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Created October 1, 2011 07:41
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// Namespace the application
var khepin = {};
// Todo Model
khepin.Todo = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
task: null,
done: false
// Called when the task is checked as done / undone
toggleDone: function(){
done: false
done: true
// The view for a single todo element
khepin.TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
initialize: function(){
// fix context issues
_.bindAll(this, 'toggleDone', 'render');
events: {
'click input' : 'toggleDone'
toggleDone: function() {
render: function() {
$(this.el).html('<div><input name="khepin_todobundle_todotype[done]" class="check" value="1" type="checkbox"> - <span>' + this.model.get('task') + '</span></div>')
return this;
// this is the important part for initializing from html!
khepin.Todos = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: khepin.Todo,
// In this function we populate the list with existing html elements
initialize: function() {
// get all the <li></li> todo items (the base for the todo view)
// and for each of them:
// Create the model
var todo = new khepin.Todo();
// Find the todo's text
var task = $(a).find('span')[0];
task = $(task).text();
// set the model correctly
task: task
// create the todo view
var todoView = new khepin.TodoView({
model: todo,
el: a // the el has to be set here. I first tried calling new TodoView and setting the 'el' afterwards
// and the view wasn't managed properly. We set the "el' to be the <li></li> we got from jQuery
// Add this new model to the collection
khepin.AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: 'body',
initialize: function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'appendTodo');
this.collection = new khepin.Todos();
this.input = $('#khepin_todobundle_todotype_task');
// event bindings
// Note that since the code was not bound to the "add" event yet, the items we got from the HTML
// were not added a second time
this.collection.bind('add', this.appendTodo);
events: {
'click button#add' : 'addTodo',
'keypress #khepin_todobundle_todotype_task' : 'createOnEnter'
addTodo: function(){
var text = prompt('What task?');
var todo = new khepin.Todo();
task: text
createOnEnter: function(evt){
if(evt.keyCode == 13){
var text = this.input.val();
this.collection.add({task: text});
return false;
appendTodo: function(todo){
var itemView = new khepin.TodoView({
model: todo
var app_view = new khepin.AppView;
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