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Created September 28, 2011 06:53
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Snippet to route addresses based on directly attached networks.
%% @copyright Geoff Cant
%% @author Geoff Cant <>
%% @version {@vsn}, {@date} {@time}
%% @doc Snippet to route addresses based on directly attached networks.
%% @end
route(Targ) ->
route(Targ, routes()).
route(Targ, Routes) ->
sort_routes(routes_for(Targ, Routes)).
routes_for(Targ, Routes) ->
[ RT || RT = {_IF, {Addr, Mask}} <- Routes,
tuple_size(Targ) =:= tuple_size(Addr),
match_route(Targ, Addr, Mask)
sort_routes(Routes) ->
lists:sort(fun ({_, {_AddrA, MaskA}}, {_, {_AddrB, MaskB}}) ->
MaskA > MaskB
match_route(Targ, Addr, Mask)
when tuple_size(Targ) =:= tuple_size(Addr),
tuple_size(Targ) =:= tuple_size(Mask) ->
lists:all(fun (A) -> A end,
[element(I, Targ) band element(I, Mask)
=:= element(I, Addr) band element(I, Mask)
|| I <- lists:seq(1, tuple_size(Targ)) ]).
routes() ->
{ok, IFData} = inet:getifaddrs(),
lists:append([ routes(IF, IFOpts) || {IF, IFOpts} <- IFData ]).
routes(IF, Opts) ->
{_,Routes} = lists:foldl(fun parse_opts/2, {undefined, []}, Opts),
[{IF, Route}
|| Route <- Routes].
parse_opts({addr, Addr}, {undefined, Routes}) ->
{{addr, Addr}, Routes};
parse_opts({netmask, Mask}, {{addr, Addr}, Routes})
when tuple_size(Mask) =:= tuple_size(Addr) ->
{undefined, [{Addr, Mask} | Routes]};
parse_opts(_, Acc) -> Acc.
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