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Created October 4, 2011 07:28
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Unwrap monad stacks within the enumeator package
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Data.Enumerator.Unwrap
( unwrapEnumeratee
, unwrapStep
, unwrapIter
, liftStep
) where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans)
import Control.Exception (Exception, toException)
import Data.Enumerator (Enumeratee, Step (..), Iteratee (..), liftTrans)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
unwrapEnumeratee :: (Exception e, MonadTrans t, Monad m, Monad (t m))
=> (forall x. t m x -> m (Either e x))
-> Enumeratee ao ai (t m) b
-> Enumeratee ao ai m b
unwrapEnumeratee unwrap orig step =
unwrapIter unwrap $ liftM (unwrapStep unwrap) $ orig $ liftStep step
liftStep :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m, Monad (t m))
=> Step a m b
-> Step a (t m) b
liftStep (Yield b s) = Yield b s
liftStep (Error e) = Error e
liftStep (Continue k) = Continue $ liftTrans . k
unwrapStep :: (Monad m, Exception e)
=> (forall x. t m x -> m (Either e x))
-> Step a (t m) b
-> Step a m b
unwrapStep _ (Yield b s) = Yield b s
unwrapStep _ (Error e) = Error e
unwrapStep unwrap (Continue k) = Continue $ unwrapIter unwrap . k
unwrapIter :: (Monad m, Exception e)
=> (forall x. t m x -> m (Either e x))
-> Iteratee a (t m) b
-> Iteratee a m b
unwrapIter unwrap (Iteratee mstep) = Iteratee $ do
estep <- unwrap mstep
case estep of
Left e -> return $ Error $ toException e
Right x -> return $ unwrapStep unwrap x
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