> }
token infix:sym<.=> {
nextterm => 'dottyopish',
_reducecheck => 'check_doteq'
method check_doteq {
# [ <?before \w+';' | 'new'|'sort'|'subst'|'trans'|'reverse'|'uniq'|'map'|'samecase'|'substr'|'flip'|'fmt'|'pick' > || ]
return self if self.<left><scope_declarator>;
my $ok = 0;
try {
my $methop = self.<right><methodop>;
my $name = $methop.<longname>.Str;
if grep { $_ eq $name }, <new clone sort subst trans reverse uniq map samecase substr flip fmt pick> {
$ok = 1;
elsif not $methop.<args>[0] {
$ok = 1;
self.cursor_force(self.<infix>.pos).worryobs('.= as append operator', '~=') unless $ok;
token infix:sym« => »
{ <sym> <O(|%item_assignment, fiddly => 0)> }
# Note, other assignment ops generated by infix_postfix_meta_operator rule
## loose unary
token prefix:sym<so>
{ <sym> » <O(|%loose_unary)> }
token prefix:sym<not>
{ <sym> » <O(|%loose_unary)> }
## list item separator
token infix:sym<,> {
<sym> <O(|%comma, fiddly => 0)>
[ <?before \h*'...'> <.worry: "Comma found before apparent series operator; please remove comma (or put parens\n around the ... listop, or use 'fail' instead of ...)"> ]?
token infix:sym<:> {
':' <?before \s | <terminator> >
$¢.sorry("Illegal use of colon as invocant marker") unless $*INVOCANT_OK-- or $*PRECLIM ge $item_assignment_prec;
$<wascolon> = {True}
$<sym> = {','}
token infix:sym<X>
{ <sym> <O(|%list_infix)> }
token infix:sym<Z>
{ <sym> <O(|%list_infix)> }
token infix:sym<minmax>
{ <sym> <O(|%list_infix)> }
token infix:sym<...>
{ <sym> <O(|%list_infix)> '^'? }
token term:sym<...>
{ <sym> <args>? <O(|%list_prefix)> }
token term:sym<???>
{ <sym> <args>? <O(|%list_prefix)> }
token term:sym<!!!>
{ <sym> <args>? <O(|%list_prefix)> }
my %deftrap = (
:say, :print, :abs, :alarm, :chomp, :chop, :chr, :chroot, :cos,
:defined, :eval, :exp, :glob, :lc, :lcfirst, :log, :lstat, :mkdir,
:ord, :readlink, :readpipe, :require, :reverse, :rmdir, :sin,
:split, :sqrt, :stat, :uc, :ucfirst, :unlink,
:WHAT(2), :WHICH(2), :WHERE(2), :HOW(2), :WHENCE(2), :WHO(2),
:any(2), :all(2), :none(2), :one(2),
# force identifier(), identifier.(), etc. to be a function call always
token term:identifier
:my $name;
:my $pos;
:my $isname = 0;
<identifier> <?before [<unsp>|'(']? > <![:]>
$name = $<identifier>.Str;
$pos = $¢.pos;
$isname = $¢.is_name($name);
$¢.check_nodecl($name) if $isname;
{ self.add_mystery($<identifier>,$pos,substr(self.orig,$pos,1)) unless $<args><invocant>; }
if $*BORG and $*BORG.<block> {
if not $*BORG.<name> {
$*BORG.<culprit> = $<identifier>.cursor($pos);
$*BORG.<name> = $name;
if %deftrap{$name} {
my $al = $<args><arglist>[0];
my $ok = 0;
$ok = 1 if $al and $al.from != $;
$ok = 1 if $<args><semiarglist>;
if not $ok {
given +%deftrap{$name} {
when 1 { # probably misused P5ism
$<identifier>.sorryobs("bare '$name'", ".$name if you meant \$_, or use an explicit invocant or argument");
when 2 { # probably misused P6ism
$<identifier>.sorry("The '$name' listop may not be called without arguments (please use () or whitespace to clarify)");
token args ($istype = 0) {
:my $listopish = 0;
:my $*GOAL ::= '';
:my $*INVOCANT_OK = 1;
# | :dba('argument list') '.(' ~ ')' <semiarglist>
| :dba('argument list') '(' ~ ')' <semiarglist>
| :dba('argument list') <.unsp> '(' ~ ')' <semiarglist>
| { $listopish = 1; @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<listop> = 1; }
[<?before \s> <!{ $istype }> <.ws> <!infixstopper> <arglist>]?
$<invocant> = {$*INVOCANT_IS}
:dba('extra arglist after (...):')
|| <?{ $listopish }>
|| ':' <?before \s> <moreargs=.arglist> # either switch to listopiness
|| $<O> = { {} } # or allow adverbs (XXX needs hoisting?)
# names containing :: may or may not be function calls
# bare identifier without parens also handled here if no other rule parses it
token term:name
:my $name;
:my $pos;
$name = $<longname>.Str;
$pos = $¢.pos;
|| <?{
$¢.is_name($name) or substr($name,0,2) eq '::'
{ $¢.check_nodecl($name); }
# parametric type?
:dba('type parameter')
<.unsp>? [ <?before '['> <postcircumfix> ]?
:dba('namespace variable lookup')
<?after '::'>
<?before [ '«' | '<' | '{' | '<<' ] > <postcircumfix>
{ $*VAR = $¢.cursor_all(self.pos, $¢.pos) }
# unrecognized names are assumed to be post-declared listops.
|| <args> { self.add_mystery($<longname>,$pos,'termish') unless $<args><invocant>; }
if $*BORG and $*BORG.<block> {
if not $*BORG.<name> {
$*BORG.<culprit> = $<longname>.cursor($pos);
$*BORG.<name> //= $name;
method check_nodecl($name) {
if $name lt 'a' {
@*MEMOS[self.pos]<nodecl> = $name;
## loose and
token infix:sym<and>
{ <sym> <O(|%loose_and, iffy => 1)> }
token infix:sym<andthen>
{ <sym> <O(|%loose_and)> }
## loose or
token infix:sym<or>
{ <sym> <O(|%loose_or, iffy => 1)> }
token infix:sym<orelse>
{ <sym> <O(|%loose_or)> }
token infix:sym<xor>
{ <sym> <O(|%loose_or, iffy => 1)> }
## sequencer
token infix:sym« <== »
{ <sym> <O(|%sequencer)> }
token infix:sym« ==> »
{ <sym> <O(|%sequencer)> }
token infix:sym« <<== »
{ <sym> <O(|%sequencer)> }
token infix:sym« ==>> »
{ <sym> <O(|%sequencer)> }
## expression terminator
# Note: must always be called as <?terminator> or <?before ...<terminator>...>
token terminator:sym<;>
{ ';' <O(|%terminator)> }
token terminator:sym<if>
{ 'if' » <.nofun> <O(|%terminator)> }
token terminator:sym<unless>
{ 'unless' » <.nofun> <O(|%terminator)> }
token terminator:sym<while>
{ 'while' » <.nofun> <O(|%terminator)> }
token terminator:sym<until>
{ 'until' » <.nofun> <O(|%terminator)> }
token terminator:sym<for>
{ 'for' » <.nofun> <O(|%terminator)> }
token terminator:sym<given>
{ 'given' » <.nofun> <O(|%terminator)> }
token terminator:sym<when>
{ 'when' » <.nofun> <O(|%terminator)> }
token terminator:sym« --> »
{ '-->' <O(|%terminator)> }
token terminator:sym<!!>
{ '!!' <?{ $*GOAL eq '!!' }> <O(|%terminator)> }
regex infixstopper {
:dba('infix stopper')
| <?before <stopper> >
| <?before '!!'> <?{ $*GOAL eq '!!' }>
| <?before '{' | <lambda> > <?{ ($*GOAL eq '{' or $*GOAL eq 'endargs') and @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<ws> }>
| <?{ $*GOAL eq 'endargs' and @*MEMOS[$¢.pos]<endargs> }>
grammar Q is STD {
role b1 {
token escape:sym<\\> { <sym> {} <item=.backslash> }
token backslash:qq { <?before 'q'> { $<quote> = $¢.cursor_fresh(%*LANG<MAIN>).quote(); } }
token backslash:sym<\\> { <text=.sym> }
token backslash:stopper { <text=.stopper> }
token backslash:a { <sym> }
token backslash:b { <sym> }
token backslash:c { <sym> <charspec> }
token backslash:e { <sym> }
token backslash:f { <sym> }
token backslash:n { <sym> }
token backslash:o { :dba('octal character') <sym> [ <octint> | '[' ~ ']' <octints> ] }
token backslash:r { <sym> }
token backslash:t { <sym> }
token backslash:x { :dba('hex character') <sym> [ <hexint> | '[' ~ ']' <hexints> ] }
token backslash:sym<0> { <sym> }
role b0 {
token escape:sym<\\> { <!> }
role c1 {
token escape:sym<{ }> { <?before '{'> [ :lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <embeddedblock> ] }
role c0 {
token escape:sym<{ }> { <!> }
role s1 {
token escape:sym<$> {
:my $*QSIGIL ::= '$';
<?before '$'>
[ :lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <EXPR(item %methodcall)> ] || <.panic: "Non-variable \$ must be backslashed">
role s0 {
token escape:sym<$> { <!> }
role a1 {
token escape:sym<@> {
:my $*QSIGIL ::= '@';
<?before '@'>
[ :lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <EXPR(item %methodcall)> | <!> ] # trap ABORTBRANCH from variable's ::
role a0 {
token escape:sym<@> { <!> }
role h1 {
token escape:sym<%> {
:my $*QSIGIL ::= '%';
<?before '%'>
[ :lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <EXPR(item %methodcall)> | <!> ]
role h0 {
token escape:sym<%> { <!> }
role f1 {
token escape:sym<&> {
:my $*QSIGIL ::= '&';
<?before '&'>
[ :lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <EXPR(item %methodcall)> | <!> ]
role f0 {
token escape:sym<&> { <!> }
role p1 {
method postprocessor () { 'path' }
role p0 {
method postprocessor () { 'null' }
role w1 {
method postprocessor () { 'words' }
role w0 {
method postprocessor () { 'null' }
role ww1 {
method postprocessor () { 'quotewords' }
role ww0 {
method postprocessor () { 'null' }
role x1 {
method postprocessor () { 'run' }
role x0 {
method postprocessor () { 'null' }
role q {
token stopper { \' }
token escape:sym<\\> { <sym> <item=.backslash> }
token backslash:qq { <?before 'q'> { $<quote> = $¢.cursor_fresh(%*LANG<MAIN>).quote(); } }
token backslash:sym<\\> { <text=.sym> }
token backslash:stopper { <text=.stopper> }
# in single quotes, keep backslash on random character by default
token backslash:misc { {} (.) { $<text> = "\\" ~ $0.Str; } }
multi method tweak (:single(:$q)!) { self.panic("Too late for :q") }
multi method tweak (:double(:$qq)!) { self.panic("Too late for :qq") }
multi method tweak (:cclass(:$cc)!) { self.panic("Too late for :cc") }
role qq does b1 does c1 does s1 does a1 does h1 does f1 {
token stopper { \" }
# in double quotes, omit backslash on random \W backslash by default
token backslash:misc { {} [ (\W) { $<text> = $0.Str; } | $<x>=(\w) <.sorry("Unrecognized backslash sequence: '\\" ~ $<x>.Str ~ "'")> ] }
multi method tweak (:single(:$q)!) { self.panic("Too late for :q") }
multi method tweak (:double(:$qq)!) { self.panic("Too late for :qq") }
multi method tweak (:cclass(:$cc)!) { self.panic("Too late for :cc") }
role cc {
token stopper { \' }
method ccstate ($s) {
if $*CCSTATE eq '..' {
$*CCSTATE = '';
else {
$*CCSTATE = $s;
# (must not allow anything to match . in nibbler or we'll lose track of state)
token escape:ws { \s+ [ <?before '#'> <.ws> ]? }
token escape:sym<#> { '#' <.panic: "Please backslash # for literal char or put whitespace in front for comment"> }
token escape:sym<\\> { <sym> <item=.backslash> <.ccstate('\\' ~ $<item>.Str)> }
token escape:sym<..> { <sym>
|| <?{ $*CCSTATE eq '' or $*CCSTATE eq '..' }> <.sorry: "Range missing start character on the left">
|| <?before \s* <!stopper> <!before '..'> \S >
|| <.sorry: "Range missing stop character on the right">
{ $*CCSTATE = '..'; }
token escape:sym<-> { '-' <?{ $*CCSTATE ne '' }> \s* <!stopper> \S <.obs('- as character range','..')> }
token escape:ch { $<ch> = [\S] <.ccstate($<ch>.Str)> }
token backslash:stopper { <text=.stopper> }
token backslash:a { :i <sym> }
token backslash:b { :i <sym> }
token backslash:c { :i <sym> <charspec> }
token backslash:d { :i <sym> { $*CCSTATE = '' } }
token backslash:e { :i <sym> }
token backslash:f { :i <sym> }
token backslash:h { :i <sym> { $*CCSTATE = '' } }
token backslash:n { :i <sym> }
token backslash:o { :i :dba('octal character') <sym> [ <octint> | '[' ~ ']' <octints> ] }
token backslash:r { :i <sym> }
token backslash:s { :i <sym> { $*CCSTATE = '' } }
token backslash:t { :i <sym> }
token backslash:v { :i <sym> { $*CCSTATE = '' } }
token backslash:w { :i <sym> { $*CCSTATE = '' } }
token backslash:x { :i :dba('hex character') <sym> [ <hexint> | '[' ~ ']' <hexints> ] }
token backslash:sym<0> { <sym> }
# keep random backslashes like qq does
token backslash:misc { {} [ (\W) { $<text> = $0.Str; } | $<x>=(\w) <.sorry("Unrecognized backslash sequence: '\\" ~ $<x>.Str ~ "'")> ] }
multi method tweak (:single(:$q)!) { self.panic("Too late for :q") }
multi method tweak (:double(:$qq)!) { self.panic("Too late for :qq") }
multi method tweak (:cclass(:$cc)!) { self.panic("Too late for :cc") }
role p5 {
multi method tweak (:$g!) { self }
multi method tweak (:$i!) { self }
multi method tweak (:$m!) { self }
multi method tweak (:$s!) { self }
multi method tweak (:$x!) { self }
multi method tweak (:$p!) { self }
multi method tweak (:$c!) { self }
multi method tweak (:single(:$q)!) { self.truly($q,':q'); self.mixin( ::q ); }
multi method tweak (:double(:$qq)!) { self.truly($qq, ':qq'); self.mixin( ::qq ); }
multi method tweak (:cclass(:$cc)!) { self.truly($cc, ':cc'); self.mixin( ::cc ); }
multi method tweak (:backslash(:$b)!) { self.mixin($b ?? ::b1 !! ::b0) }
multi method tweak (:scalar(:$s)!) { self.mixin($s ?? ::s1 !! ::s0) }
multi method tweak (:array(:$a)!) { self.mixin($a ?? ::a1 !! ::a0) }
multi method tweak (:hash(:$h)!) { self.mixin($h ?? ::h1 !! ::h0) }
multi method tweak (:function(:$f)!) { self.mixin($f ?? ::f1 !! ::f0) }
multi method tweak (:closure(:$c)!) { self.mixin($c ?? ::c1 !! ::c0) }
multi method tweak (:path(:$p)!) { self.mixin($p ?? ::p1 !! ::p0) }
multi method tweak (:exec(:$x)!) { self.mixin($x ?? ::x1 !! ::x0) }
multi method tweak (:words(:$w)!) { self.mixin($w ?? ::w1 !! ::w0) }
multi method tweak (:quotewords(:$ww)!) { self.mixin($ww ?? ::ww1 !! ::ww0) }
multi method tweak (:heredoc(:$to)!) { self.truly($to, ':to'); self.cursor_herelang; }
multi method tweak (:$regex!) {
return %*LANG<Regex>;
multi method tweak (*%x) {
my @k = keys(%x);
self.sorry("Unrecognized quote modifier: " ~ join('',@k));
grammar Quasi is STD::P6 {
token term:unquote {
:my $*QUASIMODO = 0;
<starter><starter><starter> <.ws>
[ <EXPR> <stopper><stopper><stopper> || <.panic: "Confused"> ]
multi method tweak (:$ast!) { self; } # XXX some transformer operating on the normal AST?
multi method tweak (:$lang!) { self.cursor_fresh( $lang ); }
multi method tweak (:$unquote!) { self; } # XXX needs to override unquote
multi method tweak (:$COMPILING!) { $*QUASIMODO = 1; self; } # XXX needs to lazify the lexical lookups somehow
multi method tweak (*%x) {
my @k = keys(%x);
self.sorry("Unrecognized quasiquote modifier: " ~ join('',@k));
# Operator Precedence Parser #
method EXPR ($preclvl?) {
my $*CTX ::= self.callm if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::trace_call;
my $preclim = $preclvl ?? $preclvl.<prec> // $LOOSEST !! $LOOSEST;
my $*LEFTSIGIL = ''; # XXX P6
my $*PRECLIM = $preclim;
my @termstack;
my @opstack;
my $termish = 'termish';
push @opstack, { 'O' => item %terminator, 'sym' => '' }; # (just a sentinel value)
my $here = self;
my $S = $here.pos;
self.deb("In EXPR, at $S") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
my &reduce := -> {
self.deb("entering reduce, termstack == ", +@termstack, " opstack == ", +@opstack) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
my $op = pop @opstack;
my $sym = $op<sym>;
given $op<O><assoc> // 'unary' {
when 'chain' {
self.deb("reducing chain") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
my @chain;
push @chain, pop(@termstack);
push @chain, $op;
while @opstack {
last if $op<O><prec> ne @opstack[*-1]<O><prec>;
push @chain, pop(@termstack);
push @chain, pop(@opstack);
push @chain, pop(@termstack);
my $endpos = @chain[0].pos;
@chain = reverse @chain if @chain > 1;
my $startpos = @chain[0].from;
my $nop = $op.cursor_fresh();
$nop<chain> = [@chain];
$nop<_arity> = 'CHAIN';
$nop.from = $startpos;
$nop.pos = $endpos;
my @caps;
my $i = 0;
for @chain {
push(@caps, $i++ % 2 ?? 'op' !! 'term' );
push(@caps, $_);
$nop<~CAPS> = \@caps;
push @termstack, $nop._REDUCE($startpos, 'CHAIN');
@termstack[*-1].<POST> :delete;
when 'list' {
self.deb("reducing list") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
my @list;
my @delims = $op;
push @list, pop(@termstack);
while @opstack {
self.deb($sym ~ " vs " ~ @opstack[*-1]<sym>) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
last if $sym ne @opstack[*-1]<sym>;
if @termstack and defined @termstack[0] {
push @list, pop(@termstack);
else {
self.worry("Missing term in " ~ $sym ~ " list");
push @delims, pop(@opstack);
if @termstack and defined @termstack[0] {
push @list, pop(@termstack);
else {
self.worry("Missing final term in '" ~ $sym ~ "' list");
my $endpos = @list[0].pos;
@list = reverse @list if @list > 1;
my $startpos = @list[0].from;
@delims = reverse @delims if @delims > 1;
my $nop = $op.cursor_fresh();
$nop<sym> = $sym;
$nop<O> = $op<O>;
$nop<list> = [@list];
$nop<delims> = [@delims];
$nop<_arity> = 'LIST';
$nop.from = $startpos;
$nop.pos = $endpos;
if @list {
my @caps;
push @caps, 'elem', @list[0] if @list[0];
for 0..@delims-1 {
my $d = @delims[$_];
my $l = @list[$_+1];
push @caps, 'delim', $d;
push @caps, 'elem', $l if $l; # nullterm?
$nop<~CAPS> = \@caps;
push @termstack, $nop._REDUCE($startpos, 'LIST');
when 'unary' {
self.deb("reducing") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
self.deb("Termstack size: ", +@termstack) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
self.deb($op.dump) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
my $arg = pop @termstack;
$op<arg> = $arg;
my $a = $op<~CAPS>;
$op<_arity> = 'UNARY';
if $arg.from < $op.from { # postfix
$op.from = $arg.from; # extend from to include arg
# note "OOPS ", $arg.Str, "\n" if @acaps > 1;
unshift @$a, 'arg', $arg;
push @termstack, $op._REDUCE($op.from, 'POSTFIX');
elsif $arg.pos > $op.pos { # prefix
$op.pos = $arg.pos; # extend pos to include arg
# note "OOPS ", $arg.Str, "\n" if @acaps > 1;
push @$a, 'arg', $arg;
push @termstack, $op._REDUCE($op.from, 'PREFIX');
default {
self.deb("reducing") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
self.deb("Termstack size: ", +@termstack) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
my $right = pop @termstack;
my $left = pop @termstack;
$op<right> = $right;
$op<left> = $left;
$op.from = $left.from;
$op.pos = $right.pos;
$op<_arity> = 'BINARY';
my $a = $op<~CAPS>;
unshift @$a, 'left', $left;
push @$a, 'right', $right;
self.deb($op.dump) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
my $ck;
if $ck = $op<O><_reducecheck> {
$op = $op.$ck;
push @termstack, $op._REDUCE($op.from, 'INFIX');
loop {
self.deb("In loop, at ", $here.pos) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
my $oldpos = $here.pos;
$here = $here.cursor_fresh();
$*LEFTSIGIL = @opstack[*-1]<O><prec> gt $item_assignment_prec ?? '@' !! ''; # XXX P6
my @t = $here.$termish;
if not @t or not $here = @t[0] or ($here.pos == $oldpos and $termish eq 'termish') {
$here.panic("Bogus term") if @opstack > 1;
return ();
$termish = 'termish';
my $PRE = $here.<PRE>:delete // [];
my $POST = $here.<POST>:delete // [];
my @PRE = @$PRE;
my @POST = reverse @$POST;
# interleave prefix and postfix, pretend they're infixish
my $M = $here;
# note that we push loose stuff onto opstack before tight stuff
while @PRE and @POST {
my $postO = @POST[0]<O>;
my $preO = @PRE[0]<O>;
if $postO<prec> lt $preO<prec> {
push @opstack, shift @POST;
elsif $postO<prec> gt $preO<prec> {
push @opstack, shift @PRE;
elsif $postO<uassoc> eq 'left' {
push @opstack, shift @POST;
elsif $postO<uassoc> eq 'right' {
push @opstack, shift @PRE;
else {
$here.sorry('"' ~ @PRE[0]<sym> ~ '" and "' ~ @POST[0]<sym> ~ '" are not associative');
push @opstack, @PRE,@POST;
push @termstack, $here.<term>;
self.deb("after push: " ~ (0+@termstack)) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
last TERM if $preclim eq $methodcall_prec; # in interpolation, probably # XXX P6
loop { # while we see adverbs
$oldpos = $here.pos;
last TERM if (@*MEMOS[$oldpos]<endstmt> // 0) == 2; # XXX P6
$here = $;
my @infix = $here.cursor_fresh.infixish();
last TERM unless @infix;
my $infix = @infix[0];
last TERM unless $infix.pos > $oldpos;
if not $infix<sym> {
die $infix.dump if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
my $inO = $infix<O>;
my Str $inprec = $inO<prec>;
if not defined $inprec {
self.deb("No prec given in infix!") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
die $infix.dump if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::EXPR;
$inprec = %terminator<prec>; # XXX lexical scope is wrong
if $inprec le $preclim {
if $preclim ne $LOOSEST {
my $dba = $preclvl.<dba>;
my $h = $*HIGHEXPECT;
%$h = ();
$h.{"an infix operator with precedence tighter than $dba"} = 1;
last TERM;
$here = $;
# substitute precedence for listops
$inO<prec> = $inO<sub> if $inO<sub>;
# Does new infix (or terminator) force any reductions?
while @opstack[*-1]<O><prec> gt $inprec {
# Not much point in reducing the sentinels...
last if $inprec lt $LOOSEST;
if $infix<fake> {
push @opstack, $infix;
next; # not really an infix, so keep trying
# Equal precedence, so use associativity to decide.
if @opstack[*-1]<O><prec> eq $inprec {
my $assoc = 1;
given $inO<assoc> {
when 'non' { $assoc = 0; }
when 'left' { &reduce() } # reduce immediately
when 'right' { } # just shift
when 'chain' { } # just shift
when 'unary' { } # just shift
when 'list' {
$assoc = 0 unless $infix<sym> eqv @opstack[*-1]<sym>;
default { $here.panic('Unknown associativity "' ~ $_ ~ '" for "' ~ $infix<sym> ~ '"') }
if not $assoc {
$here.sorry('"' ~ @opstack[*-1]<sym> ~ '" and "' ~ $infix.Str ~ '" are non-associative and require parens');
$termish = $inO<nextterm> if $inO<nextterm>;
push @opstack, $infix; # The Shift
&reduce() while +@opstack > 1;
if @termstack {
+@termstack == 1 or $here.panic("Internal operator parser error, termstack == " ~ (+@termstack));
@termstack[0].from = self.pos;
@termstack[0].pos = $here.pos;
self._MATCHIFYr($S, "EXPR", @termstack);
## Regex #
grammar Regex is STD {
multi method tweak (:Perl5(:$P5)!) { self.require_P5; self.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).mixin( ::q ).mixin( ::p5 ) }
multi method tweak (:overlap(:$ov)!) { %*RX<ov> = $ov; self; }
multi method tweak (:exhaustive(:$ex)!) { %*RX<ex> = $ex; self; }
multi method tweak (:continue(:$c)!) { %*RX<c> = $c; self; }
multi method tweak (:pos(:$p)!) { %*RX<p> = $p; self; }
multi method tweak (:sigspace(:$s)!) { %*RX<s> = $s; self; }
multi method tweak (:ratchet(:$r)!) { %*RX<r> = $r; self; }
multi method tweak (:global(:$g)!) { %*RX<g> = $g; self; }
multi method tweak (:ignorecase(:$i)!) { %*RX<i> = $i; self; }
multi method tweak (:ignoremark(:$m)!) { %*RX<m> = $m; self; }
multi method tweak (:samecase(:$ii)!) { %*RX<ii> = $ii; self; }
multi method tweak (:samemark(:$mm)!) { %*RX<mm> = $mm; self; }
multi method tweak (:$nth!) { %*RX<nth> = $nth; self; }
multi method tweak (:st(:$nd)!) { %*RX<nth> = $nd; self; }
multi method tweak (:rd(:$th)!) { %*RX<nth> = $th; self; }
multi method tweak (:$x!) { %*RX<x> = $x; self; }
multi method tweak (:$bytes!) { %*RX<bytes> = $bytes; self; }
multi method tweak (:$codes!) { %*RX<codes> = $codes; self; }
multi method tweak (:$graphs!) { %*RX<graphs> = $graphs; self; }
multi method tweak (:$chars!) { %*RX<chars> = $chars; self; }
multi method tweak (:$rw!) { %*RX<rw> = $rw; self; }
token category:metachar { <sym> }
proto token metachar {*}
token category:backslash { <sym> }
proto token backslash {*}
token category:assertion { <sym> }
proto token assertion {*}
token category:quantifier { <sym> }
proto token quantifier {*}
token category:cclass_elem { <sym> }
proto token cclass_elem {*}
token category:mod_internal { <sym> }
proto token mod_internal {*}
proto token regex_infix {*}
# no such thing as ignored whitespace in a normal regex
token ws { <?> }
token normspace {
<?before \s | '#'> [ :lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <.ws> ]
token unsp { '\\' <?before \s | '#'> <.panic: "No unspace allowed in regex; if you meant to match the literal character, please enclose in single quotes ('" ~ substr(self.orig,$¢.pos,1) ~ "') or use a backslashed form like \\x" ~ sprintf('%02x', ord(substr(self.orig,$¢.pos,1)))> } # no unspace in regexen
rule nibbler {
:temp %*RX;
[ <.normspace>? < || | && & > ]?
|| <?infixstopper>
|| $$ <.panic: "Regex not terminated">
|| (\W)<.sorry("Unrecognized regex metacharacter " ~ $0.Str ~ " (must be quoted to match literally)")>
|| <.panic: "Regex not terminated">
token termish {
|| <term=.quant_atom_list> <?{ %*RX<s> or $<term>.Str ~~ /\S/ }>
|| <normspace>?
|| <?before <stopper> | <[&|~]> > <.panic: "Null pattern not allowed">
|| <?before <[ \] \) \> ]> > {
my $c = substr(self.orig,$¢.pos,1);
if $*GOAL eq $c {
$¢.panic("Null pattern not allowed");
else {
$¢.panic("Unmatched closing $c");
|| $$ <.panic: "Regex not terminated">
|| (\W) <.sorry: "Unrecognized regex metacharacter " ~ $0.Str ~ " (must be quoted to match literally)">
|| <.panic: "Regex not terminated">
token quant_atom_list {
token infixish {
$<O> = {$<regex_infix><O>}
$<sym> = {$<regex_infix><sym>}
regex infixstopper {
:dba('infix stopper')
| <?before <[\) \} \]]> >
| <?before '>' <-[>]> >
| <?before <stopper> >
token regex_infix:sym<||> { <sym> <O(|%tight_or)> }
token regex_infix:sym<&&> { <sym> <O(|%tight_and)> }
token regex_infix:sym<|> { <sym> <O(|%junctive_or)> }
token regex_infix:sym<&> { <sym> <O(|%junctive_and)> }
token quantified_atom {
[ <normspace>? <quantifier> <normspace>? <separator>? ]?
# <?{ $<atom>.max_width }>
# || <.panic: "Cannot quantify zero-width atom">
token separator {
'%''%'? <normspace>? <quantified_atom>
token atom {
:dba('regex atom')
| \w
| <metachar> ::
# sequence stoppers
token metachar:sym« > » { '>'<!before '>'> :: <fail> }
token metachar:sym<&&> { '&&' :: <fail> }
token metachar:sym<&> { '&' :: <fail> }
token metachar:sym<||> { '||' :: <fail> }
token metachar:sym<|> { '|' :: <fail> }
token metachar:sym<]> { ']' :: <fail> }
token metachar:sym<)> { ')' :: <fail> }
token metachar:sym<;> {
';' {}
|| <?before \N*? <stopper> > <.panic: "Semicolon must be quoted">
|| <?before .> <.panic: "Regex missing terminator (or semicolon must be quoted?)">
|| <.panic: "Regex missing terminator"> # the final fake ;
token metachar:sym<{*}> { <onlystar=.sym> <?{ $*MULTINESS eq 'proto' }> }
token metachar:sym<[*]> { <onlystar=.sym> <?{ $*MULTINESS eq 'proto' }> }
token metachar:quant { <quantifier> <.sorry: "Quantifier quantifies nothing"> }
# "normal" metachars
token metachar:sigwhite {
token metachar:unsp { <unsp> }
token metachar:sym<{ }> {
<?before '{'>
$<sym> = { <{ }> }
token metachar:mod {
<?before ':'>
$<sym> = {$<mod_internal><sym>}
token metachar:sym<-> {
'-' <?{ $*GOAL eq ']' }> <.sorry("Invalid regex metacharacter (must be quoted to match literally)")>
token metachar:sym<:> {
<sym> <?before \s> <.panic: "Backtrack control ':' does not seem to have a preceding atom to control">
token metachar:sym<::> {
token metachar:sym«::>» {
token metachar:sym<:::> {
token metachar:sym<[ ]> {
:dba("bracketed regex")
'[' ~ ']' <nibbler>
{ $¢.check_old_cclass($<nibbler>.Str); }
$<sym> = {<[ ]>}
token metachar:sym<( )> {
:dba("capture parens")
'(' ~ ')' <nibbler>
$<sym> = {<( )>}
token metachar:sym« <( » { '<(' }
token metachar:sym« )> » { ')>' }
token metachar:sym« << » { '<<' }
token metachar:sym« >> » { '>>' }
token metachar:sym< « > { '«' }
token metachar:sym< » > { '»' }
token metachar:qw {
<?before '<' \s > # (note required whitespace)
token metachar:sym«< >» {
'<' ~ '>' <assertion>
token metachar:sym<\\> { <sym> <backslash> }
token metachar:sym<.> { <sym> }
token metachar:sym<^^> { <sym> }
token metachar:sym<^> { <sym> }
token metachar:sym<$$> {
[ (\w+) <.obs("\$\$" ~ $0.Str ~ " to deref var inside a regex", "\$(\$" ~ $0.Str ~ ")")> ]?
token metachar:sym<$> {
| \s
| '|'
| '&'
| ')'
| ']'
| '>'
| $
| <.stopper>
token metachar:sym<' '> { <?before "'"> [:lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <quote>] }
token metachar:sym<" "> { <?before '"'> [:lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <quote>] }
token metachar:var {
:my $*QSIGIL ::= substr(self.orig,self.pos,1);
<!before '$$'>
<?before <sigil>>
[:lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <variable> ]
$<sym> = {$<variable>.Str}
|| $<binding> = ( \s* '=' \s* <quantified_atom> )
{ $¢.check_variable($<variable>) unless substr($<sym>,1,1) eq '<' }
|| { $¢.check_variable($<variable>) }
[ <?before '.'? <[ \[ \{ \< ]>> <.worry: "Apparent subscript will be treated as regex"> ]?
token backslash:unspace { <?before \s> [ :lang( %*LANG<MAIN> ) <.ws> ] }
token backslash:sym<0> { '0' <!before <[0..7]> > }
token backslash:A { <sym> <.obs('\\A as beginning-of-string matcher', '^')> }
token backslash:a { <sym> <.sorry: "\\a is allowed only in strings, not regexes"> }
token backslash:B { <sym> <.obs('\\B as word non-boundary', '<!wb>')> }
token backslash:b { <sym> <.obs('\\b as word boundary', '<?wb> (or either of « or »)')> }
token backslash:c { :i <sym> <charspec> }
token backslash:d { :i <sym> }
token backslash:e { :i <sym> }
token backslash:f { :i <sym> }
token backslash:h { :i <sym> }
token backslash:n { :i <sym> }
token backslash:o { :i :dba('octal character') <sym> [ <octint> | '[' ~ ']' <octints> ] }
token backslash:p {
:my $s;
:my $m;
:my $p;
{ $s = $<sym>.Str; $m = $s lt 'a' ?? '-' !! '+'; }
|| (\w) { $p = $0.Str; $¢.obs("\\$s$p", '<' ~ $m ~ "is$p>"); }
|| '{' $<param>=[\w+] '}' { $p = $<param>.Str; $¢.obs("\\$s\{$p\}", '<' ~ $m ~ "is$p>"); }
|| '{' $<param>=[\w+] \= $<val>=[<-[\}]>*] '}' { $p = $<param>.Str; my $v = $<val>.Str; $¢.obs("\\$s\{$p=$v\}", '<' ~ $m ~ "is$p\('$v')>"); }
token backslash:Q { <sym> <.obs('\\Q as quotemeta', 'quotes or literal variable match')> }
token backslash:r { :i <sym> }
token backslash:s { :i <sym> }
token backslash:t { :i <sym> }
token backslash:v { :i <sym> }
token backslash:w { :i <sym> }
token backslash:x { :i :dba('hex character') <sym> [ <hexint> | '[' ~ ']' <hexints> ] }
token backslash:z { <sym> <.obs('\\z as end-of-string matcher', '$')> }
token backslash:Z { <sym> <.obs('\\Z as end-of-string matcher', '\\n?$')> }
token backslash:misc { $<litchar>=(\W) }
token backslash:oldbackref { (<[1..9]>\d*) { my $d = $0.Str; $¢.sorryobs("the 1-based special form '\\$d' as a backreference", "the 0-based variable '\$" ~ ($d - 1) ~ "' instead" ); } }
token backslash:oops { <.sorry: "Unrecognized regex backslash sequence"> . }
token assertion:sym<...> { <sym> }
token assertion:sym<???> { <sym> }
token assertion:sym<!!!> { <sym> }
token assertion:sym<|> { <sym> [ <?before '>'> | <?before \w> <assertion> ] } # assertion-like syntax, anyway
token assertion:sym<?> { <sym> [ <?before '>'> | <assertion> ] }
token assertion:sym<!> { <sym> [ <?before '>'> | <assertion> ] }
token assertion:sym<*> { <sym> [ <?before '>'> | <.ws> <nibbler> ] }
token assertion:sym<{ }> { <embeddedblock> }
token assertion:variable {
<?before <sigil>> # note: semantics must be determined per-sigil
[:lang($¢.cursor_fresh(%*LANG<MAIN>).unbalanced('>')) <variable=.EXPR(item %LOOSEST)>]
token assertion:method {
'.' [
| <?before <alpha> > <assertion>
| [ :lang($¢.cursor_fresh(%*LANG<MAIN>).unbalanced('>')) <dottyop> ]
token assertion:name { [ :lang($¢.cursor_fresh(%*LANG<MAIN>).unbalanced('>')) <longname> ]
| <?before '>' > {
my $n = $<longname>.Str;
if $n eq 'before' or $n eq 'after' {
$¢.panic("$n requires an argument");
| <.normspace>? <nibbler> <.ws>
| '=' <assertion>
| ':' [ :lang($¢.cursor_fresh(%*LANG<MAIN>).unbalanced('>')) <.ws> <arglist> ]
| '(' {}
[ :lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <arglist> ]
[ ')' || <.panic: "Assertion call missing right parenthesis"> ]
token assertion:sym<:> { <?before ':'<alpha>> <cclass_expr> }
token assertion:sym<[> { <?before '['> <cclass_expr> }
token assertion:sym<+> { <?before '+'> <cclass_expr> }
token assertion:sym<-> { <?before '-'> <cclass_expr> }
token assertion:sym<.> { <sym> }
token assertion:sym<,> { <sym> }
token assertion:sym<~~> { <sym> [ <?before '>'> | \d+ | <desigilname> ] }
token assertion:bogus { <.panic: "Unrecognized regex assertion"> }
token sign { '+' | '-' | <?> }
token cclass_expr {
<cclass_union> ** [$<op>=[ '|' | '^' ]]
token cclass_union {
<cclass_add> ** [$<op>=[ '&' ]]
token cclass_add {
<cclass_elem> ** [$<op>=[ '+' | '-' ]<.normspace>?]
token cclass_elem:name {
:dba('character class element')
token cclass_elem:sym<[ ]> {
:my $*CCSTATE = '';
:dba('character class element')
<before '['> <quibble($¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<Q> ).tweak(:cc))>
token cclass_elem:sym<( )> {
:my $*CCSTATE = '';
:dba('character class element')
'(' ~ ')' <cclass_expr>
token cclass_elem:property {
:dba('character class element')
[:lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <colonpair> ]
token cclass_elem:quote {
<?before '"' | "'">
[:lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <quote> ]
token mod_arg { :dba('modifier argument') '(' ~ ')' [:lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <semilist> ] }
token mod_internal:sym<:my> { ':' <?before ['my'|'state'|'our'|'anon'|'constant'|'temp'|'let'] \s > [:lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <statement> <eat_terminator> ] }
# XXX needs some generalization
token mod_internal:sym<:i> { $<sym>=[':i'|':ignorecase'] » { %*RX<i> = 1 } }
token mod_internal:sym<:!i> { $<sym>=[':!i'|':!ignorecase'] » { %*RX<i> = 0 } }
token mod_internal:sym<:i( )> { $<sym>=[':i'|':ignorecase'] <mod_arg> { %*RX<i> = eval $<mod_arg>.Str } }
token mod_internal:sym<:0i> { ':' (\d+) ['i'|'ignorecase'] { %*RX<i> = $0 } }
token mod_internal:sym<:m> { $<sym>=[':m'|':ignoremark'] » { %*RX<m> = 1 } }
token mod_internal:sym<:!m> { $<sym>=[':!m'|':!ignoremark'] » { %*RX<m> = 0 } }
token mod_internal:sym<:m( )> { $<sym>=[':m'|':ignoremark'] <mod_arg> { %*RX<m> = eval $<mod_arg>.Str } }
token mod_internal:sym<:0m> { ':' (\d+) ['m'|'ignoremark'] { %*RX<m> = $0 } }
token mod_internal:sym<:s> { ':s' 'igspace'? » { %*RX<s> = 1 } }
token mod_internal:sym<:!s> { ':!s' 'igspace'? » { %*RX<s> = 0 } }
token mod_internal:sym<:s( )> { ':s' 'igspace'? <mod_arg> { %*RX<s> = eval $<mod_arg>.Str } }
token mod_internal:sym<:0s> { ':' (\d+) 's' 'igspace'? » { %*RX<s> = $0 } }
token mod_internal:sym<:r> { ':r' 'atchet'? » { %*RX<r> = 1 } }
token mod_internal:sym<:!r> { ':!r' 'atchet'? » { %*RX<r> = 0 } }
token mod_internal:sym<:r( )> { ':r' 'atchet'? » <mod_arg> { %*RX<r> = eval $<mod_arg>.Str } }
token mod_internal:sym<:0r> { ':' (\d+) 'r' 'atchet'? » { %*RX<r> = $0 } }
token mod_internal:sym<:Perl5> { [':Perl5' | ':P5'] <.require_P5> [ :lang( $¢.cursor_fresh( %*LANG<P5Regex> ).unbalanced($*GOAL) ) <nibbler> ] }
token mod_internal:p6adv {
<?before ':' ['dba'|'lang'] » > [ :lang(%*LANG<MAIN>) <quotepair> ] $<sym> = {':' ~ $<quotepair><k>}
token mod_internal:oops { {} (':'\w+) <.sorry: "Unrecognized regex modifier " ~ $0.Str > }
token quantifier:sym<*> { <sym> <quantmod> }
token quantifier:sym<+> { <sym> <quantmod> }
token quantifier:sym<?> { <sym> <quantmod> }
token quantifier:sym<:> { <sym> {} <?before \s> }
token quantifier:sym<**> { <sym> :: <normspace>? <quantmod> <normspace>?
| \d+ \s+ '..' <.panic: "Spaces not allowed in bare range">
| (\d+) [ '..' [ (\d+) { $¢.panic("Empty range") if $0.Str > $1[0].Str } | '*' | <.panic: "Malformed range"> ] ]?
| <embeddedblock>
| {} <quantified_atom> <.worryobs("atom ** " ~ $<quantified_atom>.Str ~ " as separator", "atom+ % " ~ $<quantified_atom>.Str, " nowadays")>
token quantifier:sym<~> {
<sym> :: <normspace>? <quantified_atom> <normspace>? <quantified_atom>
token quantifier:sym<~~> {
| '!' <sym>
| <sym>
<normspace> <quantified_atom> }
token quantmod { ':'? [ '?' | '!' | '+' ]? }
token quantifier:sym<{N,M}> {
{} '{' (\d+) (','?) (\d*) '}'
my $all = substr(self.orig, self.pos, $¢.pos - self.pos);
my $repl = chars($1.Str) ??
($0.Str ~ '..' ~ ($2.Str || '*')) !! $0.Str;
$¢.sorryobs($all ~ " as general quantifier", 'X**' ~ $repl);
method require_P5 {
require STD_P5;
method require_P6 {
require STD_P6;
# Symbol tables #
method newlex ($needsig = 0) {
my $oid = $*;
$ALL.{$oid} === $*CURLEX or die "internal error: current lex id is invalid";
my $line = self.lineof(self.pos);
my $id;
if $*NEWLEX {
$*NEWLEX.<OUTER::> = $*CURLEX.idref;
$*NEWLEX = 0;
$id = $*;
else {
$id = 'MY:file<' ~ $*FILE<name> ~ '>:line(' ~ $line ~ '):pos(' ~ self.pos ~ ')';
'OUTER::' => [$oid],
'!file' => $*FILE, '!line' => $line,
'!id' => [$id],
$*CURLEX.<!NEEDSIG> = 1 if $needsig;
$ALL.{$id} = $*CURLEX;
self.<LEX> = $*CURLEX;
method finishlex {
my $line = self.lineof(self.pos);
$*CURLEX<$_> //= name => '$_', file => $*FILE, line => $line, dynamic => 1, scope => 'my' );
$*CURLEX<$/> //= name => '$/', file => $*FILE, line => $line, dynamic => 1, scope => 'my' );
$*CURLEX<$!> //= name => '$!', file => $*FILE, line => $line, dynamic => 1, scope => 'my' );
$*SIGNUM = 0;
method getsig {
my $pv = $*CURLEX.{'%?PLACEHOLDERS'};
my $sig;
if $*CURLEX.<!NEEDSIG>:delete {
if $pv {
my $h_ = $pv.<%_>:delete;
my $a_ = $pv.<@_>:delete;
$sig = join ', ', sort { substr($^a,1) leg substr($^b,1) }, keys %$pv;
$sig ~= ', *@_' if $a_;
$sig ~= ', *%_' if $h_;
else {
$sig = '$_ is ref = OUTER::<$_>';
$*CURLEX.<$?SIGNATURE> = $sig;
else {
$sig = $*CURLEX.<$?SIGNATURE>;
self.<sig> = self.makestr(TEXT => $sig);
self.<lex> = $*CURLEX.idref;
if ($*DECLARAND<mult>//'') ne 'proto' {
for keys %$*CURLEX {
my $desc = $*CURLEX{$_};
next unless $_ ~~ m/(\$|\@|\%|\&)\w/;
next if $_ eq '$_' or $_ eq '@_' or $_ eq '%_';
next if $desc<used>;
next if $desc<rebind>;
next if $desc<dynamic>;
next if $desc<scope> eq 'our';
next if $desc<scope> eq 'state';
next if $desc<stub>;
my $pos = $desc<declaredat> // self.pos;
self.cursor($pos).worry("$_ is declared but not used");
method getdecl {
self.<decl> = $*DECLARAND;
method is_name ($n, $curlex = $*CURLEX) {
my $name = $n;
self.deb("is_name $name") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
my $curpkg = $*CURPKG;
return True if $name ~~ /\:\:\(/;
my @components = self.canonicalize_name($name);
if @components > 1 {
return True if @components[0] eq 'COMPILING::';
return True if @components[0] eq 'CALLER::';
return True if @components[0] eq 'CONTEXT::';
if $curpkg = self.find_top_pkg(@components[0]) {
self.deb("Found lexical package ", @components[0]) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
shift @components;
else {
self.deb("Looking for GLOBAL::<$name>") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$curpkg = $*GLOBAL;
while @components > 1 {
my $pkg = shift @components;
$curpkg = $curpkg.{$pkg};
return False unless $curpkg;
try {
my $outlexid = $curpkg.[0];
return False unless $outlexid;
$curpkg = $ALL.{$outlexid};
return False unless $curpkg;
self.deb("Found $pkg okay") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$name = shift(@components)//'';
self.deb("Looking for $name") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
return True if $name eq '';
my $lex = $curlex;
while $lex {
self.deb("Looking in ", $ if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
if $lex.{$name} {
self.deb("Found $name in ", $ if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$lex.{$name}<used> = 1;
return True;
my $oid = $lex.<OUTER::>[0] || last;
$lex = $ALL.{$oid};
return True if $curpkg.{$name};
return True if $*GLOBAL.{$name};
self.deb("$name not found") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
return False;
method find_stash ($n, $curlex = $*CURLEX) {
my $name = $n;
self.deb("find_stash $name") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
return () if $name ~~ /\:\:\(/;
my @components = self.canonicalize_name($name);
if @components > 1 {
return () if @components[0] eq 'COMPILING::';
return () if @components[0] eq 'CALLER::';
return () if @components[0] eq 'CONTEXT::';
if $curlex = self.find_top_pkg(@components[0]) {
self.deb("Found lexical package ", @components[0]) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
shift @components;
else {
self.deb("Looking for GLOBAL::<$name>") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$curlex = $*GLOBAL;
while @components > 1 {
my $lex = shift @components;
$curlex = $curlex.{$lex};
return () unless $curlex;
try {
my $outlexid = $curlex.[0];
return False unless $outlexid;
$curlex = $ALL.{$outlexid};
return () unless $curlex;
self.deb("Found $lex okay") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$name = shift(@components)//'';
return $curlex if $name eq '';
my $lex = $curlex;
while $lex {
return $_ if $_ = $lex.{$name};
my $oid = $lex.<OUTER::>[0] || last;
$lex = $ALL.{$oid};
return $_ if $_ = $curlex.{$name};
return $_ if $_ = $*GLOBAL.{$name};
return ();
method find_top_pkg ($name) {
self.deb("find_top_pkg $name") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$name ~= '::' unless $name ~~ /\:\:$/;
if $name eq 'OUR::' {
return $*CURPKG;
elsif $name eq 'MY::' {
return $*CURLEX;
elsif $name eq 'OUTER::' {
return $ALL.{$*CURLEX.<OUTER::>[0]};
elsif $name eq 'CORE::' {
return $*CORE;
elsif $name eq 'SETTING::' {
return $*SETTING;
elsif $name eq 'UNIT::' {
return $*UNIT;
# everything is somewhere in lexical scope (we hope)
my $lex = $*CURLEX;
while $lex {
return $lex.{$name} if $lex.{$name};
my $oid = $lex.<OUTER::>[0] || last;
$lex = $ALL.{$oid};
return 0;
method add_name ($name) {
my $scope = $*SCOPE || 'my';
my $pkgdecl = $*PKGDECL || 'symbol';
return self if $scope eq 'anon' or $pkgdecl eq 'slang';
self.deb("Adding $scope $name") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
if $scope eq 'augment' or $scope eq 'supersede' {
self.is_name($name) or
self.worry("Cannot $scope $pkgdecl $name because it doesn't exist");
self.sorry("Cannot $scope $pkgdecl $name without MONKEY_TYPING");
else {
if $scope eq 'our' {
else {
method add_my_name ($n, $d = Nil, $p = Nil) { # XXX gimme doesn't handle optionals right
my $name = $n;
self.deb("add_my_name $name in ", $* if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
return self if $name ~~ /\:\:\(/;
my $curstash = $*CURLEX;
my @components = self.canonicalize_name($name);
my $sid = $ // '???';
while @components > 1 {
my $pkg = shift @components;
$sid ~= "::$pkg";
my $newstash = $curstash.{$pkg} //=
'PARENT::' => $curstash.idref,
'!stub' => 1,
'!id' => [$sid] );
self.deb("Adding new package $pkg in ", $ if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$curstash = $newstash;
$name = my $shortname = shift @components;
return self unless defined $name and $name ne '';
return self if $name eq '$' or $name eq '@' or $name eq '%';
return self.add_categorical(substr($name,1)) if $name ~~ /^\&\w+\:/;
if $shortname ~~ /\:/ {
$shortname ~~ s/\:.*//;
# This may just be a lexical alias to "our" and such,
# so reuse $*DECLARAND pointer if it's there.
my $declaring = $d //
name => $name,
file => $*FILE, line => self.line,
mult => ($*MULTINESS||'only'),
of => $*OFTYPE,
scope => $*SCOPE,
my $old = $curstash.{$name};
if $old and $old<line> and not $old<stub> {
self.deb("$name exists, curstash = ", $ if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
my $omult = $old<mult> // '';
if $declaring === $old {} # already did this, probably enum
elsif $*SCOPE eq 'use' {}
elsif $*MULTINESS eq 'multi' and $omult ne 'only' {}
elsif $omult eq 'proto' and $*MULTINESS ne 'proto' and $*MULTINESS ne 'only' {}
elsif $*PKGDECL eq 'role' {}
elsif $*SIGNUM and $old<signum> and $*SIGNUM != $old<signum> {
$old<signum> = $*SIGNUM;
else {
my $ofile = $old.file // 0;
my $oline = $old.line // '???';
my $loc = '';
if $ofile {
if $ofile !=== $*FILE {
my $oname = $ofile<name>;
$loc = " (see $oname line $oline)";
else {
$loc = " (see line $oline)";
if $old.olex {
my $rebind = $old<rebind>;
my $truename = $old<varbind><truename>;
self.sorry("Lexical symbol '$name' is already bound to an outer symbol$loc;\n the implicit outer binding at line $rebind must be rewritten as $truename\n before you can unambiguously declare a new '$name' in this scope");
elsif $name ~~ /^\w/ {
self.sorry("Illegal redeclaration of symbol '$name'$loc");
elsif $name ~~ s/^\&// {
self.sorry("Illegal redeclaration of routine '$name'$loc") unless $name eq '';
else { # XXX eventually check for conformant arrays here
self.worry("Useless redeclaration of variable $name$loc");
return self;
else {
$*DECLARAND = $curstash.{$name} = $declaring;
$curstash.{$shortname} = $declaring unless $shortname eq $name;
$*DECLARAND<declaredat> = self.pos;
$*DECLARAND<inlex> = $curstash.idref;
$*DECLARAND<signum> = $*SIGNUM if $*SIGNUM;
$*DECLARAND<const> ||= 1 if $*IN_DECL eq 'constant';
$*DECLARAND<used> = 1 if substr($name,0,1) eq '&' and %*MYSTERY{substr($name,1)};
if !$*DECLARAND<const> and $shortname ~~ /^\w+$/ {
$curstash.{"\&$shortname"} //= $curstash.{$shortname};
$curstash.{"\&$shortname"}<used> = 1;
$sid ~= "::$name";
if $name !~~ /\:\</ {
$*NEWPKG = $curstash.{$name ~ '::'} = ($p //
'PARENT::' => $curstash.idref,
'!file' => $*FILE, '!line' => self.line,
'!id' => [$sid] ));
method add_our_name ($n) {
my $name = $n;
self.deb("add_our_name $name in " ~ $* if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
return self if $name ~~ /\:\:\(/;
my $curstash = $*CURPKG;
self.deb("curstash $curstash global $*GLOBAL ", join ' ', %$*GLOBAL) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$name ~~ s/\:ver\<.*?\>//;
$name ~~ s/\:auth\<.*?\>//;
my @components = self.canonicalize_name($name);
if @components > 1 {
my $c = self.find_top_pkg(@components[0]);
if $c {
shift @components;
$curstash = $c;
my $sid = $ // '???';
while @components > 1 {
my $pkg = shift @components;
$sid ~= "::$pkg";
my $newstash = $curstash.{$pkg} //=
'PARENT::' => $curstash.idref,
'!stub' => 1,
'!id' => [$sid] );
$curstash = $newstash;
self.deb("Adding new package $pkg in $curstash ") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$name = my $shortname = shift @components;
return self unless defined $name and $name ne '';
if $shortname ~~ /\:/ {
$shortname ~~ s/\:.*//;
my $declaring = $*DECLARAND //
name => $name,
file => $*FILE, line => self.line,
mult => ($*MULTINESS||'only'),
of => $*OFTYPE,
scope => $*SCOPE,
my $old = $curstash.{$name};
if $old and $old<line> and not $old<stub> {
my $omult = $old<mult> // '';
if $declaring === $old {} # already did it somehow
elsif $*SCOPE eq 'use' {}
elsif $*MULTINESS eq 'multi' and $omult ne 'only' {}
elsif $omult eq 'proto' and $*MULTINESS ne 'proto' and $*MULTINESS ne 'only' {}
elsif $*PKGDECL eq 'role' {}
else {
my $ofile = $old.file // 0;
my $oline = $old.line // '???';
my $loc = '';
if $ofile {
if $ofile !=== $*FILE {
my $oname = $ofile<name>;
$loc = " (from $oname line $oline)";
else {
$loc = " (from line $oline)";
$sid = self.clean_id($sid, $name);
if $name ~~ /^\w/ {
self.sorry("Illegal redeclaration of symbol '$sid'$loc");
elsif $name ~~ s/^\&// {
self.sorry("Illegal redeclaration of routine '$sid'$loc") unless $name eq '';
else { # XXX eventually check for conformant arrays here
# (redeclaration of identical package vars is not useless)
return self;
else {
$*DECLARAND = $curstash.{$name} = $declaring;
$curstash.{$shortname} //= $declaring unless $shortname eq $name;
$*DECLARAND<inpkg> = $curstash.idref;
if $shortname ~~ /^\w+$/ and $*IN_DECL ne 'constant' {
$curstash.{"\&$shortname"} //= $declaring;
$curstash.{"\&$shortname"}<used> = 1;
$sid ~= "::$name";
$*NEWPKG = $curstash.{$name ~ '::'} //=
'PARENT::' => $curstash.idref,
'!file' => $*FILE, '!line' => self.line,
'!id' => [$sid] );
self.add_my_name($n, $declaring, $curstash.{$name ~ '::'}) if $curstash === $*CURPKG; # the lexical alias
method add_mystery ($token,$pos,$ctx) {
my $name = $token.Str;
return self if $*IN_PANIC;
if self.is_known('&' ~ $name) or self.is_known($name) {
self.deb("$name is known") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
else {
self.deb("add_mystery $name $*CURLEX") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
%*MYSTERY{$name}.<lex> = $*CURLEX;
%*MYSTERY{$name}.<token> = $token;
%*MYSTERY{$name}.<ctx> = $ctx;
%*MYSTERY{$name}.<line> ~= ',' if %*MYSTERY{$name}.<line>;
%*MYSTERY{$name}.<line> ~= self.lineof($pos);
method explain_mystery() {
my %post_types;
my %unk_types;
my %unk_routines;
my $m = '';
for keys(%*MYSTERY) {
my $p = %*MYSTERY{$_}.<lex>;
if self.is_name($_, $p) {
# types may not be post-declared
%post_types{$_} = %*MYSTERY{$_};
next if self.is_known($_, $p) or self.is_known('&' ~ $_, $p);
# just a guess, but good enough to improve error reporting
if $_ lt 'a' {
%unk_types{$_} = %*MYSTERY{$_};
else {
%unk_routines{$_} = %*MYSTERY{$_};
if %post_types {
my @tmp = sort keys(%post_types);
$m ~= "Illegally post-declared type" ~ ('s' x (@tmp != 1)) ~ ":\n";
for @tmp {
$m ~= "\t'$_' used at line " ~ %post_types{$_}.<line> ~ "\n";
if %unk_types {
my @tmp = sort keys(%unk_types);
$m ~= "Undeclared name" ~ ('s' x (@tmp != 1)) ~ ":\n";
for @tmp {
$m ~= "\t'$_' used at line " ~ %unk_types{$_}.<line> ~ "\n";
if %unk_routines {
my @tmp = sort keys(%unk_routines);
$m ~= "Undeclared routine" ~ ('s' x (@tmp != 1)) ~ ":\n";
for @tmp {
$m ~= "\t'$_' used at line " ~ %unk_routines{$_}.<line> ~ "\n";
self.sorry($m) if $m;
method load_setting ($setting) {
$ALL = self.load_lex($setting);
$*CORE.<!id> //= ['CORE'];
'!file' => $*FILE, '!line' => 1,
'!id' => ['GLOBAL'],
method is_known ($n, $curlex = $*CURLEX) {
my $name = $n;
self.deb("is_known $name") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
return True if $*QUASIMODO;
return True if $*CURPKG.{$name};
return False if $name ~~ /\:\:\(/;
my $curpkg = $*CURPKG;
my @components = self.canonicalize_name($name);
if @components > 1 {
return True if @components[0] eq 'COMPILING::';
return True if @components[0] eq 'CALLER::';
return True if @components[0] eq 'CONTEXT::';
if $curpkg = self.find_top_pkg(@components[0]) {
self.deb("Found lexical package ", @components[0]) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
shift @components;
else {
self.deb("Looking for GLOBAL::<$name>") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$curpkg = $*GLOBAL;
while @components > 1 {
my $pkg = shift @components;
self.deb("Looking for $pkg in $curpkg ", join ' ', keys(%$curpkg)) if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$curpkg = $curpkg.{$pkg};
return False unless $curpkg;
try {
my $outlexid = $curpkg.[0];
return False unless $outlexid;
$curpkg = $ALL.{$outlexid};
return False unless $curpkg;
self.deb("Found $pkg okay, now in $curpkg ") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$name = shift(@components)//'';
self.deb("Final component is $name") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
return True if $name eq '';
if $curpkg.{$name} {
self.deb("Found") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
return True;
# leading components take us non-lexical? assume we can't know
return False if $curpkg !=== $*CURPKG and $curpkg<!id>[0] ~~ /^GLOBAL($|\:\:)/;
my $varbind = { truename => '???' };
return True if $n !~~ /\:\:/ and self.lex_can_find_name($curlex,$name,$varbind);
self.deb("Not Found") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
return False;
method lex_can_find_name ($lex, $name, $varbind) {
self.deb("Looking in ", $ if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
if $lex.{$name} {
self.deb("Found $name in ", $ if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
return True;
my $outlexid = $lex.<OUTER::>[0];
return False unless $outlexid;
my $outlex = $ALL.{$outlexid};
if self.lex_can_find_name($outlex,$name,$varbind) {
# fake up an alias to outer symbol to catch reclaration
my $outname = $outlex.{$name}<name>;
my $outfile = $outlex.{$name}<file>;
my $outline = $outlex.{$name}<line>;
$outname = '<' ~ $outname ~ '>' unless $outname ~~ /\:\:\</;
$outname = "OUTER::" ~ $outname;
$lex.{$name} =
olex => $lex.idref,
name => $outname,
file => $outfile, line => $outline,
rebind => self.line,
varbind => $varbind,
mult => 'only',
scope => $lex.{$name}<scope>,
# the innermost lex sets this last to get correct # of OUTER::s
$varbind.<truename> = $outname;
return True;
return False;
method add_routine ($name) {
@*MEMOS[self.pos]<wasname> = $name if self.is_name($name);
my $vname = '&' ~ $name;
method add_variable ($name) {
my $scope = $*SCOPE || 'our';
return self if $scope eq 'anon';
if $scope eq 'our' {
else {
method add_constant($name,$value) {
my $*IN_DECL = 'constant';
self.deb("add_constant $name = $value in", $* if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
$*DECLARAND<value> = $value;
method add_placeholder($name) {
my $decl = $*CURLEX.<!IN_DECL> // '';
$decl = ' ' ~ $decl if $decl;
my $*IN_DECL = 'variable';
if $*SIGNUM {
return self.sorry("Placeholder variable $name is not allowed in the$decl signature");
elsif my $siggy = $*CURLEX.<$?SIGNATURE> {
return self.sorry("Placeholder variable $name cannot override existing signature $siggy");
if not $*CURLEX.<!NEEDSIG> {
if $*CURLEX === $*UNIT {
return self.sorry("Placeholder variable $name may not be used outside of a block");
return self.sorry("Placeholder variable $name may not be used here because the surrounding$decl block takes no signature");
if $name ~~ /\:\:/ {
return self.sorry("Placeholder variable $name may not be package qualified");
my $varname = $name;
my $twigil;
my $signame;
$twigil = '^' if $varname ~~ s/\^//;
$signame = $twigil = ':' if $varname ~~ s/\://;
$signame ~= $varname;
return self if $*CURLEX.{'%?PLACEHOLDERS'}{$signame}++;
if $*CURLEX{$varname} {
return self.sorry("$varname has already been used as a non-placeholder in the surrounding$decl block,\n so you will confuse the reader if you suddenly declare $name here");
$*CURLEX{$varname}<used> = 1;
method check_variable ($variable) {
my $name = $variable.Str;
my $here = self.cursor($variable.from);
self.deb("check_variable $name") if $*DEBUG +& DEBUG::symtab;
my ($sigil, $twigil, $first) = $name ~~ /(\$|\@|\%|\&)(\W*)(.?)/;
($first,$twigil) = ($twigil, '') if $first eq '';
given $twigil {
when '' {
my $ok = 0;
$ok ||= $*IN_DECL;
$ok ||= $sigil eq '&';
$ok ||= $first lt 'A';
$ok ||= $first eq '¢';
$ok ||= self.is_known($name);
$ok ||= $name ~~ /.\:\:/ && $name !~~ /MY|UNIT|OUTER|SETTING|CORE/;
if not $ok {
my $id = $name;
$id ~~ s/^\W\W?//;
if $name eq '@_' or $name eq '%_' {
else { # guaranteed fail now
if my $scope = @*MEMOS[$variable.from]<declend> {
return $here.sorry("Variable $name is not predeclared (declarators are tighter than comma, so maybe your '$scope' signature needs parens?)");
elsif $id !~~ /\:\:/ {
if self.is_known('@' ~ $id) {
return $here.sorry("Variable $name is not predeclared (did you mean \@$id?)");
elsif self.is_known('%' ~ $id) {
return $here.sorry("Variable $name is not predeclared (did you mean \%$id?)");
return $here.sorry("Variable $name is not predeclared");
elsif $*CURLEX{$name} {
when '!' {
if not $*HAS_SELF { # XXX to be replaced by MOP queries
$here.sorry("Variable $name used where no 'self' is available");
when '.' {
given $*HAS_SELF { # XXX to be replaced by MOP queries
when 'complete' {}
when 'partial' { $here.sorry("Virtual call $name may not be used on partially constructed object"); }
default { $here.sorry("Variable $name used where no 'self' is available"); }
when '^' {
my $*MULTINESS = 'multi';
when ':' {
my $*MULTINESS = 'multi';
when '~' {
return %*LANG.{substr($name,2)};
when '?' {
if $name ~~ /\:\:/ {
my ($first) = self.canonicalize_name($name);
$here.worry("Unrecognized variable: $name") unless $first ~~ /^(CALLER|CONTEXT|OUTER|MY|SETTING|CORE)\:\:$/;
else {
# search upward through languages to STD
my $v = $here.lookup_compiler_var($name);
$variable.<value> = $v if $v;
method lookup_compiler_var($name, $default = Nil) {
# see if they did "constant $?FOO = something" earlier
my $lex = $*CURLEX.{$name};
if defined $lex {
if $lex.<thunk>:exists {
return $lex.<thunk>.();
else {
return $lex.<value>;
given $name {
when '$?FILE' { return $*FILE<name>; }
when '$?LINE' { return self.lineof(self.pos); }
when '$?POSITION' { return self.pos; }
when '$?LANG' { return item %*LANG; }
when '$?LEXINFO' { return $*CURLEX; }
when '$?PACKAGE' { return $*CURPKG; }
when '$?MODULE' { return $*CURPKG; } # XXX should scan
when '$?CLASS' { return $*CURPKG; } # XXX should scan
when '$?ROLE' { return $*CURPKG; } # XXX should scan
when '$?GRAMMAR' { return $*CURPKG; } # XXX should scan
when '$?PACKAGENAME' { return $* }
when '$?OS' { return 'unimpl'; }
when '$?DISTRO' { return 'unimpl'; }
when '$?VM' { return 'unimpl'; }
when '$?XVM' { return 'unimpl'; }
when '$?PERL' { return 'unimpl'; }
when '$?USAGE' { return 'unimpl'; }
when '&?ROUTINE' { return 'unimpl'; }
when '&?BLOCK' { return 'unimpl'; }
when '%?CONFIG' { return 'unimpl'; }
when '%?DEEPMAGIC' { return 'unimpl'; }
my $dynvar = self.lookup_dynvar($name);
return $dynvar if defined $dynvar;
return $default if defined $default;
# (derived grammars should default to nextsame, terminating here)
default { self.worry("Unrecognized variable: $name"); return 0; }
# Service Routines #
method panic (Str $s) {
die "Recursive panic" if $*IN_PANIC;
self.deb("panic $s") if $*DEBUG;
my $m;
my $here = self;
# Have we backed off recently?
my $highvalid = self.pos <= $*HIGHWATER;
$here = self.cursor($*HIGHWATER) if $highvalid;
my $first = $here.lineof($*LAST_NIBBLE.from);
my $last = $here.lineof($*LAST_NIBBLE.pos);
if $first != $last {
if $here.lineof($here.pos) == $last {
$m ~= "(Possible runaway string from line $first)\n";
else {
$first = $here.lineof($*LAST_NIBBLE_MULTILINE.from);
$last = $here.lineof($*LAST_NIBBLE_MULTILINE.pos);
# the bigger the string (in lines), the further back we suspect it
if $here.lineof($here.pos) - $last < $last - $first {
$m ~= "(Possible runaway string from line $first to line $last)\n";
$m ~= $s;
if substr(self.orig,$here.pos,1) ~~ /\)|\]|\}|\»/ {
$m ~~ s|Confused|Unexpected closing bracket| and $highvalid = False;
if $highvalid {
$*HIGHMESS = $m;
else {
# not in backoff, so at "bleeding edge", as it were... therefore probably
# the exception will be caught and re-panicked later, so remember message
$*HIGHMESS ~= $s ~ "\n";
$m ~= $here.locmess;
$m ~= "\n" unless $m ~~ /\n$/;
if $highvalid and %$*HIGHEXPECT {
my @keys = sort keys %$*HIGHEXPECT;
if @keys > 1 {
$m ~= " expecting any of:\n\t" ~ join("\n\t", sort keys %$*HIGHEXPECT) ~ "\n";
else {
$m ~= " expecting @keys\n" unless @keys[0] eq 'whitespace';
if $m ~~ /infix|nofun/ and not $m ~~ /regex/ and not $m ~~ /infix_circumfix/ {
my @t = $here.suppose( sub { $here.term } );
if @t {
my $endpos = $here.pos;
my $startpos = @*MEMOS[$endpos]<ws> // $endpos;
if self.lineof($startpos) != self.lineof($endpos) {
$m ~~ s|Confused|Two terms in a row (previous line missing its semicolon?)|;
elsif @*MEMOS[$here.pos]<listop> {
$m ~~ s|Confused|Two terms in a row (listop with args requires whitespace or parens)|;
elsif @*MEMOS[$here.pos - 1]<baremeth> {
$m ~~ s|Confused|Two terms in a row (method call requires colon or parens to take arguments)|;
elsif @*MEMOS[$here.pos - 1]<arraycomp> {
$m ~~ s|Confused|Two terms in a row (preceding is not a valid reduce operator)|;
else {
$m ~~ s|Confused|Two terms in a row|;
elsif my $type = @*MEMOS[$here.pos - 1]<nodecl> {
my @t = $here.suppose( sub { $here.variable } );
if @t {
my $variable = @t[0].Str;
$m ~~ s|Confused|Bare type $type cannot declare $variable without a preceding scope declarator such as 'my'|;
elsif my $type = @*MEMOS[$here.pos - 1]<wasname> {
my @t = $here.suppose( sub { $here.identifier } );
my $name = @t[0].Str;
my $s = $*SCOPE ?? "'$*SCOPE'" !! '(missing) scope declarator';
my $d = $*IN_DECL;
$d = "$*MULTINESS $d" if $*MULTINESS and $*MULTINESS ne $d;
$m ~~ s|Malformed block|Return type $type is not allowed between '$d' and '$name'; please put it:\n after the $s but before the '$d',\n within the signature following the '-->' marker, or\n as the argument of a 'returns' trait after the signature.|;
if @*WORRIES {
$m ~= "Other potential difficulties:\n " ~ join( "\n ", @*WORRIES) ~ "\n";
die $m if $*IN_SUPPOSE; # just throw the exception back to the supposer
note $Cursor::RED, '===', $Cursor::CLEAR, 'SORRY!', $Cursor::RED, '===', $Cursor::CLEAR, "\n"
unless $*FATALS++;
note $m;
die "Parse failed\n";
regex is_ok {
\N*? '#OK' \h*? $<okif>=[\N*?] \h*? $$
method worry (Str $s) {
my $m = $s ~ self.locmess;
# allow compile-time warning suppression with #OK some string
my ($okmaybe) = self.suppose( sub {
if $okmaybe {
my $okif = $okmaybe<okif>.Str;
return self if $okif eq '' or $s ~~ /$okif/;
push @*WORRIES, $m unless %*WORRIES{$s}++;
method sorry (Str $s) {
self.deb("sorry $s") if $*DEBUG;
note $Cursor::RED, '===', $Cursor::CLEAR, 'SORRY!', $Cursor::RED, '===', $Cursor::CLEAR, "\n"
unless $*IN_SUPPOSE or $*FATALS++;
if $s {
my $m = $s;
$m ~= self.locmess ~ "\n" unless $m ~~ /\n$/;
if $*FATALS > 10 or $*IN_SUPPOSE {
die $m;
else {
note $m unless %*WORRIES{$m}++;
# "when" arg assumes more things will become obsolete after Perl 6 comes out...
method obs (Str $old, Str $new, Str $when = ' in Perl 6') {
self.panic("Unsupported use of $old;$when please use $new");
method sorryobs (Str $old, Str $new, Str $when = ' in Perl 6') {
self.sorry("Unsupported use of $old;$when please use $new");
method worryobs (Str $old, Str $new, Str $when = ' in Perl 6') {
self.worry("Unsupported use of $old;$when please use $new");
method dupprefix (Str $bad) {
my $c = substr($bad,0,1);
self.panic("Expecting a term, but found either infix $bad or redundant prefix $c\n (to suppress this message, please use space between $c $c)");
method badinfix (Str $bad) {
self.panic("Preceding context expects a term, but found infix $bad instead");
# Since most keys are valid prefix operators or terms, this rule is difficult
# to reach ('say »+«' works), but it's okay as a last-ditch default anyway.
token term:sym<miscbad> {
{} <!{ $*QSIGIL }>
my ($bad) = $¢.suppose( sub {
$*HIGHMESS = '';
self.badinfix($bad.Str) if $bad;
## vim: expandtab sw=4 ft=perl6
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