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Chrome 19.0.1084.56、Safari 5.1.7(NinjaKit 0.9.1)、Opera 11.64でも動作するようにし、また、適用するCSSを変更した。
// ==UserScript==
// @id pixiv staccfeed illust larger
// @name pixiv staccfeed illust larger
// @namespace
// @author retlet
// @contributer saitamanodoruji
// @version 0.4.1
// @update 2012-06-14T10:07:54.763Z(GMT+09:00)
// @description nya-n.
// @include*
// @run-at document-end
// @priority 0
// @compatibility Firefox 13.0(Scriptish 0.1.7), Chrome 19.0.1084.56, Safari 5.1.7(NinjaKit 0.9.1), Opera 11.64 on Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64bit
// @charset UTF-8
// ==/UserScript==
/*jslint browser: true, maxlen: 80*/
// Edition 2012-05-09
(function executeIllustLarger(doc) {
'use strict';
var timeline, modifyIllusts, staccPage;
timeline = doc.getElementById('stacc_center_timeline');
if (!timeline) {
doc.head.appendChild(doc.createElement('style')).textContent = [
'.stacc_ref_thumb {',
' position: relative !important;',
'.stacc_ref_thumb .stacc_layout_row_top > ' +
'div:first-child:not([class]) {',
' padding-top: 50px !important;',
'.stacc_ref_illust_side {',
' position: absolute !important;',
' left: 0 !important;',
'.stacc_ref_illust_img img {',
' max-width: 500px !important;',
modifyIllusts = function modifyIllusts(evt) {
var node, illusts, illustsLen, illust;
node =;
if (!(node.className && node.classList.contains('stacc_page'))) {
illusts = node.querySelectorAll(
'.stacc_ref_illust_img img[src*="_s."]'
illustsLen = illusts.length;
while (illustsLen) {
illust = illusts[illustsLen -= 1];
illust.src = illust.src.replace('_s.', '_m.');
staccPage = timeline.querySelector('.stacc_page');
if (staccPage) {
modifyIllusts({target: staccPage});
timeline.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', modifyIllusts);
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